Bakhabar Savera with Ashfaq Satti and Sadaf Abdul Jabbar | 28th July 2023

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Bakhabar Savera with Ashfaq Satti and Sadaf Abdul Jabbar | 28th July 2023
00:00:00 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
00:00:13 Peace be upon you.
00:00:14 Wa khabar sawer.
00:00:15 I, Sadaf Abdul Jabbar, welcome you.
00:00:16 Yes, please accept from my side what Sadaf Abdul Jabbar said to you.
00:00:17 And I am with you, with Aswfaq.
00:00:18 I hope you will be absolutely fine.
00:00:19 And today, you see, it is a very important day.
00:00:20 And it is obvious that there is a lot of tension.
00:00:21 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:22 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:23 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:24 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:25 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:26 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:27 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:28 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:31 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:34 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:37 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:40 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:43 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:46 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:49 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:52 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:55 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:00:58 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:01 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:04 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:07 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:10 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:13 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:16 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:19 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:22 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:25 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:28 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:31 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:34 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:37 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:40 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:43 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:46 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:49 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:52 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:55 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:01:58 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:02:01 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:02:04 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:02:07 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:02:10 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:02:13 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:02:16 And I am sure that you will be very happy.
00:02:20 Digital fraud, online blackmailing, cyber crimes and social media...
00:02:25 ...has created a lot of tension among those who are propagandizing against the country and the state.
00:02:29 The government of the UN has established the E-Safety Authority on the basis of PTA.
00:02:34 Today World Hepatitis Day is being celebrated.
00:02:41 The aim is to raise awareness about the disease and its treatment.
00:02:47 We talk about different situations in our shows.
00:02:52 And we talk about the natural disasters and the problems of the countries.
00:02:59 Almost all the countries in the world are suffering from oil and petroleum issues.
00:03:08 The gas reserves are decreasing.
00:03:10 The climate is changing.
00:03:12 There are natural disasters.
00:03:14 Some countries are increasing the problems.
00:03:18 They are trying to take the issue to the war.
00:03:23 One of them is our neighbour.
00:03:25 Why do they do that?
00:03:27 The power struggle.
00:03:28 All the things you mentioned are related to that.
00:03:32 Take the example of America.
00:03:34 Why did America attack Afghanistan?
00:03:36 Why did America attack Iraq?
00:03:38 Why did they talk about weapons of mass destruction?
00:03:41 There was no reason.
00:03:42 There were no chemical or biological weapons.
00:03:44 There was only oil.
00:03:45 There was nothing in Afghanistan.
00:03:47 There were only minerals and reserves.
00:03:48 They could not prove it after so many years.
00:03:50 They could not prove it because there was nothing.
00:03:52 The issue is that the whole war,
00:03:54 especially the one in our neighbouring country,
00:03:56 is also about water.
00:03:58 Why does it want to take over Kashmir?
00:04:00 Because there is water there.
00:04:02 Why are people looking at Gwadar?
00:04:04 Because there are minerals, gas, oil and other things.
00:04:09 India is also a bit cheaper than that.
00:04:12 The statement that the Minister of Defence Rajnath Singh has given
00:04:16 about the Line of Control,
00:04:19 you can imagine the reaction of Pakistan.
00:04:23 Pakistan has reminded us of the lesson
00:04:26 that you will remember what happened to you in 2019.
00:04:29 There is a report on this.
00:04:30 Let's see that first and then we will talk more.
00:04:32 But why do they not understand?
00:04:34 Let's talk about this.
00:04:35 Haris Nawaz is with us.
00:04:36 Haris Nawaz is with us.
00:04:37 Thank you very much, Haris Nawaz.
00:04:39 The statement of the Indian Minister of Defence about the LOC is commendable.
00:04:43 At a time when I said that the countries are facing their own problems,
00:04:48 natural disasters and other things.
00:04:51 India always goes towards instigation.
00:04:54 People try to provoke.
00:04:58 What would you say about this statement of theirs
00:05:00 about the propaganda that is being done by India?
00:05:02 The first thing is that Indians have a Pakistani phobia.
00:05:07 And the second thing is that they know that their army is untrained,
00:05:12 unprofessional.
00:05:14 And they can only kill Kashmiri women, children and the elderly.
00:05:19 And the second thing is that they forget that China
00:05:23 hit their commanding officer with sticks in Ladakh.
00:05:28 This was also a shameful defeat for them.
00:05:32 The third thing is that the way they were hit by Pakistan's air force
00:05:39 in 2017-2019, they also forgot.
00:05:41 You mentioned fantastic.
00:05:43 I think they should be hit with fantastic shoes and sticks
00:05:46 when they look at Pakistan from Ladakh.
00:05:48 They have no courage, no capability,
00:05:52 nor do they always do this propaganda before the election
00:05:57 to improve the vote bank of Pakistan.
