00:00:30As I work on this, this message, we're going to work on this together today.
00:00:47Somebody's happy.
00:00:48Should we be playing?
00:00:57My subject that I worked on so diligently this week was he was hung up for my hang-up.
00:01:10But then I hit a button on the machine and the whole thing disappeared.
00:01:19So when I was reaching for it to transfer it so I could use it, it went away.
00:01:28So today, I'd like you to go with me to Romans chapter 5.
00:01:40The concepts have not changed basically but the preparation was less arduous, let me put
00:01:57it that way.
00:02:00We will go to Romans chapter 5 and this is probably a subject that we need to deal with
00:02:07over a period of time because man has moved into humanism and have actually ignored for
00:02:21a great part the issues of new birth.
00:02:31When you talk about humanism from a philosophical point of view, you're giving man and mankind
00:02:41the kind of disposition and attitude that suggests that he can achieve the things of
00:02:55God, he can achieve goodness in his life, he can achieve greatness without God.
00:03:06The humanism aspect and we have moved into humanism to the point where much of our preaching
00:03:14today and you call it preaching, we call it preaching but it's really not preaching because
00:03:21preaching is designed to extol the virtues of the gospel of Jesus Christ and if you're
00:03:31not preaching Jesus, him crucified, then you're just having a talk, amen.
00:03:43The definition of preaching is spoken communication of divine truth with a view to persuade.
00:03:53As I preamble this message, I am saying to you that often times because we're not preaching
00:04:03Jesus Christ, the people who are listening to us are not having the proclamation of the
00:04:13good news for a new birth experience and because there is no new birth experience, we have
00:04:26a group of people in church who, like on the day of Pentecost, they saw, they felt
00:04:35the wind, they saw the cloven tongues and they heard the wondrous works of the Lord
00:04:48but because we're not promoting in church anymore the new birth experience as the substratum
00:04:58or the key of our presentation, we have a church full of folk today who have not felt
00:05:07the wind, who have not seen the flame and who have not heard the glorious works of God
00:05:17in any language because we have switched from the significance of salvation being evidenced
00:05:30by the work of God in an individual's life, we have switched it to material wholeness
00:05:43and comfort.
00:05:47My cousin Paul has left here and today it doesn't matter whether he was rich or poor,
00:06:02it doesn't matter whatever he had done in this life materially, if he did not establish
00:06:11a relationship with God regardless of his situation, none of it matters right now.
00:06:24I want you to go with me so we can go fundamental maybe for a little while.
00:06:32In verse 6 it says, for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
00:06:44For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure for a good man some
00:06:51would even dare to die, but God commended his love towards us in that while we were
00:07:02yet sinners Christ died for us.
00:07:09Much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through
00:07:16him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son, much more
00:07:25being reconciled we shall be saved by his life and not only so but we also joy in God
00:07:35through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have received the atonement wherefore as by one
00:07:42man sin entered into the world death by sin and so death passed upon all men for all for
00:07:49that all have sinned for until the law sin was in the world but sin was not imputed when
00:07:57there is no law nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had
00:08:03not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the figure of him that
00:08:10was to come but not as the offense so also is the free gift for if through the offense
00:08:18of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one
00:08:24man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many and not as it was by one that sin so is the gift
00:08:35for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offenses unto
00:08:40justification for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which
00:08:46receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one
00:08:52Jesus Christ therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation
00:08:59even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification
00:09:10for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall
00:09:18many be made righteous all right I have to read the rest moreover the law entered that
00:09:26the offense might abound but where sin abounded grace did much more about that as sin has
00:09:40reigned unto death even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by
00:09:47Jesus Christ our Lord and we'll pick up the rest of it the next time look at your neighbor
00:09:56just be real gentle and tell your neighbor grace is not fair amen amen what a gift I
00:10:10continue to say that one of the problems that we have to deal with is the fact that the
00:10:22gospel has in many instances in churches around the world the gospel has been ignored
00:10:30and I'm learning now that if you're dealing with Saints in general if you're dealing with
