Ehsaas Telethon - Muharram Appeal - 31st July 2023 - Part 2 - ARY Qtv

  • last year
Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal

Fund raising from international community.

$185 for Hand Pump
$65 for Ration Pack

For Call: 1-718-393-5437
For Donation: 1-855-617-7786

Account Name: Ehsaas Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 202535861
Routing: 021000021

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#EhsaasTelethon #QurbaniAppeal #ARYQtv
00:00 There is no God but Allah.
00:07 Welcome back, dear viewers.
00:09 We are here with the Muharram Appeal 2023.
00:13 We have had a lot of discussions and praise has been given.
00:17 The Prophet's (saw) mother, Zulfiqar's mother, Ali Shabbir,
00:22 has recited a beautiful poem from her.
00:26 Every heart is busy in the remembrance of Madinah.
00:31 May Allah keep them safe.
00:33 May Allah and His Messenger's remembrance enlighten our hearts.
00:39 When you recited the poem,
00:41 and the mention of the Prophet's (saw) empty house came to my mind,
00:46 I recited the poem.
00:48 (Recites poem in Urdu)
01:04 (Recites poem in Urdu)
01:22 Dear viewers, we are giving a call to serve humanity.
01:26 The Aisaas Foundation, with the help of Allah,
01:31 and the cooperation of our donors,
01:35 has made this journey of success on hundreds of projects.
01:40 This journey of serving humanity is ongoing.
01:44 With your prayers and support, this journey will continue.
01:48 Some of the projects that I have discussed with you,
01:51 we have shared with you,
01:53 how you can help your Muslim brothers and sisters
01:58 who are in search of the service of Allah,
02:03 who have been inspired by the love of Allah for humanity,
02:08 and who want to help them.
02:12 I often say, dear viewers,
02:14 that quantity doesn't matter in the eyes of Allah.
02:18 The quantity that you give to Allah is not what matters.
02:22 Rather, the sincerity and sincerity with which you give to Allah,
02:27 is what matters.
02:30 So, whatever you can afford to help out humanity,
02:35 you should come forward, you must come forward.
02:37 Don't see how much you have to give.
02:39 Just see that Allah has kept you in the list
02:42 of those who give for the creation of Allah,
02:44 who spend on people from the wealth given by Allah.
02:48 I always love to share this Ayah in the Qur'an.
02:53 [Arabic]
03:03 O who believe, spend from the sustenance what Allah Almighty has given you
03:07 before the day comes, the day of judgment, the day of resurrection,
03:12 when there will be no bargain, when there will be no friendship,
03:16 when there will be no intercession.
03:18 Indeed, the disbelievers are the cruel.
03:21 So, in the light of this Ayah Qur'ani,
03:24 in the light of this verse of the Holy Qur'an,
03:26 we can understand how much it is significant,
03:29 how much it is important to help the humanity,
03:32 to spend from the sustenance what Allah Almighty has given you
03:36 to help out the humanity, to help the people,
03:38 especially the people who are suffering from hunger, from thirst,
03:42 and they are shelterless, and they are helpless,
03:45 and they are compelled to have dirty water to make their survival possible.
03:50 So, this is the time for the people who are blessed with wealth,
03:52 that they should come forward, they must come forward,
03:55 and start helping such needy and suffering people,
03:58 so that we could be blessed on the day of resurrection.
04:01 If we are among those who keep helping the humanity,
04:05 who keep removing the hunger of the people,
04:08 who keep providing water to the thirsty people,
04:11 who are always eager to provide shelter to the people who are shelterless,
04:18 they have a belief that they are going to be blessed on the day of resurrection.
04:22 They are going to be with the best from Allah Almighty on the day of resurrection.
04:28 So, this is the call, and I would like to share the package
04:31 we have already announced in the beginning of the program again,
04:35 monthly ration pack.
04:36 If you want to send a monthly ration pack for a family that consists of 7-8%,
04:42 and that food should be sufficient for a month,
04:46 you are supposed to pay 65 US dollars.
04:48 If you want to serve on the food kitchen of the Asad Foundation,
04:54 you are supposed to pay 35 US dollars.
04:57 If you want to install a small hand pump in such an area where there is a dire need of pure drinking water,
05:04 you are supposed to pay 185 US dollars.
05:07 If you want to send a gift for the family of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) for the Sadat,
05:12 you are supposed to pay 121 US dollars.
