Outlook Business | WoW 2019 Kolkata - Mickey Mehta

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Watch Dr. Mickey Mehta, a global health guru and corporate life coach addressing the audience at the #WoW2019 event held in Kolkata.

#MickeyMehta #Kolkata #Business #OutlookBusiness #OutlookMagazine #OutlookGroup
00:00 What a pleasure it is to invite on stage a global leading holistic health guru and corporate life coach
00:07 to billionaires, to top Bollywood superstars, supermodels, Miss World and Miss Universe,
00:13 politicians and of course citizens from every single walk of life.
00:17 He has a double honorary doctorate in holistic health and life sciences from the International Medicine Alternative.
00:26 And he's been a pioneer ladies and gentlemen in promoting holistic health in India to radio and television shows too.
00:34 He's going to get us energized, maximized and if you ask me he's going to get us Mickey-mized.
00:41 Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together and welcome Dr. Mickey Mehta.
00:46 [Music]
00:55 Mickey Mize-a-Life.
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04:05 Good evening Calcutta.
04:08 Good evening to all the beautiful women here.
04:11 Lovely women, respectable, adorable.
04:15 Thank you for coming here.
04:18 Too much of Mickey-Mickey I said now let's talk about women.
04:21 Women of worth.
04:23 You know every woman on this earth is worth it.
04:28 But not every man.
04:30 This is a reality.
04:33 It's truly a reality.
04:34 Every man has a very interesting story to say, to tell.
04:40 But every woman has a very inspiring story to say and tell.
04:45 Do you agree with me?
04:47 Women can inspire.
04:50 You know why? Because they're more spiritual.
04:52 You know why they're more spiritual?
04:54 Because they're very total, they're wholesome.
04:57 They're integrated, more integrated than men.
05:02 I'll give you an example that how women are more resilient and more tenacious.
05:07 So biologically it is proven that the infant mortality rate,
05:13 that of a male child is higher than that of a female child.
05:19 Because women are biologically stronger.
05:22 Muscles and strength don't help you win any game in life.
05:27 It is the true inner strength, inner beauty of a woman
05:31 that makes that big difference.
05:33 So wouldn't you want to give applause for that?
05:39 Celebration.
05:41 Celebration of womanhood.
05:43 A true celebration of womanhood.
05:47 Accepting the way you are, what you are,
05:51 and you are just so perfect.
05:53 Every woman, whatever color, whatever size,
05:57 smiles, our hearts melt.
06:01 Literally.
06:02 Because there is something vibrant about the feminine soul,
06:08 which is soothing, which is very healing,
06:12 and which is most compassionate.
06:15 Okay? I'm not paid to say all this.
06:18 So please don't.
06:19 I'm saying this because I have a story to tell also.
06:22 I have a mother, I have a sister, I have a wife,
06:25 I have a daughter, I have friends,
06:27 I have lady staff who work with me,
06:30 I have cousins, I have relatives, all women.
06:33 And it's just fantabulous that how they add value to your life
06:39 and make it much more joyful.
06:42 I'm talking about the joy factor.
06:45 Okay?
06:46 So now, let's come to the real story today.
06:49 The real story is about health, wellness,
06:52 being holistic, composite, integrated.
06:56 So since I'm the pioneer of holistic health in India and in Asia,
07:01 let me tell you what holistic health is about.
07:05 The word holy means pure.
07:08 The word holy means divine.
07:11 That which is pure, that which is divine, is wholesome.
07:17 That which is wholesome is integrated.
07:20 And that which is integrated will have its vibrance and radiance.
07:26 So this is what holistic health is all about.
07:29 And holistic health has very many pillars.
07:32 To attain to holistic health,
07:35 one needs to be a little disciplined.
07:38 So self-discipline is very important.
07:40 Self-love is very important.
07:41 How many of you love yourself?
07:43 All of you?
07:44 Come on, let's hug yourself.
07:46 All of you, come on, hug yourself.
07:47 Quickly, quickly, quickly.
07:48 That's it.
07:49 That's it.
07:50 Now this is so wonderful.
07:52 Each time your body responds to compassion, love, joy,
07:58 and towards yourself,
08:00 you must know that your immunomodulators from within
08:03 begin to secrete.
08:05 Your hormones, they spring up in joy.
08:08 And your skin begins to glow.
08:10 And you won't need any makeup of any cosmetic line.
08:14 If you, you know, vibrant from inside,
08:17 and every woman is, you know.
08:20 So, one is, of course, loving yourself, self-discipline.
08:25 What's number two?
08:26 Come on, can anybody tell me what's number two?
08:30 Okay, right answer will get my signed book outside.
08:34 My bookstall is outside called the Shunyam Quotient.
08:39 I mean, sorry?
08:41 So, dedication.
08:43 Devotion and dedication without which nothing ever has been achievable.
08:50 Nothing ever.
08:52 So then, immediately after that, then the pillars.
08:56 So one is discipline, one is dedication, one is devotion, one is self-love.
09:00 Then you come to that as you need to live every day and eat every day,
09:05 we need to work out every day.
09:06 Every day.
09:08 Every day.
09:09 You need to laugh every day.
09:11 Okay?
09:12 You need to sleep every night happily, joyful, calm, composed.
09:18 You need to have me time every day.
09:21 You need to have results every day, introspection every day.
09:26 So, then exercise every day.
09:29 Then you need to go out in the sun every day.
09:31 Holistic health is all about nutrition, cosmic nutrition.
09:35 So what is cosmic nutrition?
09:37 Cosmic nutrition is that which comes before food.
09:41 So let us count how many things come before food.
