"My breast implants made me go temporarily blind - I had them removed and feel much better"

  • last year
A mum spent years suffering from a mystery illness which left her temporarily blind - but disappeared after she had her breast implants removed.

Danielle Sheehan, now 32, had implants aged 19 after winning a £5k beauty makeover.

She was then plagued by hair loss, fatigue, eczema and inflammation in the years that followed - but couldn't work out why.

She went to her doctor multiple times and even attended A&E when she lost her sight.

Danielle, from Norwich, Norfolk, says medics suggested she might have an autoimmune condition or be under too much stress.

But she now thinks she had breast implant illness (BII) - after her problems vanished within weeks of her implants being removed.

Government information published in January 2020 said experts were aware of BII and were investigating.

It said they did "not know if there is a link between breast implants and the reported health problems" - but did not rule it out.

Danielle, who owns a beauty clinic, said: "After I had my son and over the last year, I had constant eczema, weeping skin and dry eyes - I ended up in A&E because I couldn’t see.

“Doctors told me they thought it was stress due to being a new mum and going through a breakup.

“I stumbled across other people talking about breast implant illness and saw they had rashes around their eyes the same as mine, it was like a lightbulb moment.

“My symptoms were all exactly the same – I had rashes, a low mood, I felt like I was slowly dying, and I just didn’t feel well at all.

“Even the surgeon was shocked to see the before and after pictures following the explant – two hours after the surgery [the rash on my face] was gone.”

Danielle decided to get implants in 2010 after winning a makeover in an online competition.

She says at the time she was working as a model and thought implants would help further her career.

However, she claims she began to suffer from eczema flare-ups almost immediately and despite using steroid tablets and light therapy the problems persisted.

Doctors told her the issues were down to stress but Danielle tried testing herself for food allergies and high cortisol levels – even cutting foods out of her diet and changing her water filter system to try and heal her symptoms.

However, after she saw posts online about breast implant illness she began to compare her symptoms.

She says that the doctors she spoke to had not heard of the condition but sent her for an ultrasound to check the integrity of the implants.

As the implants were intact, doctors offered her immunosuppressants in case the issues were caused by an autoimmune condition – but Danielle decide to undergo an explant first.

She sold her car to fund the surgery and says within hours of having the implants removed she saw an improvement in her skin condition.

Now she wants to raise awareness of the condition and thinks doctors should ask women if they have breast implants before investigating for autoimmune disorders.

And she says since posting about her journey on TikTok, other women have got in touch to share their similar experiences with her.

“The moment the implants came out I felt so much better,” said Danielle.

“I feel safe in my body now, I feel emotionally stable, the rashes around my eyes have gone and the eczema is trailing off now.

“My hair looks better - it had got really thin and was falling out.

“My priority is awareness of breast implant illness. GPs need to take it seriously and ask about implants - it should be a mandatory question for girls going in with autoimmune conditions.

“I don’t think anyone would know – you never would put hair loss and rashes down to having implants.

“So many girls have messaged me since seeing my video on TikTok – so many of them having come into my clinic to say they’re getting a consultation to get their implants removed.”


00:00 This is what breast implant illness looks like for me.
00:03 I frequently get dry, itchy and inflamed eyes.
00:06 Random rashes appear over my body in symmetry,
00:09 all over my chest, my neck and my arms and leg.
00:12 My eyes have been so dry that I've actually not been able to open them
00:16 and ended up in A and E because of it.
00:18 I've experienced ringing in my ears, fatigue, low mood, hair loss,
00:23 anxiety and just full body inflammation.
00:27 The reason I know it's breast implant illness is that I have tried
00:30 absolutely everything else to figure out what is going on with me.
00:33 I've done food allergy testing and also tested my cortisol levels.
00:37 I've used topical steroid creams with no effect.
00:40 There's so much more I've tested for and nothing's helped.
00:42 And now these implants are coming out.
00:44 So this is just before I went in for explantation.
00:47 And this picture here is five hours out of surgery
00:53 with a full removal of my silicone implants
00:57 and their textured implants that have been in for 13 years.
01:00 Doctors and surgeons don't really take breast implant illness seriously.
01:05 And I think that often it can get misdiagnosed as autoimmune disorders,
01:09 which it can trigger. But I think that they should be aware
01:12 that it could be because of the implants and that should be something
01:15 that they question clients or patients with,
01:18 whether they have implants or not, if they're experiencing any of these symptoms.
01:22 I had everybody telling me that it was lupus.
01:26 It was a food allergy. It was an intolerance to this and that.
01:30 I knew my body well enough to know after trying everything,
01:34 seeing Western medical doctors, Chinese medicine doctors,
01:39 Ayurvedic practitioners and doing food allergy testing, hormone level testing.
01:46 I knew that it was my implants causing it.
01:48 And I've gone through this surgery and you can just tell
01:51 there's absolute confirmation that I made the right decision
01:55 and I did suffer with breast implant illness.
01:59 And now I'm on the journey to recovery.
02:03 So I come out of my implant surgery about two hours ago.
02:07 I'm feeling really good. I mean, I don't know how much is painkillers or what,
02:14 but I just physically I feel like I can breathe better.
02:19 My inflammation is like gone down instantly.
02:22 You can see literally from the previous video just before I went in to now,
02:28 like all the redness in my face. My skin feels glowy.
02:32 I've not itched at all. And I just feel like so much relief.
02:38 Like I feel like I have so much energy considering I've just had surgery.
02:46 And I just wanted to document as close as I could to post-surgery
02:51 and that whole journey from now.
02:55 But yeah, like literally all of the skin around my eyes,
03:00 everything feels so much better, looks so much better.
03:04 My body just feels less inflamed. I can't really describe that feeling.
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