05:15 If you want to build a mosque in such an area where there is a dire need of a mosque,
05:20 the house of Allah, you are supposed to pay 9500 US dollars.
05:24 And it is considered as the best Sadqa-e-Jariya as well.
05:27 If you install a water pump somewhere,
05:29 or if you construct a mosque somewhere,
05:32 as long as humanity benefits from it,
05:38 good deeds will continue to increase in your name.
05:41 And this life is short.
05:45 Many things have been written about it by intellectuals and intellectuals.
05:50 I like that this life is like a mosquito's wing,
05:53 this life is like a spider's web,
05:56 this life is like a bubble of water.
05:58 This life is not longer than this.
06:01 For this, we should understand that we should keep our wealth in a safe place.
06:05 It will be useful for us.
06:06 You and I know many people, at least tens of people,
06:11 who had everything that Allah had given them.
06:13 They had no shortage of wealth and money.
06:15 But a disease struck them,
06:17 that their wealth, which was millions, crores, billions,
06:21 was not useful for them.
06:23 They thought that they can take all their wealth from them,
06:26 and get their healthy life back.
06:28 But they did not get it.
06:30 So, we should believe that those who give in the way of Allah,
06:33 their wealth does not increase.
06:36 The way Allah protects them from disasters,
06:39 from diseases, and from bad luck,
06:43 this is the reason that we see that whenever we call
06:47 from this platform of SAS Foundation,
06:49 from all over the world, from UK, from USA,
06:52 our brother and sister,
06:53 we feel motivated and feel motivated.
06:58 And we also have a courage,
07:02 that there are good people in the world.
07:04 That is why we have the life's factory, Rawa Dawa.
07:07 Even today, we hope that you will come forward
07:11 for the service of humanity, for the help of humanity,
07:13 more than our thoughts.
07:15 And you will include your love in the projects
07:17 that I have announced to you.
07:19 I, Mufti Athar Mian Sahib is with us.
07:22 Alhamdulillah.
07:23 Uzair Ahmed Madani Sahib is with us.
07:25 Ali Shabbir is with us.
07:26 He is reading a beautiful poem.
07:29 I, Mufti Sahib, want to ask you,
07:32 the way I understand that when you read the history of Ahle Bait-e-Athar,
07:37 you read their lives,
07:40 you read their biography,
07:42 you pick up a chapter from their biography,
07:44 it is written in golden words.
07:46 But, especially, relevant to our program,
07:49 I want to talk about the generosity of the family of the Prophet,
07:53 I want to talk about this to our viewers.
07:55 Yes, Samir bhai,
07:56 what you have said is indeed a great family,
08:00 whose generosity is known till the Day of Judgment.
08:03 Allah!
08:04 And it is such a generous family that
08:06 whoever comes to its door,
08:08 whether he is one of us or another,
08:11 he has never gone empty handed.
08:13 Wow! Whether one of us or another.
08:15 I said this because whether one of us or another,
08:17 he has never gone empty handed.
08:19 And what is the reason for this?
08:21 See, who raised the Master of the Universe?
08:24 The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
08:26 Because you became his disciple,
08:29 and in your leadership,
08:31 Hazrat Ali (ra) was present,
08:33 you raised him,
08:35 and then who did Hazrat Ali (ra) raise?
08:38 Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain.
08:40 Subhanallah.
08:41 That famous incident, I am in front of you,
08:43 surely, when that incident is read,
08:45 it is said,
08:46 it happens with a condition,
08:48 that Hazrat Imam Hassan became ill,
08:51 and we have a tradition of Manat,
08:54 and it is a good thing,
08:56 that Manat should be accepted.
08:58 If a person wants to accept Manat,
09:00 then he should accept the Manat of doing good deeds,
09:03 and it is obligatory to do good deeds.
09:05 For example,
09:06 if our viewers,
09:07 while watching this,
09:08 accept this Manat,
09:09 that this problem will be solved,
09:11 then I will install a hand pump,
09:13 or I will feed a poor person,
09:17 or I will get monthly ration,
09:20 if he does good deeds,
09:22 and his work is done,
09:24 then Manat is obligatory on him,
09:26 and it is necessary to fulfill it.
09:29 Hazrat Imam Hassan became ill,
09:31 His wish was fulfilled.
09:32 His wish was fulfilled.
09:33 Hazrat Imam Hassan became ill,
09:35 see the matter of Ahle Bait-e-Atahar,
09:37 what Manat is being asked for.