00:06:00 Even if you look at the incident of Balakot,
00:06:02 they did the same thing at that time.
00:06:04 In every election, their slogan is "Take Pakistan".
00:06:09 And that's why they do this.
00:06:11 Otherwise, you see that their officers and their troops
00:06:16 are not confident in each other.
00:06:18 They are doing some things every day.
00:06:20 Then they tell Pakistan that they will come from Ladakh.
00:06:22 We are always ready.
00:06:24 You should try.
00:06:26 They always do false allegations whenever there are elections
00:06:30 or they try to get the attention of their people.
00:06:35 This is their attitude.
00:06:37 Now, such a big group of four against them,
00:06:40 which is Narendra Modi, Rajnath Singh, Amir Shah and Jawaharlal Nehru,
00:06:45 are the ones who are taking the RRS's Khan to India.
00:06:48 This is their thought.
00:06:50 And they always have to be humiliated.
00:06:52 Now, I think they are standing against the world.
00:06:54 The 26 parties have united against them in India.
00:06:58 They have moved the vote of the people in their parliament.
00:07:02 So, their days have been wasted.
00:07:04 I think they are doing what they learned in Manipur,
00:07:07 in Kashmir, with Sikhs,
00:07:09 with their Dalits,
00:07:11 with the North Eastern states.
00:07:13 They seem to be doing this to the Soviets.
00:07:16 Haris Nawaz,
00:07:18 obviously, their decisions are of four people.
00:07:22 These four people are the ones who are taking the plan of a 'Khand Bharat'.
00:07:27 So, the army is also getting beaten up because they have to face embarrassment.
00:07:32 Either they have more confidence in their army's capabilities
00:07:36 or in the capabilities of the Air Force.
00:07:38 Because, if we talk about equipment, they invest a lot in it.
00:07:42 But when you have to pull the trigger, you fail.
00:07:45 So, do you think that's a big concern?
00:07:47 It must be the same in the army,
00:07:49 that they keep making us embarrassed when the Pakistanis come.
00:07:52 Look, that's why their troops commit suicide every day.
00:07:58 They commit suicide.
00:08:00 They don't trust their senior officers.
00:08:02 In Pakistan, our officers, the lead from the front,
00:08:06 the number of deaths of our officers is the highest.
00:08:09 And this is such a dangerous group that is taking India towards destruction.
00:08:14 And they are trying to turn it from a secular state into a Hindu state.
00:08:19 And they are miserably failing in this.
00:08:21 The 26-party alliance that has just been formed,
00:08:25 they have made a vote of confidence against them.
00:08:27 Now, their days have come to an end.
00:08:29 Because, all the mortared Hindus are standing against them.
00:08:32 Their image of a secular India, of a mortared India, has been destroyed.
00:08:37 The European Union has just brought a very strong resolution against them.
00:08:42 They are sitting here to impose sanctions on them.
00:08:44 Because they are spending 41% of their money on Christians.
00:08:48 That's why they are trying to show off everywhere.
00:08:50 But they are disappointing the Americans.
00:08:53 Neither do they want to use their job against China.
00:08:56 They get beaten up there.
00:08:58 They get beaten up with sticks.
00:09:00 They can't do anything in the South China Sea.
00:09:02 When they come to Pakistan, their fantastic team feeds the pilots of Pakistan.
00:09:07 This is an attempt to prevent the CPEC from succeeding in any way.
00:09:11 And they do terrorism in Pakistan.
00:09:14 They have done extremist terrorism.
00:09:16 And they propagate that Pakistan is doing terrorism.
00:09:19 Imagine, we are destroying the world at all times.
00:09:22 The stories that have come to light about India,
00:09:25 which is happening in India itself, with minorities, with Muslims,
00:09:29 if it is called state terrorism, it won't be wrong.
00:09:32 Mr. Harisawad, the narrative that we are talking about,
00:09:36 on the basis of which elections are being held,
00:09:38 against Pakistan, against Pakistan, propaganda against Pakistan,
00:09:41 isn't it very weak now?
00:09:43 As you yourself are saying, the moderate Hindus there have this feeling too.
00:09:47 So do you think that on this basis,
00:09:49 by further exaggerating and doing politics,
00:09:52 they will be able to incite the public towards them?
00:09:54 Absolutely not.
00:09:56 That's why there, especially in the Saharan Asia,
00:09:59 the second extremist party, Uday Thackeray,
00:10:02 whose chief is Sheena,
00:10:04 he has joined the opposition with a 26-page story.
00:10:08 Imagine, the public party has also joined him.
00:10:11 And now everyone has planned that we will plan in every state
00:10:16 and finish their votes.
00:10:19 And the goons who are coming,
00:10:21 the Muslims, Christians, people scare Pakistan to vote.
00:10:25 Now this kind of work cannot work for them.