09:43 So, consuming.
09:45 Consuming and nourishing yourself with sunshine.
09:48 Consuming and nourishing yourself with air.
09:52 Consuming and nourishing yourself with water.
09:55 Consuming and nourishing yourself with exercise also nourishes you.
09:59 Consuming and nourishing yourself with sleep.
10:01 Good night's sleep nourishes you.
10:04 So I have a motto, which says,
10:06 "Sleep every night with a wish to heal yourself and wake up every morning with a promise to heal the world."
10:13 Okay, thank you.
10:15 Then at number six.
10:18 At number six comes compassion, joy, cheer, state of mind.
10:23 Okay?
10:25 At number seven comes meditation.
10:27 Just quietening yourself.
10:29 The high funda meditation word has been debunked because it hasn't been explained well.
10:34 Meditation means stop doing, start being.
10:38 Stop doing anything, everything and simply start being.
10:43 So meditation.
10:44 Then of course, we exercise a lot for our body, don't we?
10:48 But do we exercise our soul, our spirit, our mind?
10:53 So prayers.
10:54 To strengthen our spirit, to strengthen our soul, to strengthen our mind.
10:58 So prayers nourish you also.
11:01 After all this, you know the five elements nourish you.
11:04 The ether nourishes you also.
11:06 Earth element nourishes you.
11:08 Then food nourishes you.
11:10 Coming to food, I would allow the Calcutta people to cheat only on one thing.
11:16 Roshkullas from Das.
11:19 I personally love them, but there is no Das in Mumbai, so I eat from Sweet Bengal.
11:24 Is there a Sweet Bengal in Calcutta also?
11:26 No, but there is a Sweet Bengal chain across many popular states and big cities.
11:31 So I enjoy Nolen Gur Roshkulla, Nolen Gur Sandesh.
11:38 Even I enjoy sweets.
11:40 So when sweets are made from jaggery, you must come to know that when sweets are made from jaggery,
11:46 they are not as acidic and especially when they are baked, the Bengali way of doing it.
11:53 So I really hope somebody from Das family is here and sends me a box of Roshkullas thereafter.
12:02 So nourishment is very important.
12:05 A healthy way of life.
12:07 I am told, I have a few Bengali friends from Calcutta.
12:12 I am told a very healthy way of eating is a Bengali way of eating.
12:16 Because they have all taste buds complete in their thali, in their food plate.
12:21 So the sweet, the sour, the salty, the pungent, the bitter, the astringent.
12:30 What have I left out?
12:33 Sorry?
12:36 Yeah, that's it.
12:38 So, Bengali way of life and Bengali way of eating food, provided you eat like a human and not like an animal.
12:47 You know why I say this? Because when you see people in the gym or when you see people walking,
12:53 have you seen people walking in the parks? I'll show you.
12:55 How each person walks.
12:57 So there is this one person, remember?
13:01 Walks like this.
13:03 In normal life he walks like this.
13:05 But when he has to exercise, he walks like this.
13:07 I mean, he has to see his own video to realize.
13:11 Then, there are some people in the park who walk...
13:17 And too tight. Completely tight.
13:19 You're supposed to loosen up.
13:21 You're supposed to relax. You're supposed to open up.
13:23 You're supposed to connect.
13:25 Oh my God. What's happening?
13:28 Then you see people in the gyms.
13:31 What for? I don't understand.
13:36 Then we see people sprinting and running for kilometers away and kilometers away.
13:41 I don't know who they are running away from.
13:43 I don't understand what are they running towards in life.
13:47 Because everything is available in here now.
13:49 I mean, no offense to marathon runners.
13:51 Please keep up at it. It was just a joke.
13:54 So, food, exercise.
13:58 So, food may vegetarian is a healthy way of life.
14:02 If at all you eat non-vegetarian, try and eat loads of vegetables.
14:07 Because every meat, every flesh is acidic.
14:10 And salads and vegetarian food is alkaline.
14:14 And the way to health is being alkaline.
14:17 Alkalized body.
14:19 So, fruits, roots, vegetables, sprouts, condiments, herbs, vegetable juices.
14:26 This is a way forward.
14:28 Millets and try and avoid eating in the nights.
14:33 7-7.30 is a good cut off time to have your last meal and enjoy.
14:37 Now, I want to know how many of you want to celebrate fitness.
14:43 So, I will invite some 5-6 women on the stage.
14:47 Come and participate. Please be my guest.
14:49 Please lady, please be my guest.
14:51 I mean, that's the spirit.
14:53 Saree will do. It's the spirit.
14:55 I mean, saree doesn't do anything.
14:57 It's the jacket. No, no.
14:59 Spirit. Come on. Come up.
15:01 Come up ladies. Come on.
15:03 Give them a good round of applause.
15:05 (Applause)
15:08 So, we are going to, we are going to, I am going to show you
15:11 a 3-5 minute workout.
15:14 What one can do in the morning.
15:16 Simply to loosen up.
15:18 Simply to get the rhythm back in life.
15:20 And simply for the body to start flowing.
15:22 Energy, urja, prana, blood, air, oxygen, ether.
15:26 Everything. And your earth comes alive.
15:28 Okay. Everybody take two hands and lift.
15:32 Good evening ladies. Thank you so much.
15:34 What a spirit. What a spirit. Amazing. Amazing.
15:37 I mean, if you are comfortable in here, I am comfortable too.
15:40 Great. Spread out. Spread out. Spread out.
15:43 Okay. So, just follow me.
15:47 Find your space. Find your space.
15:49 Find your place under the sun.
15:52 Okay. So, maybe have the music please.
