00:00 (upbeat music)
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00:35 - Corinthians chapter five.
00:36 And for a few minutes,
00:44 about verse 17, the scripture says,
00:50 therefore if any man be in Christ,
00:53 he is a new creature.
00:57 Old things are passed away and behold,
01:02 all things are become new.
01:05 And all things are of God, excuse me,
01:11 who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ
01:15 and have given unto us the ministry of reconciliation
01:18 to wit that God was in Christ.
01:22 Do you know a preacher who never forgets an offering?
01:30 Reconciling the world unto himself,
01:33 not imputing their trespasses unto them
01:39 and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
01:45 Now then we are ambassadors.
01:50 Oh my goodness.
01:51 We are ambassadors.
01:59 Should I say that again?
02:01 You have been called away from where you are
02:05 to be an ambassador or to represent Christ.
02:11 As though God did beseech you by us,
02:15 we pray you in Christ's stead be reconciled to God.
02:20 For he hath made him to be sin for us
02:27 who knew no sin that we might be made
02:32 the righteousness of God in him.
02:35 I want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them
02:39 and look them dead in the eye
02:40 and tell them he hung up for my hangups.
02:46 He hung up.
02:54 I would indulge myself with an introduction
02:57 from Romans chapter three
03:01 where the writer speaks about the despicable condition
03:07 of man in the sight of God.
03:11 In Romans he declares it is written
03:15 and he uses a Greek word in the perfect tense
03:20 that says literally it has been written
03:25 with the present result that it is still on record.
03:29 Anytime you use the perfect tense,
03:34 it doesn't speak of an action that is taking place
03:37 that will pass, but it speaks of an action
03:40 that has taken place that will continually be that way.
03:45 So Paul then is coding from the Old Testament
03:52 and when he uses the perfect tense
03:54 to show the permanence of the record,
03:56 David says forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.
04:02 And in that declaration of Romans
04:10 that settles God's word in heaven,
04:13 he declares that no man seeketh after God.
04:20 From that Greek word we have to seek out, to search for,
04:23 and it speaks of a determined search
04:27 after something that we seriously want.
04:31 And he's declaring in the despicable condition of man
04:35 that no man literally seeketh or searches for God,
04:40 which means if you're sitting in this house
04:44 and you have a relationship with God,
04:46 you did not initiate it.
04:50 Because none of us would have sought after God
04:55 by our own initiative
04:58 because none of us have a godly thought in our minds
05:04 without God initiating the content.
05:09 He says that we have all gone out of our way
05:14 and is eclino, from clino,
05:19 which means to lean and ec means out.
05:22 Thus all of us has leaned out of our way
05:26 to turn aside, to deviate from the right way.
05:30 Isn't it interesting that people
05:34 don't treat you good by mistake?
05:36 If somebody is good to you, you ought to give God praise
05:43 because it was a deliberate action.
05:47 Somebody had to be moved by God.
05:49 I love God because God will love you through people
05:54 and you think it's just the people,
05:59 but it's God motivating people to be good to you
06:04 because no man in and of himself
06:07 leaneth for the right way or seeketh after God.
06:12 He says then that in Romans again,
06:16 that all of us have become unprofitable.
06:20 That means we become useless
06:23 and it renders, from the Greek word, unserviceable.
06:28 I brought the Hebrew word here
06:30 because I thought we needed to understand
06:32 and it simply means to go back
06:35 so that we have gone out of our way
06:38 so in the sight of God,
06:39 mankind has become sour like milk.
06:45 He doesn't intend to be good.
06:47 He doesn't wanna be good
06:49 and this goodness here is moral goodness,
06:52 integrity, benignity and kindness.
06:57 No man seeks after that.
07:00 He takes us even deeper when he says
07:02 and he does this again with the perfect participle.
07:06 He says we have become like open sepulchers or open graves
07:12 and that means the grave has been opened
07:15 with the result that it stands open.
07:19 It speaks of a grave that remains open.