00:10:28 That's why now it is visible that
00:10:30 whatever slogan they had put up, they cannot do it either.
00:10:32 Even in America, where I used to go,
00:10:34 there people would stand against me.
00:10:37 So many people have striked there,
00:10:39 Kashmiris, Sikhs, everyone has done it together.
00:10:42 And then in the northern states,
00:10:44 all the independent movements are going on.
00:10:47 Look at Assam, look at Naga, look at Mizu, look at Manipur.
00:10:50 And because Christians are standing,
00:10:52 and the Europeans have supported,
00:10:54 you will see that first of all,
00:10:56 or Manipur will get freedom.
00:10:58 And then the writing of the breaking of the wall is visible.
00:11:03 And then from there, the other states, Assam, Mizu,
00:11:06 they will stand against each other.
00:11:08 Then there is Kashmir, then there is Khalistan.
00:11:10 So I think that now their hand,
00:11:12 the hand of the North India is ending.
00:11:14 Okay, fine.
00:11:15 Thank you so much, Brigadier Retired Haris Nawaz for being with us.
00:11:19 So the thing is that we should learn a little lesson.
00:11:22 And before criticizing others or before inciting,
00:11:25 we should see the situation of our home, what the situation is.
00:11:28 A country is a victim of instability in this respect.
00:11:32 In terms of economy, it is fine, in all other respects,
00:11:35 but the movements that are taking birth inside,
00:11:38 this is a sign of a great destabilization.
00:11:40 Yes, and if you do not order your house,
00:11:42 and you will increase the rhetoric,
00:11:45 then you are putting the region in a danger.
00:11:51 But everyone knows that if you try to become a contractor of the region,
00:11:56 then other countries are also sitting here.
00:11:58 And especially if we talk about China,
00:12:00 China and India have no such special relations.
00:12:04 But no, not special, but on the economic front,
00:12:07 whatever is happening, then obviously,
00:12:09 look at their trade.
00:12:10 Look, trade should be there.
00:12:11 This is the reason when India gives such statements,
00:12:14 then many things related to cricket,
00:12:16 related to other things,
00:12:18 they have boycotted Pakistan in a way.
00:12:21 But the question arises here that these statements should be considered
00:12:25 by other countries of the region,
00:12:28 because obviously, the whole region can be involved in this.
00:12:31 But obviously, where the matter is of finances,
00:12:34 then no one does anything there,
00:12:35 because finances matter a lot.
00:12:37 And they all decide on the basis of their preferences,
00:12:40 that they see how much is our trade with Pakistan,
00:12:43 they say that much,
00:12:44 they say how much is with India,
00:12:46 then they say that whatever India is saying is right.
00:12:48 Let's move ahead.
00:12:49 This is the reality.
00:12:51 The stronger the economy,
00:12:54 the better the situation will be.
00:12:56 Digital fraud has been a phenomenon for a long time,
00:13:02 which has troubled everyone,
00:13:05 and especially all the countries are trying to combat it.
00:13:08 New things have come up,
00:13:10 fake news has come,
00:13:11 such videos come that they also have to be edited properly,
00:13:15 and they are being misled.
00:13:17 So all that is a part of propaganda.
00:13:19 Deep fake.
00:13:20 Deep fake.
00:13:21 So online blackmailing,
00:13:23 digital fraud,
00:13:24 cybercrime,
00:13:25 and through social media,
00:13:26 the preparation to surround and harass those who do illegal propaganda against the country and state has begun.
00:13:33 The government of loyalty has made a big decision to stop the legal use of social media and digital media.
00:13:40 The E-Safety Authority is based on the PTA.
00:13:45 Why?
00:13:46 Why has this been done?
00:13:47 And is there no PTA?
00:13:49 And how does this E-Safety work?
00:13:51 Obviously, we had an interaction with the PTA chairman a few days ago,
00:13:55 he gave us a lot of detailed information on how they manage PTA.
00:14:01 But now, obviously, let's talk about it.
00:14:05 We have with us, former Additional DG FIA, Amar Jafri Sahib, and the Cyber Cell Unit,
00:14:12 thank you very much Amar Jafri Sahib for being with us.
00:14:15 Please tell us why is this being thought about?
00:14:19 And what benefits will it bring?
00:14:22 Or would it have been better if the PTA was made more powerful?
00:14:26 Or is this something greater than the power of the PTA?
00:14:29 Yes, thank you very much Mr. Keshav, Mr. Sadaf.
00:14:32 I have to say that this is a very important point.
00:14:36 The issue is that the PTA is a regulator,
00:14:39 which is a telecom regulator.
00:14:41 They are looking at the back end of things, professionally.
00:14:48 What is the back end?
00:14:49 What is the website?
00:14:50 What is the content?
00:14:51 What is going on?
00:14:53 But there was a very strict need for a front end.
