Coronation Street 26th July 2023-n

  • last year


00:03 I just think it'd be nice to try and include her a bit more.
00:28 If it's an issue, I can say we've changed our minds.
00:30 Oh, it's lovely.
00:31 I just wasn't expecting it, that's all.
00:32 [KNOCKING]
00:33 Go on, then.
00:34 Don't keep her waiting.
00:36 Hey, hello.
00:37 Morning.
00:38 Good morning.
00:39 Thanks for joining us.
00:41 First glimpse of the bum.
00:43 I wouldn't miss it for the world.
00:45 Though I was surprised to be invited along.
00:49 You get invited to things?
00:50 Yes, if people want me to look after the kids
00:53 or they want me to pay for something.
00:56 You're not expecting me to pay for this private clinic today,
01:00 are you? - No.
01:01 Of course not.
01:01 Just be a gushing grandma.
01:03 Oh, that I can do.
01:05 Harry's already with Nick, so you can kick back,
01:06 relax, and enjoy yourself.
01:07 I intend to.
01:09 Though why are you paying to go private?
01:11 I'll never know.
01:12 It's Adam's idea.
01:13 We're going to have a blood test to find out the sex.
01:15 Yeah, the curiosity is killing me.
01:16 I just want to know if it's a boy or a girl.
01:18 This way, we get the results back quicker.
01:20 As long as it's healthy, I'm happy.
01:21 Well, in my day, you didn't find out till the end.
01:25 And then you were lucky if you got a cup of tea and a biscuit.
01:28 None of the pampering you'll be getting.
01:31 Though I think this fancy private clinic
01:35 should be serving you champagne for what
01:37 you like it to be paying.
01:38 Right, do you want to let us know when you change,
01:40 you're ready to go, and we'll swing by.
01:42 We'll pick you up.
01:44 Change?
01:46 What's wrong with what I've got on?
01:47 Do you have to polish your three-wood in the shop?
01:54 Some of us are trying to work.
01:56 Well, it's a driver, actually, Amy.
01:59 And yes, because it's my shop, my rules.
02:01 A man is only as good as his tools.
02:03 Ardy, how intimately do you know Courtney?
02:10 I wouldn't say intimately.
02:11 Oh, I don't know.
02:13 You two seem pretty close.
02:15 I'm not one to gossip, but there are rumors
02:17 circulating in the golf club.
02:19 What kind of rumors?
02:20 Rumors, Ardy.
02:22 There's a lady present, so let me just
02:24 try and phrase this nicely.
02:25 In golfing terms, the rumor is that Courtney
02:29 is allowing someone other than Darren to putt on her green.
02:34 The lady present wishes you hadn't put it nicely.
02:38 And you're telling me this because--
02:39 Because I'm worried.
02:41 I'm worried, Ardy, because they are arguing
02:44 and rowing in the clubhouse.
02:46 I don't want their personal life to get in the way of this deal.
02:49 So any insider information you get will be great.
02:52 So keep your ear to the ground.
02:54 This is huge for us.
02:57 You don't want your balls to end up in a bunker.
03:00 Exactly.
03:02 Very good golfing metaphor there, Amy.
03:05 Yeah.
03:06 Let's keep our balls on the fairway.
03:09 What are you doing?
03:16 Our blend is taking your photos for the award ceremony brochure.
03:18 You can't have fluff all over you.
03:20 What fluff?
03:21 You're obsessed.
03:22 Look, winning an award requires perfection.
03:25 Oh, yes.
03:26 Now, I've also gone over some possible questions
03:28 for your interview.
03:29 You only get one shot to impress the judges.
03:31 Can you stop that?
03:32 Otherwise, I'll change my mind.
03:35 Don't look at me like that.
03:37 I'll do it.
03:38 I just-- not if you keep coming at me with this.
03:40 Anyone would think you were up for the award.
03:42 Exactly.
03:43 Just chill out.
03:44 I was trying to help.
03:45 Well, you're making me nervous.
03:47 It's just an award.
03:48 All this fussing about photos, interviews, fluff.
03:51 It's too much.
03:52 It's vital.
03:53 You're up against the woman from "Rest Easy."
03:56 When did you come up with this information?
03:57 I've got my finger on the pulse.
03:58 The pulse?
03:59 You work with dead people.
04:01 Look, every stage matters.
04:03 But it's the interview where you score the most points.
04:06 It's all about perfection, Todd.
04:08 Stop.
04:11 Honestly, I can--
04:12 I can do it.
04:14 Can you just stop trying to be a hero, Stephen?
04:17 Can I lend a hand?
04:18 Oh, no, no.
04:19 He's absolutely fine.
04:20 Really, I am.
04:22 Anyway, I thought you were going to the baby scan.
04:24 Well, apparently I'm under dress for a swanky clinic.
04:27 So I'm going home to get changed.
04:28 You're great.
04:29 Well, tell that to my daughter.
04:31 I mean, at least I'm not wearing my grandchild blouse,
04:34 the one I don't mind them throwing up all over.
04:38 You have a specific blouse for that?
04:39 Well, after learning the hard way, yes, I do.
04:41 I doubt anybody's going to notice what you're wearing,
04:44 sweetheart.
04:45 Oh, Sarah did.
04:46 Listen, I'm going to go to the Rover's for a drink.
04:49 The Rover's?
04:50 With a head injury?
04:52 Well, I don't think drinking is a very good idea.
04:54 No, it certainly isn't.
04:55 For goodness sake, with all that pain medication you're on.
04:58 Well, one won't hurt.
05:00 No, no.
05:01 We're going inside.
05:02 And you're going to have a nice cup of tea and a hobnob.
05:04 Surely you're not staying here.
05:06 Well, it is my home.
05:08 Well, after everything that's happened,
05:09 I wouldn't set foot in the place.
05:11 Well, that's what I keep telling him, but he won't have it.
