The Big Bang Theory's Howard Impressions vs the Actual Person

  • last year
Howard left a strong impression on "The Big Bang Theory." Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at Howard Wolowitz’s impressions on “The Big Bang Theory” and how they compare to the actual person he’s imitating.


00:00 You're sitting in my spot.
00:01 [LAUGHTER]
00:03 Welcome to Miss Mojo, and today we're
00:05 looking at Howard Wolowitz's impressions on the Big Bang
00:08 Theory and how they compare to the actual person he's
00:11 imitating.
00:12 This whole apartment is playing D&D.
00:18 [LAUGHTER]
00:20 Number nine, Stuart Bloom.
00:23 Stuart is one of the most beloved characters
00:25 on the Big Bang Theory.
00:27 But when we talk about him, we do
00:29 have to acknowledge that there are really two Stuarts.
00:31 The monster foods, they're really fun.
00:33 Oh, yes, thank you.
00:35 I like to think of fun things like that, because I'm fun.
00:39 No, we aren't talking about a Jekyll and Hyde situation,
00:42 but more of a pre-season three Stuart
00:44 and a post-season three Stuart.
00:46 Pre-season three Stuart is a talented artist
00:49 with a pretty good flirt game and actual confidence
00:52 around pretty girls.
00:53 OK, you've got my number.
00:55 Now give me the picture.
00:56 You drive a hard bargain, but here.
01:00 All right.
01:01 So just give me a call.
01:04 While post-season three Stuart is--
01:06 well, Howard's impression pretty much says it all.
01:09 And compared to the real thing, it
01:11 seems pretty darn good to us.
01:13 It's been a while since I've gone on a date.
01:17 Mind if we watch the monkeys doing it?
01:19 [LAUGHTER]
01:25 I said that to you in confidence.
01:29 Number eight, Bert the chimney sweep.
01:31 Well, call blimey.
01:33 You look like a thousand tuppence, don't he,
01:35 Mary Poppins?
01:38 Are you going to talk like that all night?
01:40 Chip Willikers, I am.
01:43 In the final Halloween episode of the series,
01:45 Howard wears two great costumes.
01:47 The first one we get into a little later on this list,
01:50 while the second one is a perfect accompaniment
01:53 to his wife's Mary Poppins outfit.
01:55 Howard is dressed as Mary's closest friend Bert,
01:58 the singing and dancing Cockney chimney sweep played
02:01 in the original 1964 film by the great Dick Van Dyke.
02:05 Step in time.
02:06 Step in time.
02:07 Step in time.
02:08 Come on, mighty, step in time.
02:12 Step in time.
02:13 And while Bernadette looks the part of Mary,
02:16 Howard puts on a great Cockney accent
02:18 and even does a little plie reminiscent of Van Dyke's
02:21 character movements and mannerisms.
02:23 He's going to get a spoonful of sugar later.
02:26 And I'm going to sweep Miss Poppins' chimney.
02:30 Number seven, Bernadette Rostenkowski.
02:33 Ask any husband if imitating your wife
02:35 is a smart thing to do, and we're pretty sure
02:38 the answer will always be no.
02:40 Stop talking about space so much.
02:43 Nobody likes it.
02:44 I don't sound like that.
02:50 Howard is a genius, but he isn't always
02:52 the smartest when it comes to women.
02:54 And so he shows off his Bernadette impression
02:57 on multiple occasions.
02:58 Plain old Howard Wolowitz is the best guy I know.
03:02 You're just saying that.
03:04 No, I'm not.
03:05 I married him on purpose.
03:09 And it's a pretty good impression at that.
03:11 He might seem like an easy one to do on the surface.
03:14 Just do a high-pitched voice.
03:16 But it isn't as easy as it sounds.
03:18 Also, while it might not be the smartest thing to do,
03:21 it sure is funny.
03:22 Oh, Harry, I don't need food as long as I can look at my phone.
03:26 [LAUGHTER]
03:28 I don't like when you imitate me.
03:30 Number six, Raj Koothrappali.
03:33 They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
03:36 So it only makes sense that Howard would
03:38 imitate his best friend Raj.
03:40 All right, hotshot, let's hear your Indian.
03:42 In fact, he does it on a couple of occasions
03:45 over the course of the series.
03:47 While both are good, it is the second time
03:49 that is the most accurate version of his little buddy.
03:52 In season one, Howard calls Lalita Gupta on Raj's behalf.
03:56 And although he does a good Indian accent,
03:58 it's a little generic and not that accurate
04:01 to how Raj actually sounds.
04:03 So anyhow, when would you like to meet?
04:07 Friday works for me.
04:09 However, it seems like he worked on it.
04:11 Because by season six, Howard has much
04:14 improved his Raj impression.
04:15 A spectral shape rises from Koothrappali's bloody corpse
04:20 and says, don't worry, buddies.
04:23 Ghost Raj will help guide you through the forest.
04:28 Number five, Nicolas Cage.
04:30 When it comes to Howard's celebrity impressions,
04:33 it's his turn as dungeon master that
04:35 brings a number of them to light for the first time.
04:38 Travel with caution.
04:42 These woods are home to the bones of many a fallen hero.
