Jesse Watters August will be the most critical month in the Biden presidency

  • last year
Jesse Watters August will be the most critical month in the Biden presidency
00:00 Fox News alert.
00:03 Hunter Biden's sweetheart plea deal is officially off the table.
00:07 Today, the president's son showed up in a Delaware courtroom expecting to plead guilty
00:12 to two counts of tax misdemeanors and a gun charge that would magically disappear until
00:18 Delaware judge Mary Ellen Noriega asked one simple question.
00:23 What's actually in the deal?
00:26 Actually that was a very difficult question that Hunter Biden and Biden's Department of
00:31 Justice didn't want to talk about and didn't really have a straight answer to.
00:36 Hunter's lawyers said Hunter has lifelong immunity from everything.
00:42 He'll never get charged for anything ever again having to do with anything or anybody
00:47 anywhere.
00:48 And the judge said, really?
00:51 And Biden's prosecutors obviously embarrassed said, well, this is still an active investigation
00:57 and he could still be maybe charged for a few things.
01:02 And Hunter's lawyer said, then there's no deal.
01:05 And all hell broke loose in the courtroom.
01:07 So how could both sides come to a plea deal hearing that blows up in the first five minutes?
01:13 Here's what happened.
01:15 This sweetest of sweetheart deals was agreed to a month ago.
01:19 And I don't think they put any of it in writing.
01:21 It was more of a handshake deal.
01:23 But a lot's happened since then.
01:25 When news of the deal broke, even the mainstream media said Hunter was getting home cooking.
01:30 And then immediately after two highly credible IRS whistleblowers came forward and detailed
01:36 a five year Justice Department conspiracy to obstruct the case against the Biden's tip
01:41 offs, roadblocks, special treatment.
01:44 Prosecutors weren't even allowed to crack open the laptop.
01:47 On top of that, an FBI informant claims a Ukrainian CEO bribed Joe Biden and that Joe
01:53 Biden's strong armed him for the cash.
01:56 Five million to Joe, five mil to Hunter.
01:59 And not only that, there could be tapes of Joe Biden demanding bribes.
02:03 And then in a last second twist, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy signaled that an impeachment
02:09 inquiry is looming.
02:10 So this Delaware prosecutor is thinking to himself, if I go forward with this sweetheart
02:15 plea deal, I'm part of the cover up.
02:18 And if they have impeachment hearings in the House, then they're calling me in to testify
02:21 under oath about how my office obstructed justice.
02:25 So this plea deal already half baked, made with a wink and a nod, couldn't survive the
02:31 scrutiny in an open courtroom on the heels of these explosive developments.
02:36 And believe us, Hunter's team did everything they could to resuscitate the plea today.
02:41 They went back into chambers scrambling.
02:43 But the judge wasn't putting up with any Hunter Biden's lawyers hail Mary's at this point,
02:48 especially after last night's shenanigans when Hunter's legal team was caught impersonating
02:53 a Republican lawyer calling the courthouse, trying to pull the IRS whistleblower testimony
02:59 from the docket.
03:00 Dirty trick.
03:02 So Hunter's legal team was already on thin ice.
03:05 The deal was already teetering.
03:07 All it took was a public hearing and a little shame to have this thing torpedoed.
03:12 This judge isn't buying the White House defense that Hunter was a victim of addiction who
03:17 wasn't responsible for his actions.
03:20 The judge asked if Hunter was sober when he was dodging taxes from 2018 to 2019, the years
03:27 he was there to plead guilty to.
03:29 And he said, yeah, he was sober.
03:31 So Hunter either lied to the judge or he was actually sober and fully cognizant when he
03:37 was signing fraudulent tax returns.
03:40 There goes the drug excuse.
03:43 This judge also asked if prosecutors were looking into Hunter Biden being a foreign
03:47 agent, illegally lobbying on behalf of foreign nationals.
03:52 Biden's Justice Department said, yeah, we're looking into FARA violations.
03:56 Well, that was news to us because that's probably the easiest thing to charge Hunter Biden with.
04:03 This means either two things.
04:05 Prosecutors were blocked from pursuing foreign lobbying violations or the Biden family protection
04:11 rackets cracking.
04:13 And all of a sudden, foreign lobbying charges are now on the table.
04:17 The judge is giving both sides until September 1st to give him a new deal.
04:21 And at this point, it's a race to placate the judge, but at the same time, save face
04:27 and save Hunter from further prosecution.
04:30 It's only going to get more corrupt as this clock ticks down to December 1st.