05:14 Come on, then.
05:15 Get my bag.
05:16 Hang on a second.
05:21 No, Tim, don't.
05:22 I just want to work with him, Sarah.
05:23 I'm not going to push him again.
05:24 Leave him be.
05:25 There's enough ill feeling.
05:27 I'll get him walking back into Redbank
05:29 like nothing's happened.
05:30 I just wanted to admit that he never loved me.
05:32 Well, you can pick a fight with Stephen,
05:33 or you can come and have breakfast with your wife.
05:36 Your choice.
05:37 Breakfast.
05:39 Special delivery.
05:41 You can't be here.
05:45 Nice gift.
05:46 Where's the rest of it?
05:47 They don't look very comfortable.
05:48 Don't worry.
05:49 You won't have it on for long.
05:52 Someone could have seen you.
05:53 And what?
05:54 Been seen together loads before.
05:56 Now you hop upstairs and slip it on.
05:58 I'll wait.
05:58 [SIGHS]
06:01 Can I talk to you a minute?
06:03 Dad said they're talking about you, us, at the golf club.
06:07 There's a rumor going that you're cheating on Darren.
06:09 So what?
06:10 Look, they're always gossiping.
06:12 They're a bunch of bored, rich men.
06:14 What else are they going to do with the time?
06:15 Dad said you had an argument.
06:17 We did.
06:18 But we kissed and made up.
06:19 I sorted it.
06:20 Look, do you mind us not talking about me husband?
06:22 It does kill the buzz.
06:23 What if he finds out it's me?
06:26 I turn up at your door with a present,
06:28 and you don't even say thank you.
06:30 You naughty, naughty boy.
06:32 Mm.
06:34 I could eat you.
06:34 [SIGHS]
06:37 Ah.
06:38 Come find me in a bit.
06:41 And make sure you're wearing your gift.
06:44 [DOOR SLAMS]
06:47 Go on, hit us with him.
06:49 OK, so you've got stately home, a barn, a castle in Scotland.
06:55 Ooh.
06:56 A hot air balloon.
06:58 That's an odd one.
06:59 Ah, what about a zoo?
07:01 Surrounded by animal poo?
07:02 No thanks.
07:03 Uh, Scarborough.
07:06 What's the venue in Scarborough?
07:08 I don't know.
07:09 It just says Scarborough.
07:10 How weird.
07:12 Oh, the writer is from North Yorkshire.
07:14 Oh, right, well, let's guess where they live.
07:18 Harrogate.
07:19 No.
07:22 It's not really a great list of wedding venues, is it?
07:25 It's barely even a list.
07:27 It says top 10 places, and there are only nine.
07:29 Yeah, plus it's not a church, where
07:31 we should be getting married.
07:33 Even then, you still get disapproving looks
07:35 from some people.
07:36 Let's deal with that if and when it happens.
07:38 Let's just find a venue first.
07:40 But you've devoted your life to that church.
07:42 Yeah, and now I'm devoting my life to you,
07:44 which is far more important.
07:47 We can always have a small church blessing afterwards.
07:50 Yeah, well, a blessing's not a wedding, is it?
07:52 I've had a nightmare.
08:00 This bloke in front of me must have
08:02 got through six credit cards before he found the right one.
08:05 I nearly went, it's all right, mate, I'll pay for it.
08:07 [LAUGHS]
08:08 Hey, did you get my text message?
08:10 No, love, what message?
08:11 I sent a text message saying don't get the-- the--
08:14 the meal deal, because Ryan's coming home tonight now.
08:16 Oh, is he?
08:18 Well, I'm sure there'll be enough for all of us.
08:19 He might not fancy it anyway.
08:21 Didn't expect him home so soon, did you?
08:23 Oh, well, don't let him hear you saying that.
08:25 Think you don't want him here?
08:27 No, it's not that.
08:27 I just thought, time with his mum, you know,
08:30 I might do him good.
08:32 If he's coming home so soon, I hope he's all right.
08:34 Love, this is Michelle we're talking about, right?
08:38 Do you really think she'd let him out of her sight
08:40 if he wasn't, eh?
08:42 No, I suppose not.
08:43 No.
08:46 A new baby plant?
08:48 Baby barrow.
08:50 You can hide them.
08:52 I could think about Gail as a middle name
08:53 if it's a little girl.
08:56 Well, I'd be very happy with that compromise.
08:59 That's all looking perfect, Sarah.
09:02 Is everything where it should be?
09:04 It's all looking great.
09:05 So we just need to take some blood for the prenatal testing,
09:09 and that will tell us the sex, as well as
09:11 testing for genetic diseases.
09:12 Genetic diseases?
09:14 Well, it isn't for everyone.
09:16 Some people don't want to know.
09:18 Why would you not want to know?
09:20 Because if you find out something,
09:21 then you're going to have to make a very difficult decision.
09:23 Hm, I didn't think of it like that.
09:25 I can get some more information out for you, if you like.
09:28 Do you recommend getting it done?
09:29 It isn't my place to recommend anything.
09:31 It's entirely a personal choice.
09:34 Some people do opt for it if they
09:35 have any known conditions on the mother or father's side.
09:38 Well, there's nothing on our side.
09:41 Although being genetically connected to David
09:44 isn't the best start in life for a kid.
09:47 That's your own son you're talking about.
09:48 Yes, that's why I can say it.
09:50 And apparently, not thinking before you speak
09:54 also runs in the family.
09:57 I thought my jumper earlier was fine.
10:00 I'm sorry?
10:01 Don't ask.
10:01 Sounds like you're a comical family.
10:03 Yeah, comedy or tragedy.
10:05 No genetics on the surmise side, I think.
10:07 OK.
10:08 Well, I'll get you the information anyway.
10:10 Like I said, it's a personal choice.