15:54 (Music)
15:56 Come on. Come on.
15:58 (Music)
16:00 Put your hands up.
16:02 (Music)
16:04 Go down.
16:06 (Music)
16:12 And anticlockwise.
16:14 Anticlockwise.
16:16 (Music)
16:26 And now let's march.
16:28 (Music)
16:31 And come on.
16:33 (Music)
16:35 Thank you.
16:37 (Music)
16:39 So, ladies, you know what we did?
16:41 What we did? For the two, three minutes in the morning,
16:44 What you need to do is just open up open up open up open up so one is the clock exercise?
16:50 Anti-clockwise and clockwise with this your stomach your waist your lower back your circulation everything falls in place
16:57 So would you like to continue with me?
17:00 Sure, give me five high five
17:03 Yes, high five high five high five high five high five
17:09 That's it and all of you
17:13 High-five to me come on
17:15 Yes, that's a spirit
17:17 What's your name brother?
17:20 Mr.. Banerjee, that's the way to go
17:23 All right, so
17:28 Now I'll make you a little uncomfortable
17:32 Physically, but mentally you'll remain charged up. So maybe I have the music everybody get on to the floor like this
17:38 Everybody get on
17:41 Look at me
17:44 Look at me
17:46 the
17:53 Right leg in the front
17:55 Look up
17:57 On your marks get set go
17:59 Back and left leg in the front
18:01 Look up
18:03 Back
18:05 And
18:07 5,6,7,8
18:09 Reach
18:11 And breathe out and back
18:13 And breathe in and stretch
18:15 And breathe out and back
18:17 Suck your stomach in tight
18:19 Very good
18:21 Very good
18:23 And all those big applause for them
18:25 You know
18:35 As I said that your spirit makes you look beautiful
18:39 Whether or not your hair covers your face
18:41 But your persona comes out strong
18:43 So great, thank you very much
18:45 Back
18:47 Thank you
18:49 So ladies
18:51 Coming to the point
18:53 That the two set of exercises that I showed you in a combination
18:55 Are very very good for reversing your age
18:57 Stimulating your spine
18:59 Making sure your body weight is taken by your hands
19:01 Making sure you breathe in, breathe out
19:03 You suck your stomach in tight
19:05 You fully stretch
19:07 You fully contract
19:09 You fully circulate
19:11 You come alive
19:13 So four to five minutes of exercise
19:15 Should you have only five minutes in life
19:17 I mean in a day, sorry
19:19 Then this is what you will do
19:21 Then this is what you will do
19:23 Okay, now
19:25 I need a husband and wife team
19:27 If available here
19:29 Is there a husband and wife team?
19:31 Come, come, come
19:33 And I also need
19:35 Two strong women
19:37 Two strong women
19:39 I need two strong women, come
19:41 That's the spirit
19:43 Come on Calcutta
19:45 Yes
19:47 Come on
19:49 Husband
19:51 He is coming
19:53 No
19:55 He is coming
19:57 You know
19:59 I will just demonstrate this
20:01 Husband is too tall
20:03 It will be a little difficult for me to demonstrate
20:05 But I will try
20:07 Okay, come
20:09 So this is what you have to do
20:11 No, no, hello, don't grab me
20:13 Okay, now you know what
20:15 No, no, I will take you
20:17 Okay, so you just have to let yourself completely loose
20:19 Alright
20:21 So what one person has to do is
20:23 Slowly go down
20:25 And stretch
20:27 Drop your neck back
20:29 Don't do anything
20:31 Thank you
20:33 And back
20:35 This is a wonderful partner exercise
20:37 For the spine and also to stretch your stomach
20:39 So husband and wife can do it together
20:41 And two strong ladies
20:43 Will go back to back
20:45 And do it alternately
20:47 Is that fine?
20:49 Come on, but be sure that your grip is tight
20:51 And very slow
20:53 And the person who is sleeping has to surrender
20:55 Okay, come
20:57 May we have the music please
20:59 This is a
21:01 Slowly
21:03 Come on, very good
21:05 Do you want a partner
21:07 Do you want a partner
21:09 Do you want a partner
21:11 Alright
21:13 Amazing
21:15 Amazing, come on
21:17 And change
21:19 Change
21:21 Try very slowly, properly
21:23 Oh, beauty
21:25 Alright man, amazing
21:27 Amazing
21:29 Very good
21:31 Very good
21:33 Very good
21:35 Okay, same team remains there
21:37 Sat Sri Akal ji, Baba ji, how are you?
21:39 You have just started
21:41 Just one minute
21:43 Okay
21:45 Now there is one more very good exercise
21:47 Which increases camaraderie
21:49 Between couples
21:51 And those couples could be friends
21:53 They could be mother and daughter
21:55 It could be father and son
21:57 Or it could be anybody in the family
21:59 So, we will get into this position
22:01 Brother, come here, what's your name?