09:39 Moula-e-Kainat Ali Murtaza accepted Manat,
09:41 that if Hazrat Imam Hassan becomes well,
09:43 then we will keep three fasts.
09:45 Allah Hu.
09:46 When Hazrat Fatima saw,
09:48 that Ali has done this,
09:50 this is to increase in good deeds,
09:52 to be eager in good deeds,
09:54 to see people in good deeds,
09:56 and to go further.
09:58 Hazrat Fatima said,
10:00 O Ali,
10:01 you want to be alone in this good deed,
10:03 I also want to be with you,
10:05 and I have also accepted Manat,
10:07 that if Hazrat Imam Hassan becomes well,
10:09 then I will keep three fasts.
10:11 And you see,
10:12 that Hazrat Imam Hassan,
10:14 for whom Manat is being accepted,
10:16 he saw that Baba Jaan,
10:18 his mother,
10:19 has accepted Manat,
10:21 so he also accepted Manat,
10:23 that if we become well,
10:25 then we will also keep three fasts.
10:27 And see the matter of Tarbiyyat,
10:29 Moula-e-Kainat,
10:30 the Khadima present in his house,
10:32 he also saw,
10:34 that Hasan-e-Karimain are also keeping fasts,
10:37 Hazrat Fatima will also keep fasts,
10:39 Hazrat Ali will also keep fasts,
10:41 and why should I be left behind?
10:43 He also accepted Manat,
10:44 that if Hasan-e-Karimain are accepted,
10:46 then I will also keep three fasts.
10:48 Hasan-e-Karimain became well,
10:50 the time came to complete Manat,
10:52 our youth says that during the time of Sehri,
10:54 this should also be eaten,
10:56 that should also be eaten,
10:58 but there is nothing to eat at Moula's house.
11:01 He drank water,
11:02 did Sehri,
11:03 and went to work.
11:05 He earned something all day,
11:07 brought wheat,
11:09 presented it to Hazrat Fatima,
11:11 said,
11:12 "O Fatima, I have brought this wheat,
11:14 grind it,
11:15 and at the time of Iftar,
11:16 decorate it on the Dastarkhan."
11:18 The bread was cooked,
11:20 the Dastarkhan was decorated,
11:22 Allah Akbar,
11:23 everyone is sitting at home,
11:25 the muezzin is about to give the Adhan,
11:27 the time of Maghrib is about to start,
11:29 the door was knocked,
11:31 if we are like you,
11:32 we will think that Iftar is before,
11:34 and later it is someone else's matter.
11:36 But these are great homes,
11:38 they are good homes.
11:40 The door was knocked,
11:42 Moula Kainat asked,
11:43 "Who is it?"
11:44 The one who said,
11:45 "I am poor,
11:46 give me something to eat."
11:48 Allah Akbar.
11:49 Hazrat Moula Kainat
11:50 picked up his share of food,
11:52 and said to Khadima,
11:54 "Give my share of food to that poor man."
11:57 Hazrat Fatima saw that
11:59 Ali was doing a good deed.
12:02 Here our viewers must be seeing,
12:04 that if the husband
12:06 is ready to do this,
12:08 he will donate to the needy.
12:11 If the wife is ready to do this,
12:13 and Allah has given her wealth,
12:15 then she should also be included in this.
12:17 And if the children are earning,
12:19 they should also be included in this.
12:21 This is the family of the Prophet.
12:23 This is the message.
12:24 How people will get motivation,
12:26 how they are being taught kindness.
12:28 Hazrat Fatima also gave her food.
12:31 Hasan-e-Karim saw that
12:33 father, mother, and respected ones are doing this,
12:35 you also picked up your share of food,
12:37 and gave it to the poor.
12:39 And Khadima saw that
12:41 all the family members are giving food to the poor.
12:44 She also picked up her share of food,
12:46 and gave it to the poor.
12:48 So, by accepting the commandment,
12:50 they got motivation from each other,
12:52 and by giving,
12:53 and showing kindness,
12:54 they got the benefit.
12:55 Here also we are sitting for motivation.
12:57 We are also sitting to teach,
12:59 how the family of the Prophet
13:01 has taught us kindness.
13:03 Now you see,
13:04 all the food was given to the poor,
13:06 and they ate it.
13:07 If we were like you,
13:09 we would have said,
13:11 give us whatever is left.
13:13 But this family,
13:15 does not give what is left,
13:17 but gives us their share.