10:12 You can take it away and discuss anything you might
10:14 be worried about passing on.
10:35 You sure you know what you're doing?
10:37 It's a camera.
10:38 You point and click.
10:40 Maybe you should have got someone in for it.
10:41 Will you stop panicking?
10:43 I'm an award-winning photographer, remember?
10:46 The Gazette competition for under 13s with disposable camera
10:49 doesn't count.
10:50 You're only sour because of the photo.
10:53 Tasted sour.
10:54 Do you know, I still chuckle about it.
10:57 You lay in there on that beach all peaceful, mouth open,
11:00 then whoosh, pigeon dive bombs in and poos in your mouth.
11:03 If that wasn't bad enough, you then take a photo
11:05 and it ends up in the paper.
11:07 Oh, your face was a picture, all right.
11:09 Todd, are you ready?
11:12 How's this keeping things low key?
11:19 Where'd you get all this from?
11:21 Mate owed me a favor.
11:22 I'd go and put you that on.
11:23 God, stop dragging your feet.
11:24 We've got a busy day.
11:25 Stand on that mark I put down for you.
11:28 Let's see, I've got all the settings right.
11:30 Oh, this is dead good, this.
11:33 No, no, no, come on.
11:34 Think young funeral director of the year.
11:37 Arch your back.
11:38 Look proud.
11:39 It's a slippery slope, chasing adoration for your job.
11:42 You'd better be careful of that ego.
11:44 This wasn't even my idea.
11:46 It's--
11:47 Right, I think we're there.
11:48 Give me professional, but woman friendly.
11:54 Modern day man meets urban working class.
11:57 Oh, that's awful.
12:02 No, it's rubbish.
12:03 For the record, I'm not thinking about my ego, all right?
12:06 I'm thinking about my wallet.
12:07 I'm only doing this for the pay rise.
12:09 Right.
12:10 Let's mix things up a bit.
12:11 Give me I know I'm successful, but humble.
12:17 And pleasantly surprised to be nominated.
12:24 How did you manage to get a pay rise out of George?
12:27 He hasn't.
12:28 I never said you would get the pay rise.
12:29 That's the badger.
12:32 Oh, very good.
12:34 Look at that, lovely.
12:35 Could you airbrush that bit out a bit?
12:36 Yeah, thanks, sir.
12:37 Lovely.
12:40 Oh, it's good to see you up and about.
12:42 Can't keep a good man down.
12:44 You here to join your sorrows?
12:47 Sorry, that's so insensitive of me.
12:49 You know, it's just with Elaine, you know,
12:52 most people going through a breakup,
12:53 they find themselves at this door.
12:55 Well, mine would be a celebration,
12:57 a liberation of sorts.
12:59 How was-- how was Owen last night?
13:01 Look, can we chat later?
13:02 It's just I'm a one man band at the minute.
13:04 Glenda's off playing David Bailey.
13:06 Oh, sure.
13:07 Listen, I've got to pick up my prescription,
13:08 but I'll come by another time.
13:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah, great.
13:11 Ta.
13:12 Enjoying your celebration, Owen?
13:19 I didn't mean it like that.
13:20 Well, it says that after the ceremony,
13:27 guests get a full weekend pass.
13:29 I still don't want to go to the zoo.
13:32 Take it off the maybes list, then.
13:35 What's a maybe?
13:36 Searching for wedding venues.
13:39 Well, it'll depend on availability, won't it?
13:42 And you can scratch all them expensive places off the list.
13:45 They're usually booked up years in advance.
13:46 And they cost a fortune, don't they?
13:53 Well, I've, um-- have you thought about a theme park?
13:57 Get free passes through all the rides?
13:59 No, no zoos or theme parks.
14:02 I want somewhere that means something to the both of us.
14:04 I know how much the church means to Billy,
14:06 and if we can't have that, I want the next best thing.
14:09 Besides, I want to be able to walk down the aisle,
14:12 so I need to keep it simple.
14:14 There won't be traipsing for miles through some park.
14:17 Oh, well, maybe we can have a word locally,
14:20 see what's available.
14:21 Yeah, yeah, I can ask around.
14:23 I can pick Shelly's brain when she gets here.
14:25 She might know a few places out of town.
14:27 I didn't know you'd plan to see her today.
14:28 Yeah, it was a bit short notice, but I thought maybe she
14:31 could meet the both of you.
14:32 Oh, yeah, nice.
14:33 No, it'd be good to put her face to the name.
14:36 Yeah, can't wait.
14:37 I don't get why I have to do this when I've
14:42 got the juicy information on you.
14:44 Well, if you are going to blackmail me,
14:45 get me to do something better than clean bird poop.
14:48 Trim, I'll just wait till I need some serious cash
14:50 or I can just walk someone with me.
14:52 Can we not talk about poop?
14:53 You spent me half a lunch.
14:54 Oh, yeah, you'll need your stamina for knocking
14:56 off the bosses, missus.
14:57 Did you just say knocking off?
14:59 That's worse than what's swinging on the window.
15:00 How was the game?
15:05 Well, luckily for your dad, it was only the back 90 tank.
15:08 Do you think so?
15:09 I over-polished my clubs.
15:10 Surprised to see you here.
15:11 How do you mean?
15:12 She said she had a busy day planned.
15:14 We've had a bit of a row, so make sure you take care of her.
15:17 You're doing me a good turn keeping her sweet.
15:19 And I promise, once you get those figures done,
15:21 I'll get you in the office.
15:22 See, son, hard work pays off.
15:24 Keep it up.
15:25 You're not too busy licking your wounds.
15:27 Maybe we could discuss marketing strategy.
15:29 Excellent.
15:29 I'll get cleaned up and come straight over.
15:31 Yeah, Adi, Adi, this is going to be huge for us.
15:35 OK, don't forget you've got company
15:36 with all the inside info.
15:37 I think they're just passionate couple, ups and downs.
