Even Hippos Are Afraid Of This Aggressive Animal

  • last year
00:00 Some animals are happy to sit by, passively letting the world go by.
00:04 Others, however, are extremely dangerous predators.
00:07 You can never judge a book by its cover because sometimes the most aggressive animals are deceptively cute.
00:13 Sometimes, animals commonly misconceived as looking harmless are surprisingly dangerous to both humans and their surroundings.
00:20 Welcome back to another episode of Forever Green.
00:28 Today, we've gathered 24 of the most aggressive animals on the planet, be it to their surroundings or human beings.
00:35 We'll be going through each one and see how dangerous they really are.
00:39 Any animal will be aggressive when provoked, but these are the worst, most territorial, and fearless creatures out there.
00:45 Remember, even the cute ones on this list should be avoided at all costs.
00:49 Make sure you watch till the end because you might be surprised how some of these hold up.
00:54 So buckle in, make sure you're subscribed, and let's get into it.
00:58 Known as the Indian bison, this bovine is native to the South and Southeast Asia.
01:15 It's known to be incredibly bold and aggressive.
01:18 They're one of the few forms of cattle that have never been domesticated and can grow up to 12 feet tall and weigh as much as 1,800 pounds in full growth.
01:28 They're commonly cited as one of the most dangerous animals in the Indian jungle, with good reason.
01:33 While they're generally safe to view from a distance, they'll often cause problems with other animals they perceive as weaker.
01:45 In fact, the guar will seek out fields and graze amongst domestic cattle only to kill them in fights they pick.
01:52 They do this despite not hunting for sustenance like other animals, given that they're herbivores who sustain mainly on plants, leaves, shrubs, fruits, flowers, and other leafy things.
02:13 23. Hippopotamus
02:16 People often don't believe that hippos are as aggressive as they really are because of everything else they know about them.
02:25 They're lumbering, seemingly lethargic, partially aquatic, and have adorable babies.
02:30 However, hippopotamuses are known to kill at least 500 people per year.
02:41 They're found all across sub-Saharan Africa and along the Nile River, giving them plenty of stomping grounds.
02:47 Incredibly, the hippo can move surprisingly fast on land, with a sprinting speed of 19 miles per hour.
02:54 They can grow between 9.5 to nearly 17 feet long and weigh something over 2 tons at full growth.
03:01 However, there is no upper limit. The male hippo never stops growing during their entire 50-year lifespan.
03:09 They have lower incisors and great lower canines that never stop growing either, making them incredibly fierce creatures to be reckoned with.
03:19 22. Rams
03:32 Known best for charging and headbutting each other, rams are aggressive or at least have the potential to be even after seeming friendly.
03:40 Hand-reared ram lambs may seem more docile, but their behavior does vary widely despite the fact.
03:46 They lack fear, even of their shepherd, and if you don't know how to handle yourself or them, it's best to avoid them.
03:53 After their first three years, they become mean or aggressive towards other creatures.
03:58 Ram fights occur naturally as a bovine behavior to settle dominance.
04:03 It's a contest to see the alpha among them. With predators and perceived threats, they are more likely to stand up against predators.
04:11 While one ram or eye may not be able to stop the attack, they can keep a predator at bay long enough to get reinforcement, which will stamp off an attack when together.
04:22 21. Moose
04:28 Chances are if you're somewhere with a moose, you know how to avoid them.
04:33 They may look goofy and lovable, but try to avoid getting in their way.
04:37 They grow to nearly 7 feet tall and can kill you in just a single, effortless blow.
04:43 Moose are known to attack people more often than bears do.
04:46 While they're generally not aggressive, any amount of harassment can trigger this behavior at higher rates than usual.
04:53 If you encounter an agitated moose, your best bet is to run away or take cover behind a solid object.
05:00 It's actually encouraged to run, unlike other animals, rather than stay on your ground because they're less likely to lumber after you if you dash away.
05:15 20. Black Rhinoceros
05:22 Many people might be confused by black rhinos' blank, gentle look.
05:26 When provoked, their reactions become unpredictable.
05:29 With their massive body, large horns, and surprising speed of 35 mph, they're a dangerous animal that shouldn't be messed with.
05:40 They have notoriously poor eyesight and will become aggressive towards or attack anything that could be perceived as a threat.