07:24 One writer put it this way.
07:25 He says their mouth is the odor of a newly opened grave.
07:30 Some portions of Greek and Roman literature
07:33 stinks like a newly opened grave
07:38 and that comes from one writer
07:40 who says this kind of metaphor can be appreciated
07:45 particularly in hot climates like the Middle East
07:49 where petrification and corruption
07:52 comes quickly because of the heat.
07:56 He turns around and declares in Romans again
07:59 and he's describing us that they have used deceit
08:04 and we seek deceit
08:07 and one of the ways to be trapped by the devil
08:10 is not to have a love for the truth.
08:15 Anytime Satan wants to move, he operates in deceit.
08:20 I don't wanna get you too seriously hurt here
08:23 but I just wanna point out
08:26 that all of us have a whole lot of hangups.
08:29 Look at your neighbor and say you too
08:33 and so consequently, we have moved from preaching
08:38 the depravity of man and the need for Jesus Christ
08:43 because most times when we go to church,
08:45 we hear humanistic-oriented messages.
08:50 We hear Norman Vincent Peale kind of messages.
08:55 We hear self-help messages
08:58 but at the end of the day, if you're here in any way,
09:03 it's not because of your own strength.
09:07 It had to be because of Jesus Christ.
09:11 Can I talk about Jesus for a minute?
09:14 He talks to us in Hebrew and he says to us
09:19 that we have literally, we have literally smooth tongues.
09:24 The imperfect tense denotes the perseverance
09:28 in our hypocritical professions.
09:33 He likens us to the asp and the asp is the Egyptian cobra,
09:38 a deadly serpent.
09:41 Its poison is contained in a bag under the lips
09:46 and anytime it bites, the poison comes out.
09:49 One writer says and I quote,
09:51 "Wherever they go, you can trace them
09:54 "by the ruin and distress they leave behind," unquote
09:59 and concerning verse 17, he says,
10:01 "It does not mean they have failed
10:04 "to discover the way of salvation
10:07 "but they tread continually in the path of violence."
10:12 Know this then that to know absolutely,
10:16 oida refers to a sure knowledge, a positive knowledge.
10:21 So the two words when he uses it in Romans
10:24 and he saith that it refers to the substance
10:27 of that which is spoken and speaking of the expression
10:32 or at expressing that subject.
10:36 So what he's saying essentially
10:38 is even when we know the truth,
10:41 we don't even want to tell the truth
10:44 and the effect then is an overwhelming evidence upon us
10:49 because now when we sit in the court of God,
10:53 we are all guilty before God.
10:57 I don't know anybody here who can boast
10:59 of how good they are if you can't boast
11:02 of how good you are because of the blood of Christ Jesus.
11:07 So that means then all of us are liable
11:12 to the penalty before God
11:15 and in that case then, everybody that was born
11:20 was due for the punishment of hell
11:24 but a man does not go to hell
11:26 because he was born in the state I just described.
11:31 He goes to hell because he walks by the monogenies.
11:36 Well, who is the monogenies?
11:38 The monogenies is Jesus Christ, the only one of a kind
11:43 and he's the only one who could pay the price
11:48 for you and I to be free from our guilt
11:52 and no matter what it is we have ever done,
11:56 he paid the price to release us.
11:59 In order for me then to understand
12:02 the doctrine of justification,
12:05 I had to just take you through the doctrine of condemnation.
12:10 I had to take you through that place
12:13 where we understand that in the flesh,
12:15 there is no good thing.
12:18 Anything that is good in me,
12:21 it had to come from God.
12:24 Anything that is good in you,
12:26 it had to come from God.
12:30 I didn't read all your mail.
12:32 I might get to it before we're finished
12:34 but don't look at me like Alice in Wonderland.
12:37 If you have any goodness in you,
12:40 you ought to be able to praise God for it.
12:44 It didn't come from mama and papa
12:47 and if it came through mama and papa,
12:50 it came from God.