15:39 OK, never you mind.
15:40 Now, you pamper for as much information as you can get.
15:42 Oh, I turned around and where were you?
15:49 Tim's gunning for you.
15:51 He's not happy.
15:51 Why?
15:52 Something to do with you celebrating
15:54 ditching his mum in the Rovers.
15:56 Headed to Red Bank with a face like thunder.
15:58 That's not what I said at all.
16:00 Oi, Reid!
16:02 What are you doing?
16:04 Chicking out the rubbish, packing up your old stuff.
16:06 Now, take them up and sling it up.
16:08 Paul, it's me.
16:16 Oh, great, you're here.
16:18 Coming up?
16:21 Ah, we're joking.
16:22 We'll come down.
16:24 I've got some people I'd like you to meet.
16:27 Well, hopefully they've got better jokes.
16:29 Oh!
16:33 Oh, my goodness, you almost gave me a heart attack.
16:35 Wasn't expecting you back till this evening.
16:37 Come back early.
16:38 Got a package arriving, so.
16:39 Oh, he would have been in.
16:41 How was it?
16:42 It was really nice.
16:44 I'm glad I went.
16:45 Oh, Bet's shell was so pleased to see you, weren't you?
16:48 Don't want me to go.
16:49 Well, you should have stayed longer.
16:50 No, I wanted to get back, crack on with stuff, you know.
16:53 Hey, here he is, the wanderer returns.
16:55 Hey, mate.
16:56 Have a good time.
16:57 Yeah, yeah.
16:58 Oh, hey, glad you're in.
17:00 I've got some fitness equipment arriving later.
17:02 Could use a hand lifting it in if you're around.
17:04 Oh, don't that defeat the purpose if I help you?
17:07 Of course I'll help you, cheers, mate.
17:09 You look healthy.
17:11 Thanks.
17:11 Yeah, going away made me think it'd be good
17:13 to get my fitness back.
17:14 Yeah, well, I suppose some blokes have to work hard at it,
17:17 don't they?
17:17 It's a shame, I mean, they can't all
17:20 be in, you know, the peak of their physical fitness
17:22 without having to lift a finger like that.
17:24 Oh.
17:25 [LAUGHTER]
17:32 And you were worrying about him.
17:33 Did Adam seem OK to you?
17:39 Uh, well, a little bit more emotional than usual,
17:43 but I've just seen his baby.
17:46 She was just a meal ticket to you.
17:49 To the valley, do you look?
17:50 I want you out of her life.
17:51 After everything that she went through with me, Dad,
17:52 she deserves better.
17:54 I've just got to pop to the co-op.
17:56 I'll see you back at Dallas.
17:58 What am I meant to do?
17:59 Listen, just why don't you calm down
18:01 and have a reasonable conversation?
18:03 Do one.
18:05 All right, Stephen.
18:08 No peace negotiator, but I'd say he's
18:10 not in the mood for a chat.
18:11 Look, you can kip on our sofa if you need.
18:20 Thanks.
18:20 Hey, you found us OK, then?
18:30 Yeah, despite your terrible description.
18:33 You just missed a show.
18:35 A guy's just thrown some American guy's
18:36 clothes off the fire escape.
18:37 Oh.
18:38 I wonder what that's all about, then.
18:41 Elaine's OK.
18:43 Shella, this is me man Bernie and my partner, Bill.
18:46 This is me PA, Kags.
18:48 Hi.
18:49 It's nice to meet you both.
18:50 Is it usually this manic on the street?
18:53 Well, it's not a boring place to live, I'll give you that.
18:57 Anyway, I'd better get off.
18:58 It's nice to meet you.
18:59 Maybe I'll catch you later.
19:01 I'm sorry about our flat and the access.
19:07 Thought we'd just go and grab a coffee over at the cafe.
19:09 Roy makes a better one than me, anyway.
19:11 You not got a stair lift fitted yet?
19:13 No.
19:14 Don't wait till you need one.
19:16 Better get one sorted ASAP.
19:19 It's good to know.
19:21 Are you really a vicar?
19:22 An archdeacon.
19:24 I hope you've got your notepad.
19:26 There's a few things I want to square with the big fella.
19:29 If you don't mind putting in a good word.
19:32 How strict is he on monogamy?
19:34 Oh, really?
19:37 Really uncomfortable.
19:38 The plastic has gone all the way up.
19:41 I'll just get my charger.
19:43 Don't keep me waiting.
19:45 Oh, it's you.
19:48 Mark this off on your spreadsheet, will you babe?
19:50 Thanks.
19:53 You know, you really should lighten up.
19:55 You'll end up married to a guy who pays you zero attention.
19:58 Who says I want to marry a guy?
20:00 Oh, sorry.
20:02 Guy, girl, whatever it is you're into.
20:06 Just don't make the same mistake I did.
20:08 Well, the tough act is OK.
20:11 But you'd end up scaring the nice ones away.
20:12 I hope you're going to pay for that.
20:19 I've just had a pilates class and your boss
20:21 has drained my energy.
20:23 Addy isn't my boss.
20:24 You know what I mean?
20:25 No, I don't.
20:27 Dev owns the shop and that'll be one pound 50.
20:31 Oh, I get it.
20:34 You're jealous.
20:35 You like Addy.
20:36 That's why you're all uppity.
20:38 No, I don't like toxic people.
20:41 And you reek of it.
20:43 So pay what you owe.
20:44 Excuse me?
20:46 Right, listen, you know nothing about me,
20:48 or what I've been through.
20:52 Get out of my way.
20:53 Listen here, babe.
20:54 I don't know what game you're trying
20:56 to play between you and your husband,
20:57 but I know that you're using Addy.
20:59 And when you're done having your fun, he'll be crushed.
21:01 So why don't you go and find somebody else
21:03 and use them instead and leave him alone.