22:03 Shom, okay, Shom come
22:05 Put your leg in the front
22:07 Okay, get there like that
22:09 Now this is a very good exercise
22:11 To increase your energy surge
22:13 In the morning
22:15 And have fun along with
22:17 So may we have the second
22:19 Music please
22:21 [Music]
22:23 One
22:25 Two
22:27 Three
22:29 Four
22:31 Five
22:33 Six
22:35 Seven
22:37 Eight
22:39 Come on, continue
22:41 Dance
22:43 [Music]
22:45 Alright, go
22:47 [Music]
22:49 One, two
22:51 Three, four
22:53 Five, six
22:55 Seven
22:57 Eight
22:59 Nine
23:01 Ten
23:03 Good, thank you very much
23:05 Thank you very much
23:07 Great couple, good luck, God bless you
23:09 Great, great
23:11 What a spirit, great man, great
23:13 Amazing
23:15 Okay, that was nice
23:17 Okay, let's take a break for a short
23:19 Q&A, I'll answer only two questions
23:21 Any question till date
23:23 Till now
23:25 Aaj tak, ab tak
23:27 Loud
23:29 My take on eggs
23:31 Okay, eggs are very good
23:33 To procreate chicken out of it
23:35 Now eggs literally
23:39 Come in the grey area
23:41 While we discuss about being a vegetarian
23:43 And
23:45 We could say that
23:47 Eggs are least harmful in terms
23:49 Of health
23:51 But they could add value if you are balanced
23:53 Which means two eggs a day
23:55 In winters especially
23:57 Should be fine
23:59 But for those who are
24:01 Completely vegetarian
24:03 That's the best way to go about it
24:05 And for those who are absolute vegans
24:07 That is the finest and the cleanest
24:09 Way of eating
24:11 Veganism is the cleanest way of eating
24:13 It's scientifically well supported
24:15 Alright
24:17 But for those who are eating
24:19 Mostly mass, no sin
24:21 It's no sin
24:23 Okay, any other question
24:25 Sir
24:27 Sir
24:29 Oh
24:31 You know
24:33 I, you know when we did
24:35 A little bit of research and survey
24:37 Of what women like
24:39 What popped up was Bollywood
24:41 I mean
24:45 That's a, I mean normal pulse of India
24:47 Today, that we come alive with
24:49 Bollywood, so which is why
24:51 Madam, forgive me
24:53 Okay
24:55 Any other question?
24:57 Sir, I am a senior citizen
24:59 Is it?
25:01 Sir, would you kindly suggest some
25:03 Exercises
25:05 For senior citizens
25:07 See me in my chamber
25:09 Okay, I'll just tell you
25:13 Okay, now, I mean the last question
25:15 Before we move forward, so very simple
25:17 Whether the citizen is senior or junior
25:19 Very simple
25:21 Two most important, why do we exercise?
25:23 We exercise to stimulate our body
25:25 We exercise to move
25:27 I mean two most important pillars of exercises are
25:29 Rhythm and circulation
25:31 So, for rhythm of the heart
25:33 Your unit consciousness
25:35 To get synchronized with the
25:37 Unity consciousness
25:39 So which is why you circle your arms
25:41 You do this
25:43 You do this
25:45 You do twisting, twisting, twisting
25:47 You do side bends, side bends, side bends
25:49 Forward, backward bending
25:51 So
25:53 Some four, five exercises like this
25:55 For senior citizens done very slowly
25:57 Over ten, fifteen minutes
25:59 And complemented with walks
26:01 Long walks and stretching
26:03 Floor stretching should be
26:05 Very, very good, but should the senior
26:07 Citizen be conditioned
26:09 Well, then you can do weight bearing
26:11 Exercises as well
26:13 Thank you, we move forward
26:15 Mickey, sorry, just one more
26:17 Question I had here
26:19 This side, this side
26:21 So while you've been talking a lot about
26:23 Good intake of food
26:25 And a whole lot of things that you have to do naturally
26:27 Is there a need for
26:29 Supplementation today because there are so many
26:31 Supplements available today in the market
26:33 And what are your views on that?
26:35 Okay, so supplementation is a
26:37 Double edged sword
26:39 If the supplement quality and the
26:41 Source of the ingredients are good
26:43 You must consume
26:45 Under supervision and especially
26:47 For women, those who are menopausing
26:49 Multi minerals, multimens are good
26:51 So calcium supplements are very good
26:53 Zinc supplements are good
26:55 Iron supplements, but provided the source
26:57 Is as natural and as organic
26:59 Otherwise supplementation could cause
27:01 You know
27:03 Difficulties to the body
27:05 Talking about supplementation, let me say that
27:07 Yes, post-30
27:09 Post-30, 35
27:11 Women especially
27:13 And today, in today's context
27:15 Our nourishment
27:17 Is never 100% complete
27:19 So calcium supplements are good
27:21 Iron supplements are good
27:23 Especially for women because they need
27:25 To support their
27:27 Glandular hormonal cycle
27:29 And well
27:31 There are very many brands but
27:33 CoreCal is very good
27:35 CoreCal is good because I personally had a look
27:37 Into it and the
27:39 Source of that supplement, that calcium
27:41 Is from the corals, which is why it's called
27:43 Core and why it's one more reason called
27:45 Core because it goes and
27:47 Nourishes you right at the cellular level
27:49 So, but don't
27:51 Do unsupervised supplementation
27:53 Be very clear
27:55 Don't just see
27:57 Advertisements and run and buy and just
27:59 Start consuming, do it under
28:01 Proper prescription and advice
28:03 Thank you
28:05 Okay, now we
28:07 Always admire
28:09 Everybody else outside of us
28:11 Most important
28:13 For a woman of substance is
28:15 Self acceptance
28:17 Self love
28:19 And the inner beauty
28:21 You know, for couple of
28:23 Close to couple of decades that I've trained
28:25 Feminimus India
28:27 We always spoke about the woman of substance
28:29 And the woman of substance means
28:31 That a woman
28:33 Capable of doing, achieving
28:35 Multitasking
28:37 Struggling, everything
28:39 And
28:41 Providing a lot of state of happiness
28:43 And joy, wherever she is
28:45 Whether it's a family
28:47 Whether it's an office
28:49 Whether it's friendship, whether it's school
28:51 Whether it's college
28:53 I remember there was an era
28:55 Where there were bosses and there were
