Top 10 Best Howard & Bernadette Moments on The Big Bang Theory

  • last year
Howard and Bernadette had amazing chemistry on "TBBT." For this list, we’ll be looking at times the Rostenkowski-Wolowitzes were the funniest, cutest, and most relatable “Big Bang Theory” couple.


00:00 Like you this is going to be short and sweet. I
00:02 Love you with all my heart and soul and promise to be with you forever
00:08 Welcome to ms. Mojo and today
00:12 We're counting down our picks for the top 10 Howard and Bernadette moments on the Big Bang Theory if this relationship is
00:19 over
00:21 let her know that she made me a better man and
00:25 Tell her thank you
00:29 For this list we'll be looking at the times the Rostankowski
00:33 Wallowitz's were the funniest cutest and most relatable Big Bang Theory couple
00:38 Do you think Howard and Bernadette are the dot to each other's calm? Let us know in the comments
00:43 Number 10 getting competitive after Raj and Anu cancelled their wedding the guys decide to repackage their bachelor party plans into a guy's weekend
00:53 I use my NASA connections to get us four seats on that plane that lets you experience weightlessness
00:59 vomit comment that is so
01:01 but when Leonard and Sheldon pull out Raj asks Anu leading Bernadette to demand an
01:07 Invitation to Howard knows that flying around in zero gravity isn't exactly Bernie's spinning cup of tea
01:12 Bernie you got sick from the teacup ride at Disneyland
01:18 We were still in line
01:23 However, he also knows just how stubborn she is and how far she'll go to be right this turns into a hysterical
01:29 Argument where Howard tries to goad her into admitting how well he knows her unless you don't want to because I was right and I
01:36 Do know you
01:38 If you really know me, then you know how far I'll go to prove a point
01:40 Apparently 34,000 feet that way then straight back down up and down over and over again until you throw up food
01:45 You didn't even eat but she's so adamant about proving him wrong. She goes through with it. Anyway, at least it was worth it
01:51 I hate this so much
01:53 Why am I doing this?
01:57 To prove a stupid point to your husband
01:59 Alright, worth it
02:02 Number nine Howard sings for forgiveness as you probably recall Howard and Bernadette got engaged in season four
02:10 Yes, I will marry you you will you will
02:14 I will
02:16 I will
02:18 I love you so much
02:20 I love you too
02:22 But did you remember that it wasn't the first time Howard got down on one knee a season earlier?
02:25 He freaks out when Bernadette asks where the relationship is going and basically ghosts her
02:30 Understandably, she's upset. So what's the obvious solution?
02:34 I'm never gonna find another girl like you who likes me and is you know
02:39 real
02:41 So this isn't a joke no, then you're insane
02:47 Yeah, not that if anything he just makes matters worse
02:51 However later on he makes a comeback with a personalized rewrite of the four tops Bernadette
02:57 It was just crazy idea that came to me in my tub
03:03 And if there's one thing we know about Howard Wolowitz is that he's a skilled serenader still if Bernie found that romantic
03:15 It really must have been love. That's the most romantic thing anyone's ever done for me
03:20 Thank You Cheesecake Factory
03:24 Number eight their first date to say that it was love at first sight would be well
03:29 It would be an outright lie Leonard asks penny to find Howard a date after he invokes an old pact
03:35 However, as soon as they meet it's clear. They have very little in common and next to no chemistry
03:41 You like science fiction? No. Role-playing games? Like in the bedroom or like Dungeons and Dragons?
03:47 Either. No.
03:50 Yet Howard persists and the results are as funny as they are painful
03:54 Puppies, where do you stand on puppies?
03:58 Puppy once bit my face
04:01 Howard's mom
04:05 Inadvertently ends up playing Cupid for the couple after she calls the pair compares their overbearing mothers and suddenly the sparks start flying
04:12 My mother made me wear rubber gloves to kindergarten so I wouldn't pick up a disease from the other children
04:18 That's nothing. I couldn't ride a bicycle because my mother was afraid I'd hit a bump and lose my virginity
04:24 Did we think they were endgame? Probably not yet, but there was clearly something special between them
04:31 Number seven moving in together finally speaking of Howard's mother. She was very much the third wheel in the relationship
04:38 Okay, I see what you're getting at
04:40 How about this weekend? I'll box up all my things and move them to our place
04:48 Thank you. In fact Howard often found himself torn between his loyalties to her and to Bernadette
04:54 He couldn't even escape when he was hundreds of miles away at the space station
04:58 What's this mischievous about you moving out to go live with a little Polish girl?