21:05 Doesn't deserve to mess around like this.
21:06 Amy?
21:09 What, you did it?
21:09 Well, that was embarrassing.
21:17 Honestly, I don't know who is worse, Elaine or Tim.
21:22 Where is everyone?
21:23 They're at my mum's.
21:26 Where would I be without my family?
21:29 Yeah.
21:30 Well, at least you can trust us.
21:34 For that, I am entirely grateful.
21:36 The thing is, though, Uncle Stephen,
21:38 I'm not really sure that I can trust you,
21:40 because this is my paternity results letter.
21:44 So what are you doing with it?
21:55 Come on, Stephen.
22:03 I'm waiting.
22:05 I guess it was instinct.
22:06 I didn't take a clairvoyant to realize
22:08 that the letter was important.
22:10 I assumed it was to do with the factory,
22:11 so my paranoia kicked in.
22:18 But I swear, I never read it.
22:21 Oh, really?
22:22 I didn't.
22:23 As soon as I realized it was from the clinic,
22:25 I put it straight back in the envelope.
22:27 And believe it or not, I do have boundaries.
22:30 Look, it's none of my business, but I'm sensing you didn't get
22:34 the news you were hoping for.
22:35 Yeah, you're right.
22:36 It is none of your business.
22:37 I didn't read the letter either.
22:42 Why not?
22:43 Because-- because I'm terrified.
22:47 [SIGHS]
22:49 I'm scared I'm going to find out that the baby's Damon's.
22:51 But if I don't look, at least there's still hope.
22:53 So what happens now?
23:00 I don't know.
23:03 Look, it's fine, OK?
23:04 I'll pay for the drink.
23:05 No, it's not even about the drink.
23:06 It's about her swanning about like she can get
23:08 whatever she wants while she can't.
23:10 I was right.
23:11 You do have a crush on him.
23:12 No, I don't, actually.
23:13 He's my mate.
23:14 Not everyone's out to take advantage of people.
23:16 Oh, hello.
23:17 Someone's bitter because they're not getting any.
23:19 It's better than being a manipulative princess
23:21 who throws herself at teenage boys
23:23 to make her sugar daddy jealous.
23:25 Are you going to let her speak to me like that?
23:27 Look, can we just go, OK?
23:28 You're already late for your next appointment.
23:30 And for your information, I've got
23:31 a master's degree in business.
23:33 I don't need no sugar daddy.
23:34 Oh, sorry, I take it back.
23:36 You're just a manipulative princess.
23:37 Why do you let her treat you like that?
23:42 [SIGHS]
23:46 For the drink.
23:46 Oh, could you please make that look very easy?
23:56 Oh, women are many-told.
23:57 Right, I'll get these in.
23:58 Do you want anything? - I'm fine.
24:00 Coffee would be great.
24:01 Kags, do you have anything?
24:02 Coffee, please.
24:03 Right, won't be a sack.
24:04 You two can get to know each other.
24:07 All right, Alex, mate, three coffees, please.
24:10 Would you like a pastry with that?
24:12 Oh, go on, then.
24:13 You're twisting me arm.
24:14 A couple of them, please.
24:16 Paul seems all right today.
24:18 Yeah.
24:19 Yeah, he does.
24:21 Although yesterday, he wasn't in a great place.
24:24 Oh.
24:25 I don't know.
24:26 He just didn't seem like his normal self.
24:28 And then started talking about this very worrying idea
24:32 about what he wants in the future,
24:34 you know, when things get really bad.
24:37 And he insisted dying.
24:39 Fortunately, he's had a change of heart.
24:41 So I guess that's normal to go through a phase like that
24:45 straight after a diagnosis.
24:47 People react in lots of ways.
24:49 It's not always just a phase.
24:52 Hey, here we go.
24:55 You got any one?
24:56 Yeah, yeah, hold on.
24:58 Hold them on for me.
24:59 That's the good thing about this.
25:00 You can stuff your face, and no one gives a monkey's.
25:02 [CHUCKLES]
25:02 Yeah, nice.
25:08 Stuff must have set you back a fortune.
25:10 Well, you can't put a price on keeping healthy, can you, mate?
25:13 Well, actually, you can.
25:14 It's about 300 quid.
25:16 [WHISTLES]
25:17 You're welcome to use it, by the way.
25:19 Oh, no, mate.
25:20 I don't-- I don't want to put you to shame.
25:22 Oh, is that right?
25:23 You know, last time I used one of these,
25:25 I put my shoulder out for a week.
25:27 Well, you're probably going in too hard.
25:29 You need to just, you know, start slow and build up.
25:32 Come on, then.
25:33 Let's have a crack.
25:34 Yeah?
25:35 Watch the master do it.
25:36 Good, sir.
25:37 Right.
25:40 Oh, all right.
25:41 I'm impressed.
25:41 Hey, see that?
25:42 Still got it.
25:44 Look at that, eh?
25:45 Muscle memory.
25:46 Get it.
25:47 [LAUGHS]
25:48 Peter Barlow, are you working out?
25:50 Well, it does happen, you know.
25:53 Right.
25:54 That's enough of that.
25:55 I don't want to peak too soon.
25:56 [LAUGHS]
25:57 Oh!
25:57 [LAUGHS]
25:58 Easy, easy.
26:00 So, um, is all this staying here, or what?
26:03 No, I'm just unpacking it, and then I'll go in my room.
26:06 Does that mean I won't be able to watch you
26:08 of my conflates pumping iron, glistening with sweat?
26:11 Well, you never know.
26:12 I might get him to train me up.
26:14 Any time, mate.
26:16 Start now, if you want.
26:17 Ah, no.
26:18 I don't want to rush into anything.
26:19 I've only just had my dinner.
26:20 [LAUGHS]
26:21 So what's the plan, then?
26:23 Is it like a quick workout each day before brekkie?