05:48 This gives them a hair trigger when it comes to confrontation.
05:52 Adult rhinos can be found across southeastern Africa.
05:55 Countries like Nambia, Kenya, and South Africa hold about 87% of the worldwide population.
06:02 They can grow to 10.8 to 12 feet long and weigh anywhere from 1,760 to 3,080 pounds at bullseye.
06:11 19. Black-Footed Cat
06:17 Now, looking at this little guy, they look like eternal kittens.
06:22 You'd be surprised at just how dangerous they can be relative to their size.
06:28 They're a very dangerous animal, and if you're a little kid, you're going to want to be careful.
06:33 They have an incredible success rate on hunting, around 60%, which, for reference, the mighty lion only has a success rate of 20% in the wild.
06:42 These nocturnal African wildcats are aggressive and can be seen hunting for their diet at night.
06:48 They might be small, growing to just 13 to 19 inches long and 2 to 4 pounds in full growth.
06:54 They're also a very dangerous animal, and if you're a little kid, you're going to want to be careful.
06:59 They're a very dangerous animal, and if you're a little kid, you're going to want to be careful.
07:03 However, they don't seem afraid of fighting even mammals several times bigger than them, despite this.
07:10 At their best, they have a jump of about 4.7 feet, so you might not even see them coming.
07:16 18. Box Jellyfish
07:24 These nearly invisible, transparent invertebrates are considered the most venomous marine animal in the world.
07:30 Their namesake, cubic frames, can contain up to 15 tentacles, growing as much as 10 feet long.
07:36 They have thousands of stinging cells that contain toxins that will simultaneously attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells all at once.
07:45 The venom works so quickly and is so potent, hundreds of people are killed by them each year.
07:51 Often, victims go into shock, drown, or die of heart failure long before reaching shore.
07:57 You might think of them as passive, but the box jellyfish are voracious hunters with the ability to chase prey by moving forward as well as up and down at the speed of two knots.
08:08 You probably won't be able to swim away if caught out in the ocean against one for that matter.
08:14 Are you afraid of open oceans?
08:16 Many people are, and with creatures like the translucent, aggressive box jellyfish out there just lurking in the depths, it's not hard to see why.
08:25 Let us know below in the comments as we'd love to hear your thoughts.
08:29 And while you're down there, make sure you're subscribed with post notifications turned on so you never miss any incredible animal videos just like this.
08:38 17. Koala
08:45 Chances are you've seen how cute a koala is.
08:48 With their iconic round nose, soft brown eyes, and cuddly teddy bear-like demeanor, you'd be surprised to know that they can be incredibly aggressive.
08:57 These tiny creatures only grow 2 to 3 feet, with a top weight of 30 pounds, and in the south will turn on a dime.
09:04 If they feel threatened through human invasion or potential threats to themselves or their young,
09:09 in 2006, a group of four criminals broke into an Australian zoo to steal a koala and sell it for drugs.
09:17 Still, the koala was so aggressive they couldn't get close enough.
09:21 They have uniquely sharp, strong claws that can cause bodily lacerations.
09:25 While they aren't as territorial, they are easily spooked and quick to fight.
09:30 You're better off not getting near them if you can avoid it.
09:36 16. Cassowary
09:39 The most dangerous bird globally, considering its size is second only to ostriches.
09:47 Despite this, cassowary attacks are far more deadly than ostriches on average.
09:52 When provoked, they become highly aggressive and will attack viciously.
10:02 They have powerful legs and razor-sharp claws, which work together as their primary weapon.
10:08 A single blow with those claws could even break a human's bones.
10:12 They jump over the victim and will attack both forward and backwards directions,
10:17 making the victim's condition critical at best.
10:20 Cassowaries are among some of the most giant birds on the planet,
10:24 reaching up to 5.8 feet high and around 167 pounds at full grown.
10:30 They tend to live in tropical rainforests, swamps, and mangrove woodlands,
10:35 though they also can be found foraging along beaches.
10:39 15. African Buffalo
10:44 The African buffalo's massive, curved horns and robust, muscular body make them hard to mistake for docile.
10:53 Humans usually avoid them altogether.
10:55 They can grow to around 5.5 to 11 feet long and weigh anywhere between 1,100 to 2,200 pounds at full size.
