• last year
All-Seahawks reporter Corbin Smith chats with Phil Haynes about how he has altered his offseason training program, where he feels he improved the most with increased snaps last season, his relationship with coach Andy Dickerson, and more in an exclusive training camp interview.
00:00 >> How was the offseason for you, man?
00:01 I'm sure you were excited to get to come back for another season here.
00:04 >> Yeah, I mean, it's a blessing.
00:05 I mean, being in one place for five years, I mean, it's a blessing to be here.
00:09 >> How'd your offseason change up, or
00:12 did you make any adjustments to what you were doing after last year?
00:15 I know you played more snaps than you've played at any point.
00:17 I'm sure you had more to watch on film.
00:19 >> Yeah. >> And try to gather, hey,
00:20 this is where I did well.
00:22 Here's where I need to improve.
00:23 >> Yeah, I mean, I had a bunch to improve on.
00:26 Just kind of, it was different.
00:28 I mean, you said I played a lot more, so I try to take care of my body a little bit
00:31 more and kind of prepare for the season.
00:34 I had a better idea kind of how to do that this year.
00:35 Yeah. >> What specifically have you done?
00:39 Because now, you see this a lot of time with guys when they've been in the league.
00:42 After your rookie season, usually there's kind of that awakening.
00:44 I need to do this differently.
00:46 But I've noticed with guys four or five years, and
00:49 it seems like that's really where it hits.
00:51 I really know now what I need to do with my diet, with my training.
00:54 >> Yeah, now you're right.
00:55 Diet's a big thing.
00:56 Training is huge.
00:58 In college, you wanna lift the most weights you can, but
01:00 it's really working on those end range muscles.
01:03 So when you get caught in a certain stance, you don't get hurt cuz you're strong there.
01:08 So little things like that, people don't really know about.
01:10 >> And especially cuz early in your career, you had several injuries.
01:13 You had to battle through too, so there's things you learn from.
01:15 >> Yeah, absolutely.
01:16 >> Between the lines, you said there's tons to work on for you.
01:19 All those snaps you had last year, the film that you got to watch.
01:23 What stood out as far as things that you're like, hey, I made big strides there?
01:27 And what areas, as you mentioned, you feel like, hey,
01:30 this year I really need to make a big leap forward here specifically?
01:33 >> I think at Pass Pro, one-on-one blocking, I got a lot better.
01:36 Obviously, I can get better at one-on-one blocking in the run.
01:40 I think that's one thing I've been trying to focus on,
01:41 just with different schemes.
01:43 I came out of college not ever running in the mid or wide zone, so
01:46 always kind of have to work on that.
01:48 Stuff like that, just a lot of things I can work on.
01:51 I mean, a little bit of everything.
01:53 >> And I guess with the tackles last year, they're coming in from almost all these
01:56 college offenses are running these air raid, run and shoot offenses.
02:00 And I think sometimes fans expect, all these guys are gonna be,
02:03 one year they'll be able to figure it out.
02:04 And it's kind of a long-term thing they have to deal with.
02:07 You've got two new centers that you're playing next to, Evan Brown, Oluwetimi.
02:12 What's been your experience so far getting to work with those two guys?
02:15 And what's the toughest thing when you're trying to acclimate to new centers?
02:19 You've had to do that a couple times now here.
02:21 >> Yeah, I mean, I think both those guys are incredibly smart.
02:25 They're picking up the offense very, very quickly.
02:27 I mean, Evan's been in the league for a while, and
02:29 Olu's been a couple places in college.
02:30 It's kind of different systems.
02:32 They kind of pick it up really fast.
02:33 And the main thing is just kind of working cohesion, working off games and
02:38 double teams, and mainly in the snap counts.
02:40 Cuz everybody's a little bit different, so you kind of have to get the rhythm of that.
02:44 >> We just talked about how long it can take to try to adjust to a pro style
02:48 offense, but Oluwetimi's coming from one at Michigan.
02:50 I mean, that's as pro style as it gets at the college level.
02:53 And Evan Brown's been playing in Detroit system the last couple years.
02:55 So how much does that help accelerate that process a little bit,
02:59 even with a rookie in your life?
03:00 I know this guy's played in this type of scheme.
03:02 >> Yeah. >> And maybe can help with that.
03:04 >> I mean, you can see in the technique,
03:06 like even in drill work back in the summer.
03:08 I mean, these guys were doing techniques I had to take a long time to learn.
03:12 And just anybody, anybody that comes in, they're like, we gotta really learn this
03:16 stuff, but they're kind of already doing similar techniques.
03:18 And they're just taking it around with it, honestly.
03:20 It's been great to see.
03:21 >> All the snaps you were able to get last year in the rotation with Gabe and
03:25 getting that extra experience.
03:26 Who to this point is the toughest player that you've had to go against?
03:30 And how excited are you now that you get to practice against Draymond Jones?
03:33 >> Yeah. >> Who's been one of those guys.
03:34 >> Yeah, yeah. >> Who gets sacks year in, year out.
03:36 >> No, I mean, playing him first game last year, I was, I mean, wow,
03:39 this guy's really good.
03:40 But I mean, Chris Jones, I mean, he's that guy.
03:44 I mean, it's just, it's tough.
03:46 I mean, they create a lot of one on one blocks with him, and he's just a vet spent.
03:50 He's really, really good at what he does.
03:52 >> I know that was the game I think you probably gave up the most pressure.
03:55 But let's be honest, you could pull all the famers from the 60s and
03:59 70s out of Chris Jones is gonna win some of those battles.
04:02 But I would think having Draymond here to practice against,
04:05 just like with the corners when they got DK and those guys.
04:09 Sometimes that makes it, hey, who I'm playing on Sunday is gonna feel easier.
04:12 So having a guy like that probably.
04:14 >> It helps a bunch.
04:15 I mean, Draymond, just the quickest it comes, and he can do power too.
04:18 So he's savvy, so I mean, it's gonna help with the ADs of the world,
04:22 like all those guys, and the elite pass rushers is gonna help us.
04:24 So me and D will.
04:25 >> This being your fifth year, this is your third year now playing for
04:28 Andy Dickerson.
04:29 What are the lessons that you've learned from him,
04:31 especially cuz he's the guy that you've gotten to play most of your snaps for?
04:34 >> Yeah. >> And how excited are you now?
04:35 I get three years with this coach.
04:37 >> Yeah, it's, again, very rare.
04:40 I'm blessed to have him as a coach.
04:41 He's a wonderful coach.
04:42 He teaches technique better than anyone I've been around.
04:45 He's a great guy.
04:47 Cares about you out the field.
04:48 I mean, I can't say anything bad about him.
04:51 I mean, I love him to death.
04:52 >> Come on, I wanted something.
04:53 >> I got nothing, man.
04:54 He's just awesome.