Here is How This Dog Saved His Owner from Wild Bear

  • last year
00:00 When it comes to loyal animals, dogs are better than anyone else.
00:04 There have been instances where tiny terriers fight head on to protect their humans.
00:09 Tiny pets have also managed to group up and scare away wild animals as big as wild bears.
00:15 But for that, you'll have to watch till the end.
00:17 Here are the times pets came to the rescue of their humans when no one else would.
00:24 Dog Saves Girl From Drowning
00:28 Being a parent is a difficult job.
00:30 Keeping kids safe is tricky, from falling off the stairs to running into sharp objects.
00:35 But with some luck, you can share your responsibilities with a trusted friend.
00:39 More specifically, man's best friend.
00:44 The dog senses danger as the little girl walks towards the river to fetch her ball.
00:49 He quickly sweeps in and pulls the girl by her dress, placing her at a safe distance
00:53 from the water.
00:54 But that's not all.
00:56 As any observant parent, he's determined to get to the root of the problem.
00:59 This is why he goes back into the water and fetches the ball, making sure the little girl
01:04 doesn't attempt running into the river again.
01:09 Dog Saves Owner Who Has A Seizure
01:14 Taking care of your pets can be a little handful at times.
01:17 But dogs continue to show that if given the chance, they'd gladly return the favor.
01:22 This furry pet realized the urgency of the matter and acted smartly.
01:26 As the owner fell into a sudden seizure on the side of the road, the dog's protective
01:30 instinct kicked in.
01:32 Seeing her owner in pain, she decided to get help.
01:36 Just at that moment a car passed by and she knew exactly what to do to save her owner.
01:41 She walked in the middle of the road to bring the incoming vehicle to a stop.
01:45 With her plan succeeding, she guided the driver towards the owner.
01:52 Horse Saves Owner From Angry Cow Running a farm is not all fun and games.
01:59 It requires managing multiple animals at once, and not just that, some of them may be trying
02:04 to charge at you.
02:06 So having a little help goes a long way.
02:14 Here the cowboy is tagging the calf, which the cow sees as a threat.
02:19 But before the cow can charge towards the cowboy, the horse comes to his rescue.
02:24 He kicks the cow to prevent her from hurting the cowboy, but the cow is not ready to take
02:28 no for an answer and tries again.
02:31 Finally, the horse is equally inclined to protect the human and pushes the cow with
02:35 his body to the side.
02:37 With the cow taken care of, the cowboy now can continue to work in peace.
02:44 Man Fights Wolf For Owner Encountering a lone wolf in the wild is a
02:51 battle lost even before it's played.
02:54 However, if your teammate is a loyal dog, there is nothing to fear.
02:58 The man is surrounded by a pack of wolves as he runs back and forth trying to keep them
03:03 off.
03:04 But alongside the man is his dog, also determined to keep his owner safe from the pack.
03:09 So while the owner claps at the wolves, the dog rushes toward them to protect his owner.
03:14 Together they form an unbeatable team even when their opponent is a pack of wild beasts.
03:23 Dog Fights Angry Goose While the goose may seem harmless, if provoked
03:29 can be a bitter enemy.
03:31 They mainly attack humans in defense, but that doesn't mean it won't leave you with
03:35 a few broken bones or a severe injury.
03:38 So when in a fight with a ruthless enemy, who better to call than man's best friend?
03:43 The goose is determined to attack the human.
03:45 He bites into the owner's jacket attempting to draw closer, but the dog is right behind
03:50 him and equally committed to protecting the owner from any danger.
03:54 The dog bites down on the goose's neck, pulling him away from his owner.
03:58 The goose makes one last attempt to attack, but the dog moves ahead.
04:02 He drags the goose by the mouth to the side until he flies off.
04:09 Dog Saves Baby Sometimes it's humans who are their own worst
04:15 enemy.
04:16 This baby was thrown away by strangers who had left her to die in a gutter, but the dog
04:21 knew that something wrong was going on there.
04:23 The incident took place in Haryana, where there's a culture of preferring boys over
04:28 girls.
04:29 These stray dogs, who seem like a menace to everyone, made sure to stay with the little
04:33 girl the whole night.
04:35 They even tried to call out attention to her by barking at everyone who passed by.
04:39 The poor dog went on and on the whole night until around 4 am, a person on a motorbike
04:45 took notice.
04:46 That stranger took the girl out of the gutter and then to the hospital.
04:50 She stayed in a critical condition for a while, but eventually got better.
04:54 All because of the dogs.