00:10:41the majority of people who are already born again then to make the proclamation of the gospel
00:10:50and preaching the gospel message should change to teaching the children of God who have had the
00:11:06experience of the new birth to teach them how to walk within the parameters or in within the
00:11:18confines of who they are if we're not making the proclamation if I'm not preaching like my father
00:11:31would under the tent with the big loudspeaker we would ride in the van with him through the
00:11:41city and he would proclaim Jesus the Savior while we're riding in the street and most of
00:11:51us kids would be ducking under the back we didn't want our friends to see us with this father who
00:11:58would be screaming with that loudspeaker sitting on top of the van riding through the street trying
00:12:06to win sinners to the Lord we have stopped doing that now church is a place where you go and try
00:12:15to get rich and the kids aren't coming because they got rich in the streets oh yes oh yes oh
00:12:28yes got millionaires at 25 because they rapping and they're entertaining and they're football
00:12:39players and basketball players so they don't need to hear from the pulpit how to get rich
00:12:46but it doesn't matter what your financial state is everybody needs to be safe in order then to
00:13:01proclaim the good news then one has to deal with the issue of grace and grace of course is as
00:13:14unfathomable as God is because the human mind cannot grasp in all of its genius the extent
00:13:30and the power of that simple word grace I was reading in Ephesians just the other day that
00:13:41to understand the grace of God is going to take eternity because grace is as unfathomable as God
00:13:56it's unfathomable as God because it speaks of his goodness that is completely and totally
00:14:10inexhaustible and I will say this very simply and that is that no human being can out evil
00:14:22God's goodness I'm glad I'm so glad about that I'm here to tell you who are in the prisons and
00:14:35you who are in the most dire situation because of your lifestyle you who have broken every single
00:14:44rule there is nobody living who has the capacity to be more evil than God can be good I'm up against
00:15:03all of the legalists today how can anyone be so horrible that they could out wrong or out do
00:15:15negatively the goodness of God how can anybody be so sick that God wouldn't have the capacity to
00:15:31heal how could anybody be so dead that God loses his power to raise I hear God speaking to the
00:15:47psalmist when he said thou thinkest that I am such a one as thyself and all of your comparing and all
00:15:58of your trying to measure me don't ever measure me with somebody else because there is nobody that
00:16:12has ever existed in life who I created that I created greater than I feel like preaching
00:16:26that's why I heard the Lord saying to his disciples that no servant is greater than his Lord and so
00:16:40whatever he has allowed himself to go through expect to go through something yourself because
00:16:49if any man come after me he's got to deny himself pick up his cross and follow me the very opportunity
00:17:03to follow him is an act of his goodness because it's only through his goodness that even salvation
00:17:16is created if it wasn't for the goodness of God we wouldn't have an opportunity to come out of our
00:17:26sins it was his goodness that allowed us the privilege of not having to die the way we were
00:17:40born if we receive his goodness then there is blessings if we reject his goodness then we're
00:17:52left with cursing and what the writer says the Roman writer says he says when you look at the
00:18:01goodness of God he says oh despises thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long
00:18:13suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance but after the hardness
00:18:23and impenitent heart treasure us up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath in the revelation
00:18:30of the righteous judgment of God it is his goodness that brought you to the place of salvation it is
00:18:42not your goodness why you're sitting here today feeling special it is because of his goodness
00:18:57that we can even look at you who used to be in the street as somebody with dignity and respectability
00:19:11it is not because you are respectable but it's because he is respectable and his righteousness
00:19:25has been imparted to you so when anyone looks at you and thinks you're all that you're all that
00:19:34is who he is in you and not who you are separate from him I think we ought to take a minute and
00:19:46give God just a second or two of praise thousand and one thousand and two Satan himself has to
00:20:00conclude that God is good and I think it's funny when I would read in Isaiah where the Lord would
00:20:10say to Israel he would say I want you to make a judgment I don't want a third party to make a
00:20:21judgment between you and I the Lord is saying to Israel you and I have a dispute you and I have an
00:20:30argument that we need to settle now most of the times when you have an argument you need to settle
00:20:38you will call somebody who was mutually respected and you would say to them here is my case and then
00:20:51the person who you're trying to reconcile with or trying to break up with you're trying to do you
