00:00 The Jetsons 1963, issue 15.
00:03 I always wonder why only the covers are allowed to show the characters in differently colored outfits.
00:08 In the comedy page, Jane complains that the food-o-matic keeps burning the toast.
00:14 He says he'll have it fixed, and the burnt toast gets sent out of it, along with some coffee.
00:20 But at least there's a plate right below it.
00:22 She facepalms because that isn't what she meant by "fixed", and he'd know that.
00:28 Someone screams that he's been robbed by a robot.
00:31 And Elroy thinks it shouldn't be hard to stop him, even though he's got a ray gun.
00:35 He makes a noise, and somehow the robot stops, thinking he heard a police siren.
00:41 He's also programmed to say "duh" for no reason.
00:44 He plans to handcuff the robot, taking advantage of how short he is by ducking below his head.
00:51 But George intentionally drives his car into the robot.
00:55 But Elroy could've easily screwed up by mistiming trying to handcuff the robot to the lamp post it wasn't quite close enough to.
01:02 So he did save Elroy there.
01:04 George gets called a hero in the newspaper, and gets promoted to plant police officer for being the law enforcement type.
01:12 Spacely apparently had no idea he was the law enforcement type, despite all the criminals he's stopped so far.
01:18 Because this is a different universe.
01:21 All George did was drive into a criminal. Anyone could, and that doesn't require any bravery and skill that a police officer would need.
01:28 He just proved he'd want to stop criminals. But most people would.
01:32 If anything, he proved he was the opposite of the law enforcement type, because it's illegal to drive into people.
01:37 He breaks his family with his new uniform, as I think that I never would've expected a factory to have a police officer of its own.
01:46 All of his family's happy with him except Elroy, and it cares enough to ask him why he's so glum while actually looking concerned.
01:53 Elroy says George has all the fun, and it cares enough to try to cheer him up by letting him into his workplace to watch the boss show off the plant's new electronic brain on TV.
02:04 He'll get to let him in because he's the guard.
02:06 Why didn't the plant always have an electronic brain to solve problems? It's the future.
02:12 Spacely asks the computer a math question, and then Elroy interrupts it by asking how much light charge he should charge his dad for his pathetic allowance.
02:21 Isn't it obvious he should let the computer figure out the answer to the first question first so it won't get mixed up?
02:28 Elroy gets told this, but it leaves Spacely in an uncharacteristically good mood because he smiles while saying this.
02:35 Elroy says it's not so smart after all if it can only act on one question at a time.
02:41 A person would have the same limitation, but a computer is supposed to be able to multitask.
02:46 Then we see the inventor of the stupid robber robot who complains to the newspaper that he always gets caught.
02:53 How does the robot keep getting let out of jail so he can get caught again?
02:58 The professor with an annoying name to say gets embarrassed about how stupid the robot was because he made him.
03:05 Then we see Spacely brag about how smart his new computer is for having a little tube called the Thinker Blinker.
03:11 This gives him an idea, and he sends a robot flying out of his house, telling it to melt the bars of Rogue's jail cell window.
03:19 Rogue has the same name as the robot that Rosie stunked.
03:23 Is there finally going to be continuity in this comic?
03:26 Did the show get cancelled by this point?
03:28 You'd think if there was continuity, they'd bring the roboticizer back.
03:32 The professor then goes to George and tells him to look at an alien outside,
03:37 tricking him into looking out the window while he switches tubes on the computer.
03:41 I thought the Thinker Blinker was exclusive to the electronic frame.
03:45 He tells the guy who made a rookie mistake trusting someone who looks harmless
03:50 that the reason he didn't see the alien was because of how fast it is.
03:53 George hoped nobody would get hurt by it, and the professor leaves thanking George.
03:59 Then he gets tempted by bags of money when the payroll is being delivered,
04:03 and he thinks that with his super Thinker Blinker, of course Rogue would be able to handle a robbery.
04:08 Eventually, Spacely finds out the truth, taking a bit too many panels for what could be done in one.
04:14 And George is demoted to the bottom position of Cellar Sweeper, using remote control to clean the floor with a broom.
04:21 That actually looks a lot more fun than his normal job.
04:24 So the only downside would be that he'd be paid less.
04:28 He doesn't want to face his coworkers in the cafeteria,
04:31 so he calls his wife to tell her to send Elroy to him with some lunch without asking questions,
04:36 and turns off the call.
04:38 It makes sense that he'd be like that to avoid having to tell her he got demoted.
04:43 At least right away, as Elroy would tell her.