00:14:57 There were many laws in place on the front end,
00:15:02 like GDPR, which is working in the European Union.
00:15:06 There was a law in America.
00:15:08 So I think the first good thing is that it should have been done in time.
00:15:14 Because the data protection law in our country was for 2021.
00:15:20 It was necessary to be done.
00:15:22 If we talk practically, it does not exist in the world today.
00:15:27 Exactly.
00:15:29 So, we will have to take both together.
00:15:35 In that, the e-safety regulatory authority,
00:15:41 there is a commission behind it,
00:15:45 which will take it.
00:15:49 Secondly, the data protection law of 2023,
00:15:55 it is covering personal data.
00:15:59 The first one was fine, but it was not well defined.
00:16:03 We will have to see what the blood was.
00:16:07 The blood was that the FIA, NRC, CYBERCRIME,
00:16:12 they take the cognitive, what is PICA?
00:16:15 We will have to explain a little bit that in 2002,
00:16:21 our ETO came, Electronic Transaction Ordinance.
00:16:24 Its section 36, 37, it started its work.
00:16:28 I started working under it 20 years ago.
00:16:31 After that, we had to fight a big war.
00:16:34 And in 2007, the ordinance came.
00:16:37 Now, the mistake I see here, I would like to talk about it.
00:16:41 Why did you bring the ordinance at that time?
00:16:43 The reason I brought the ordinance,
00:16:45 the benefit of the ordinance is that everything gets tested,
00:16:48 until a law is made.
00:16:50 But unfortunately, in 2010, the ordinance was over.
00:16:53 And our country was in such a stage from 2010 to 2016,
00:16:58 that no law existed.
00:17:00 Now, in 2016, PICA came, things started getting better.
00:17:04 I think all this is going on in sequence.
00:17:06 But what we have seen now,
00:17:09 I think there is a need for debate now.
00:17:13 Look, this is protecting personal data,
00:17:16 and this is also protecting the organization.
00:17:18 Sir, I would like to ask you this question,
00:17:21 because it has also been told in the authority,
00:17:23 that all online campaigns, including online shopping,
00:17:27 business, social and digital media platforms,
00:17:31 will be monitored.
00:17:32 So, the data of the users,
00:17:35 is it also made secure?
00:17:38 Like you said, it will be made sure that
00:17:41 no data is breached.
00:17:44 Yes, I think this was the need,
00:17:47 that there was a lot of problem with personal data.
00:17:50 Organizations have implemented international standards,
00:17:54 like banks have done GDPR,
00:17:56 and ISO standards have protected themselves.
00:17:59 But a common person who goes online shopping,
00:18:02 or gives his data on LinkedIn,
00:18:05 he was facing a lot of problems.
00:18:07 Now, this is one point.
00:18:08 The second important point is,
00:18:10 what is the outside world saying,
00:18:12 if you look at it now.
00:18:13 They have shown a lot of concern,
00:18:15 that it is very difficult to do business in Pakistan.
00:18:19 Now they are bringing laws,
00:18:21 which will take time to explain.
00:18:23 So, it is called ease of doing business,
00:18:26 that will be even more difficult.
00:18:27 So, I think that after the Ashura,
00:18:30 the media should discuss it very quickly,
00:18:33 and the civil society should discuss it.
00:18:37 See, it is necessary for the country to make new laws.
00:18:40 It is necessary to revise old laws.
00:18:43 And it is necessary for the regulator to come in.
00:18:46 And the more we discuss these things in the digital age,
00:18:49 the more we will be able to make our digital safety credible.
00:18:52 The more debates, and healthy debates.
00:18:54 Exactly.
00:18:55 You are absolutely right.
00:18:56 That debate should not be a direct debate,
00:18:59 it should be a dialogue.
00:19:01 I tried to have a dialogue in my office two days ago,
00:19:05 not on this, but on another thing.
00:19:07 That how the National Institute of International Development
00:19:12 and the FI will work together.
00:19:14 So, I think that the media should do the same.
00:19:17 Instead of doing speeches,
00:19:19 they should come against it and try to incite people,
00:19:21 that he will do this, he will do that.
00:19:23 And all healthy nations do the same.
00:19:26 They make the youth sit with them,
00:19:28 they make the educated people sit with them,
00:19:30 they make the academics sit with them,
00:19:32 they make the people of technology sit with them,
00:19:34 they make the people of global best practice sit with them.
00:19:36 Tell me one thing,
00:19:37 this E-Safety Authority,
00:19:39 to make it, and obviously a lot of work must have been done on it,
00:19:44 so did the experts,
00:19:46 invite them and take their opinion,
00:19:48 because we have a lot of great minds present,
00:19:52 so did they take their opinion and work on it?
00:19:54 Secondly, my concern is that,
00:19:56 you must remember that we had made an institution called NECTA,
00:20:00 and told that it will have the most effective role in coordination,
00:20:04 but whenever there is an incident,
00:20:06 it is named last.
