Obama Chef Fatality EXPLODES In Unimaginable RightWing Hysterics

  • last year
Obama Chef Fatality EXPLODES In Unimaginable RightWing Hysterics
00:00 The body of a missing paddle
00:01 boarder was found earlier this week
00:03 outside of Martha's Vineyard.
00:05 The deceased turned out to be
00:07 Tafari Campbell, who we have
00:08 a photo of, who was a chef of
00:10 former President Barack Obama,
00:12 apparently was visiting Martha's
00:14 Vineyard when he tragically
00:15 passed away.
00:17 He was apparently seen struggling
00:19 in the water of Great Pond Sunday
00:20 night before he went under.
00:22 Massachusetts State Police divers
00:24 found his body around 10 AM Monday
00:26 using side scan sonar from a boat.
00:28 His body was recovered about
00:29 a foot from shore and
00:31 about eight feet of water.
00:33 So this is obviously a massive
00:35 tragedy to die while on vacation,
00:37 he's paddle boarding,
00:39 he's just trying to have fun.
00:41 And so it's devastating for him,
00:44 his family, everyone who knows him.
00:46 It gets a little bit worse in a way
00:48 that we're going to describe in
00:49 a second.
00:50 But I just want to just pause for
00:52 a second on the fact that a person's
00:53 life has been lost.
00:54 That is going to be immediately set
00:56 aside by everyone who sees some
00:58 sort of political benefit to gain
01:00 from the fact that a person has
01:01 died.
01:02 But Adrienne, what do you think?
01:04 >> No, you're absolutely right.
01:05 It's tragic and it's unfortunate.
01:08 The man was out there engaging in
01:09 a leisure activity.
01:10 He's top of his game and
01:11 contributing to the world,
01:13 the culinary arts.
01:14 And for him to lose his life,
01:16 it just reminds us also that
01:18 the power of the water and
01:20 how careful we have to be.
01:21 But also, the fact is that we
01:23 should not let the loss of Mr.
01:25 Campbell's life be overshadowed by
01:27 the conspiracy theories that I know
01:29 you are going to go into.
01:31 >> We're going to, look,
01:32 I will say I agree.
01:34 I don't know when it was that I
01:35 developed what I guess would be
01:37 described as a fear of the ocean.
01:39 I don't know, maybe it comes out of
01:40 the trip that I took in the Arctic.
01:42 I spent many weeks in the Arctic on
01:45 a boat.
01:45 I don't know,
01:46 maybe it came from that.
01:48 But yeah, we don't control it.
01:50 We have all this technology and
01:52 all these developments and
01:53 all this stuff that we've done,
01:55 all this mastery of the world.
01:57 That ends like 10 feet off
01:58 the shore and
01:59 then it's a different world.
02:01 It's basically outer space.
02:03 It is dangerous.
02:03 I've come close to drowning before.
02:05 Let alone sharks,
02:07 which I understand they don't attack
02:10 as many people as many people think,
02:12 but it's still scary and
02:13 it does happen.
02:14 So anyway, yeah,
02:15 you have to be constantly vigilant.
02:18 All he was doing was paddleboarding
02:20 close to the shore.
02:21 He wasn't doing anything super
02:23 risky.
02:23 He wasn't acting irresponsible.
02:26 It can just happen.
02:26 So that said, President Obama,
02:29 Mrs. Obama released a joint
02:30 statement.
02:31 Bear in mind that they have a home
02:32 on the island, but
02:33 they weren't there.
02:35 That would seem to be a relevant
02:36 fact for what we're going to talk
02:37 about, you will quickly find out
02:39 that it's not.
02:40 They said Tafari was a beloved part
02:42 of our family.
02:43 When we first met him,
02:44 he was a talented sous chef at
02:45 the White House, creative and
02:47 passionate about food and
02:48 its ability to bring people
02:49 together.
02:50 And the years that followed,
02:52 we got to know him as a warm, fun,
02:53 extraordinarily kind person who
02:55 made all of our lives a little
02:56 better.
02:57 That's why when we were getting
02:58 ready to leave the White House,
03:00 we asked Tafari to stay with us and
03:01 he generously agreed.
03:03 He's been part of our lives ever
03:04 since, and our hearts are broken
03:06 that he's gone.
03:07 Today we join everyone who knew and
03:09 loved Tafari, especially his wife
03:11 Sharice and their twin boys,
03:12 Xavier and Savin, in grieving
03:14 the loss of a truly wonderful man.
03:16 Sad, again, everyone who knows him
03:19 is just devastated by something
03:20 that they could have never expected
03:22 would happen.
03:23 And that would seem to be enough
03:25 for most people, a reminder that we
03:27 live in a chaotic world that we can
03:29 attempt to control but
03:31 fundamentally will never be able to.
03:33 It is a wild and chaotic place, but
03:36 for others, that is not acceptable.
03:38 It's too scary,
03:39 they get too much anxiety from that,
03:41 and thus enters conspiracism.
03:43 The belief that everything can be
03:45 explained must be explained because
03:47 we are too terrified of the idea
03:49 that it might not be explained.
03:51 For more political coverage,
03:53 political news breakdowns,
03:54 interviews, stories of activism,
03:56 and me trying my hardest to care
03:58 about the occasional big celebrity
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