04:46 Elroy's always smart enough to get suspicious,
04:49 and Rogue somehow knows how to hypnotize a bank teller into letting him cash a huge check.
04:55 Being smart wouldn't let him do that,
04:57 so it has to be that he always had hypnosis in him, and was just too stupid to use it.
05:02 It's nice of Rogue to thank her when he doesn't have to.
05:06 Elroy sees Rogue and makes a police siren noise, but of course it fails to stop him.
05:11 George rides on the remote-controlled broom with Elroy standing on top and holding onto it.
05:17 Rogue latches onto a monorail line for extra power,
05:22 and Elroy says even electronic brains have their limits.
05:26 He asks him a question, which distracts him into crashing into the hovering truck up ahead.
05:31 Elroy knew to do this because of what happened to the electronic brain,
05:36 so it's a checkup's gun.
05:37 Somehow, the thinker blinker goes into his mouth.
05:40 George explains that the professor got arrested because of his fingerprints, and he got promoted.
05:46 Elroy becomes the brains of the company somehow,
05:49 instead of dying from swallowing a computer part, or at least needing his stomach pumped.
05:54 It's like the thinker blinker was made of edible plastic the whole way through.
05:58 Even then, it would have been dissolved in his stomach acid,
06:02 so the only reason he'd be made smarter by it is if it was made by a witch,
06:07 and he absorbed the spell on it that made it work so well.
06:10 And he wouldn't be able to officially hire him because he's a kid,
06:13 so he'd have to hide it to avoid being punished for child labor.
06:17 Then again, since school only lasts two hours in the future,
06:21 maybe child labor laws got lifted because of all those kids at home with nothing to do most of the time.
06:27 I wonder if that's believable.
06:29 In the next story, George and Elroy are watching the space circus.
06:33 He can't find Elroy, assumes the lion is just a costume for no reason,
06:39 and gets saved by a stupid ray used on the lion.
06:42 Elroy gets told off for releasing the lion,
06:45 and he says he just wanted to prove that the clown was chicken,
06:49 even though literally anyone would be afraid of an angry lion.
06:52 He borrows a monkey's rocket cycle,
06:55 and disrupts the elephant act just by flying past it.
06:59 And he goes backstage, taking the place of a trapeze artist's partner,
07:04 saying that she jumped onto the safety net when his pet mouse out of nowhere squeaked at her.
07:09 Then it turns out he had gum in his mouth the whole time and yet was still able to talk no problem.
07:17 His gum covers the guy's face and has him crash through the tent, creating a hole.
07:22 But what's impressive about the trapeze artist is he's flying with a little rocket on his back.
07:27 There's no danger there.
07:29 Elroy luckily gets cheered for by the audience for being a comedian.
07:33 But realistically, the circus workers are still mad at him for disrupting their act,
07:39 requiring George to carry him while running away.
07:42 The exit is blocked by an elephant,
07:45 but he sees a way out, and they get shot out of a cannon wearing air helmets, ending the story.
07:51 Then George sees Elroy walking in a uniform,
07:54 and Jance says he takes the school crossing patrol business seriously.
07:58 There's a sign outside saying it's a school zone, so the speed limit is 250 miles per hour.
08:04 There'd have to be some kind of jeep for stabilizing fuels in the spaceship
08:08 to make the people in the space mobiles feel like they're driving at a normal speed,
08:13 because people can only take so much jeep force.
08:16 George gets a ticket for speeding, with the cop having a sadistic smirk about it because he's got nothing else in his life.
08:22 And then George goes home, and Jane wants to tell him what Elroy did today.
08:27 George asks Elroy if he was on duty this morning, when he was clearly told he was.
08:32 But it ends there without him getting punished because it's a comedy page.
08:36 He was just doing his job, after all.
08:38 It might have felt forced into it.
08:41 But I really wish the comic made it obvious what was a comedy page every time at times like this.
08:46 Then George sits on a flying chair he got from the furniture store.
08:50 It must have a sophisticated computer in it to navigate traffic for him like a self-driving car.
08:56 But the comedy page ends with him sitting on the air dome of a car in front of him,
09:01 while there's a sharp car bumper sticking out through the back of the rocket chair.
09:05 He only got onto the dome because he shouted and looked panicked.
09:10 But that only happened because of the sharp bumper.
09:12 Because he wouldn't have time to jump.
09:15 But it would have already gone through him by that point.
09:18 This is why bumpers on cars would never be like this,
09:21 and why the rocket chair wouldn't be able to navigate traffic,
09:24 because people want to be allowed to risk their lives going through with it.