05:02 How about calling her my wife?
05:06 Wives don't take boys from their mothers. They do that's why we marry them
05:11 We have to commend Bernie on her patience, but eventually she's had enough and we totally get it in this episode
05:18 She insists that Howard grows up and moves out of his childhood bedroom
05:22 And I will yeah, right
05:27 Obviously not going to live in my mother's house for the rest of my life
05:30 I'm not a child after a lot of persuading pleading and some input from penny
05:35 He agrees and just as we think they've entered a new relationship phase. He guilts Bernie into a change of heart
05:41 But I want to live here
05:43 Can't we talk about this
05:53 Number six Bernadette supports Howard during space training despite her initial reservations
05:59 Bernadette was wholeheartedly behind Howard as he embarked on this once-in-a-lifetime
06:03 opportunity primal part of the human spirit that
06:07 Just wants to keep on living. Yeah, no matter what the cost
06:13 You're so brave. I'm proud of you
06:16 She comforts him during the lowest moments of his astronaut training and encourages him with her love and pride
06:22 However, she set the relationship bar high when she dropped everything and flew to Texas to be with him
06:28 Even if she wasn't the only one
06:30 Don't worry once she falls asleep I'll spoon you like an armadillo
06:39 She also stood by him when he went stir-crazy and she's the one who brings him down to earth when his head gets too big
06:45 For his space helmet, you know Howard Wolowitz is the best guy I know
06:50 You're just saying that no, I'm not I married him
06:54 on purpose
06:56 Let's not forget how she looks out for his well-being when Howard debates his return trip invitation
07:01 He did that entire experience. Does it make me an awful wife if I don't think you should do it again?
07:06 Not at all
07:08 He's forgotten how miserable he was the entire time. He was up there. Her devotion is out of this world
07:15 Number five their wedding something about the idea of being launched hundreds of miles upward into the stratosphere
07:21 Seemingly unlocks Howard's romantic side and his gift to Bernadette is surprisingly thoughtful
07:25 I'm gonna have to get it back from you so I can take it to the International Space Station
07:30 That way when I come home you will have a star that was actually in space
07:37 It also gets her thinking that they should move up their wedding. They go down to City Hall, but they're too late
07:42 Luckily, it's Raj's neck for party planning to the rescue
07:46 Their rooftop wedding is perfect and the vows they share are so adorable. We can't help but shed a few tears
07:52 until I met you I
07:54 couldn't imagine spending my life with just one person and
07:59 Now I can't imagine spending one day of it without you
08:05 Having their friends marry them is a nice touch
08:08 We now pronounce you husband and wife
08:12 And getting their big day immortalized on Google Maps is just the icing on the wedding cake
08:19 Number four becoming parents Howard and Bernadette's road to parenthood was certainly a rocky one in season 5
08:26 Bernadette makes it very clear that kids aren't part of her plan, right?