00:20:59would also give them some time to present their case and then you would let the adjudicator decide
00:21:09who is right or who is wrong God comes to Israel and he does not have an adjudicator or a judge
00:21:20what he does when he talks to Israel is say I am going to present my case to you and I want you to
00:21:32answer me I want to go over that now I'm having an argument with one of my friends and I'm saying to
00:21:43my friend I'm going to present my case but I don't need a third party I'm going to present my
00:21:52case to you who's disputing me and I want you to make the final judgment he approaches Israel and
00:22:04he says what more could I have done I need you to tell me with the little honesty that you have
00:22:15when you evaluate how I have behaved towards you tell me what more could I have done of course
00:22:28Israel was dumbfounded because the goodness of God is unquestionable and even Satan in all of
00:22:40his wickedness will have to admit that if there's anything he can say about God it can only be good
00:22:49even the devils know the goodness of God and that's why when God has his hand on you the
00:23:02devils come after you relentlessly because they know if you have any real experience with God
00:23:14their days are over in your life have you ever wondered why many times people will say to you
00:23:26why are you listening to that why are you praying oh why are you reading your Bible day and night
00:23:37because even the devils know that if you spend any time with God you ain't going back to none
00:23:48of that mess that they had you trying to live mercy and grace never commingle with divine justice
00:24:01boundless grace is disclosed in the provision of a perfect propitiation for sins anytime you
00:24:13have walked into the place where God is and you enjoy a relationship with God I'm not talking
00:24:22about just coming to church I'm talking about having a relationship with God that when nobody
00:24:31is around when nobody's patting you on the back when nobody's checking your attendance record
00:24:40your relationship with God speaks for itself when that relationship is so intense that you don't
00:24:49need anybody to cosign or anybody to pat you on the back or anybody to give you any accolades
00:24:58my relationship with God is my relationship with God and if nobody likes it they have to live with
00:25:06it because I'm enjoying the free gift that God has given me it is the application of the
00:25:19propitiation is never gracious because somebody had to pay for you to be where you are and he
00:25:29had to hang up he yes he hung up for your hang-ups and he stayed on that cross even when
00:25:38they asked him to come down he stayed on that cross until you were covered till I was covered
00:25:47and we ought to praise him every day because he has brought us into the fold and allowed us the
00:25:57privilege of being with him oh you can do that when you're hungry you can do that when you're
00:26:05broke you can do that while you're laying on a sick bed you can do that looking death in the
00:26:12face and you can tell death so what because I have a relationship with God he said I will never leave
00:26:22you nor forsake you death ain't big enough to separate any one of us from the love of God
00:26:32so now grace then is love set absolutely free it is love without any restrictions whatsoever
00:26:48because grace is love that has nothing to do with how it is treated by the object
00:26:57mm-hmm grace is what we call unconditional love it is a love that does not demand anything from
00:27:12the object in other words there is no tit-for-tat with this kind of love this love is not asking
00:27:21for anything back but to receive it I wonder can I preach like I feel it and receiving it is not
00:27:31giving anything back receiving is simply accepting what has already been done that you did not work
00:27:42to get I feel like preaching now this is another level to hear this this is another level you did
00:27:55not get Jesus Jesus got you no I feel like preaching uh-huh yeah yeah yeah yeah you did
00:28:09not find Jesus Jesus already knew where you were and he came to get you you did not make him save
00:28:22you he made you come to him this is never about you when you sit in these pews it ain't never
00:28:35about you you enter into his house with Thanksgiving you enter into his courts with praise because you
00:28:47can't get in if he don't let you in and you can't do anything to get in except say yes when he opens
00:28:58the door I feel like preaching in here a triumphant victory comes over the righteous judgment of God
00:29:09against the sinner dr. Lewis Chafer he says there are three principles that cannot exist or rather
00:29:20that cannot co-exist with grace when you bring up grace there are some things that cannot co-exist
00:29:31with grace they cannot be seen in the same room the first one is any recognition of human guilt
00:29:43and yes it is any recognition of human guilt has has no coexistence with grace because grace must
00:29:57find a Messiah so the human guilt cannot coexist with grace because the human guilt is not anything
00:30:08that is going to make grace what grace is grace is not looking to satisfy human guilt with the
00:30:18guilty human being can I go over that again grace is not seeking to satisfy itself with the guilt of