13:20 Allah is Great.
13:21 The best example of charity.
13:23 Allah is Great.
13:24 And this is not a one time thing,
13:26 because it is a long incident,
13:27 I don't want to make it too long.
13:29 The door was knocked three times,
13:31 for three days.
13:33 And for three days,
13:35 all the people,
13:37 picked up their food,
13:39 and gave it to the poor,
13:41 orphans, and prisoners.
13:43 All three of them.
13:45 Now, it seems that,
13:47 if someone does not eat wheat,
13:49 it becomes a weakness.
13:51 But remember,
13:52 spirituality increases.
13:54 I will give you another easy example,
13:56 so that our viewers also understand.
13:58 In the month of Ramadan,
13:59 we offer all the prayers,
14:00 and forget them in the normal days.
14:02 Why?
14:03 Because when a person fasts,
14:05 Allah (SWT) reduces his lust.
14:08 Allah.
14:09 Meaning, spiritual tranquility.
14:11 Spirituality increases.
14:12 Spiritual strength is also obtained.
14:13 Strength is obtained.
14:14 It seemed that,
14:16 Maulana Ali did not eat anything,
14:18 so there was a weakness on his face,
14:20 but the rank of spirituality was increasing.
14:22 Wow.
14:23 He reached the court of the Prophet (PBUH)
14:25 The Seal of the Messengers (PBUH)
14:27 who would read the state of the hearts,
14:29 just by looking at the face.
14:31 He asked, "Ali, what is the matter?"
14:33 "I can see a weakness on your face."
14:36 Maulana Ali said,
14:39 "O Messenger of Allah,
14:40 it has been three days,
14:42 you have not eaten a grain of wheat."
14:45 Here, tears flowed from the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH)
14:49 and the tears of the Prophet (PBUH)
14:51 came down from the sky to the court of the Prophet (PBUH)
14:53 He said, "Salam"
14:54 and said,
14:55 "O Messenger of Allah (PBUH)
14:57 I was a prisoner for three days,
14:59 I was a poor orphan,
15:01 I was the only one who went to Ali's house,
15:03 I was not anyone else, I was Gabriel."
15:05 Allah has tested your state,
15:08 and your state has been successful in this test.
15:12 Allah Hu Akbar
15:14 This is the generosity of the Prophet's family.
15:17 The feeling that the poor person who comes to the door,
15:22 never leaves empty-handed.
15:24 Wow.
15:25 Today, the feeling has come to your door.
15:29 You can see it on the TV,
15:33 on your project,
15:35 but it is at your door.
15:37 He comes to you to get a hand pump,
15:41 he comes to you to ask for food for the poor,
15:45 he is not asking anything for himself,
15:47 if he asks for himself, never give him.
15:49 And believe me,
15:51 you are seeing the footage,
15:53 we are materialistic people,
15:55 until we see something with our eyes,
15:58 we do not believe it.
16:01 That is why the footage is shown.
16:03 Undoubtedly.
16:04 The name is also written,
16:05 whose hand pump is there.
16:07 Absolutely.
16:08 This is being shown,
16:09 see, Mufti Sahib,
16:10 this screen is running on our site,
16:12 these are not regular visuals,
16:14 the reason is that,
16:15 the hand pumps are there,
16:16 you must have seen,
16:17 a board is attached to it,
16:18 a tag is there,
16:19 everything is present in it,
16:21 when and how it was installed,
16:23 who installed the hand pump here,
16:26 and you see,
16:27 the kind of people we are seeing,
16:29 these areas,
16:30 you can guess from them,
16:32 how much developing they are,
16:34 how much advanced these areas are,
16:36 and these areas are extremely poor economically,
16:39 you can guess by looking at the crowd,
16:42 and in fact, I will say this,
16:44 that we should also think once,
16:46 that if our own child,
16:48 wakes us up at any time of the night,
16:50 and says,
16:51 "Mama or Baba,
16:52 I am very thirsty,
16:54 my throat is drying up",
16:56 then in such a situation,
16:59 in such a situation,
17:00 we will try to keep our comfort,
17:02 and all the rest,
17:03 and in a moment,
17:04 we will try to quench the thirst of our child.