04:58 This Mountain Lion Was About To Attack Living near a forest is a great experience
05:05 since who doesn't like fresh air?
05:08 But also that means there's an abundance of wild animals roaming around the area.
05:13 This mountain lion was about to attack this man, but thankfully his dog was right there
05:17 to protect him.
05:18 He managed to get the mountain lion on the floor until the man ran back to get a weapon
05:23 to defend himself and his pet from the ferocious lion.
05:28 That Saves Baby From Falling Down The Stairs
05:33 Babies are curious little beings and love to explore.
05:36 That's a cute trait until they find themselves in a dangerous situation.
05:41 A CCTV camera captured the perfect moment when a household cat saved a one-year-old
05:46 baby's life.
05:47 As the little baby went past the rocking chair and towards the stairs that go right out of
05:52 the frame, it would have fallen down and hurt itself.
05:56 But Gatubuela, the cat, rushed over to the baby's safety like it was her own kitten.
06:01 The cat forcefully pushed away the baby as it insisted on going down the stairs.
06:06 The stubborn baby would have hurt himself quite severely if it weren't for our hero
06:10 cat.
06:12 Cat Saves Toddler From Dog Attack
06:17 Living in a suburban area means that you have quite a safe life.
06:21 However, that problem can still arise if the danger is a rabid dog.
06:25 Jeremy, a four-year-old, was playing on his bike in front of his house when all of a sudden,
06:30 a dog ran toward the poor child and tried to drag him away.
06:34 Before the dog could do too much harm, their family cat, Tara, came to the rescue.
06:39 She instantly rushed to push away the dog.
06:42 It was almost like the roles had been reversed when she started to chase the dog.
06:46 While Tara did that, Jeremy's mother ran to check up on him and take him inside.
06:53 Small Dog Protects From Coyote
06:57 Having a dog with you when you go on walks or runs gives you privileges you might not
07:02 expect.
07:03 It doesn't matter how small a dog is, if it's loyal, I'll do anything to save you.
07:08 Take Marcy, the Yorkshire Terrier, for example.
07:11 While their 10-year-old owner was running, a coyote snuck up from behind.
07:15 The owner got scared and ran away while calling us for Marcy.
07:19 Unlike the little girl, Marcy stayed there to attack the coyote back.
07:23 After a short-lived brawl, Marcy limped back inside with a happy face.
07:28 Even though Marcy got hurt and had to be taken to the hospital, the little pup proved to
07:33 be quite strong and brave.
07:37 Dolphins Protect Diver From Hammerhead Shark
07:42 This diver was able to capture some astonishing and heartwarming footage of a pack of dolphins
07:47 risking their own lives to save him.
07:49 As the diver was swimming, a humongous Atlantic Hammerhead Shark can be seen following him
07:54 to eventually attack and feed on him.
07:57 In an attempt to save his life, the diver proceeded to dive a little deeper while recording
08:02 the terrifying ordeal.
08:04 As the diver feared for his life, something strange took place before his very eyes.
08:09 To everyone's surprise, including the divers, a pack of dolphins who had been observing
08:14 the scene nearby decided to group together to launch a fierce attack on the gigantic
08:19 hammerhead and succeeded in saving the diver's life.
08:24 Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark
08:29 The utterly mesmerizing and enthralling footage begins with a diver swimming alongside a ginormous
08:35 yet all-strikingly graceful and gentle whale.
08:39 The two creatures swim alongside each other for a while, where the whale can be seen allowing
08:43 the diver to even touch it and hold onto it as the waves crash around them.
08:49 During this engrossing footage, everyone is suddenly caught off guard as a tiger shark
08:53 appears in the footage and suddenly the life of the diver becomes at risk.
08:58 However, the calm whale takes it upon itself to protect the diver from the terrors of the
09:03 sea and easily manages to scare the shark away, taking everyone's breath away.
09:16 The diver definitely has one heck of a tale to tell for the rest of her life.
09:28 Dolphin Saves Girl From Drowning
09:33 Dolphins are renowned for their loyalty, intelligence, and heart-winning capabilities.
09:38 All this can be clearly proved through the following footage as we see a dolphin quickly
09:42 rushing in to save the life of a SeaWorld employee.
09:46 Though it is an act put up by the employee, the dolphin does not know that and rushes
09:50 over to act as quick as lightning, allowing for the previously flailing employee to tightly
09:56 hold onto its fin and be carried away, thus showcasing not only its high level of intelligence
10:02 but also its incredible empathy and loyalty.
