Moment Biden forgets to sign executive order in Maine

  • last year
Watch the moment Joe Biden realized he forgot to sign an executive order at an event in Maine.

The president was discussing manufacturing at the Auburn Manufacturing Inc., in Auburn, when he finished his speech to applause and stepped down into the crowd.

As he went down the line shaking hands, and aide appeared at his side to whisper in his ear. The 80-year-old then hurried back onto the stage to sign the executive order which was the focus of the event.

Picking up the microphone again, the president quipped: “I forgot I didn’t sign the order. All that talk and no action”
00:00 (music)
00:22 I'm coming back to Shaker Ham, but I forgot I didn't sign the order.
00:26 (laughter)
00:27 All that talk and no action.
00:30 All right.
00:37 I'm signing the executive order, federal research and development in support of domestic manufacturing
00:48 in the United States, which means more jobs.
00:52 (applause)