12:53 If you've been raised right,
12:54 if you've been directed properly,
12:57 if you've been set up for progress instead of failure,
13:02 all of that came from God.
13:05 No one but Jesus can play at the table.
13:09 The stakes were too high just to get in the game.
13:13 That's why the Bible says,
13:15 who being in the form of God,
13:18 thought it not robbery to be equal with God
13:21 but made himself of no reputation.
13:26 When you understand grace,
13:28 you understand it costs something.
13:31 We had a meal this morning
13:33 and that meal was prepared
13:35 for as many people who could get here first.
13:39 Understand this,
13:40 it was free to you
13:43 but that doesn't mean it didn't cost something.
13:47 Somebody pays a price
13:49 when you get something for nothing
13:52 and in the game of salvation,
13:55 nobody could get on,
13:57 oh, nobody could get around that table
14:00 unless they had the power to move sin out of place
14:05 and move the righteousness of God into place.
14:09 Only Jesus, the monogenist,
14:12 the only one of his kind
14:16 could be a mediator between man and God
14:20 and that's why the Bible says
14:22 the first thing he had to do
14:24 was empty himself of himself.
14:28 I don't wanna get too heavy with that
14:30 but he empties himself of his expression.
14:34 He cannot empty himself of his possession
14:39 because he is God.
14:42 I don't have to show myself to be God.
14:45 Can I preach like I feel it?
14:46 He came into the world that he created
14:49 but the world knew him not
14:52 but as many as believed him
14:55 to them gave he power
14:57 to become the sons of God.
15:00 He comes into a world that he put together
15:03 and yet still that same world
15:07 didn't know who he is.
15:10 How can God come into the world
15:12 and you not know who he is?
15:15 They called him a wine bibber,
15:17 they called him a glutton
15:19 and yet still he was God almighty.
15:24 He did not think so much of his identity
15:28 that he ceased to be relevant.
15:31 Can I say that again?
15:33 Sometimes church folk get so caught up
15:36 in who they think they are
15:39 they're no longer relevant
15:41 to the people who need them.
15:44 Sometimes we get stuck up in our disposition
15:47 and stuck up in the fact
15:49 that we go to church more often than others
15:53 and still we lose it
15:55 because every now and then
15:57 you gotta get off your high horse,
16:00 you gotta humble yourself
16:02 and you gotta remember where God brought you from.
16:05 Don't you sit here and act like you always been
16:10 some wonderful human being.
16:13 If it hadn't been for Jesus,
16:16 oh my God, I wish I could preach this thing today.
16:20 If it hadn't been for Jesus,
16:22 I would have been on CNN this morning
16:25 instead of TBN.
16:27 If it hadn't been for Jesus,
16:29 oh you oughta give him praise.
16:31 Look at your neighbor and say,
16:33 you don't know where I'm coming from
16:35 but I thank God for Jesus.
16:38 Hold it, Pat, or I hurt myself.
16:40 It is critical to understand this,
16:42 that he gave up his right to celestial worship
16:46 and his celestial entourage.
16:49 In Saint John 1 and 10 and 1 to 11,
16:53 he was born in a manger with animals to save animals.
16:58 Can I say that again?
17:00 He was born in a manger,
17:03 lived among animals to save animals.
17:07 He was in the world and the world was made by him
17:10 and the world knew him not.
17:12 He came to his own but his own received him not.
17:17 They would not know him.
17:18 What a price to pay to dwell among us ordinary
17:23 yet he is the one of a kind.
17:27 Then he stripped himself.
17:30 Then he was reduced to nothing.
17:32 God made him what injured God
17:35 for he hath made him to be sin who knew no sin
17:40 yet still one of a kind.
17:44 God couldn't make him a sinner
17:47 because that would disqualify him
17:50 and limit him to certain sinner types.
17:54 So what God did was made him sin.
17:58 Can I go over that again?