10:06 As the dolphin must have some sort of bond with the SeaWorld employee, it might just
10:10 be a fish but its qualities can be said to be more brilliant than even humans at times.
10:16 Hero Dog Dies Stopping Cobra From Reaching Sleeping Baby
10:22 In this video, a black and white dog can be seen barking ferociously and biting down upon
10:27 a squiggly mass that later proved itself to be a deadly cobra.
10:32 The loyalty of the dogs is such that despite knowing how dangerous the cobra was, their
10:37 love and duty to protect the baby sleeping indoors was much, much greater.
10:41 That's why they can be seen relentlessly fighting the cruel cobra as it bites them
10:46 several times, yet they don't give up.
10:49 Slowly but surely, together they manage to pull the cobra out of any place it managed
10:54 to hide in and after an enormous effort, can kill the deadly cobra.
10:58 However, they too give up their precious lives in the process.
11:02 Their noble act will be forever remembered by the world.
11:07 Elephant Came To Rescue People Like dolphins, elephants are also known for
11:13 their intense loyalty and extreme intellect.
11:16 They too have an enormous amount of empathy and love for anyone who treats them with kindness.
11:21 One such incident to prove this can be seen where an elephant named Kamala spots a man
11:26 flailing around in the river trying to fight against the strong waves.
11:30 Upon seeing the struggle, Kamala immediately rushes in to help and can be seen struggling
11:35 to fight the strong waves as well, yet she perseveres.
11:40 Upon reaching near the man, she can be seen lifting him above the river water by wrapping
11:45 her trunk around the struggling man and carrying him to safety.
11:48 Such is her exemplary character.
11:52 Dogs are known for their loyalty like no other animals are.
11:56 There are innumerable stories of dogs proving said loyalty and the following footage is
12:01 just another example of that.
12:03 A ferocious wild boar can be seen in its utmost rage charging at a man ready to kill him,
12:09 and as the unsuspecting man tries to wrestle the wild beast to the ground, his dog jumps
12:14 to action.
12:16 The dog can be then seen circling around the beast, trying to pounce onto him without any
12:20 fear for his own life or well-being.
12:23 Despite the intense size difference, he succeeds in distracting the wild boar and even jumps
12:28 up on him a few times.
12:30 At last, the man succeeds in holding the wild boar down and they make a narrow escape barely
12:35 making it out alive.
12:38 This piece of footage not only has one but several surprises itself.
12:42 First, a man can be seen hanging around a pack of lions and it's not only his nearness
12:47 to the lions that are utterly surprising, it's the fact that the lions are so comfortable
12:52 that they are calm and enjoying being petted by them.
12:56 In the midst of this confusing behavior presented by the lions, a leopard in all its glory can
13:01 be seen making a run for the man, seemingly ready to pounce and take him down for good.
13:07 However, in yet another turn of surprising events, the tiger pounces on the leopard,
13:12 hindering him from his attack and the man is saved.
13:15 Thus, a tiger can be seen saving a man from a very close leopard attack, making us question
13:22 his relationship with these relatives of the cat.
13:27 Tiny Dog Scares Away Bear
13:32 Areas that are closer to wildlife bring about fresh air, but it also means that the neighboring
13:36 houses will get an extra visit from animals like bears.
13:41 This woman had left her door open in Southern California and a brown bear casually walked
13:45 in.
13:46 The woman was inside her room, sleeping like a baby while the bear roamed around her living
13:51 room.
13:52 Before it could cause any ruckus, two of her tiny terrier dogs started to bark and intimidate
13:57 the bear.
13:58 They eventually chased the curious bear out of the house and without the woman knowing.
14:02 If it weren't for her CCTV cameras, she would have never known what happened in her own
14:07 house.
14:11 The Firefighting Dog
14:15 Dogs have a long history of helping out in the fire departments, working in different
14:19 capacities.
14:20 Little did we know some pets have these traits inborn.
14:24 In this clip, we see a dog leading the fireman to its owner's house.
14:27 Here's what happened.
14:29 On April 4, 2010, a fire broke out in the workshop of Ben Heinrich, who owns Buddy,
14:35 the dog, while he was doing some maintenance on his truck.
14:38 Immediately the fire broke out, the dog set out to find some help while Ben ensured his
14:43 family's safety.
14:44 The dog stood by the roadside waiting for the fireman, who the neighbors had called.
14:49 As the state troopers headed to the property, his GPS broke down in the remote backroads
14:54 of Alaska.
14:56 But as he was about to make a wrong turn, he noticed something waiting in the dark.
15:00 It was Buddy.