00:20:07 And this is the thing,
00:20:08 that it was made but nothing was done.
00:20:10 So, keeping it active,
00:20:12 keeping it valid,
00:20:13 is a very challenging thing for the government.
00:20:17 Sir, your question is very important.
00:20:20 I did not know about it,
00:20:22 I came to know about it yesterday.
00:20:25 I have seen it.
00:20:26 I have seen it yesterday.
00:20:28 Now the problem is,
00:20:30 the problem is,
00:20:31 the problem is,
00:20:34 the problem is,
00:20:37 the problem is,
00:20:38 just a second,
00:20:39 that the discussions must have been held,
00:20:42 the ministry must have done it,
00:20:43 all the leaders must have done it,
00:20:44 I understand.
00:20:45 But yesterday it came out,
00:20:48 no problem,
00:20:49 it is valid,
00:20:50 you gave a good example of NECTA.
00:20:51 A good news is that NECTA has also become active,
00:20:54 I am working with them a little.
00:20:56 So, this happens,
00:20:57 to improve bad governance,
00:20:59 to do good governance,
00:21:01 it is necessary to discuss the old mistakes,
00:21:05 to ignore them,
00:21:08 and to take new things forward.
00:21:10 The good thing is that it is very timely,
00:21:13 I consider it as a professional.
00:21:15 Just the concern you made,
00:21:17 that like in our country,
00:21:18 there are many civil societies working,
00:21:21 who can discuss it.
00:21:24 I say,
00:21:25 that immediately after Ashwini,
00:21:26 next day all media channels,
00:21:27 all institutions should discuss it.
00:21:29 And I will request again through this program,
00:21:32 that there should not be any personal issue in it,
00:21:35 or should not be named.
00:21:36 There should not be academic debate.
00:21:38 Global best practices.
00:21:39 Okay sir, tell me,
00:21:40 like this is our IT industry,
00:21:43 a lot of work is necessary in it.
00:21:45 Then the online business,
00:21:47 will it have an impact on them,
00:21:50 the digital media,
00:21:52 like YouTube, Facebook,
00:21:55 will they be monitored?
00:21:59 Yes, of course.
00:22:00 This will be a regulatory authority,
00:22:02 it will be in the whole of Pakistan.
00:22:04 It will establish offices in all provinces.
00:22:08 It is in it.
00:22:09 And there will be a commission behind it.
00:22:11 The commission will follow it.
00:22:13 Your answer to this question is,
00:22:15 yes, there will be a problem.
00:22:17 And we are less worried about it now,
00:22:20 the outside world is more worried.
00:22:22 Why?
00:22:23 See, CPEC,
00:22:24 CPEC has been working very fast in the last two days.
00:22:26 I think that what could not be done in the past,
00:22:29 will be done in the last two or three months.
00:22:31 And everyone is very happy about it.
00:22:33 I hope that it does not affect it too fast,
00:22:36 because this law,
00:22:38 it has to come in its original form,
00:22:40 there will be discussions on it,
00:22:41 everything will happen.
00:22:42 So I think,
00:22:43 all our bloggers in it,
00:22:45 all our YouTubers,
00:22:47 see, monetization of YouTube,
00:22:50 it has become a very big business.
00:22:52 And there are millions of children involved in it.
00:22:55 People are involved on Amazon.
00:22:57 Now all of them will have to register on this regulatory authority.
00:23:03 The role of SCCP will be very important in this.
00:23:06 Because companies will register there,
00:23:08 as a company.
00:23:09 You have to see in that,
00:23:11 it is said, ease of doing business.
00:23:13 If you leave all your work and stand in the queue,
00:23:16 and have to face their problems,
00:23:18 or handle the corruption cases there,
00:23:22 then people will not be able to do business.
00:23:24 And then being disappointed with that,
00:23:26 I think,
00:23:27 people want to go there,
00:23:30 so I don't think that people will go to Dubai and work.
00:23:33 So I would like to say through your program,
00:23:36 that action is very timely.
00:23:38 It was needed because,
00:23:40 the role of Pembra and PTA was a little different.
00:23:43 Because of the new social media,
00:23:45 protection of websites,
00:23:47 protection of YouTube channels,
00:23:50 these were happening,
00:23:51 there were problems in this.
00:23:53 But we should involve people on an international level.
00:23:56 We should address the concerns that are being shown by the outside institutions.
00:24:01 We should be clear about the concept of some things.
00:24:05 We have a complaint that,
00:24:07 institutions and laws are made, but no action is taken.
00:24:10 Take the example of UK,
00:24:12 I was seeing that,
00:24:13 if there is a crime like harassment in a public place,
00:24:16 then they have adopted the same laws,
00:24:19 and it will be the same on social media.