17:08 Can't we think even once,
17:10 that these small,
17:11 innocent children,
17:12 in these settlements,
17:13 in these areas,
17:14 in these villages,
17:15 they are also children,
17:17 they are also children,
17:18 think of them as your own children,
17:20 that they crave for clean water,
17:23 they crave for food,
17:25 they don't have two meals a day,
17:28 Allah has bestowed us with such special grace,
17:31 that the way we want,
17:33 we also benefit from Allah's blessings,
17:36 the way our children wish,
17:38 they ask,
17:39 "Today I want to eat this,
17:40 today I want to drink this,
17:41 Baba, I want this,
17:42 Baba, I want this",
17:43 we do not hesitate to fulfill all their wishes,
17:46 we do not hesitate to fulfill their needs,
17:48 so are these children not children?
17:50 Tomorrow we will be asked,
17:51 "Did you see your children?
17:53 Did you not see the children of that poor man?"
17:55 You have to believe,
17:56 viewers,
17:57 I am saying this to you from the bottom of my heart,
17:59 without exaggeration,
18:00 that today,
18:01 when a person asks him,
18:03 that he is the one who fills his stomach,
18:05 but he tries to fill the stomach of two,
18:07 three, four people because of him,
18:09 with the wealth given by Allah,
18:11 with the help of Allah,
18:12 with the help of Allah,
18:13 he spends on the servants of Allah in this way,
18:15 if someone is hungry,
18:16 he gives him water,
18:17 if someone is hungry,
18:18 he gives him food,
18:19 and then ask him,
18:20 that the spiritual satisfaction that he enjoys,
18:22 that everyone,
18:23 you understand,
18:24 you say that not everyone gets this opportunity,
18:27 this blessing is not on everyone,
18:29 if we give from the wealth given by Allah,
18:31 then this blessing is the best blessing,
18:33 that Allah has blessed us with wealth,
18:35 and the best blessing is that
18:37 He made us capable,
18:38 that we spend on His servants
18:40 for the sake of His pleasure,
18:42 so the things that we are talking about,
18:44 the generosity of the family of the Prophet,
18:46 the incidents that are happening,
18:48 it seems very easy to hear,
18:50 but believe me,
18:51 sometimes you feel the situation,
18:53 you think that this situation is not like this,
18:56 just narrate it,
18:57 sit here and tell you,
18:59 sometimes feel that situation,
19:01 that fasting has been kept,
19:02 first day,
19:03 second day,
19:04 third day,
19:05 Maula Ali,
19:06 Hazrat Fatima Zahra (ra),
19:08 Hasanain Karimain,
19:09 meaning that there is a flood,
19:10 they are giving it to them,
19:11 there is a flood,
19:12 they are giving it to them,
19:13 it is not easy to give,
19:14 when you are in the state of fasting,
19:15 iftar time,
19:16 then your own brother,
19:18 if he picks something from your plate,
19:20 you feel bad,
19:21 here is a flood,
19:22 a poor person is coming,
19:23 a captive is coming,
19:24 an orphan is coming,
19:25 he is knocking,
19:26 and the whole family,
19:27 they will say that this family,
19:29 has come to distribute,
19:31 has come to distribute,
19:33 and in distributing,
19:34 in giving the mercy of Allah,
19:35 they did not leave any shortage,
19:37 wealth and wealth,
19:38 in their own place,
19:39 this family,
19:40 their wealth,
19:41 their life,
19:42 their children,
19:43 everything,
19:44 in the way of Allah,
19:45 they sacrificed.