11:04 This is a form of buffalo that was never domesticated, unlike the Asian water buffalo.
11:10 African buffalos kill upward of 200 people per year with their sharp, vicious horns coming to dagger-like points.
11:18 They're one of the Big Five big game hunters.
11:21 The African buffalo has a reputation for both aggressiveness and what seems like vengeance.
11:27 They only have two predators who actively hunt them, lions and giant crocodiles.
11:34 14. Chimpanzee
11:38 Chimpanzees may seem like cute, hairy cousins to humans.
11:44 You likely should avoid approaching them without heavy caution.
11:48 This is because violence is a natural part of life to chimpanzees, and aggression is a typical trait.
11:54 They're known to both attack others of the same species and others alike.
11:59 During an attack, chimpanzees can use their powerful hands to target their prey's hands, face, feet, and genitals.
12:12 This includes humans.
12:14 Pet chimpanzees are too destructive and dangerous to keep as a part of a family, and are often understimulated in human environments.
12:22 While fearful of adult humans, especially men, they don't feel the same towards children and are known to have snatched and killed human babies.
12:30 They often get as tall as 3.5 to 5 feet with a full-grown weight of 70 to 130 pounds, so it would be difficult to take one on alone.
12:39 You'd think people know better than to have a chimpanzee as a pet, but more than 20 people in the last 20 years have been killed by chimpanzees, at least three since 2014.
12:50 More than five in the previous 20 years have been pets or captive chimpanzees.
12:55 People see a cute baby chimp and want an adorable pet.
12:59 Did you already know how dangerous they are or can be? Let us know down in the comments!
13:06 13. Kangaroo
13:09 Kangaroos get a very soft reputation for being cute and cuddly, but they're subversively dangerous.
13:17 They have strong hind legs and long, sharp claws that can cause irreparable damage to their opponents.
13:24 They're known to be muscular and robust, with agile arms that enable them to spar vigorously.
13:30 The way they grip their enemies while rocking back on their tails can be used to disembowel the enemy.
13:36 They're the heaviest marsupial globally, growing up to 200 pounds at full-grown, with a range of 3 to 8 feet heights.
13:44 Luckily, kangaroos don't generally go after humans, though that's not always true about other animals.
13:55 They've been known to go after small to medium dogs and other native creatures,
14:00 as well as being sharp-witted and being able to follow you home if you catch their eye.
14:05 12. Least Weasel
14:15 As small mammals and the smallest existing weasel on the planet,
14:21 you'd be surprised to hear that the least weasel is an incredibly aggressive predator.
14:26 They might not eat a living human, of course,
14:29 but even just a bite from a frightened or stressed least weasel can do some real damage.
14:34 They're fearless carnivores that go after prey more than double their size,
14:44 much like the more notorious honey badger.
14:47 They exhibit aggressive behavior like screeching and lunging when they feel threatened.
14:52 The least weasel is the very definition of big things in small packages,
14:56 only growing 10 to 12 inches and weighing at most 12 ounces at full-grown.
15:01 They're often more aggressive than average despite their size,
15:05 small, territorial, and unafraid of predators.
15:09 11. Wild Boar
15:15 While this might surprise you, the wild boar has a wildly unpredictable nature
15:20 and can be incredibly aggressive when threatened.
15:23 A fully-grown boar will weigh between 110 to 198 pounds,
15:30 but its primary weapons are noticeably massive, long, curved tusks.
15:41 When agitated, they'll charge tusk first,
15:44 which can gore even a much larger predator when the opportunity arises.
15:49 10. Komodo Dragon
15:52 Now, this might not be the fire-breathing, flying creatures of legend,
15:59 but the Komodo dragon has its own powers.
16:02 In fact, its saliva is so venomous that it can kill within 24 hours.
16:07 A simple bite from a Komodo dragon can not only maim you, but cause massive blood loss.
16:13 Not only that, but the resulting blood pressure drop
16:16 can put something as big as a water buffalo into huge shock.
16:19 Humans would likely die from the same bite given their size.
16:23 Unlike other lizards, Komodo dragons are not shy and immediately run away.
16:28 They don't like being bothered and will likely become aggressive if they've been pestered.
16:32 A human is roughly the same size as their usual prey,
16:35 so it's easy to see how the Komodo dragon might see people and prey all the same.
