• last year
Des milliers de personnes se sont rassemblées devant l'ambassade de France à Niamey pour manifester leur soutien aux militaires putschistes ayant renversé le président élu Mohamed Bazoum. Les manifestants ont arraché la plaque de l'ambassade française et l'ont remplacée par des drapeaux russes et nigériens. La situation est très préoccupante pour le Niger, l'un des pays les plus pauvres du monde et en proie à des défis de sécurité majeurs, notamment en raison de la présence de groupes terroristes dans la région.
Les militaires nigériens ont accusé la Cedeao de chercher à renverser leur régime par une intervention militaire imminente à Niamey, en collaboration avec des pays africains non membres de l'organisation et certains pays occidentaux. La junte militaire a déclaré que sa détermination à défendre sa patrie contre toute agression était intacte. La communauté internationale doit travailler ensemble pour aider le Niger à surmonter ces défis et à maintenir la stabilité dans la région. #manifestation #soutien #putsch #président #Niamey #ambassade #plaque #drapeaux #russes #nigériens #sécurité #terrorisme #Cedeao #intervention #junte #communauté #pauvreté #stabilité #région #défis #frt
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00:00 Thousands of people gathered in front of the French embassy in Niamé, the capital of
00:13 Nigeria, during a protest in support of the Putschist military who overthrew President
00:17 Elou Mohamed Bazoum, before being dispersed by tear gas.
00:21 The protesters tore off the plaque of the French embassy, trampled it on the tarpaulin
00:26 and replaced the French flag with Russian and Nigerian flags.
00:30 A fire was lit near the embassy, while the protesters insisted on
00:35 entering the building, before being dispersed by the police.
00:39 Nigerian soldiers lined up in front of the embassy to calm the protesters.
00:44 One of the soldiers, standing in a pickup, greeted the crowd chanting "Russia, Russia,
00:50 Russia, long live the Nigerian army" and "Tshiani, Tshiani, Tshiani", the name of the president
00:55 of the National Council for the Preservation of the Homeland, CNSP, the Jint.
01:00 Some people also headed to the US embassy, of which Secretary of State
01:06 Antony Blinken assured Mohamed Bazoum, the overthrown president, of the "indefinable support"
01:11 of Washington.
01:12 The M62 civil movement, which had already protested against the Barkhane operation of the French
01:18 army in the Sahel and the Sahara, launched the call to demonstrate, relayed elsewhere
01:22 on the RTNC waves, national television, which broadcast the images of the gathering
01:27 live.
01:28 This march then comes as Nigerian soldiers who overthrew President
01:32 Mohamed Bazoum denounced a threat of military intervention imminent in Niamey, fomented
01:37 according to them by the CDAO.
01:39 The West African organization, of which Nigeria is a member, met this Sunday at the
01:44 Special Summit in Abuja to evaluate the situation, with probable sanctions at the
01:48 key.
01:49 The military Jint accused the CDAO of seeking to overthrow their regime by a military intervention
01:54 imminent in Niamey in collaboration with non-member African countries of the organization
01:58 and some Western countries.
02:00 The military have declared that their firm determination to defend their homeland against
02:04 any aggression was intact.
02:06 This situation is very worrying for Niger, which is one of the poorest countries
02:11 in the world and which is at the forefront of major security challenges, in particular
02:15 due to the presence of terrorist groups in the region.
02:17 Neighboring countries and the international community must work together to help Niger
02:22 overcome these challenges and maintain stability in the region.
02:35 (air whooshing)