17:59 If he had made him a sinner,
18:02 then he would have been totally disqualified
18:06 because the wages of sin is death
18:10 and if he had been a sinner,
18:12 he would have died for his own sin
18:16 but God didn't make him a sinner.
18:19 God made him sin
18:22 which means sin is common to all cultures.
18:27 Sin is common to all ages.
18:30 Sin is common to all generations.
18:34 Sin is common to all people.
18:37 Sin is common to all denominations,
18:41 to all organizations.
18:43 God made him sin.
18:47 Sin is God's most obnoxious distaste,
18:52 his worst association, the scourge of the universe,
18:57 his undesirable toleration, the object of God's wrath.
19:02 God made him sin.
19:07 Ah, I wish I could preach.
19:09 He made him a lie but he wasn't a liar.
19:14 He made him disobedience but he wasn't the disobedient.
19:19 He made him jealousy but not the jealous.
19:24 He made him envy but not the envious.
19:28 He made him robbery but not the robber.
19:31 He made him hatred but not the hater.
19:35 He made him wife abusing but not the abuser.
19:40 He made him fear but not the fearful.
19:44 He made him drug addiction but not the junkie.
19:49 He made him prostitution but not the prostitute.
19:53 He made him adultery but not the adulterer.
19:57 He made him fornication but not the fornicator.
20:01 He made him homosexuality but not the homosexual.
20:05 He made him lesbianism but not the lesbian.
20:09 He made him witchcraft but he wasn't a witch.
20:13 What a price to pay to come down here,
20:18 to settle my case and deliver me.
20:22 I feel the Holy Ghost in here.
20:25 Is there anybody here glad they're saved?
20:29 The omnipotent God bruised him, shattered by calamity.
20:34 The omnipotent God smoked him.
20:39 The omnipotent God wounded him for my transgressions.
20:44 Jesus received more wrath than that of the flood,
20:49 than the fires of Sodom and Gomorrah.
20:53 The omnipresent God forsook him.
20:56 The omniscient God confused him.
21:00 The eternal God prepared a horrible death for him.
21:05 Then the immutable God received his spirit.
21:08 He died to pay a bill that I couldn't pay.
21:13 He went to the grave to pay my bill.
21:17 He went to hell to pay my bill.
21:20 What a price to pay because he was hung up
21:25 for all of my hangups.
21:28 I want you to touch somebody and tell them neighbor.
21:33 I give praise to God.
21:36 I wish I had a group of folk who would participate
21:39 to the point where you'd open your mouth and testify
21:44 if it hadn't been for Jesus,
21:47 I would have been wiped out a long time ago.
21:52 And when I think of the goodness of Jesus
21:55 and all he's done for me,
21:59 I take up my ambassadorship and I tell the devil
22:04 I must be about my father's business.
22:09 He is one of a kind.
22:11 He did not rebel.
22:13 He is the opposite of Adam, yet a type of Adam.
22:18 Oh yes, indeed.
22:20 Philippians said he humbled himself
22:23 and became obedient even unto death,
22:26 even the death of the cross.
22:27 Wherefore God hath highly exalted him
22:31 and given him a name above every name
22:34 that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow
22:39 in heaven, in earth and under the earth.
22:42 And that every tongue should confess
22:46 that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
22:51 He paid the price for the grace that I enjoy.
22:57 So he has the key now to death, hell and the grave.
23:02 I want somebody to look at your neighbor
23:06 and look him in the eye and said,
23:09 he hung up for all of my hangups.
23:13 We might as well have church, Pat.
23:16 When I look at where I could be,
23:19 when I look at where I should be,
23:22 I can lift up holy hands and say,
23:26 if it hadn't been for Jesus
23:29 and if it hadn't been for the blood,
23:32 I would have been lost in all of my sins.
23:37 But I can lift up my head like they said,
23:41 oh ye gates and be ye lifted up,
23:45 ye everlasting door and let the king of glory come in.
23:50 Who is the king of glory?
23:53 The Lord God mighty in battle.
