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00:00 [chatter]
00:02 Hey look, an icebox.
00:04 Geez.
00:06 The news is sure depressing today.
00:08 It says here that lots of foreign cats are starving and face extinction.
00:13 Maybe there's something I can do for them.
00:15 There now, my good deed for the day.
00:20 A care package for those poor felines.
00:23 So you see, even though you mice are poor and poverty stricken,
00:28 you can still help your less fortunate friends overseas.
00:32 That's what friends are for.
00:34 I think he's right. What are amigos for?
00:37 It makes you feel very proud, no?
00:39 Si.
00:40 Hey doc, how can we help our amigos from overseas?
00:43 We've got nothing to give them.
00:45 Very simple. Just take a peek inside this box and I'll explain.
00:49 Okay, everybody inside the box.
00:51 Andele, vamonos.
00:55 Wait a minute, doc. Who are these starving amigos overseas?
00:58 They're cats, stupid.
01:00 And they're starving because there's a shortage of mice over there.
01:03 We are going overseas to be chewed up by the starving pussycats.
01:08 We have intrigue.
01:10 I just hope those cats will appreciate what I'm doing for them.
01:13 Oh, what now?
01:16 Okay, but make it snappy.
01:22 We haven't got all day.
01:24 Si, Speedy. We are being sent over the seas to be eaten by hungry gatos.
01:27 You must come pronto and save us again. We are...
01:29 Oops! I thought you'd try something, sneaky.
01:32 It's that Speedy Gonzales.
01:46 I might have known he'd get into the act.
01:48 Well, I won't do these mice any good.
01:50 They're going bye-bye.
01:53 Hey, rodent. Let's see you rescue your friends now.
01:57 Por qué? Look behind you.
01:59 Ay, chihuahua. What happened?
02:07 Tieto, pretend we are dead.
02:09 You kidding? Some of us don't have to pretend.
02:12 Anybody else in there have any smart ideas?
02:16 Not in this box, doc.
02:17 Hey, señor Doc, you got the wrong box.
02:20 He's lost his marbles if he thinks I'd fall for that old gag.
02:24 Adios, doc. Better luck next time.
02:26 Andale, muchachos.
02:28 It's not possible. Nah. He couldn't.
02:31 Or could he?
02:33 I don't believe it. They're gone.
02:37 I don't know how he did it, but he did.
02:40 And he's not getting away with it.
02:42 Ha! Caution, you dirty little rodents.
02:46 Si, you win again, doc.
02:48 You are too smart for me. I think I go home.
02:51 You'll have to get up pretty early to outsmart this little black duck.
02:57 He did it again. There's nothing but fireworks in this box.
03:04 Yee-haw!
03:06 Madre.
03:16 So remember, amigos, do not listen to this doc.
03:19 He will send you over the seas to be eaten by the starving gatos.
03:23 Don't worry, sweetie. He will not trick us again.
03:26 Come and get it. Free cheese.
03:28 All you can eat.
03:30 What you gonna do?
03:32 Where is the free cheese? Where is it?
03:34 Why, it's right in here. A whole box of cheese.
03:37 Vamonos. Seize into the box.
03:39 Me first.
03:40 Save some for me.
03:41 Yeah, me too.
03:42 Trusting little foal.
03:45 Hey, the box is empty.
03:47 We've been tricked again.
03:49 Well, here we go again.
03:52 Oh, señor doc.
03:57 Oh, no.
03:58 Quick, amigos. Follow me.
04:07 Run, amigos. Speedy has hit us again.
04:09 Oh, yeah.
04:10 Don't go away. I'll be right over.
04:22 My doc uses his head, I always say.
04:29 Hey, doc.
04:35 Why you no jump across?
04:37 Safer.
04:39 Bye-bye.
04:40 [Giggling]
04:42 [Gunshots]
04:43 [Music]