28:57 Secretaries and there were secretarial pools
28:59 Trust me
29:01 Many many bosses and senior
29:03 People have shared with me
29:05 That for those women
29:07 Who worked very hard at home
29:09 But still came smiling on the dot of 9
29:11 On the dot of 8.30
29:13 And worked till 8.30, 9 in the night
29:15 With the same smile on
29:17 With the same offering
29:19 Of sincerity, integrity
29:21 Devotion to work
29:23 Was commendable, is commendable
29:25 So, a round of applause
29:27 For all the working women
29:29 All the working women of the world
29:31 It is a kind of
29:33 Grind they go through very gracefully
29:35 They do break down
29:37 They do have their, I mean
29:39 Sensitive moments
29:41 But a true woman of substance who is beautiful
29:43 From inside, realizes
29:45 What she needs to do
29:47 As a call of duty
29:49 For her alma mater, for her family
29:51 And for her life
29:53 So, inner beauty of a woman
29:55 Is very very important
29:57 Now for this, celebrating the inner beauty
29:59 What we'll do is
30:01 I want everybody to stand
30:03 Wherever they are, in your chairs
30:05 And I'll play a music, I want you to shut your eyes
30:07 I want you to imagine yourself before a mirror
30:09 The way you look, you look perfect
30:11 And beautiful
30:13 But, you can always excel
30:15 So you will take a pledge to change yourself
30:17 Hereafter, in terms of food, exercise
30:19 So all of you loosen up first
30:21 Maybe have the music play
30:23 Okay, shut your eyes
30:25 And start nodding
30:29 This is affirmation
30:31 Believing in yourself
30:33 Enjoy, enjoy the groove
30:35 Enjoy the groove
30:39 Very good
30:45 Loosen up, loosen up
30:47 And move your shoulders
30:49 Move your hips
30:51 And bounce
30:53 And again, look at hands
30:57 And clap
30:59 And clap
31:01 Enjoy, take your hands up
31:05 Come on, celebrate
31:07 Celebrate yourself, celebrate your womanhood
31:09 Celebrate your body in the waiting
31:11 Enjoy
31:17 Very good
31:23 You are in love with your own body
31:25 In my room
31:27 Now my bed sheets smell like
31:29 Now open your eyes, open your eyes
31:31 I'm in love with your body
31:33 I'm in love with your body
31:35 I'm in love with your body
31:37 I'm in love with your body
31:39 I'm in love with your body
31:41 I'm in love with your body
31:43 Okay, thank you
31:45 Thank you
31:47 To talk about it
31:53 It is always said in some context
31:55 That women from Bengal
31:57 Are very very beautiful
31:59 Always
32:01 And the spirit
32:07 The spirit of Calcutta
32:09 With the old world charm
32:11 And the new age vibrance
32:13 The combination of both
32:15 Makes you very unique
32:17 In every perspective
32:19 So, good luck
32:21 All from Calcutta
32:23 Now tell me, how many of you will pledge
32:29 Today, that we will begin
32:31 To exercise everyday
32:33 Come on, your left hands
32:35 On your heart, right hands
32:37 On your tummy
32:39 That this will remind you
32:41 Actually it's a
32:43 Connect with the umbilical cord
32:45 Actually it's a connect with the rhythm of your heart beat
32:47 But it can serve a dual purpose
32:49 Of remind you, even I have a poncho
32:51 By the way, I have worn double layers
32:53 You workout everyday?
32:55 Everyday, come on
32:57 She is a core Cal woman
32:59 Come on, very good
33:01 So, you know, let's pledge
33:03 That, okay, repeat after me
33:05 Our life is a gift
33:07 A gift so beautiful
33:11 That I will not let it ruin it
33:13 I will take care of it
33:17 Today I pledge
33:19 That I will watch
33:21 Everything that I put inside my body
33:23 Naughty girls, don't laugh
33:27 I am talking about food
33:31 And
33:33 Most importantly
33:35 I will exercise my body everyday
33:37 I will laugh
33:41 I will celebrate
33:43 And I will become the role model in my family
33:45 For my husband
33:47 For my children, for my grandparents
33:49 For my in-laws to follow
33:51 For my husband
33:53 Children, grandparents
33:55 In-laws to follow
33:57 I am the leader
33:59 And I will always lead by example
34:01 Clap
34:05 You know the Indian Namaste
34:09 Have you ever
34:11 Imagined that why the Indian Namaste
34:13 Is supposed to be
34:15 Just so perfect and receiving and warm
34:17 And showing care
34:19 Because when two energies
34:21 Yin and Yang, Chandra Surya
34:23 When they come together
34:25 This togetherness, this oneness
34:27 Triggers a flow of compassion
34:29 Because your ego gets neutralized
34:31 Your duality gets neutralized
34:33 Oneness happens, integrity happens
34:35 So when your duality gets neutralized
34:37 You know, warmth comes
34:39 Compassion comes
34:41 Now for warmth and compassion
34:43 Ever since
34:45 Time immemorial
34:47 Mankind has learned
34:49 How to clap
34:51 So when two hands come together
34:53 And the flutter of the heart goes up
34:55 And the space between your hands
34:57 Disappears and creates a vibration
34:59 Of joy
35:01 So today we will create this vibration of joy
35:03 In the city of joy
35:05 And this wasn't planned in the script
35:07 Very impromptu
35:09 (Applause)
35:11 Come on, raise the bar, raise the bar
35:13 That's it
35:15 Raise the bar
35:17 (Applause)
35:19 Thank you
35:21 I spoke about
35:23 So many things but
35:25 I left out on something about
35:27 Sleeping
35:29 That we ought to
35:31 Sleep very well in the night
35:33 Very composed
35:35 Very tranquil
35:37 Very calm
35:39 And sleep like a daisy, sleep like a baby
35:41 Breathe out your last moment
35:43 Your last day, your week, your weeks
35:45 Your year, your years
35:47 Your life, your lives
35:49 And then sleep innocently
35:51 Most importantly
35:53 Sleep alone
35:55 Which means be one and whole within yourself
35:57 Don't take your children
35:59 Your husband
36:01 Your bosses, your in-laws
36:03 Nobody
36:05 You've breathed out the world
36:07 You've neutralized yourself
36:09 And you're sleeping very calm
36:11 Very very calm
36:13 So learn to rest well
36:15 Don't compromise your rest for anything
36:17 You want your skin to glow like this?