00:24:21 If you cannot target someone on a racial basis,
00:24:25 in person,
00:24:26 then you cannot target them on social media.
00:24:29 They have adopted the laws in this way, you know better.
00:24:32 In our country,
00:24:33 they create problems separately,
00:24:37 and it will take time to make people understand.
00:24:40 It won't be easy,
00:24:43 and it won't be swift.
00:24:45 It is designed somewhere.
00:24:48 You know what I am saying about corruption,
00:24:51 that if we keep this cash, people will come to us.
00:24:54 Inter-department politics should be ended.
00:24:58 And only the ministry can do that.
00:25:00 Recently, we have a big achievement,
00:25:02 we have established a national SERT.
00:25:04 SERT stands for Computer Emergency Response Team.
00:25:07 I would like you to do a program on that.
00:25:09 I had called a meeting of that,
00:25:11 I had called everyone in my office,
00:25:14 and I had said,
00:25:15 "Look, the work of the NRC or Cybercrime Wing is our work,
00:25:19 your work is your work,
00:25:20 your work is to talk to the world."
00:25:23 I mean, the details will be different.
00:25:25 So, the purpose of saying this is,
00:25:26 as Iqbal said,
00:25:28 "It is a new era, create a new morning and evening."
00:25:30 So, new morning and evening are being born in the world.
00:25:33 There are some rules of that morning and evening.
00:25:36 We have to make them.
00:25:37 Another problem we have is that
00:25:39 whenever something new comes up,
00:25:41 it starts to come up more negatively.
00:25:43 That this will happen, this will happen.
00:25:45 We should first consider its positivity element.
00:25:48 And all stakeholders should be seated at a table
00:25:51 and in the form of a dialogue,
00:25:53 we should have a debate.
00:25:55 Why is it necessary?
00:25:56 It is very important to have a debate on this.
00:25:58 You are repeatedly pointing it out.
00:26:00 Thank you so much.
00:26:01 Aman Jafri was with us and he told us in great detail
00:26:05 that even now,
00:26:06 it is not that we should create a platform like this
00:26:10 or make laws.
00:26:11 How to act on them,
00:26:13 its test will be done when their implementation is proper.
00:26:17 And when the implementation is done,
00:26:18 then where there are many loopholes,
00:26:19 it can be corrected.
00:26:20 But I wanted to give an opinion on one thing,
00:26:22 that an ordinance came in 2007,
00:26:23 then in 2010, it was null and void.
00:26:26 Ordinance is for 90 days.
00:26:28 And within 90 days,
00:26:29 it is necessary to pass it through the assembly.
00:26:30 90 days is quite a long time.
00:26:33 More than 3 years.
00:26:35 In 2007, the situation was different.
00:26:37 You remember what it was.
00:26:38 So, we will take a break here.
00:26:40 We will be back after the break.
00:26:41 Welcome back once again.
00:26:49 And we will talk about the weather.
00:26:51 If we talk about the weather,
00:26:52 then the rain has been going on for many days.
00:26:55 It is going on all over the country.
00:26:57 And when it rained heavily in Karachi,
00:27:00 it did not rain then either.
00:27:01 It was light rain.
00:27:03 But if we talk about Balochistan,
00:27:06 KP, Punjab,
00:27:09 there the rains have caused a lot of damage.
00:27:13 And we are seeing in Balochistan,
00:27:14 yesterday we were telling you
00:27:16 how the rains have destroyed in different areas.
00:27:19 Similarly, the Shara,
00:27:20 which our representative was also mentioning yesterday,
00:27:23 the Kaumi Shara has been closed for two days.
00:27:25 And people are facing a lot of difficulties there.
00:27:28 Whereas, in the morning,
00:27:30 in Digar and in Karachi,
00:27:32 the situation we are talking about,
00:27:34 the Hub Dam,
00:27:35 Mr. Mufti Zafar is sharing a lot of pictures of that as well.
00:27:38 He is saying that,
00:27:39 according to the daily,
00:27:40 the water shortage has been there for two years.
00:27:42 If we save this,
00:27:43 then the water requirement for three years can be fulfilled.
00:27:46 But, obviously,
00:27:47 How can we save it?
00:27:48 It is necessary to work on this.
00:27:50 But, he is pointing out things.
00:27:52 That is very opposite.
00:27:53 What is this road?
00:27:54 These are spillways, I guess.
00:27:57 These are spillways.
00:27:58 We are seeing that,
00:27:59 the water from Balochistan has entered Sindh.
00:28:02 Now, many areas of Kambar Shahidat are under water.
00:28:05 So, in different areas,
00:28:06 our representative…
00:28:07 The thing is that,
00:28:08 in Karachi,
00:28:09 the amount of rain was enough.
00:28:11 And,
00:28:12 if the music is played here,
00:28:14 then it is enough.
