• last year
We asked people are you glad Sheffield is a university city.
00:00 We're out here today asking people if they're glad that Sheffield is a university town or if that kind of adds to its character.
00:04 Have you got any thoughts on that at all?
00:05 Yes, I would say that having studied at Sheffield, as being a student, it felt like home.
00:12 Because it's not as big as other cities, it's quite small I'd say, but the student life in it basically makes it, gives it that feeling of home I'd say.
00:22 Yeah, right.
00:23 And I'd say coming from Sheffield, like born and raised here as well, it gives it so much more diversity, like there's so many new cultures, so many new people.
00:32 And just, it's such a wide environment and it just makes the nightlife amazing.
00:37 Every night's like a student night and you can even get some really good cheap nights out and student deals.
00:42 And it's basically, it's a student city I'd say, just it's perfectly designed, so small and everything, just perfect if you're wanting to come here.
00:48 When you compare it to the bigger cities, you've got Leeds, you've got Manchester or Liverpool for example, where does it match up in that terms?
00:55 I'd say Sheffield is more of like Leeds rather than Manchester.
01:01 Yeah, easier to get here.
01:02 But I like this thing about Sheffield that it's easy to navigate, you can't get lost.
01:08 But in Leeds, you might go somewhere else.
01:12 Alright.
01:14 Well, we come from Derby, so it's quite a contrast coming to Sheffield because it's really quite student-y, because obviously two universities, it does feel very youthful, it's quite lively.
01:27 I'd say Derby's quite quiet a lot of the time, so we've come here obviously because it's bigger, livelier, more interesting things to do as well.
01:37 Is there a distinct side between say daytime in Sheffield and night time, like is a bit of a going out scene as well?
01:44 I mean, does that compare at all?
01:46 Yeah, well, I think it's just everything seems a lot bigger, a lot livelier, like I said, because a lot of students do go out and there's definitely student-y areas for going out, like regular pubs and stuff that students go to.
02:02 So I think that's quite cool to have in comparison to Derby where you're just full of old people as well.
02:10 It's a lot more spread out here I feel like as well, whereas in Derby it's just very compact and very just...
02:18 Yeah, room to breathe.
02:19 Yeah, there's a lot of places to go. If you're fed up of one area, you just go to another place.