04:35 And that makes August the most critical month in the Biden presidency.
04:40 There is no way Hunter Biden, a spoiled brat, is copying to any plea that puts him in prison.
04:46 And neither is President Biden.
04:48 But immense pressure will build in August against the Biden family.
04:51 In days, Congressman Comer is set to release more damning bank records that show even more
04:57 money pouring into Biden family bank accounts and being disguised through shady shell companies.
05:03 Devin Archer, the longtime Biden family business partner, is set to spill his guts to James
05:08 Comer on Monday.
05:10 His testimony could be devastating.
05:12 Will Devin Archer even make it to Monday?
05:15 Currently he's in hiding and has been getting threats to his life.
05:18 Here's why.
05:19 He knows everything and details of his testimony have leaked.
05:23 Word is that Devin Archer will say Hunter would put Joe on the phone with his business
05:28 partners and Joe Biden would know everybody's names.
05:32 He'd know their wives' names and their kids' names.
05:34 It was a routine.
05:36 They played it out dozens of times with clients.
05:38 It was orchestrated and preplanned with the vice president.
05:42 And it was their closing pitch.
05:44 And after the clients heard Joe on the phone, familiar with everything, that's when they
05:48 wired Hunter the money.
05:51 And there was one pot of money for the entire Biden clan.
05:55 Hunter Biden paid Joe Biden's personal cell phone for years, $25,000.
06:00 He paid for home repairs.
06:02 He paid for monthly expenses.
06:04 Don't take it from me.
06:05 Take it for Hunter Biden himself.
06:07 He texted his daughter, quote, I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything
06:12 for entire family for 30 years.
06:14 It's really hard.
06:16 But don't worry.
06:17 Unlike pop, I won't make you give me half your salary.
06:20 This is all starting to reach very uncomfortable levels in the media.
06:24 They know political damage to Joe Biden when they see it.
06:29 This is a huge gift for former President Donald Trump and Republicans because it gives them
06:35 something to attack, to deflect.
06:37 It also gives more credibility to some of the unsubstantiated claims that Republicans
06:42 have been making to Hunter Biden's international business dealings.
06:47 It allows them to portray a picture entering into the campaign season to start chipping
06:52 away at Joe Biden's character.
06:54 That's the entire sort of premise here.
06:56 That's the goal of what they want to do.
06:57 They want to muddy up Joe Biden and the hairs on the back of Binder's neck starting to stick
07:02 up last week.
07:04 This was a Trump appointed prosecutor dealing with a Trump appointed judge.
07:07 And Joe Biden just loves his son.
07:10 But today there was a new talking point.
07:13 This case was handled independently.
07:15 This was an independent investigation that was that was overseen by the Department of
07:20 Justice.
07:21 They are independent.
07:22 Again, this was done independently.
07:23 I'm just going to not speak to that.
07:27 It is an independent matter.
07:28 And I'm just going to refer you as this has been an independent investigation.
07:34 Democrats know the bigger the cover up, the uglier the possible impeachment is going to
07:37 get.
07:39 Everybody heard what the judge said today in Delaware.
07:42 She'd never seen such a sweetheart deal.
07:44 She'd never heard of a gun charge just going away like that.
07:48 She'd never been asked to sign off on a deal that had handcuffed her.
07:52 The judge smelled a rat.
07:54 The White House was humiliated that its Justice Department was exposed for bringing such a
07:59 preposterous deal in front of the judge in public with reporters there.
08:04 And the White House can no longer claim that Hunter Biden's a private citizen.
08:08 So we're not going to talk about what kind of private citizen gets an armed eight car
08:13 motorcade to court.
08:15 Today was the day the Hunter Biden scandal became the Joe Biden scandal.
08:20 Democrats are now forced to reckon with this.
08:21 And so far, they're in a state of denial.
08:24 Why do you think Democrats seem to not care when there's a Democrat in the White House
08:30 about possible corruption in the Oval Office?
08:32 The corruption that we're seeing is a corruption of the Republican Party.
08:37 Why don't Democrats care about some of this stuff that has come out?
08:40 Because it's BS.
08:41 There's no real evidence.
08:42 Why would we want to impeach him when he's when there is no wrongdoing?
08:47 Today's plea bargain implosion was more evidence of a cover up, and everybody who's participated
08:52 in the cover up is on notice.
08:55 Today was the day finally where justice was served.
08:57 We can feel the wheels of justice turning.
08:59 The ground has shifted.
09:00 Momentum is on our side and it is about time.