00:28:16 Otherwise, if it is too much…
00:28:17 If the music is played,
00:28:18 if the music is played,
00:28:19 then the situation gets bad.
00:28:21 And,
00:28:22 we have seen the effects of the light music
00:28:24 and many spells here.
00:28:26 And,
00:28:27 now, the prayer is that,
00:28:28 the situation should be light.
00:28:29 The weather should be pleasant.
00:28:30 There should be light rain.
00:28:31 It should not be so much that,
00:28:32 the roads should be flooded.
00:28:34 So,
00:28:35 which representatives are with us?
00:28:36 Salim from Sakhar,
00:28:37 our representatives are present.
00:28:39 And,
00:28:40 Fatima Batool is joining us from Islamabad.
00:28:43 So, we will go to Sakhar first.
00:28:45 Let's go to Sakhar first.
00:28:46 Yes,
00:28:47 tell us Mr. Setho,
00:28:48 what is the situation?
00:28:49 It is being said that,
00:28:50 the whole city,
00:28:51 in fact, half of the city,
00:28:52 has been flooded.
00:28:54 Has there been any water loss till now?
00:28:56 Yes, absolutely.
00:28:59 Yesterday,
00:29:00 the rain of mercy,
00:29:01 was due to the negligence and carelessness
00:29:03 of the district administration of Sakhar.
00:29:04 It has become a torment for the citizens of Sakhar.
00:29:07 The map of the third largest city of Sindh,
00:29:09 has been completely changed
00:29:10 by the rain of one and a half hours.
00:29:12 In different areas of Sakhar,
00:29:14 the old Sakhar is still submerged in water.
00:29:17 And, the Ghantaghar Chowk,
00:29:19 Station Road, Newpind,
00:29:20 and the areas of Shikarpur Phata,
00:29:22 where there is a lot of water,
00:29:23 has been flooded.
00:29:25 The situation since yesterday evening,
00:29:27 was being claimed by the administration,
00:29:29 that the whole of Munsur,
00:29:30 has been made to run.
00:29:32 Last year's rain,
00:29:33 has taught them a lot.
00:29:34 Motors have been installed,
00:29:35 the drainage system has been improved.
00:29:37 But, all these claims,
00:29:39 have been left unfulfilled.
00:29:40 Yesterday's rain,
00:29:41 the one and a half hour rain,
00:29:42 has flooded the entire city.
00:29:44 Till now,
00:29:45 the rain has stopped,
00:29:47 more than 12 hours have passed.
00:29:48 But, still,
00:29:49 different areas of Sakhar,
00:29:51 are submerged in water.
00:29:52 Foot of water is standing,
00:29:53 water is standing in the houses.
00:29:55 The administration,
00:29:56 has not taken any action,
00:29:57 to remove any water.
00:29:59 Why is the administration not concerned?
00:30:01 Salim Saito, please tell us,
00:30:03 and,
00:30:04 is there a lack of machinery,
00:30:05 is there a lack of resources?
00:30:07 What are the reasons for this?
00:30:08 You are saying,
00:30:09 that it has been 12 hours,
00:30:10 since the rain has stopped.
00:30:11 Last year,
00:30:13 after the rain,
00:30:14 there was a case in the Sakhar bench,
00:30:16 in which,
00:30:17 a lot of budget was discussed.
00:30:18 The government of Sindh,
00:30:19 has given a budget of Rs. 1 billion,
00:30:20 only to the PDMA,
00:30:21 and other district administrations,
00:30:23 to control the rain,
00:30:25 to make arrangements for water,
00:30:27 to make arrangements for the water supply.
00:30:29 The district administration,
00:30:30 has been complaining,
00:30:31 that we have improved,
00:30:32 the drainage system.
00:30:34 But,
00:30:35 the rain that happened yesterday,
00:30:36 or the rain that happened two days ago,
00:30:37 that was the only water that was standing.
00:30:38 And, yesterday's rain,
00:30:39 has made more water stand.
00:30:40 Here, I will tell you,
00:30:41 the old Sakhar area,
00:30:42 there is a lot of water,
00:30:44 that is still standing.
00:30:45 There is more than 12 hours,
00:30:47 of water supply,
00:30:48 from the houses.
00:30:49 You can see in the footage,
00:30:51 that the children are sitting in the streets,
00:30:53 and the water is entering the houses.
00:30:54 So, the administration,
00:30:55 is obviously present.
00:30:57 The mayor is also present,
00:30:58 the district council chairman is also present,
00:31:00 the deputy commissioner is also present,
00:31:01 and the rest of the people are also present.
00:31:03 But,
00:31:04 we are not able to see,
00:31:05 any way,
00:31:06 that they can work,
00:31:07 to make arrangements for water.
00:31:09 The city is completely submerged.
00:31:11 This is the third largest city in Sindh,
00:31:13 which is helpless and helpless.
00:31:15 The city's business centers,
00:31:16 have water there.