15:01 And as soon as Buddy saw the vehicle, it started running towards the house and would occasionally
15:05 stop to make sure the man made the right turns until they arrived at the property.
15:10 What a chap!
15:14 Cat Saves Toddler
15:18 Some days, cats aren't too busy lazing around, they can actually be very protective of their
15:23 owners.
15:24 This kid and the family cat were enjoying the view at their balcony when the kid excitedly
15:28 wanted to see more and decided to grab onto the rails to see if he could get a better
15:32 view of the area.
15:34 However, the cat was on hand to make sure he didn't do anything to harm himself.
15:38 The kid wasn't going to stop so easily, so he tried a couple more times before eventually
15:42 giving in to the cat's warnings.
15:45 And of course, the child didn't like that their cat wouldn't let him play by the rails,
15:48 so he ran straight to tell mommy.
15:51 Fluffy the Cat Saves Owner's Life After He Fell
15:56 Since we've been able to establish it's not only dogs that can be helpful to humans in
16:00 times of trouble, let's take a look at another cat that would be at hand to save his owner's
16:05 life after he had slipped in the shower and laid on the bathroom floor for over 16 hours.
16:10 An 84-year-old man who lived alone in his apartment with his pet cat, Fluffy, had a
16:16 home accident that almost cost him his life.
16:18 He slipped while getting out of the shower and was on the floor from 8 in the morning
16:22 till 12 midnight.
16:24 His phone was on the counter which he couldn't reach and his cat was also stuck with him.
16:29 It was at this point he knew that he had to do something if he didn't want to die like
16:33 this.
16:34 So, he looked at his cat, his only hope, and told it to get his phone if he didn't want
16:38 him to die.
16:40 After saying these words out of desperation, he looked away from the cat when all of a
16:44 sudden he felt something in his hand.
16:47 The cat had brought his phone!
16:49 This was how Fluffy saved his owner's life.
16:54 Doberman Saves Little Girl
16:55 Khan, an adopted Doberman from a local shelter, started acting aggressively towards a toddler
17:04 as she played in her family's yard just days after joining the family.
17:09 The toddler's mom saw this and was alarmed, thinking the worst was about to happen.
17:14 She rushed to the yard only to see that things were not how she had imagined.
17:19 Dog had spotted a King Brown snake that was about to strike the toddler and had grabbed
17:23 her by the diaper to gently get her out of harm's way since it stood between the girl
17:28 and the snake.
17:29 Unfortunately the snake eventually bit Khan but its owners were quick to get it to the
17:33 vet and it was able to make a full recovery.
17:38 Dog Saves Girl From Drowning
17:43 In this next clip we see a girl and her dog having a swell time by the beach.
17:47 She seemed to be carried away by the fun she was having and almost literally was carried
17:51 away by the sea if not for her protector, the dog.
17:55 The dog saw the waves were stronger and immediately went in to drag her by the shirt and brought
18:00 her ashore, much to the fun and delight of the little girl.
18:08 Dog Makes Sure Mother Doesn't Hit Her Child
18:12 I don't know what this kid must have done to earn a beating from her mom but their dog
18:16 did the sweetest thing you'll see on the internet today.
18:19 Seeing that the kid was cornered by her mom, one of the dogs decided to protect her from
18:23 the impending whooping by coming between the angry mother and her child.
18:28 So each time the mother tried to hit the girl, the dog would go in front of her and literally
18:32 bark at her to stop.
18:38 Horse Sends Trespassers Away
18:42 Moving your horse to a new place could mean competing with existing animals for food and
18:46 space.
18:47 But when you have horses like these guys, you may not have to chase the principal animals
18:51 away.
18:52 These horses looked out for their owner by sending some trespassing horses away from
18:56 their new space.
18:58 Although the intruding horses used to graze around this field, the new horses are letting
19:01 them know they're no longer welcome here.
19:08 Cat Keeps Persistent Dog Away
19:12 Sometimes we humans just want to be left alone and for those that have very pesky and clinging
19:16 pets, this can be a very lofty ambition.
19:20 While enjoying the view of his backyard, this pet owner couldn't get his dog to leave him
19:23 alone before his brave cat steps in.
19:27 The cat definitely got the message across to the dog by chasing it down the yard and
19:30 letting it know their owner would like some peace and quiet.
19:34 Alright, comment below which of these animal stories made you the most emotional.
19:39 Don't forget to like this video, subscribe to Forever Green, and hit that bell icon for
19:43 more.
19:44 We'll see you in the next one!
19:45 [Music]