26:25 Yeah, right.
26:26 More like two or three hours.
26:28 Two or three hours?
26:30 That's a working day for Stevie MacDonald.
26:32 Well, you know, if you want a bowl of coke,
26:34 you've got to put the time in.
26:36 Well, how big we talking?
26:38 I'll let you know when I get there.
26:41 You should do those motivational videos.
26:43 You're doing a fortune.
26:44 Yeah, right, like anyone wants to see this on the screen.
26:47 Right, I'll get this lot shifted.
26:49 OK.
26:50 Adam's made it clear if the baby isn't his,
26:58 he doesn't want me to have it.
26:59 Well, maybe he'll surprise you and handle
27:01 this better than he thinks.
27:04 Nobody wants that to be true more than me,
27:06 but no, it's not happening.
27:09 Fine, then the first thing you need to do
27:11 is come up with a plan B.
27:13 What are you talking about?
27:14 There is no plan B.
27:15 Oh, take it from me.
27:15 There's always a plan B.
27:17 Look, either the baby's Adam's and we're fine,
27:20 or the baby's Damon's and we're screwed.
27:22 All I'm saying is there could be other options.
27:25 I don't remember asking for your opinion.
27:28 Like I didn't ask you to take my letter out of the bin.
27:31 [DOOR OPENS]
27:37 [CHATTER]
27:42 All right, mate.
27:44 Just bumped into Gail with little Harry.
27:47 She said that you've just been for a scan.
27:49 Yeah, yeah, that's right.
27:52 So, how'd it go?
27:53 Fine.
27:54 Sorry, did I just hear you'd had a baby scan?
27:57 Come on, let's see a pic.
27:59 Maybe now's not the best time.
28:01 Oh, rubbish.
28:02 Out with it.
28:03 Come on.
28:05 Oh, sweetheart.
28:07 Have a look.
28:09 Oh, wow.
28:10 Would you look at that?
28:12 Boy or girl?
28:13 Still waiting on the results.
28:15 Right, well, this calls for a pint on the house.
28:17 No, no, no, I'm fine.
28:19 No arguments.
28:20 Daniel?
28:22 Dr. Payne?
28:23 Yeah.
28:24 Fair enough.
28:25 Cheers.
28:27 You OK?
28:29 Yeah, of course.
28:31 It's just that whenever me and Sinead went for a scan,
28:32 I couldn't stop grinning.
28:34 Well, it's complicated, isn't it?
28:36 We get the results next week for the genetic disorders.
28:38 You're not worried, are you?
28:40 Nothing lurking in Sarah's family history, is there?
28:42 It's not ours I'm worried about.
28:44 What do you mean?
28:44 Listen, I need me a call.
28:46 I'll be back in a second, all right?
28:48 Now?
28:49 Yeah.
29:07 Who is she to judge me?
29:10 She knows nothing about me or my marriage.
29:13 I wouldn't mind, right, but I was only trying to be nice to her,
29:16 giving a bit of sisterly advice.
29:18 About what?
29:21 About how she shouldn't make the same mistakes I did.
29:24 Picking guys who didn't treat me right.
29:27 You know, next thing I know, she's accused me of being toxic.
29:30 Have you been saying stuff to her about me?
29:32 No.
29:33 So how come she went off on one about how I was using you?
29:36 I told you, she's a mate.
29:37 She's just trying to look out for me.
29:39 Sometimes you can come across a bit, you know, up yourself.
29:45 Really?
29:47 So you think I'm a manipulative princess as well?
29:49 No, of course not.
29:50 Well, it sounds like it.
29:52 Do you know why I really thought we had something?
29:53 We do.
29:54 Do you even like spending time with me?
29:56 You know I do.
29:57 It's just this.
29:59 Sneaking around behind Darren's back.
30:01 Feels grubby.
30:02 Right, so now I'm grubby as well as manipulative.
30:05 This, not you.
30:06 Yeah, I'm not surprised your little mate can't pull no one.
30:09 Talk about a face like a smack backside.
30:12 No, sorry, you can't talk about it like that.
30:14 In fact, you know what?
30:15 I've had enough of this.
30:16 Enough of what?
30:17 Us.
30:18 I think we should cool it for a while.
30:19 Barely.
30:21 And there I was thinking you were different.
30:24 One of the nice ones.
30:25 You know what?
30:26 Keep this up, yeah?
30:27 And you'll be looking for a new job.
30:29 What?
30:30 You heard me.
30:31 I'll make my own way home.
30:33 Courtney, wait.
30:34 You all right, mate?
30:40 Yeah.
30:41 Yeah, I must have eaten something.
30:42 Yeah?
30:43 I hope Glenda's been warming the alpha-tub properly.
30:45 Hey, I thought you were just making a call.
30:47 I'm sort of on my own in there.
30:49 Says he's eaten something dodgy.
30:50 I'm fine.
30:52 I'll stay with him.
30:53 OK.
30:54 I was going to have to go pop myself,
30:55 but I think I'll go over to the cafe instead now.
30:57 Hope you feel better, mate.
30:58 You OK?
31:04 Do you want to tell me what's happened?
31:05 It's nothing.
31:06 It's just a bit of stress, all right?
31:08 You've had another panic attack, haven't you?
31:11 Adam, you really need to get this checked out.
31:13 I can deal with it, OK?
31:14 Obviously not.
31:16 Come on.
31:17 Whatever it is that's bringing this on,
31:19 you can't keep bottling it up.
31:22 Come back into the pub with me.
31:23 Tell me what's really going on.
31:26 Please?
31:26 So, Todd, why do you deserve to be young
31:37 funeral director of the year?
31:39 Good question.
31:41 To be honest, if you'd told me five years ago
31:44 I'd be working in a funeral parlor,
31:45 I'd have laughed in your face.
31:47 Must be something about working at Shuttleworth
31:49 you find rewarding.