19:46 Iqbal said,
19:47 "You have made a deal of pride,
19:51 a deal of interest and loss,
19:52 there is no God but Allah,
19:54 this is not a song of the flower,
19:56 of the flower,
19:57 it is spring or autumn,
19:59 there is no God but Allah,
20:00 this wealth and wealth of the world,
20:02 this relationship,
20:03 is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
20:05 there is no God but Allah,
20:06 this is not a song of the flower,
20:07 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
20:08 there is no God but Allah,
20:09 this is not a song of the flower,
20:10 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
20:11 there is no God but Allah,
20:12 this is not a song of the flower,
20:13 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
20:14 there is no God but Allah,
20:15 this is not a song of the flower,
20:16 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
20:17 there is no God but Allah,
20:18 this is not a song of the flower,
20:19 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
20:20 there is no God but Allah,
20:21 this is not a song of the flower,
20:22 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
20:23 there is no God but Allah,
20:24 this is not a song of the flower,
20:25 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
20:49 there is no God but Allah,
20:56 this is not a song of the flower,
21:03 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
21:14 there is no God but Allah,
21:19 this is not a song of the flower,
21:24 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
21:29 there is no God but Allah,
21:34 this is not a song of the flower,
21:39 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
21:49 there is no God but Allah,
21:54 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
21:59 there is no God but Allah,
22:04 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
22:09 there is no God but Allah,
22:14 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
22:19 there is no God but Allah,
22:24 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
22:29 there is no God but Allah,
22:34 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
22:39 there is no God but Allah,
22:44 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
22:49 there is no God but Allah,
22:54 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
22:59 there is no God but Allah,
23:04 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
23:09 there is no God but Allah,
23:14 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
23:19 there is no God but Allah,
23:24 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
23:29 there is no God but Allah,
23:34 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
23:39 there is no God but Allah,
23:44 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
23:49 there is no God but Allah,
23:54 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
23:59 there is no God but Allah,
24:04 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
24:09 there is no God but Allah,
24:14 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
24:19 there is no God but Allah,
24:24 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
24:29 there is no God but Allah,
24:34 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
24:39 there is no God but Allah,
24:44 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
24:49 there is no God but Allah,
24:54 this is a mixture of delusion and delusion,
24:59 there is no God but Allah,
25:05 I have become a servant of Allah,
25:10 I have become a servant of Allah,
25:15 I have become a servant of Allah,
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45:35 I have become a servant of Allah,
45:40 I have become a servant of Allah,
45:45 I have become a servant of Allah,
45:50 I have become a servant of Allah,
45:55 I have become a servant of Allah,
46:00 I have become a servant of Allah,
46:05 I have become a servant of Allah,
46:10 I have become a servant of Allah,
46:15 I have become a servant of Allah,
46:20 I have become a servant of Allah,
46:25 Even if I am cut off from the tongue,
46:30 Even if I am cut off from the tongue,
46:35 This is the nature of the Messenger.
46:40 This is the nature of the Messenger.
46:45 The people of Ali never fear difficulty.
47:02 The people of Ali never fear difficulty.
47:22 I will tell the angels,
47:35 If they ask me, I am Hussain.
47:44 I will tell the angels,
47:54 If they ask me, I am Hussain.
48:02 I am Hussain, who has not been stopped from heaven.
48:20 I am Hussain, who has not been stopped from heaven.
48:39 They are well aware of the good of your condition of grief.
48:58 They are well aware of the good of your condition of grief.
49:14 They will keep you in the company of God.
49:24 They will keep you in the company of God.
49:51 The poor never leave their slaves alone.
50:09 Your eyes have made me happy.
50:14 You have shown me the whole world from the earth to the heavens.
50:18 I remember your beautiful eyes on the moon.
50:22 I said no to them, and showed everything to my beloved.
50:27 I saw him distributing them, I also did it with great enthusiasm.
50:36 I extended my hands in front of the hands of the Lord.
50:40 Then why did the heart of Riaz not see the manifestation?
50:44 The moon of the cave of Hira has lifted the veil from the face.
50:52 The people of the Bait-e-Athaar, Alish-e-Abil,
50:56 With great taste and thought,
50:59 The words that were warming our faith,
51:03 May Allah keep you safe.
51:05 And such transmissions are of three hours,
51:08 I myself come to pray,
51:11 I come to pray, and I do not know for three hours.
51:15 This Zikr takes us to another world.
51:19 We are sitting here to call for the service of humanity,
51:23 But in this way, Allah makes us feel happy.
51:36 May Allah keep our hearts firm with these loves,
51:40 May Allah enable us to give our lives for their servitude.
51:46 And because this is a family,
51:49 Believe that Islam is in its true form.
51:55 Such a great sacrifice was made in the field of Karbala.
51:58 One was the view that had to live,
52:01 One was the view that had to be established,
52:04 And the other was that the true teachings of Islam,
52:10 Should reach the Ummah of the Prophet,
52:15 Otherwise it is not easy.
52:18 You say, "Life, forgive servitude,
52:20 Desire, save the religion of truth,
52:22 The grandson of Muhammad,
52:24 Who cut his neck in prostration,
52:26 And then our Khawaja said,
52:29 Shah Astu Hussain, Bad Shah Astu Hussain,
52:32 The Astu Hussain, The Pana Astu Hussain,
52:35 Sardad nadad, Dastardast Yazid,
52:38 Hakka ke binaye, La ilaha Astu Hussain.
52:42 See you right after this short break.
52:45 (Music)