23:57 I came to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life
24:05 and we ought to exalt his name together.
24:10 I come to confess that I've got favor, favor with God.
24:15 I got so much favor.
24:19 Look at your neighbors, I got favor.
24:22 I got so much favor that the enemy wants to get me
24:27 but can't put his hand on me.
24:31 I got so much favor that witchcraft can't touch me,
24:36 sorcery can't touch me, demons can't touch me.
24:41 I got so much favor that when you think I'm down and out,
24:46 he picks me up again.
24:50 Do I have any fellowship with somebody in this house
24:57 that when they left you for dead, you rose up again
25:02 and you declared, I've got an anointing on my life
25:07 that in spite of the plans that come against me,
25:14 the Lord is on my side.
25:17 And if God be for you, who can be against you?
25:24 I heard when he cried, who, the word went down into hell,
25:29 opened up the door to the devil's office
25:37 and said, if I be for one of those children
25:42 in the city of refuge, who, who can be against them?
25:47 You can bring up their paths.
25:51 Give somebody a high five.
25:53 So you can bring up my past and mess up your future.
25:58 Looking back at my past, you're messing up your future.
26:03 You ought to take your eyes off my past,
26:06 put your eyes on your future, get through the blood,
26:10 get redeemed and declare, he was hung up for my hangups
26:15 and I ain't got him no more.
26:21 He was hung up for my bad attitude, but look at me now.
26:26 He was hung up for my robbery, but look at me now.
26:32 I don't have to rob nobody.
26:36 'Cause if I call on the name of the Lord,
26:41 seek ye first his righteousness
26:45 and all these things shall be added to you.
26:51 Give somebody a high five for the second to the last time
26:56 and say, neighbor, I'm growing up.
26:59 I'm better than I've ever been.
27:03 Neighbor, he hung up to set me free.
27:08 I can walk the walk, talk the talk, live the life,
27:13 act like I ought to, sing like I ought to.
27:17 Give somebody a high five for the last time
27:21 and say, neighbor, you don't know where I come from.
27:26 You don't know what I've been through,
27:30 but I don't look like.
27:32 (congregation applauding)
27:36 (congregation applauding)
27:39 (congregation applauding)
27:43 I don't look like what I've been through.
27:52 Look at yourself.
27:58 You don't look like what you used to be
28:02 'cause he hung up for your hangups
28:07 and now all things have become new.
28:12 I'm a new creation.
28:17 (congregation applauding)
28:21 (congregation applauding)
28:24 (congregation applauding)
28:28 (upbeat music)
28:30 (upbeat music)
28:33 (upbeat music)
28:35 (upbeat music)
28:38 (upbeat music)
28:42 (upbeat music)
28:50 (upbeat music)
28:55 (upbeat music)
29:01 (upbeat music)
29:03 That's not how the story ends,
29:08 but on Easter morning, up from the grave,
29:16 and then he looked around and said,
29:20 and I have all power in heaven and earth.
29:30 I have all power.
29:31 I'm closing and I'm not gonna close more than two times.
29:37 And he led captivity captive when he ascended,
29:47 now that he ascended.
29:52 So now that he ascended suggests in that particular text
29:57 that in order for him to have ascended,
29:59 he had to have that first descent.
30:02 And he descended from heaven to earth in a manger,
30:07 went through it and he died to death of the cross
30:09 and then he ended up in the grave.
30:12 But wherever he goes, he is still God.
30:18 (congregation applauding)
30:23 So the writer is taking a sociological approach
30:28 is taking a sociological, a historical look
30:31 into the affairs of men.
30:33 When he says he led captivity captive
30:37 and when the conquerors in the days of Julius Caesar,
30:42 Hannibal, the conquerors, what they would do
30:45 is they would come back home,
30:50 leading the people and the leaders
30:57 of the nations they conquered.
30:59 And they would come into a parade as they came back home.
31:07 I'm sure Julius Caesar wanted to bring Hannibal
31:12 back with him as they came back home.