08:30 When it's our kid that's ruined my body and kept me up all night
08:33 And I've got no career and no future or nothing to be happy about for the next 20 years
08:37 Sure, that'll be completely different
08:39 However in season 9 she becomes pregnant watching Howard spiral from elation to panic is equally hilarious and relatable
08:47 How's it gonna be? Okay. Look at me
08:50 I'm a mess that means this baby's gonna be half a mess and that's even before we screw it up with our cut rate
08:57 Moderately attractive nanny and soon enough. They're both freaking out
09:00 But Howard and Bernadette share a strong and loving relationship that had already endured its fair share of road bumps
09:06 So we were positive they would make great parents. You might not have to wait nine months to see someone soil their pants
09:11 But I'm also really excited I
09:15 Mean it
09:19 Still after Hallie's born they learned that parenthood is no picnic
09:23 So when Howard tells Bernie just how proud of her he is our hearts are ready to burst
09:28 Good job, mommy
09:30 Number three Howard gives Bernadette a break
09:41 Yes
09:42 Howard and Bernadette make a great team
09:43 But thanks to Howard's upbringing an over doting mother Bernie often feels like she has an extra child in the house
09:49 And you can imagine spending all day in a demanding job and coming home to a needy husband and two small kids is not the one
09:56 I'm gonna be stuck at work for a while
09:58 That's terrible hang in there
10:04 I'll be home as soon as I can
10:06 So she finds a secret spot to get some alone time Howard reveals to Raj that he knows about her hideout
10:12 But appreciates that she needs some time to herself so he doesn't say anything
10:16 She's been a little overwhelmed at work and frankly me and the kids are a lot
10:21 Okay, so he's also hoping to use it against her one day, but the first part is pretty cute
10:25 I told her I got life insurance and I totally didn't
10:29 Someday she's gonna find out I'm gonna say I know you've been hiding in the playhouse
10:35 Number two Bernadette made Howard a better man Howard made some pretty creepy and sleazy choices before Bernadette entered his life
10:44 Much of his sordid past is rehashed during Raj's drunken best man speech at his bachelor party
10:50 Leonard and I took Howard to Las Vegas and and paid a hooker to pretend she was Jewish and that she wanted his
10:58 little kosher pickle
11:00 Will Wheaton films it and puts it online and guess who sees it?
11:04 Bernadette's horrified to uncover this side of Howard and considers calling off the wedding
11:08 I don't know what I'm gonna do
11:10 I'm supposed to marry Howard in a couple weeks and I'm not sure I even know who the man is anymore
11:15 She won't even talk to him when he tries to apologize
11:18 So he asked penny to pass the message along his apology shows real personal growth and demonstrates how much of a positive
11:24 Influence Bernadette has had on his life the guy that she's disgusted by is the guy that I'm disgusted by too
11:31 but that guy doesn't exist anymore, he's gone and
11:34 the reason is
11:37 Because of her like penny we found his speech both unexpected and incredibly touching
11:43 Before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions
11:47 Bernadette becomes Howard's pageant wife. We have to admit Howard's performance is pretty magical credit to Bernadette
11:54 I've got me
11:56 I've got parts of perform
12:00 hearts warm
12:03 Kings and things handling lost luggage. We don't condone her methods, but that's some strong wifely dedication right there
12:12 Yes
12:14 You better find my husband's mother cuz one way or another we're walking out of this airport with a dead woman
12:20 When Howard met Bernadette, we'll have what she's having
12:25 Bernadette stands by her man. No matter how ridiculous the fight is who wouldn't want Bernie in their corner
12:41 Was it me being Howard's spy
12:43 Don't play dumb with me sister you tell your husband he owes me $200. Well, that doesn't make sense either. Why not?
12:51 I'm the one who had a toad
12:54 Buying Howard a Rolex. She just wants her baby to have nice stuff. How much did this cost?
13:00 Oh, you let me worry about the money. I
13:03 Just want my baby to have pretty things
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13:24 Number one if I didn't have you Howard has big plans for his anniversary of his first date with Bernadette and even a raccoon virus
13:33 Accident that leaves her in quarantine won't stop him from following through
13:38 with
13:40 Well tonight is the anniversary of our first date and I wanted to celebrate it by
13:45 Writing a song for you
13:47 So he brings his keyboard and friends to the hospital and performs an incredibly catchy adorably hilarious and oh so romantic song
13:54 Without a wick Watson without a crick. I'd be one of my outfits without a dick
14:00 It makes Bernadette well up and we're not ashamed to admit that it left us all choked up, too
14:06 She's the TARDIS to his doctor the Dickey to one of his outfits and the string to his string theory
14:12 How good my life would get
14:16 from the moment that I met you
14:20 Bernadette and we think we can all agree if he didn't have Bernadette. He definitely still be living at home with his mom
14:27 I'd speak a lot more Klingon to lock next cock judge
14:30 Mom
14:32 Do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Ms
14:41 Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
14:45 You
14:47 You
14:49 You
14:52 You
14:54 (upbeat music)