04:50 And for anyone who was hesitant about him leading the game,
04:53 including Sheldon, that hesitation
04:56 is quickly pushed aside when Howard gets things going
04:59 with an impression of Nicolas Cage.
05:01 It's a really good impression that not only captures Cage's
05:04 voice, but also his iconic ability
05:06 to go from zero to freaking intense in a matter of seconds.
05:10 The right file, according to alphabetical order.
05:15 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P.
05:21 Nick even makes another appearance later on
05:24 in the game as well.
05:25 Well, I'm just a tree.
05:26 But if I were you, I'd listen to your ghost friend.
05:31 Number four, Sheldon Cooper.
05:33 Did you do something different to your hair?
05:37 Yes.
05:39 Looking good.
05:40 During the decade of the 2010s, we all
05:42 knew someone who would throw on a Flash t-shirt
05:44 and call themselves Sheldon for Halloween.
05:47 But it takes more than just a superhero t-shirt
05:49 to be Sheldon Cooper, as Howard showed us so hysterically
05:52 on the final Halloween episode of the series.
05:55 A jury's conviction based on a constitutional or statutory
05:57 issue.
05:57 Why are you laughing?
06:04 His statement was factually correct.
06:06 The straight delivery, the robotic movements,
06:09 and the constant factoids all came together
06:12 to create the best Sheldon besides Sheldon himself.
06:15 Irritable comes from the Latin, susceptible to anger.
06:19 Just because I used a word doesn't
06:21 mean I want its etymology.
06:22 Interesting fact, etymology comes from the Greek.
06:24 You are being so annoying.
06:26 Stop it.
06:28 And although Sheldon's Howard costume was funny,
06:30 his impression didn't hold a Bunsen burner
06:33 to Howard's version of him.
06:34 Number three, Al Pacino.
06:37 And again, we find ourselves back
06:39 at that game of Dungeons and Dragons as Dungeon Master.
06:43 Howard continues to impress everyone with his impressions.
06:47 A satanic fungus that looks suspiciously like Al Pacino
06:52 rises from the forest floor.
06:54 This time, the girls have just shown up
06:56 because their trip to Vegas was canceled
06:58 after Amy elbowed a TSA agent.
07:01 And Sheldon has left it up to Howard
07:03 to decide if they can join the game or not.
07:05 To announce his decision, Howard breaks out
07:07 his Al Pacino impression.
07:09 You're out of order.
07:11 You're out of order.
07:12 The whole trial is out of order.
07:14 In an ode to the famous "you're out of order"
07:16 speech from "And Justice for All,"
07:18 he tells everyone, they're playing D&D.
07:21 You're playing D&D.
07:23 You're playing D&D.
07:25 This whole apartment is playing D&D.
07:31 It's playing D&D.
07:34 Number two, Stephen Hawking.
07:36 The first impression that Howard does on the show
07:38 is none other than the great Stephen Hawking.
07:41 And it comes in the pilot episode
07:43 when we first meet Howard.
07:45 It's a Stephen Hawking lecture from MIT in 1974.
07:49 This isn't a good time.
07:50 It's before he became a 3D computer boy.
07:55 You might say he does the impression as we're just
07:57 forming our impression of him.
07:59 Or maybe you wouldn't say that.
08:01 I would not do your Stephen Hawking
08:03 impression in front of him.
08:06 You're right.
08:07 I suppose that could be considered offensive.
08:14 The point is Howard does a very good Hawking.
08:17 And it's an impression he brings back multiple times
08:19 throughout the series.
08:20 And just in case you thought it was an easy impression
08:23 that anyone could do, maybe present Leonard's attempt at it.
08:26 He's funny, too.
08:27 He does this hysterical impersonation of Stephen Hawking
08:30 having phone sex.
08:33 What are you wearing?
08:37 That's not-- he does it better.
08:39 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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08:55 Number one, Christopher Walken.
08:57 You'd think after all these years,
09:01 I'd know not to fly over volcanoes.
09:04 I'm a freaking idiot.
09:10 Everyone has that one friend who thinks they can do
09:13 a Christopher Walken impression.
09:15 But usually, it isn't very good and sounds more
09:18 like Joe Rogan's terrible Walken
09:20 than Kevin Pollak's amazing one.
09:22 Oh, my.
09:25 We're out of soy milk.
09:28 This is tragic news.
09:30 However, when it comes to Howard Wolowitz,
09:32 we easily put him in Pollak territory
09:35 with his great impression of the man who
09:37 stuck a gold watch up his butt in Pulp Fiction.
09:40 So he hid it in one place he knew he could hide something.
09:43 This impression comes again during Howard's
09:45 turn as Dungeon Master.
09:47 And as with the other celeb impressions he does,
09:50 the only one more impressed than us has got to be Sheldon.
09:53 Your little boy is coming home.
09:56 Oh, I don't know about you guys, but I have been
10:02 through the emotional ringer tonight.
10:04 What do you think Howard's best impression is?
10:06 Sound off in the comments.
10:08 Then he say something first, you know,
10:11 maybe in the voice of a beloved celebrity.
10:13 Do you agree with our picks?
10:15 Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
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