31:50 Not the pay, that's for sure.
31:52 [CHUCKLES]
31:55 Seriously, though, when I first started working with George,
31:59 I couldn't believe how long he'd spend just
32:00 talking with the customers.
32:02 Used to drive me nuts.
32:04 But now, I don't know, I suppose it's rubbed off on me.
32:09 Doesn't cost anything to show people
32:11 some compassion, dignity.
32:13 I'm sorry, but that's the problem with the funeral sector
32:17 these days.
32:18 Compassion?
32:19 Wasting people's time and money.
32:21 If funeral companies want to survive,
32:23 they have to modernize, which is why we introduced our no frills
32:27 off the peg service.
32:30 As you can see, in six months, our turnover nearly doubled.
32:34 Have you heard yourself?
32:35 You sound like you're running a cash and carry.
32:37 This is people's loved ones you're talking about,
32:39 not tins of spam.
32:40 The world's changing.
32:42 I'm not going to apologize because I work
32:43 for a successful business.
32:45 That's exactly the point.
32:46 We're not just a business.
32:49 We're a service.
32:52 Shaworth's might be a bit old fashioned,
32:57 but it's because we care.
32:59 We show people some kindness and respect.
33:03 You lot sound like you're trying to sell them a pyramid scheme.
33:06 Peace offering?
33:16 May I?
33:17 Yeah.
33:18 And I promise I won't try to give you any advice.
33:22 Listen, I'm sorry about the letter thing.
33:30 Me too.
33:33 I am probably more angry with myself, though, than you, so.
33:38 What is wrong with me?
33:39 I mean, I--
33:41 oh, I completely adore Adam.
33:43 So what do I do?
33:45 I sleep with some dodgy guy I barely even know.
33:49 Oh, say it.
33:50 What?
33:51 What it is you're obviously dying to tell me.
33:54 I'm purely here to listen.
33:56 Well, just spit it out.
33:59 Fine.
34:00 Look, burying your head in the sand
34:02 and not finding out who the real dad is, it won't work.
34:06 Sooner or later, Adam will figure out
34:07 there's something wrong, and it'll come out anyway.
34:11 And in the meantime, the stress won't be doing
34:16 you or your baby any good.
34:19 At least Justin.
34:20 Well, for all you know, you might
34:22 be putting yourself through a load of grief for no reason.
34:25 The baby might be Adam's.
34:28 But you won't know for sure until you read this.
34:37 One way or another, you need to know.
34:47 See, I thought that you were past all that not trusting her.
35:00 Yeah, I thought so too.
35:04 But today, when the nurse started
35:05 talking about genetic diseases, I
35:07 don't know, something about the way Sarah reacted,
35:09 it just got me thinking.
35:11 That's it?
35:13 Come on, Adam, she might just be worried about something
35:15 in her family tree.
35:16 Or someone else's, the real dad's.
35:20 So what are you going to do?
35:22 You tell me.
35:23 If I-- if I ask her, she'll just accuse me of not trusting her.
35:26 It'll all kick off.
35:28 The trouble is, you don't trust her, do you?
35:31 So either you talk to her, or you let it go.
35:36 But you can't go on like this.
36:16 [GASPING]
36:19 [GASPING]
36:23 [GASPING]
36:25 Thanks very much, mate.
36:26 That was lovely.
36:26 Feel free to come again.
36:28 Oh, you take care of yourself now.
36:30 Right, that is me.
36:32 Work is calling.
36:34 It's been really lovely to meet you.
36:36 You too.
36:37 And then, well, hopefully, we will
36:38 see a lot more of each other.
36:40 Maybe I could even tempt you back to the church.
36:43 Mm, never say never.
36:46 Right.
36:47 See you later.
36:48 See you.
36:49 Mwah.
36:50 See you.
36:52 Bet they're making tracks too.
36:53 Oh, right.
36:54 Well, um, listen, thanks for coming.
36:56 It means a lot, you meeting Bella.
36:57 He obviously thinks the world of you.
36:59 Well, you know these archdeacon types.
37:02 Well dodgy taste.
37:06 He mentioned you'd been talking about Sissie dying.
37:11 He said that?
37:13 Yeah, well, um, I was a bit all over the place yesterday.
37:16 Moment of madness.
37:17 All right.
37:22 Yeah.
37:23 Thought you'd got off earlier.
37:24 I decided to hang around a bit longer.
37:28 They told you the news then?
37:29 News?
37:30 Yeah, tying the knot.
37:32 Well, planning to.
37:33 You never mention.
37:34 That's brilliant.
37:34 Ah, cheers.
37:36 Not exactly got much planned as of yet.
37:38 Yeah, two blokes.
37:40 Twice as rubbish at organizing.
37:42 Oh, really tough for you.
37:45 Call me, yeah?
37:47 Anything you want to talk about?
37:48 Thanks.
37:49 Appreciate it.
37:50 Mean it.
37:52 Even if it is just a moment of madness.
37:54 See ya.
37:56 See ya, guys.
37:59 She's a nice woman.
38:00 Oh.
38:01 What's she mean, moment of madness?
38:04 Probably just a figure of speech.
38:06 Right, you going to help me sort this wedding then?
38:08 Seeing as I'm so rubbish at organizing.
38:10 Oh, do you know, I thought you'd never ask.
38:14 Right, try not to react straight away.
38:16 But how about a massive cake made out of planets and stars
38:21 and then in icing on the top, yours and Billy's birth signs?
38:26 Sounds unreal.
38:29 Yeah.
38:30 Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
38:32 [SCOFFS]
38:34 [DOOR SLAMS]
38:36 Hiya.
38:40 All right?
38:43 Sorry about before.
38:44 I embarrassed you.
38:45 So why did you?
38:46 Because I hate the way she thinks that she
38:47 can treat you like that.
38:48 Like what?
