• 2 years ago
CLOVER, 27, from California, has a style that stands out from the crowd - she's a Disco Clown. Over the past year, Clover fell in love with everything clown-related after she attended a festival dressed as a clown with her partner for fun. Despite some initial hesitation, they went to the festival and everything changed. Clover was obsessed with the look, the lifestyle and 'Clover the Disco Clown' was born. Clover wants to show the world that clowns aren't scary, but not everyone in her local area agrees... She told Truly: "There are some people that think I'm scary just because they don't like clowns, but I'm not scary and usually when people get to know me, they're not afraid of me anymore. I break down their fear of clowns." Today, Clover is going to surprise her boyfriend Kambel and best friend Ayriel, as she will be taken back to her roots as she transforms into a Goth. Will Clover's gothic makeover be too much for her fellow clowns? Or will they love her new look?


00:00 I call myself a disco clone.
00:01 The colors I use, my emotions translate into the colors.
00:06 Being a clone means a lot to me.
00:09 It has given me the freedom to just be who I am
00:13 and embrace my inner child.
00:15 Today, I'm going to be transformed into a goth,
00:19 very dark, and I'll be back years ago
00:21 to my boots, like, dressing in all dark.
00:24 I'm excited 'cause it's been forever
00:26 since I've dressed like that.
00:27 Not so sure about this shirt.
00:30 This little thing makes me feel like a dog.
00:32 (dog barking)
00:33 One, two.
00:34 I look so different.
00:38 - I've never seen your nose before.
00:40 - I call myself a disco clone.
00:45 I started dressing like this just over a year ago,
00:49 and it was on accident because my friend had a birthday
00:52 and we were going to a festival
00:54 and my partner wanted to dress as clowns.
00:57 And I didn't want to do it at first,
00:59 a shame to say 'cause now, look at me, I'm a clown.
01:02 But I did it, and then the moment we did that,
01:05 I couldn't look back.
01:06 Some of my favorite pieces, they are,
01:09 that's not it, sorry.
01:10 (squeaking)
01:13 But this is one of my favorite pieces.
01:16 It is one of my most clowny pieces,
01:18 that's why I love it so much.
01:21 Very colorful, very fun, and very comfortable.
01:25 This is my very first clown piece I ever purchased.
01:29 Another of my favorite pieces, holes everywhere.
01:32 We'll fix that one day.
01:33 My absolute favorite hat though has to be this one.
01:38 It's a little beat up, but it's still my favorite
01:41 and I still take it out whenever I can.
01:45 There are some people that think I'm scary
01:49 just 'cause they don't like clowns,
01:52 but I'm not scary, and usually,
01:54 when people get to know me,
01:55 they're not afraid of me anymore.
01:57 I break down their fear of clowns because I'm fun,
02:00 I'm here to have a good time, and they see that.
02:03 Being a clown means a lot to me.
02:05 It has given me the freedom to just be who I am
02:09 and embrace my inner child,
02:12 and just not to take life so seriously.
02:15 Oh.
02:16 Hello?
02:18 Oh.
02:22 They say you owe them some money.
02:24 When I'm choosing makeup for my face
02:29 and the colors I use,
02:30 almost always my emotions translate into the colors.
02:35 What I'm feeling that day, I'll put on my face.
02:38 I used to wear only black.
02:40 That was my thing, and I really liked it,
02:43 but since becoming a clown, you gotta be colorful.
02:47 Today, I'm going to be transformed into a goth.
02:52 Very dark.
02:53 I'm excited 'cause it's been forever
02:56 since I've dressed like that.
02:57 I'm excited to see what it looks like.
03:00 Let's get to it.
03:03 I'm gonna open it with a key, as a clown does.
03:06 Ooh, okay.
03:10 Really cute.
03:12 Fishnet bodysuit.
03:14 I like that.
03:15 These are super cute.
03:20 I do like these a lot.
03:22 Let's get into this one.
03:23 Dark wig.
03:26 I haven't had regular hair color in a long time.