36:19 Then sleep well
36:21 Before you ask me
36:23 What's the secret of your face?
36:25 What's the secret of shine?
36:27 I normally tell people I was born in a shoe shine factory
36:29 Cherry blossom
36:33 How many hours?
36:35 7-8 hours
36:37 That's what you need
36:39 16 hours of a day
36:43 For every 2 hours of being active
36:45 You need 1 hour of rest
36:47 In sleep you heal
36:51 In sleep you heal
36:53 Most of you wear heels
36:55 We have a well-heeled society
36:59 Let's be a well-heeled society
37:01 Instead
37:03 See the difference
37:05 It will be beautiful
37:07 Great
37:09 Now the best thing
37:13 I enjoy this the most
37:15 Women put your bags down
37:17 The best way to treat cancer
37:21 The best way to beat the blues of menopause
37:25 The best way to beat any disease
37:29 The most irritating value is to laugh
37:31 The injections, T-cells, B-cells
37:35 Interleukin-2, Interferons
37:37 They are so expensive
37:39 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 1,000 dollars
37:41 I'll give you that free
37:43 Laugh
37:45 We'll do a laughter
37:47 So loosen up
37:49 Take a breath
37:51 Hoo hoo
37:53 Ha ha
37:55 Hoo hoo
37:57 There is funny about every person
37:59 Sitting in this audience and every human being
38:01 They look at each other and start
38:03 Ha ha ha ha ha ha
38:05 Hoo hoo ha ha ha ha ha
38:07 Hoo hoo ha ha ha ha ha
38:09 Hoo hoo ha ha ha ha ha
38:11 Typically what happens is
38:13 When you laugh
38:15 You let go
38:17 And you went out all your pent up emotions
38:19 You open up
38:21 Your diaphragm moves almost
38:23 12 to 13 centimeters
38:25 Emptying all your carbon dioxide
38:27 And toxic gases
38:29 And making way for you to breathe in easy
38:31 And no sooner you finish laughing
38:33 Your consciousness
38:35 Falls into rhythm because your heartbeat
38:37 Comes into rhythm
38:39 So shift in rhythm, shift in consciousness
38:41 And there you are happy
38:43 Hail and happy
38:45 Solutions of problems you get instantly
38:47 You know effort
38:49 Or rather confidence
38:51 To take the bull by the horns
38:53 You get instantly
38:55 Wanting to take challenges you get instantly
38:57 And champions are those
38:59 Who take challenges gracefully
39:01 Without challenges
39:03 No one can become champions
39:05 And you know
39:07 Even a baby has to struggle
39:09 With the mother to see
39:11 The daylight
39:13 Or to come on this earth
39:15 So without a struggle nothing beautiful is possible
39:17 And who knows that better than a mother
39:19 Because the pleasure
39:21 And the joy of the struggle
39:23 Eventually translates into beautiful
39:25 Things in life
39:27 Provided there is grace and acceptance
39:29 And taking responsibility
39:31 That is what a true
39:33 Nari Shakti is all about
39:35 That is what a true
39:37 Devi is all about
39:39 Got it?
39:41 Okay
39:43 Coming to that
39:45 I have a book outside, it's called the Shunyam Quotient
39:47 The Shunyam Quotient
39:49 Is nothing but
39:51 It tells you how to
39:53 It doesn't show you
39:55 It tells you how to
39:57 Transform yourself
39:59 It tells you how to be
40:01 Content, fulfilled, happy
40:03 It tells you how to achieve
40:05 It tells you how to manifest
40:07 It tells you how you can
40:09 Become a co-creator of your destiny
40:11 How many of you believe
40:13 That we can create our own destinies
40:15 Excellent
40:17 Wow, amazing
40:19 You know why? Do we know why?
