• 2 years ago
00:00 - Hello, sir.
00:00 Thanks for talking to Muscle & Fitness.
00:02 We really appreciate it.
00:03 - I'm happy to talk to you too, man.
00:05 Thanks for having me.
00:06 - Awesome.
00:07 Well, big fan of the show and big wrestling fan as well.
00:09 So love everything about it and love the first season,
00:12 kind of catching up with the second one.
00:14 And first thing I noticed was that you said
00:16 that you'd put on like 20 pounds for the role,
00:18 which is a heck of amount of mass.
00:20 And I'm wondering, how do you kind of eat more
00:22 and then try and stay lean?
00:24 'Cause you look good too.
00:25 - Oh, thanks, man.
00:26 You know, the key, honestly,
00:28 it does come down to one word, it's eating.
00:30 I've done a lot of my own research
00:33 and I've been lucky enough to work with a lot of really,
00:36 you know, what people would say
00:37 are like the highest qualified trainers or whatever.
00:39 And they are really good at what they do,
00:43 but I realized that everybody has to find
00:46 what works for them.
00:48 And for me, I used to work out like a crazy person,
00:51 but then by the end of the night, I was so hungry
00:54 because I've just like completely,
00:56 and I would just destroy my day's workout
00:57 because we always think we burn more calories than we do.
01:01 So for me, it's finding that balance
01:03 between my caloric intake and then my weightlifting.
01:07 And then my mental health,
01:09 'cause like I do like running, but I can't do it every day.
01:11 Like I used to try to run five miles a day.
01:13 It's like, that's insane.
01:14 So I really think balance is the answer.
01:16 You know, I appreciate you saying that.
01:19 I never, like I really hated being that big.
01:22 Like it just didn't feel good because it's as simple,
01:25 and you know this, I'm sure,
01:26 but for your readers, like there's no hidden secret.
01:30 There isn't some like drug they're putting at least me on.
01:33 I'm sure that other people have tried HGH
01:36 and all that other testosterone replacement.
01:37 I'm sure it works for some people,
01:38 but for me, it's never been that.
01:40 It's genuinely just been,
01:42 if you wanna get bigger, you have to eat more.
01:46 If you wanna get smaller, you have to eat less, period.
01:49 Then if you wanna get bigger and look lean,
01:51 you have to eat more, workout, and eat clean food.
01:56 You can't take in a bunch of McDonald's burgers
01:59 and expect to look great
02:01 'cause you're gonna put on weight,
02:02 but it's not gonna be the good kind of weight.
02:04 If you wanna look smaller and look lean,
02:06 you gotta eat less and it's gotta be clean.
02:09 So clean food is like the main thing
02:11 and caloric intake is huge.
02:12 So for me, my biggest thing has been MyFitnessPal.
02:17 And I don't have a sponsorship deal with them.
02:21 Fucking shit, you gave me this shit.
02:23 - Right, isn't it, yeah.
02:24 - Like MyFitnessPal,
02:25 and it says I have to stay under 2,270 calories a day.
02:30 And if I can stay under that a day,
02:32 that means that in six weeks,
02:34 so I'm over like my weight that I like to be right now,
02:37 I'll be at my goal weight, which is 210.
02:39 At 210, I feel my best.
02:42 225 is where I was at season one.
02:47 And actually, no, 225 was where I was at for "Bad Boys"
02:51 and 220 was where I was at, 217, 220 for season one.
02:55 But to me, I don't feel good when I'm that big.
02:59 So, and then if you want bigger muscles,
03:01 it's like you gotta lift heavier over time
03:05 and your muscles will grow.
03:06 It sounds so simple.
03:09 The hardest thing is the consistency of it.
03:11 So my thing to people is like, just go to the gym.
03:14 The truth is, I always tell people,
03:16 if you wanna look great,
03:17 you don't even have to technically go to the gym.
03:19 You can just eat right and you'll look great.
03:21 Going to the gym is just a bonus
03:23 because you look more toned
03:25 and then it's good for your health.
03:28 So that's what I've learned so far,
03:31 but you tell me if I'm off.
03:32 - No, that all sounds good to me.
03:34 One thing that's definitely right
03:36 is all things are different for everybody, like you say.
03:39 But I also love the tip you were talking on an interview
03:42 where you were eating protein bars,
03:43 but you're eating the natural stuff
03:45 'cause we all snack, don't we?
03:46 And then we crash at night and that,
03:48 'cause I absolutely love that tip.
03:49 But let me just ask you one last quick question as well,
03:52 because it looked to me in episode one,
03:54 like you were doing more wrestling content
03:55 than maybe you'd done in the past.
03:57 How was that for you?
03:58 And do you respect the professional wrestling business?
04:01 - I think they're insane, but I respect the shit out of them.
04:04 It's like, it is nuts, man.
04:07 It's like, it's the same schedule as a touring musician,
04:10 except instead of playing a show,
04:11 you're getting hit on the head with a guitar.
04:13 It's like, these guys are insane, but I love them.
04:16 They're my family and I really respect wrestling.
04:20 So much of my physique in season one
04:24 wasn't even just to look good in tights.
04:26 It was really just because I had to get my body,
04:29 especially my back, to a place
04:30 where I could withstand the pressure
04:32 because you can't fake a lot of this stuff.
04:34 We have amazing stunt doubles,
04:37 but most of the stuff I have to do,
04:39 if you see a backflip off the top turnbuckle,
04:41 that's me doing it.
04:41 If you see me hitting the mat really hard
04:44 off the top turnbuckle, that's me.
04:45 The only thing I'm not gonna do
04:47 is fall off a 20-foot cage
04:49 'cause there's no way a producer's gonna let me do that.
04:51 But all the other stuff is us and you get your ass kicked.
04:55 So that was the main thing,
04:58 is we had to train for our job for this.
05:01 - Yeah, well, you definitely do it all justice
05:03 and really enjoying it and the consistency
05:06 and the effort that you put in really shows,
05:08 but it's got a great story and a great backdrop.
05:10 It's just a wonderful show.
05:11 So listen, keep doing what you're doing
05:13 and hopefully see you around.
05:15 - Dude, such a pleasure, Scott.
05:16 I appreciate you, man.
05:17 - Thank you.