00:31:17 The shopkeepers,
00:31:18 are themselves,
00:31:19 helping themselves,
00:31:20 to get mud and water.
00:31:21 But, Mr. Sehdo,
00:31:22 this,
00:31:23 what was said earlier,
00:31:24 that,
00:31:25 when,
00:31:26 MPAs,
00:31:27 and other MNAs,
00:31:28 were talked about,
00:31:29 when the Sindh government was talked about,
00:31:31 then it was said,
00:31:32 that the deputy commissioners,
00:31:33 and the rest of the people,
00:31:34 to facilitate them,
00:31:35 they run around,
00:31:36 in the days of floods.
00:31:37 Now,
00:31:38 when the district administration,
00:31:39 and the local bodies,
00:31:40 have come up with a set-up,
00:31:41 after that,
00:31:42 the deputy commissioners,
00:31:43 should reach out,
00:31:44 to help the people.
00:31:45 Accessibility increases.
00:31:46 Isn't that so?
00:31:47 Look,
00:31:51 the mayor,
00:31:52 or the district council chairman,
00:31:54 are the same people,
00:31:55 who are present in the Sindh Assembly.
00:31:57 Like,
00:31:58 Nasir Shah's son,
00:31:59 or,
00:32:00 Mr. Kumail Nadir Shah,
00:32:01 is the district council chairman.
00:32:02 Similarly,
00:32:03 the brother of MNA Noman Islam Sheikh,
00:32:04 Arsalan Islam Sheikh,
00:32:05 is the mayor of the city of Sakhar.
00:32:06 So, obviously,
00:32:07 those people have the power,
00:32:08 who are in the assembly,
00:32:09 they have the power,
00:32:10 of the district council,
00:32:11 or,
00:32:12 we say,
00:32:13 the local bodies have the power.
00:32:14 So, the people are the same.
00:32:15 The same families are ruling.
00:32:16 But,
00:32:17 the conditions of these families are getting better,
00:32:18 but,
00:32:19 the condition of the city of Sakhar,
00:32:20 is getting worse,
00:32:21 day by day.
00:32:22 That is unfortunate.
00:32:23 I'll tell you,
00:32:24 the old city of Sakhar,
00:32:25 the third largest city of Sindh,
00:32:26 is helpless right now.
00:32:27 No one is helping it.
00:32:28 Outside,
00:32:29 there are big names,
00:32:30 the politicians of the city of Sakhar,
00:32:31 including Khurshid Shah,
00:32:32 Nasir Shah,
00:32:33 but,
00:32:34 on the ground,
00:32:35 there is nothing.
00:32:36 People are helpless.
00:32:37 They are drowning in the water.
00:32:38 They are drowning in the water.
00:32:39 The condition of the city is getting worse.
00:32:40 On the ground,
00:32:41 we are being told about the situation.
00:32:42 Stay with us.
00:32:43 You can see the scenes we are showing.
00:32:44 We will now stop
00:32:45 at Fatima Batool,
00:32:46 to know about the situation of the Jodhpur cities,
00:32:47 because,
00:32:48 there too,
00:32:49 the situation of the rain is getting worse.
00:32:50 The situation is relatively better,
00:32:51 much better,
00:32:52 but,
00:32:53 the sewage in Rawalpindi,
00:32:54 because of that,
00:32:55 the situation is getting worse.
00:32:56 So, Fatima,
00:32:57 tell us,
00:32:58 what is the situation in the Jodhpur cities,
00:32:59 after the rain,
00:33:00 and,
00:33:01 how is the situation getting better?
00:33:02 Yes,
00:33:03 the situation is getting better.
00:33:04 The water is getting better,
00:33:05 the water is getting better.
00:33:06 Yes,
00:33:07 as far as the city is concerned,
00:33:08 the situation is much better.
00:33:09 And,
00:33:10 as far as Rawalpindi is concerned,
00:33:11 as it rained in the evening,
00:33:12 the rain alert was issued.
00:33:13 The situation in Nalalai,
00:33:14 which was announced by the administration,
00:33:15 the matters are being resolved.
00:33:16 And,
00:33:17 if I turn towards Islamabad again,
00:33:18 the situation in Islamabad is totally different.
00:33:19 Here,
00:33:20 we saw that,
00:33:21 there was a light rain,
00:33:22 and,
00:33:23 the administration,
00:33:24 I was just seeing on my backside,
00:33:25 that if the rain,
00:33:26 if it was a little bit more,
00:33:27 then,
00:33:28 the situation would have been better.
00:33:29 But,
00:33:30 the rain is getting worse.
00:33:31 So,
00:33:32 the rain is getting worse.
00:33:33 So,
00:33:34 the rain is getting worse.
00:33:35 So,
00:33:36 the rain is getting worse.
00:33:37 So,
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00:33:39 So,
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