40:21 Because we have
40:23 Legs to walk towards it
40:25 We have hands to make it
40:27 Eyes to perceive it
40:29 Heart to believe it
40:31 And a spirit to achieve it
40:33 Thank you
40:35 That is the way
40:37 You can be the co-creator of your destiny
40:39 So this book, the Shunyam Quotient
40:43 Tells you that how you can unwind
40:45 How you can
40:47 Settle down and compose again
40:49 How you can take a few steps back
40:51 Steps back
40:53 Get yourself gathered together
40:55 And re-strategize life
40:57 How to re-energize life
40:59 How to re-vitalize life
41:01 Even a gear stick in a car
41:03 For it to go from
41:05 First to second, second to third
41:07 Third to fourth
41:09 It has to pass through neutral
41:11 So you have to keep neutralizing yourself
41:13 And this book, the Shunyam Quotient
41:15 Will show you the art
41:17 That go to the point of beginning
41:19 From where everything comes
41:21 To which everything goes
41:23 And take a rebirth
41:25 We can take this rebirth everyday
41:27 And we can bring newness every moment
41:29 And we can be creative
41:31 Everytime
41:33 So with this book, the Shunyam Quotient
41:35 This will translate into
41:37 Vision, creativity, productivity
41:39 Compassion, empathy
41:41 Philanthropy
41:43 And this will make you the woman
41:45 Of substance, what you endeavor to be
41:47 The shape that you want to be in
41:49 Mental shape, spiritual shape
41:51 Physical shape and biological shape
41:53 It's available outside
41:55 I'll be there after the session
41:57 For those who want to take my signature
41:59 You can buy it
42:01 I think it's 299 or 300 bucks
42:03 An author makes
42:05 Very little out of every book
42:07 But that's not why he writes
42:09 And that's not why he promotes his book
42:11 An author always wants
42:13 That his experience
42:15 And wisdom to reach out
42:17 To billions out there
42:19 And help them change their life
42:21 If you were to give this book to any single person
42:23 That you love
42:25 I guarantee you
42:27 You'll be blessed
42:29 And great gratitude will flow
42:31 (Applause)
42:33 Thank you
42:35 With this
42:37 I will now take you through the journey
42:39 Of Shukr Gosht
42:41 I will take you through a guided meditation
42:43 We will have lights off
42:45 Bombay, Bombay
42:47 I'll take you through A.R. Rahman piece
42:49 A very good piece of music
42:51 I simply want to shut your eyes and listen to me
42:53 Okay, music, lights off please
42:55 (Music)
42:57 (Music)
42:59 Shut your eyes
43:01 But don't squeeze them
43:03 (Music)
43:05 Shut your eyes but don't squeeze them
43:07 (Music)
43:09 (Music)
43:11 (Music)
43:13 (Music)
43:15 (Music)
43:17 Now watch as you breathe
43:19 Don't pull
43:21 Breath inside, don't push, breath outside
43:23 Don't pull
43:25 Breath inside, don't push, just watch it
43:27 (Music)
43:29 The breath will flow on its own accord
43:31 (Music)
43:33 (Music)
43:35 (Music)
43:37 (Music)
43:39 (Music)
43:41 (Music)
43:43 (Music)
43:45 (Music)
43:47 Now breath in energy
43:49 And breath out fatigue
43:51 Exhaustion
43:53 Breath in energy
43:55 And very mindfully
43:57 Breath out fatigue and exhaustion
43:59 (Music)
44:01 Now breath in courage
44:03 And breath out
44:05 Your weaknesses
44:07 Breath in strength
44:09 And breath out your weaknesses
44:11 Breath in strength
44:13 And breath out your weaknesses
44:15 Breath in courage
44:17 And breath out your fears
44:19 Your phobias
44:21 Breath in courage
44:23 And breath out your fears
44:25 And phobias
44:27 (Music)
44:29 (Music)
44:31 Now breath in hope
44:33 And breath out despair
44:35 (Music)
44:37 Breath in hope
44:39 And breath out despair
44:41 Breath in hope
44:43 And breath out despair
44:45 Now breath out
44:47 Grudges, resentments
44:49 And breath in love
44:51 Breath out grudges
44:53 Resentments and breath in love
44:55 (Music)
44:57 Forgive yourself and forgive the world.
45:01 Forgive yourself and forgive the world.
45:05 Let the energy rise.
45:09 [Music]
45:39 Okay people, please open your eyes.
45:41 I'm back here with you.
45:43 How did you feel?
45:46 Good?
45:48 Nice?
45:50 Happy?
45:51 Thank you.
45:53 It's really me worthy of being here.
45:57 I so much thank Outlook Publishers.
46:00 I so much thank the WOW Movement, Women of Worth.
46:04 And I so much thank the Lupin people
46:06 for making this possible for all of you here.
46:09 My next thing that I'm going to do is very close to my heart.
46:13 And I want as much participation
46:16 for all those who've ever seen
46:19 thin looking girls walking the ramp.
46:23 But I've always thought that how I wish I would be there.
46:27 So please come, I'll teach you how to walk the ramp.
46:30 Come.
46:31 Come, be comfortable.
46:32 Be comfortable in your skin.
46:34 Drop your inhibitions.
46:35 Now is the time.
46:36 That's the spirit.
46:37 That's the spirit.
46:39 Now is the time.
46:40 Come, come ladies.
46:41 Beautiful.
46:42 Amazing.
46:43 Madam, Madamji, be the showstopper.
46:46 Come, come be the showstopper.
46:48 Come.
46:49 You've lost 100 kilos.
46:53 From 100 to this, amazing.
46:56 I have to tell you a very good story.
46:58 Ladies, come here.
46:59 What's your name, lady?
47:00 Ravneet.
47:03 Come, come, come.
47:04 What a beaming smile.
47:05 And what's your name, sir?
47:06 So Gurshaan's lovely wife,
47:10 Ravneet,
47:12 has, from 100 kilos,
47:14 has become this today.
47:16 And that shows some amount,
47:18 some amount of discipline,
47:20 dedication and devotion.
47:23 3D.
47:24 Let your life be 3D.
47:26 So it's amazing.
47:27 And I'm so happy that you've inspired so many people.
47:31 Trust me,
47:32 it's not important to become a model-like.
47:35 But it's important to be healthy, happy
47:38 and, you know, very fit within yourself.
47:41 That is the idea.
47:42 And I salute that.
47:43 Thank you.
47:44 Okay.
47:50 So all of you stretch out.
47:51 Now for all those,
47:53 we will do some emotional catharsis now.