38:49 As a pawn to get back at her husband.
38:51 You don't know the first thing about her or her marriage.
38:54 I know that she's using you.
38:56 Even if she was, which she's not,
38:57 that doesn't give you the right to humiliate me.
38:59 I was trying to defend you.
39:01 Really?
39:02 Because I'm too pathetic to stick up for myself.
39:03 You know, that's not what I meant.
39:04 I'm not some kid you need to protect.
39:07 I can sort my own life out.
39:09 So just keep your nose out my business.
39:10 [GRUNTS]
39:15 [DOOR OPENS]
39:17 [GRUNTS]
39:18 [SIGHS]
39:20 [SIGHS]
39:26 [INHALES]
39:28 [SIGHS]
39:29 [SIGHS]
39:31 [INHALES]
39:33 [SIGHS]
39:35 [SIGHS]
39:36 [BEEP]
39:40 [SIGHS]
39:46 Hi, mate. It's Ryan again.
39:48 Um, listen, I've sent the money.
39:50 But you need to make sure that the next delivery definitely
39:52 goes to the Weatherfield address like we discussed.
39:55 Oh, and, uh, use the same name as well.
39:58 OK, let me know when you get this.
40:00 Cheers.
40:01 Bye.
40:02 Oh, you should have seen his face when he opened the envelope.
40:04 It was a picture. Oh, there he is.
40:05 So come on, then.
40:06 This time tomorrow, will we be looking at young funeral
40:09 director of the year?
40:11 Don't know about that.
40:12 Mind you, one of the others that was up for it
40:13 was the right piece of work.
40:15 Oh, I'm sure you'll walk it.
40:17 Whoever it was that nominated you was clearly
40:18 a good judge of character.
40:20 You can drop the act.
40:21 I know it was you.
40:22 What?
40:23 No, it wasn't me.
40:24 What makes you say that?
40:27 Pretty sure they said you can only
40:28 be nominated by your own boss.
40:29 Well, even if it was me, which it wasn't,
40:32 you still deserve it.
40:34 So it definitely wasn't you.
40:35 It's just said, isn't it?
40:36 In the meantime, a pint for my young prodigy, please, barmaid.
40:39 Coming right up.
40:40 What's all this about?
40:41 Guilty conscience for not giving me a pay rise?
40:44 Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
40:46 It was stupid to lead you on.
40:48 Yes, it was.
40:50 But as it happens, you've helped me make up my mind.
40:53 About what?
40:54 I've realized if I want a pay rise,
40:57 well, I need to be fully qualified.
40:59 So I'm going to get cracking with the rest
41:00 of the funeral director exams.
41:01 Oh, Todd, that is brilliant news.
41:04 Hey, you're going to be a fully fledged partner in this business
41:06 before you know it.
41:07 Oh, I see.
41:08 You're sticking his name above the shop door
41:10 before mine, your own beloved sister.
41:12 You had the chance to join the business years ago,
41:14 but you chose warbling on the high seas.
41:17 I'm onto you.
41:19 Onto me about what?
41:20 This award.
41:21 Say you're not into it, that you're too cool,
41:23 but I can see what you're doing.
41:24 What's that?
41:25 Your little ego really wants to see that trophy
41:29 on the mantelpiece.
41:30 Don't try and deny it.
41:31 There you are.
41:38 Where you been, man?
41:39 I've been getting out of my mind.
41:40 I was dropping Courtney off from her Pilates class.
41:43 She insisted on stopping for junk food at the precinct.
41:46 Why, what's the problem?
41:47 If this is anything about Darren,
41:48 do you know if anything had happened?
41:49 Like what?
41:49 How do I know, man?
41:50 If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you, would I?
41:52 Listen, he's just asked for this urgent meeting, OK?
41:54 First thing in the morning.
41:55 What?
41:56 I mean, I'm getting palpitations, man.
41:58 Like here, here.
42:00 He's going to pull out, isn't he?
42:01 Yeah, I've remortgaged all the shops.
42:03 We're going to lose everything, and he's going to pull out.
42:05 You told me everything was fine.
42:06 It was.
42:07 Past tense.
42:08 Was.
42:08 Did he say he was pulling out?
42:09 No.
42:10 I mean, no, no, no, not in so many words, no.
42:12 But why else would he be asking for an urgent meeting?
42:14 OK, think.
42:15 Adi, has anything happened to make him change his mind?
42:19 No, no.
42:20 Not that I'm aware of.
42:22 OK, this is good.
42:24 Because this is something.
42:25 See, this is why I need my top man on the inside.
42:28 My little sleeper cell, like, deep undercover.
42:30 Deep, deep undercover.
42:34 Yeah, I knew I could trust you.
42:35 Are you all right?
42:44 Apart from making a complete spectacle of myself
42:46 in front of Daniel at the pub.
42:49 Spectacle, why?
42:50 What do you mean?
42:52 I had another panic attack.
42:54 Adam, are you OK?
42:56 Have I stopped feeling like I'm having a heart attack,
42:58 Adi, for now?
42:59 I think you really do need to see Dr. Gaddis, you know?
43:05 I don't think that's the answer.
43:07 You need to get it sorted.
43:08 I agree.
43:09 Which is why I want to see him black and white,
43:11 that I'm the real father.
43:14 Really, this again?
43:15 I'm sorry, but I can't just pretend the last couple of months
43:17 haven't happened.
43:18 I want to trust you, but not knowing for sure
43:20 is killing me.
43:22 Well, the letter might come in a couple of days.
43:24 Can you not just wait till then?
43:25 No, I need to know now.
43:27 I've left a message with the clinic.
43:30 I've asked them to send a new one.
43:32 It should arrive in the morning.
43:46 Streaming now on ITVX, watch the unmissable new two-part
43:50 documentary, Boris Becker, The Rise and Fall.
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44:01 adventure.
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