31:15 They would then take gifts from the spoils
31:25 and give to the soldiers and the people of their community.
31:29 And this now in the book of Ephesians,
31:31 when Jesus led captivity captive,
31:34 see then you made a mistake to kill him
31:38 'cause when he got down in the grave, he bound every demon.
31:43 Amen.
31:44 (congregation applauding)
31:48 You can tell that witch that's sticking you in that door,
31:53 tell that witch, keep on sticking
31:56 'cause you can't hurt me.
31:59 I'm just going to make sure I don't eat your cookie.
32:07 You can poison me, but your witchcraft ain't working
32:13 because he conquered every demonic power
32:16 and he led them captive.
32:23 Oh, what am I about to tell you?
32:25 Everything that devil took from you.
32:28 God already took care of it on the cross.
32:32 Everything he thought he got from you.
32:35 Jesus took care of it back before you were born.
32:43 All you got to do is believe it and you receive it.
32:46 It's already done.
32:48 So now,
32:51 now because of what he's done for us,
32:54 everybody in here should be an ambassador
32:59 and you cannot deal with being spiritually delivered
33:05 and not seek to deliver your brothers and sisters
33:12 who are in the world around you.
33:15 You cannot be taken from where you were
33:19 to where God has placed you now
33:22 and not share it with somebody.
33:24 (audience applauding)
33:26 And so every child of God should be kind,
33:29 truthful, gentle, temperate, loving.
33:34 Every child of God should have patience, long suffering
33:43 because this is the divine nature
33:47 that you have now.
33:48 There should be no meanness in this house.
33:52 There should be no hypocrisy in this house.
33:56 (audience applauding)
33:57 There should be no lying on each other
34:00 and envious of each other.
34:04 As ambassadors of the Lord, we represent who he is
34:09 and if there's ever a time
34:12 that the nation needs a conscience,
34:15 the nation needs a conscience,
34:18 that time is now.
34:19 We don't need any more religious people looking for power.
34:25 We don't need any more people wanting to be represented
34:29 as powerhouses in Congress
34:32 and powerhouses in the White House
34:35 and therefore put up with anything
34:40 just to get some power over other people's lives.
34:45 What we want to do is bless the poor,
34:48 help people who are less fortunate than we are.
34:53 (audience applauding)
34:55 Amen.
34:56 So without getting political,
35:00 we want to keep Medicare.
35:02 We want to keep Social Security
35:06 because that helps the poor.
35:10 It helps people who are senior like me.
35:13 Amen.
35:19 I'm still not using all of my benefits.
35:24 I mean, after I turn 62, there's a whole lot of stuff.
35:28 Just make sure they don't see my wife coming with me,
35:30 then it'll be all right.
35:33 I can get over there.
35:34 They see her, they'll cut everything off, say,
35:37 "Oh, you ain't getting nothing."
35:41 But isn't it interesting that the Bible spends so much time
35:44 talking about helping our brothers?
35:46 We're ambassadors
35:48 and helping people who are less fortunate than we are.
35:53 The Bible is replete with that kind of language
35:57 and if Jesus is feeding 5,000 and feeding 4,000
36:01 and he fed them before he preached to them,
36:06 you can't preach to a bunch of hungry folk
36:08 and have them expect them to listen.
36:12 Jesus did some very wonderful social things
36:15 because he represented the power that be,
36:21 the unsearchable riches.
36:24 And that's our job now.
36:27 And I'm saying to this church, we cannot be quiet
36:31 and sit still in the time in which we live
36:34 because we are ambassadors.
36:37 We can't allow women to be abused into perpetuity
36:41 and not open our mouth.
36:43 We can't allow our kids not to be educated into the truth
36:47 of what America represents.
36:50 And if you ever want to see how to become a tyrant,
36:53 start looking at folk in history
36:55 who began burning books,
36:59 taking control of people's lives.
37:02 And I'm here to say this,
37:04 God has not taken your choices away.