47:57 Okay?
47:58 So emotional catharsis,
47:59 like whenever you feel pent-up emotions within yourself,
48:01 all what you need to do is,
48:03 you have to remove your aggression on no one.
48:06 You have to remove your aggression on no one.
48:10 So, all of us will get in this boxing stance.
48:13 Alright?
48:14 Okay?
48:16 Can we all scream like...
48:17 So from here, when I say "one",
48:22 we will scream and do "one".
48:23 Come on.
48:24 Come on.
48:25 This removes your aggression.
48:35 And then you're free of it.
48:37 Then you don't want to hit anybody else.
48:39 And then you have creative solutions.
48:41 Don't imagine your husbands.
48:43 Don't imagine your sasus.
48:47 Simply, you're just venting it out
48:51 in the open,
48:52 so that you can laugh thereafter.
48:54 Okay.
48:55 Now, I want...
48:57 You will be in the center last,
48:59 showstopper.
49:00 So I want you to follow,
49:03 the whole line, follow me,
49:04 and I will teach them how to walk
49:06 like a Miss India.
49:08 Okay?
49:10 We'll try.
49:11 We'll give it a shot.
49:12 Okay, maybe have the music.
49:13 So first, in the place, we'll just groove and dance.
49:16 We'll celebrate India's story.
49:18 Patriotism, India's story.
49:20 Come on.
49:22 Very good.
49:23 Okay, come on, girls.
49:25 Very good.
49:26 That's it.
49:27 Just groove.
49:29 Just groove.
49:30 And smile.
49:32 Perfectly.
49:33 All right.
49:35 Loosen up.
49:36 Okay, start walking.
49:37 Music higher.
49:38 Okay, pose.
49:48 Okay, pose.
49:49 Pose.
49:51 Jump down.
49:52 Pose.
49:53 And come on.
49:54 Everybody.
49:57 Come on, dance with them.
49:58 Dance with them.
49:59 Walk all the way.
50:00 Up, up.
50:01 Come on, pose.
50:03 That's it.
50:04 Come on.
50:05 Do it confidently.
50:07 Okay, come back.
50:10 All right, quickly.
50:14 Quickly, quickly, quickly.
50:16 Quickly.
50:17 Come on, grab girls, grab.
50:20 Quickly, that's it.
50:23 Very good.
50:24 And you can go back to your seats.
50:27 You can go back to your seats.
50:28 You can go back to your seats.
50:30 Very good.
50:32 Very good, very good.
50:33 Very good.
50:36 Walk with me.
50:38 Very good.
50:39 Very good.
50:41 Very good.
50:43 Excellent.
50:45 Excellent.
50:46 And now, we walk with a showstopper
50:49 who deserves a big round of applause
50:51 for a great journey.
50:52 Very good.
50:55 Very good.
50:57 And now, we walk with a showstopper
51:00 who deserves a big round of applause
51:02 for a great journey.
51:03 Very good.
51:05 And now, we walk with a showstopper
51:07 who deserves a big round of applause
51:08 for a great journey.
51:09 Very good.
51:10 Now, this is a true wow moment.
51:13 Nothing choreographed, nothing planned,
51:16 nothing scripted.
51:17 A couple walked in
51:18 and a husband was so happy
51:20 to tell the story of his wife.
51:22 So, real stories, real inspiration.
51:24 Please take it back home.
51:26 Even if you can apply a little bit
51:28 of whatever you've imbibed today,
51:30 I will sleep very happy tonight
51:33 and ever after.
51:34 Thank you very much.
51:36 So, okay ladies and gentlemen,
51:38 with this, we come to an end of the session
51:42 and I will answer only one question
51:45 and that's it, one question,
51:47 but a very challenging one.
51:48 Come on, quick.
51:49 Yes.
51:50 What should we do for the guts,
51:54 the battle of the bulge?
51:55 Okay.
51:57 Remember one thing.
51:58 There is a new science which says
52:01 there is a brain-gut axis.
52:04 And there is a new science which says
52:06 that there are more microbiomes
52:07 in the body than the cells.
52:09 And you need healthy bacteria.
52:11 So, eat as much raw, as much nice,
52:15 as much healthy, as much alkaline food.
52:17 Exercise your stomach.
52:19 Every time you exercise your stomach,
52:21 remember,
52:22 your solar plexus breathes out
52:26 your fears,
52:27 your apprehensions,
52:29 your despair,
52:31 your fear psychosis
52:34 and you become very, very strong with courage.
52:37 And this is what drives us to the point to say,
52:40 do you have the guts?
52:41 So strong guts,
52:43 strong courage
52:44 will make you the wow woman.
52:45 And let's celebrate
52:47 in the city of joy, the wow woman.
52:49 So, get optimized,
52:51 get maximized,
52:52 get energized,
52:53 get naturalized,
52:55 get revolutionized,
52:56 get internalized,
52:57 get eternalized,
52:58 get specialized,
53:00 get regularized,
53:01 get revitalized,
53:02 get Mickey Mized.
53:04 Thank you, thank you very much.
53:07 Thank you.
53:08 Ladies and gentlemen,
53:11 if you are Mickey Mized,
53:13 then we need a Mickey Mized applause.
53:16 Come on.
53:17 Dr. Mehta,
53:21 thank you so much for reinforcing
53:24 that health is not really about getting on the scale
53:27 or measuring your waistline.
53:28 It's about how we feel from within.
53:30 Dr. Mehta, thank you so much for reinforcing that health is not really about getting on the scale or measuring your waistline.
53:31 It's about how we feel from within.
53:32 Thank you.