09:27 The rocket chair would just stop in front of a road.
09:30 In the next story, George keeps Jane from pushing the button for vegetables for supper
09:36 because their vegetable bill for last month is too high.
09:39 He's already got the vegetables. He might as well use them.
09:42 Or do they instantly get delivered on button press?
09:46 He says he'll contact a new automatic vegetable supply company and have this machine taken out.
09:52 So they must have to pay every time she presses a button to order vegetables.
09:57 He thanks the new company, and I don't trust them.
10:01 The couple gets shocked at seeing a vegetable garden.
10:04 But George actually enjoys taking care of it because it's a challenge.
10:09 He plans to get fertilizer, but a day later, there's a huge amount of ridiculously tall weeds.
10:14 How is that possible?
10:16 Did someone put weeds here?
10:18 There's so many weeds, they grow all around his tower.
10:21 George gets told to call the company, and he's told the weeds were gotten rid of,
10:26 but he'll have to wait a year before planting again,
10:29 because the weed killer will prevent anything from growing there for a year.
10:33 He says he forgot something.
10:35 Yeah, he forgot to tell him all those weeds got there.
10:38 Maybe if the vegetable garden was sprayed with weed growth sprays on purpose.
10:43 But it'd have to be a neighborhood prankster,
10:45 because what would the company have to gain in doing something that'd only get people to give them up?
10:50 This isn't fair.
10:52 He was trying to earn vegetables the proper way, and he got punished for it.
10:56 And he could've been made to suffer because he wouldn't like the vegetables as much as the ones he's used to eating.
11:02 He could've gotten realistic weeds instead, and he'd be more acceptable.
11:06 But he'd be way too boring compared to this,
11:09 which as far as I'm concerned is taking advantage of the sci-fi environment.
11:13 Even if it's not an intentional spray thing, it could be alien weeds.
11:19 George tells his family he decided to save money on dairy products instead,
11:23 and the story ends with there being a cow in his house replacing their dairy service machine,
11:28 and there's an ice cream freeze and butter churn that Rosie's using.
11:33 So Rosie's gonna be busier than ever dealing with this,
11:35 and that only convenes the family only by making the house take longer to clean.
11:40 Still, that's not much of a price to pay when Rosie's doing all the work here.
11:44 And the story ends here.
11:46 Since when does it end in the middle of a page?
11:49 Well, I like that they have that amount of flexibility instead of having to have it always be a certain length,
11:55 'cause that can create padding in a story.
11:58 The next story seems like it's gonna suck because an armored vehicle with an open panel in it has a bag of money fall out,
12:04 and George picks it up,
12:06 planning to take it to the police for a reward.
12:09 But then he hears someone report on the vehicle getting stolen from,
12:12 and people setting up roadblocks all over space to catch the thief.
12:16 I really don't see why the bag even fell out.
12:20 Like, why doesn't that happen a lot more often if it happens so easily?
12:25 So the panel is open because the vehicle is just so full of bags,
12:29 that it must've been impossible to close it over it.
12:32 But why did that bag take so long to fall out of there?
12:35 And how did it get sent out of there the way it was in arc-shaped paths,
12:40 when it would've fallen straight down?
12:42 It only makes sense if it fell because someone inside the vehicle threw it out of the panel after opening it.
12:48 George assumes that if you walked into a police station with the money, they'd never believe he was trying to return it,
12:54 even though that's the only reason he would go to the police station with the bag.
12:59 Jane tells him what he already heard on the car radio, and he says he didn't steal anything.
13:05 And he walks away, thinking that she can't be trusted to believe him,
13:09 even though she's his wife,
13:11 and she knows him better than that.
13:13 Jane says a young boy gave the cops a description of the man he saw carrying the money bag,
13:19 so he runs out of the room scared.
13:21 George conveniently has a fake beard,
13:24 but fortunately explains why he has it.
13:26 He's wearing Junior's Halloween beard.
13:30 Who's Junior?
13:31 Why doesn't he just say Elroy?
13:33 I guess Junior is how kids are referred to in the future,
13:36 in this alternate universe from all the other issues.
13:40 It was surprisingly wise of him to go outside with the disguise.
13:43 He tries to see if the money bag is still there,
13:46 grabs Astro's tail, and finds the overly aggressive dog with the bag of money in his mouth.
13:52 And somehow Astro cares enough to run away carrying the bag of money.
13:57 There's no reason he'd do this,
13:59 because the supposed crime doesn't involve him personally,
14:03 and the only reason he tried to stop a bank robber was because he stepped on his tail,
14:07 establishing him as a neutral character.