16:41 9. Tasmanian Devil
16:46 Found only on the Australian island of Tasmania,
16:52 they earn their name "Devil" from the nature of aggression and how quickly they tend to turn.
16:58 "Are you following?"
17:00 When threatened, they'll bare their teeth while screeching loudly.
17:06 Not only that, but similar to a skunk,
17:09 they'll produce a foul-smelling odor to get rid of danger when they can.
17:13 Now, unprovoked, a Tasmanian Devil won't attack humans.
17:17 Still, when defending themselves, there's very little this bold animal might not do.
17:24 8. Bull Shark
17:26 They might be small, only growing to about 30 inches and weighing 26 pounds at full grown,
17:35 but they have powerful jaws that can make an incredibly forceful bite.
17:39 8. Bull Shark
17:44 Found off the east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, bull sharks are highly aggressive.
17:52 They can also be found in fresh waters, adapting and giving themselves more accessibility to humans.
17:58 Adult bull sharks actually have no natural predators.
18:02 They're known to mostly eat fish, other sharks, sea turtles, birds, stingrays, and dolphins.
18:08 They have a 6,000 newton bite force, which is about 1,300 pounds of power.
18:14 For example, humans only have 247 to 292 pounds of bite force.
18:20 While they may not have a specific appetite for humans, they will attack,
18:25 only to break away, realizing they've not caught their usual prey.
18:29 While their attack on humans might be rare, they do have ready access to them, which happens more often than not.
18:36 Because of this, bull sharks are considered one of the deadliest sharks in the world.
18:42 7. Duck-billed Platypus
18:49 Although there have been no known human fatalities, duck-billed platypuses are one of the few venomous mammals.
18:55 They can grow up to 24 inches and around 5 pounds at full grown, but don't let their small size fool you.
19:02 They can deliver a sting that feels like hundreds of hornet stings,
19:06 and will likely put their victim out of commission for several weeks.
19:10 The pain is just the beginning.
19:12 Though, as victims quickly become nauseated, suffer from cold sweats and can waste away in a muscular sense.
19:19 Sometimes this creates long-lasting or even permanent damage to the nerves and muscles where you were bitten.
19:25 Now, they don't go after people and aren't usually aggressive.
19:29 Still, they may have been known to take down smaller animals like aggressive dogs when they're annoyed or threatened.
19:35 Their predators include snakes, water rats, foxes and dogs, as most animals avoid these strange, billed creatures.
19:44 6. Polar Bears
19:49 Polar bears are a variety of bear that will definitely stalk a human for miles and eat them.
19:57 Chances are this aggressiveness is due to food scarcity, as they live in remote, icy areas.
20:03 Still, in the last 130 years, over 73 attacks have been recorded.
20:09 They're potent predators that are not often afraid of humans, and their hunger would outweigh any perceived threat.
20:16 Animals that are desperately in need of food will attack just about anything.
20:20 When they see something like humans, which they perceive as prey,
20:24 they'll resort to behaviors of snorting, hissing and lowering their head with its ears back.
20:29 There's minimal overlap to where humans are and where polar bears live,
20:33 but if you ever see yourself in a situation where a polar bear could try to get you, try to get away quickly.
20:39 Polar bears will follow you home and wait for a chance.
20:43 If they have the opportunity, at a 10-foot height and a weight of up to 2,200 pounds at full grown,
20:50 you probably won't win that fight.
20:53 If you've made it this far, make sure to leave a like down below.
20:58 There are only five left on the list,
21:00 and these are some of the most aggressive and dangerous creatures that you do not need to be messing with.
21:06 Let us know in the comment section what you think the top five animals could be,
21:10 and make sure you watch to the end to see how your guesses match up.
21:15 5. Honey Badger
21:20 Honey badgers are notorious for their strength, ferocity and toughness.
21:27 They don't seem to be bothered by what other creatures they're sparring off against,
21:31 as they're known to attack savagely against just about any other species if escape is impossible.
21:38 Their attacks will repel much larger predators such as lions or hyenas.
21:43 Bee stings, porcupine quills and animal bites are rare to penetrate their tough skin, making them formidable foes.
21:51 Their skin is loose, giving them the ability to twist around and bite their attackers.