37:07 Whether they're right or wrong,
37:13 God has not taken your choices.
37:16 And one of the things we ran from,
37:18 not we 'cause we came on the boat,
37:20 we came on that boat crossed from Africa.
37:25 So it ain't we.
37:26 'Cause we were doing pretty good over there in Africa
37:29 until they come and mess us up,
37:33 and gave us the Bible, and gave us the Koran,
37:36 and took all the land.
37:38 That's another conversation.
37:42 The same thing that America ran from
37:48 in feudal system in England,
37:50 they ran from the church and the state
37:55 being in bed together.
37:57 'Cause when the church and the state is in bed together,
38:03 then the church can make laws
38:05 based on their belief.
38:10 And if you don't believe like them,
38:13 now the law is against you.
38:15 What's gonna happen in America if all of a sudden
38:19 we decide that we want laws against people
38:22 who speak in other tongues?
38:26 We want laws against people who baptize people
38:31 in the name of Jesus.
38:33 Because if certain religious groups in power
38:37 influence government,
38:39 and then they make laws based on what they believe
38:45 at the expense of everybody else,
38:51 that's what they ran from.
38:52 That's why we've got in the Constitution
38:55 separation of church and state.
38:59 State.
38:59 Understand me.
39:03 For us black people who are going more and more
39:08 into the minority,
39:10 we're down to 16% in California,
39:13 we need the Constitution.
39:19 Oh, look at me, Alice in Wonderland.
39:22 We need the Constitution.
39:25 My Easter declaration to you is
39:28 we need to hear that all men are created equal.
39:33 We need to hear.
39:35 How many have a child or cousin or relative
39:39 that's in the system?
39:43 Let me see your hands.
39:46 Show me your hands.
39:47 Now, we need
39:51 justice for all.
39:53 We need justice for all.
40:05 And we need
40:06 to go to sleep at night
40:11 knowing that nobody is above the law.
40:18 Because we have spent all of our lives
40:21 dealing with a system that has treated us unfairly.
40:26 Amen?
40:30 Treat us unfairly.
40:33 I don't care what you drive in when you're black.
40:37 You can roll out here in a Rolls Royce.
40:40 I'm closing.
40:43 I was in New York a second time now.
40:47 I was in New York
40:48 riding with some fellas.
40:52 Car windows were up.
40:54 And I was in a situation I can't explain.
40:56 It's explicable, but I can't tell you.
41:00 I went to New York
41:07 and I was speaking for
41:11 the Reverend L. Sharpton and
41:15 Bernie Sanders and
41:17 Hillary Clinton was at that meeting that I was to speak.
41:22 But in going to New York, I said to my secretary,
41:26 she said, "Well, they're at the Sheraton."
41:28 I said, "Well, I don't want to go to Sheraton
41:29 "because I can't get up and down the elevator.
41:31 "I'll be stopped every minute.
41:32 "So put me where I usually stay."
41:35 I didn't define where to put me.
41:38 I just said where I usually stay.
41:40 And at that time, I stayed at the Trump Tower.
41:45 So I'm speaking
41:46 so I'm speaking
41:50 for L. with Bernie
41:53 and Hillary Clinton there.
41:55 And I'm at the Trump Tower.
41:57 And L. says, "I'm coming to get you."
41:59 I said, "Oh, no.
42:00 "Don't do that.
42:04 "I got a stop to make.
42:05 "Don't do that.
42:07 "My boys will bring me over there."
42:10 So I'm riding with my boys
42:14 trying to hide the fact that I was
42:17 that was quite a situation.
42:23 And as we're riding along,
42:26 one of the fellas decided he wanted to be on the phone.
42:28 He's driving.
42:30 And I said, "Isn't there a law in New York
42:33 "that you shouldn't be driving
42:36 "and texting and driving and talking on the phone?"
42:40 He said, "Yeah, but I ain't paying no attention."
42:44 All of a sudden, we stopped at a light
42:47 and there's a knock on the window.