14:09 He shouldn't even know about the crime in the first place because he's just a dog.
14:13 That's meant she'd recognize George on sight from the scent,
14:18 but apparently turned on him.
14:20 George assumes that if the police find Astro with the money, they'll think he's guilty for sure,
14:25 and he grabs Astro and removes his disguise.
14:28 And Elroy greets him from behind.
14:31 George puts the bag of money in his pants to hide it,
14:34 as Elroy explains why in the world he's outside.
14:38 Elroy asks him why he's wearing his fake beard and gets told he's cold tonight,
14:43 even though he never did that in the winter.
14:45 So he would've been confused by that.
14:48 George idiotically throws off the beard for no reason before he'd be done with needing it.
14:53 His car gets stopped by a roadblock that's "on the ground".
14:58 I have to assume that the only reason he didn't effortlessly fly over it
15:02 was that people were trained to think it's illegal to fly over them,
15:05 and that a camera would catch them.
15:07 He could've very easily not had to deal with this if he flew up enough
15:11 and flew through the sky until he'd see the police station below his car.
15:16 George gets greeted by a cop who's drawn to smirk evilly,
15:19 and yet George gets told that his story is exactly the same as the boy who told it.
15:25 Why is George surprised to learn that the boy saw the bag fall?
15:29 He saw him earlier.
15:31 At least the story cut past him telling them the truth,
15:34 and he tries to prove his sincerity by saying to let the kid have the reward.
15:39 This backfires because the reward indeed goes to the kid.
15:44 George gets told by the cops that the kid gave them George's description
15:48 so they could find him before a crook did,
15:50 and the news reporters got things mixed up, according to them.
15:54 So George seriously has to go home without any kind of reward for all that misery.
15:59 That story sucked!
16:00 Why did anyone think they should have this happen to him after everything?
16:04 There's a page about George leaving for work in the tube,
16:08 hearing Jane complain that he didn't kiss her and humoring her,
16:12 leaving, coming back for his briefcase,
16:14 and then returning home because he's airsick now.
16:17 Then it already comments on the chemistry set he's playing with that he looks too young for,
16:22 and proves it when an explosion happens.
16:25 And it gets taken away from him.
16:27 The set doesn't look like it came with any book to tell him what not to do,
16:31 and it looks like he was commenting on the results of doing whatever he wanted with it.
16:35 And somehow, nobody thought that would backfire.
16:39 The first story was about George driving into a bank robber,
16:42 and this time he does get rewarded by being promoted to a guard,
16:46 where he screws up falling for the oldest trick in the book,
16:49 getting the brain of the new computer stolen, somehow.
16:53 But his emotion works out because it can ride on the remote-controlled broom
16:57 to keep up with a bank robber robot using it.
17:00 Then Elroy finally does get to have his moment by asking it a question
17:05 and distracting it into crashing into a vehicle,
17:08 saving the day and getting George's job back.
17:10 I wish it was explained that the Tinker Blinker was made of edible materials to explain Elroy's surviving,
17:16 but instead I have to assume that.
17:19 And even then, I don't get how he got made smarter.
17:22 Then there's a story about Elroy misbehaving a lot at a circus
17:25 just because he wanted to show the audience that the clown would be scared of a lion.
17:29 Go figure, when the lion could've gotten people killed for all he knew.
17:33 I was already thinking of M. S. Bratt, so this plot wasn't that shocking,
17:37 but it still exaggerated his character.
17:39 He showed no signs of knowing about the stupefying ring.
17:43 And he had a very petty excuse for releasing a lion at a show where his father was in the front seats.
17:49 At least George was smart by figuring out how to get him and Elroy out of the circus.
17:54 And then there's the story where, with no explanation, sadly,
17:58 a bag of money gets tossed out of the armored vehicle driving in front of George,
18:03 and George picks it up instead of minding his own business.
18:07 Without realizing that of course he might be accused of stealing it.
18:11 Because of course people would look for it immediately.
18:14 He finds out his description was given to the police,
18:17 and wisely decides to use it as guise to get the money to them.
18:20 But somehow he thinks he should get rid of it for no reason at all after talking to Astro and Elroy.
18:26 The former of which was a very arbitrary antagonist for him.
18:30 He doesn't even get rewarded at the end for returning the money,
18:33 because of something he said out of fear.
18:36 Which they would know he only said out of fear.
18:38 The story didn't even need sci-fi technology.
18:41 So it had no reason to exist in this comic considering how needlessly stressful it was.
18:46 (upbeat music)