21:56 Not only that, but because they prey on venomous creatures, they are thought to have developed an immunity.
22:02 The honey badger is small but mighty, often getting to the size of a small to medium-sized dog,
22:08 weighing between 13 to 20 pounds and growing as much as 9 to 11 inches tall at the shoulder.
22:14 There are few attacks on humans known, but they do have the tools to defend themselves if cornered or threatened.
22:24 4. Black Mamba
22:26 Like most other animals, the black mamba does not seek confrontation with people.
22:34 Still, it is notorious for its aggressiveness when cornered.
22:38 The name doesn't come from its scales, which range from gray to dark brown,
22:42 but the color of its mouth gaping in a threatening display.
22:46 They often grow over 9 feet in length, but some have gotten as long as 14 feet long.
22:52 The king cobra is longer in terms of venomous snakes.
22:55 It attacks by repeatedly biting, leaving several sets of tooth marks in its victim's bodies.
23:01 The venom is a neurotoxin and works minutes after it's been delivered.
23:06 Without an immediate treatment of antivenom, victims often die 7 to 15 hours later
23:11 when their cardiovascular system collapses in response.
23:15 3. Wolverine
23:20 Wolverines may only have the size of a medium dog and may only get around 22 to 55 pounds at full grown.
23:28 Still, they're fearless and aggressive like no other.
23:32 They're small but muscular, with solid and large teeth.
23:36 They're known to even take down giant prey like moose or bears in particular.
23:41 They tend to burrow and eat smaller hibernating animals,
23:44 making them a menace even when the critters think they're safe.
23:49 That being said, they're often more dangerous to other animals than they are to humans,
23:53 with no reported cases of human attacks by wolverines to date.
23:58 2. Barracuda
24:03 If comparing sharks and barracudas, even fairly aggressive breeds like the great white,
24:11 many fisher folks would give the barracudas an edge.
24:15 Barracudas are both ambush predators and scavengers alike,
24:19 growing between 20 inches to 6.5 feet long.
24:23 These dangerous fish are found in subtropical waters worldwide and tend to live around coral reefs.
24:29 They have bad eyesight but are attracted to shiny objects,
24:33 meaning that they may mistake a shimmer of light for the scales of a fish.
24:38 Their powerful jaws are filled with fangs and they can swim in 25 mph bursts.
24:44 Even just curious passing bites can do serious damage.
24:49 Before we move on to our number one pick, let us know,
24:52 do you have any experience with these animals before?
24:55 Hopefully it was in a safe, controlled environment, but we'd love to hear your stories either way.
25:00 You think we've missed any big ones? Let us know down in the comments below.
25:05 And maybe we can come back with more in the future with your suggestions.
25:09 If you liked this video and you want to see more like it,
25:12 then make sure you leave a like down below and subscribe to Forever Green with post notifications turned on.
25:18 That way you'll never miss a single incredible video like this.
25:22 And...
25:23 Number 1. Nile Crocodile
25:26 Earning our number one spot on the list today, we have the Nile Crocodile.
25:33 This animal is the only one in the world that considers humans to be a regular, staple part of its diet.
25:39 It's incredibly just as likely to grab a pedestrian who wanders a little too close as it would a wildebeest.
25:45 Hundreds of people are killed by crocodiles on the Nile each year.
25:49 In 26 countries across sub-Saharan Africa, you find this crocodile in slightly brackish or fresh water.
25:56 They grow to be about 11.5 to 16 feet long and can weigh anywhere from 500 to 1,650 pounds.
26:04 Though some reports of crocodiles beyond 20 feet that weigh over a ton do exist.
26:09 They're an ambush predator with uniquely powerful jaws and sharp teeth that can easily tear through their prey's hide.
26:16 They have to drag their prey underwater and drown them first,
26:19 doing a death roll to tear their game to pieces and swallow it.
26:25 "Okay, so they're going to try and get it into the water now. They need to spin the wildebeest to try and drown it."
26:30 Any animal can be aggressive, as they don't have the same way of regulating their emotions as humans do.
26:36 If you're thinking about poking a sleeping animal with a stick, maybe don't.
26:41 Just because they don't have the tools doesn't mean they aren't just as dangerous or can't surprise you.
26:48 And that's it for today's video. We'll see you next time.
26:52 [Music]