42:50 And it was the police.
42:56 And as far as I'm concerned,
43:00 he's on foot
43:01 and we got four wheels here.
43:05 (audience laughing)
43:08 And you on the phone.
43:12 Now, you ain't thinking too well
43:15 'cause he's on foot.
43:16 So we did the right thing.
43:21 I lowered all the windows.
43:26 I said, "Lower every window in here.
43:29 "Lower every one
43:30 "'cause I don't care who you're going to speak for
43:33 "and where you coming from.
43:36 "You black and he can't see in that car."
43:39 I said, "Lower every window
43:41 "in here."
43:42 "Why are you on the phone?"
43:47 I said, "Officer,
43:48 "I just told him a while ago
43:52 "that he should have got off his phone."
44:01 The cop laughed so hard he told us to go on.
44:04 Sometimes you got to make a fool out of yourself
44:08 because you're black.
44:11 I stopped and texted, stuck my hands and my feet
44:15 out the window.
44:17 The trooper laughed so hard he told me to go on.
44:21 But isn't it interesting that we got to even teach our kids
44:27 how to behave,
44:30 how to humble themselves,
44:32 how to just eat a whole lot of foolishness
44:35 just because you're black.
44:40 So I say to us, not only are we ambassadors for Christ
44:43 from a spiritual point of view,
44:45 but we're ambassadors to our brothers and sisters.
44:49 You can't take the books out of the schools.
44:54 You can't do that.
44:55 You can't take books out of the libraries.
44:57 A lot of books I don't agree with,
45:00 but somebody reads them.
45:03 And really, why don't you raise your kids
45:06 like they ought to be raised
45:08 instead of locking everybody else out of information
45:11 that's good for them.
45:12 And you're being silly anyway
45:15 because the same books that you take out the library,
45:17 the kids can get them up on a phone in an instant.
45:22 But it's all about control and minimizing who we are.
45:26 And I'm going to say this and I'm done.
45:32 When are we going to start treating our women
45:35 with some dignity and respect?
45:39 (audience applauding)
45:41 Amen.
45:41 When?
45:42 When?
45:43 Manhood isn't predicated,
45:48 the significance of manhood is not predicated
45:51 on how low you make your woman.
45:53 The significance of your manhood
45:59 is predicated on how high you elevate her
46:03 and how well you think of her.
46:09 And there is something she's better at than you are.
46:13 And whatever she's better at,
46:15 you need to let her do it
46:17 and let her be whoever she is.
46:20 Amen.
46:23 In my household, there are three relationships.
46:26 Three, I got three relationships going in my house.
46:31 I got mine, she got hers,
46:36 and we got one together.
46:38 You understand that?
46:40 I'm not going to stop being me because I'm with her.
46:44 And I hope she don't ever stop being her
46:48 because she's with me.
46:50 She got her mine, I got her mine too.
46:53 And somehow we got to let both minds come together
46:58 so that both of us will prosper.
47:01 Amen.
47:02 The best thing God ever made was a woman.
47:06 And I ought to know it
47:08 because I've been without one for 28 years.
47:12 We have to elevate our women.
47:17 And somehow our government feels like
47:20 they need to put their foot on the woman around us.
47:25 And if it starts there, it's going to end up here.
47:28 Hear me when I tell you,
47:29 Father, we come in the name of Jesus.
47:32 We thank you for this hour, this day.
47:34 We thank you for the multiple concepts
47:37 that have been a part of this great service
47:40 from the music to the prayer, to the children,
47:45 on to the voices of wisdom,
47:47 from the political and the spiritual,
47:50 and to the reception that we have here in this house,
47:54 and the minds and the brilliance.
47:57 And we pray now that you will bless us on this Easter day
48:01 and let the next Easter be better than this one.
48:05 Let some things happen that'll make it so.
48:09 And we claim it in Jesus' name, amen.
48:12 It's hard to make an altar call.
48:15 (upbeat music)
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