03:30 That's gonna be fun.
03:31 Wild.
03:35 Haven't worn anything like this in a long time.
03:37 These are super cute, though.
03:38 Not so sure about this shirt.
03:42 Not my thing, but we'll see.
03:44 We'll see how it goes.
03:45 This one makes me feel like a dog.
03:48 (dog barking)
03:49 Going out in this outfit,
03:51 I would feel so different from what I'm used to
03:54 that I really don't know.
03:55 I'd probably be pretty nervous about it.
03:58 (knocking)
04:02 Hello!
04:05 Oh my gosh, it's such a pleasure meeting you.
04:07 So nice to meet you.
04:09 Right, this way.
04:09 Okay.
04:10 Today, for Clover, we're gonna go ahead
04:12 and do a very gothic, dark, grudgy look.
04:17 Yeah, we're definitely gonna take her back to her old days.
04:21 Today is just gonna be a lot of darkness,
04:23 a lot of dark colors.
04:24 And do not take your nose off.
04:27 (laughing)
04:28 Oh yes.
04:28 This part, my most important part, my identity,
04:31 I will remove.
04:32 It just feels so good to take my artwork away.
04:37 Honestly, clown makeup starts to feel
04:40 quite heavy after a while,
04:42 so it feels nice to take it off.
04:43 (upbeat music)
04:46 Okay.
04:56 Am I complete?
04:56 Yes.
04:57 Are you ready to see yourself in the mirror?
04:59 I'm nervous, but I'm so ready.
05:01 One, two.
05:03 Wild.
05:08 This is wild, I look so different.
05:12 Is this even me?
05:13 This is so different though,
05:21 than what I'm used to.
05:22 I love the boots.
05:24 The hair, I don't know.
05:25 This isn't a hairstyle I'd have,
05:27 but I think I look cute.
05:30 Right?
05:32 I'm revealing today to my friend and my partner,
05:37 and they haven't ever seen me in full goth.
05:39 I am ready, but I'm so nervous
05:43 for them to see me like this.
05:45 I don't know how they'll react.
05:48 Come out, I'm scared.
05:49 Holy cow.
05:55 How do I look?
05:56 How do I look?
05:58 You're so tan.
06:00 I've never seen your nose before.
06:04 Me either.
06:04 You forgot what it looks like.
06:06 (laughing)
06:09 Yeah.
06:10 You look like a rock band character.
06:12 You do!
06:13 You play the bass guitar.
06:16 (laughing)
06:17 You have beautiful eyes too.
06:19 I'd be dark clown, scary clown.
06:21 Feel not myself hiding my nose right now.
06:24 Probably put it on later.
06:26 Just to feel more comfortable.
06:28 I need to taste the rainbow.
06:29 What I feel like doing right now,
06:36 probably ripping my wig off.
06:38 If it's too much for me, not into it,
06:40 and my hair being this dark just feels unnatural for me.
06:43 I like to have very vibrant and colorful hair.
06:47 What's next for me?
06:48 I'm probably just gonna keep clowning around
06:51 like I always do.
06:52 Clowning around is my thing.
06:55 I'll go anywhere and clown around.
06:57 We have two trans kids.
07:05 Anyone can be whoever they want.
07:07 I'm just owning it.
07:09 Our family is seen to be very unconventional.
07:14 So I had kids and I can't be hot anymore.
07:16 Like, moms are hot too.
07:18 People say I look like a thug, but I love thugs.
07:20 I take that as a compliment.
07:22 I'm bored of people thinking that I cannot be intimate.
07:26 I'm a young, single, hot piece of disabled booty.
07:29 I feel like I'm going to look at myself
07:31 and be like, "Who is that?"
07:35 (upbeat music)
07:38 Life is way too short to be hiding.
07:40 It is my story.
07:41 It is my truth.
07:42 (upbeat music)
07:45 (upbeat music)
07:48 (upbeat music)
07:50 (upbeat music)
07:53 (upbeat music)
07:56 (upbeat music)
07:58 (upbeat music)