00:30:30the guilty human being grace has to find a Messiah or someone who isn't guilty in order to deal with
00:30:43the guilt of the human being grace cannot go to the guilty human being and seek an answer to the
00:30:54problem grace has to go to a Messiah has to find someone who can answer for the guilt of the human
00:31:07being who can't answer for himself I feel like preaching which means then that goodness cannot
00:31:16co-exist with grace your goodness has no place with God's grace I wondered oh you thought you
00:31:28were all that huh uh-huh you thought you could just turn yourself around when you got ready the
00:31:35devil is a liar you may have gone to the rehab but a whole lot of folks go to rehab who go back
00:31:50to doing what they were doing before they went to rehab we call it relapse I want you to answer
00:32:00me and tell me what percentage of the people who go to rehab relapse and I guarantee you the
00:32:10percentage is more than less that a whole lot of people go to rehab and relapse but when you were
00:32:20born again and God moves the desire out of your a whole lot of people went to rehab at the altar
00:32:35because when they left the altar they didn't need rehab because God already rehabbed them while they
00:32:47were at the altar and I got news for you while you were at rehab it was God who stepped into the
00:32:55rehab room and took the taste out of your mouth while others went back he kept you from going back
00:33:05by his I feel something pushing me here today it cannot exist and with any recognition of human
00:33:24obligation there is no human obligation that can approach God when it comes to grace he will not
00:33:35recognize your guilt and certainly he does not offer obligation new birth that's what it is when
00:33:45you have been born again it is not an obligation can be given let me put another way I am a human
00:33:53being born a human being as being born a human being there are certain things that are natural
00:34:03to being a human being the word we use in linguistic form is something that is peculiar
00:34:13when an individual says it's peculiar to a monkey it's something that a monkey and a monkey alone
00:34:22does if it's peculiar to a donkey it's something that a donkey does that nobody else does there
00:34:30is certain behavior that is peculiar to human beings dogs don't do it cats don't do it donkeys
00:34:40don't do it no other animal does it because it belongs the word peculiar now is defined as
00:34:47belonging exclusively to when an individual is born again there is a behavior that belongs to
00:35:00being born again that behavior is not an obligation no more than me being me is an obligation I am
00:35:14not obligated to anybody to be me I am me simply because I was born me you see what we fail to
00:35:25understand is grace does not carry obligation what grace does is put you in a place where
00:35:35you're born into what grace is looking for I wish you'd get it you're not I'm not obligated
00:35:44to live right I live right because I'm finally been born right well how did I get born right
00:35:53because grace took the price of my guilt on Jesus and allowed me to be who grace has made me I'm
00:36:05not living every day wondering whether or not I'm pleasing God I'm born to please God grace
00:36:15has put me in a place where naturally I'll please God if I'm taught the new way of walking with God
00:36:32in the same way when I was born I had to be taught how to live now that I'm born again I've got to be
00:36:41taught how to live one of the problems we have as apostolic is we're preaching to born-again people
00:36:50like they're not born again you don't preach to born-again people you teach born-again people
00:37:00how to live the new birth that grace has provided it's not an obligation it is a natural offshoot
00:37:13of what I have become be not transformed conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing
00:37:23of your mind stop trying to live what you are not live who you are I am a sinner saved by grace
00:37:35so I don't live like a sinner who ain't say grace cannot have an obligation it is a natural predicated
00:37:51on birth as a human being and my behavior is studio oh yes idiosyncratic and peculiar to who
00:38:01I am there can be no created or imposed obligation for payment or remuneration you can't pay for a
00:38:12free gift if it's a gift you don't pay for it somebody said the Lord blessed me with a car
00:38:20well if the Lord blessed you with a car why are you making payments mm-hmm no you you got some
00:38:30credit and you went down put a down payment there if my wife says she blessed me well honey I'm
00:38:38gonna bless you with a car and she brings a car up and puts the book in front of me and says well
00:38:46this is due on the 15th of every month well she didn't bless me with a car she went out and got a
00:38:54car and brought gave it to me to pay for it that ain't blessing with nothing when it comes to
00:39:01grace there are no payments because it is a free gift when it comes to grace there is no price
00:39:12because you can't pay for your sins being washed away you can't pay for him to fill you with the
00:39:21power of the Holy Ghost and lead and guide you into all truth you ain't got enough money for
00:39:28the blood of Christ Jesus five quarts of blood that saves everybody who lived everybody who's
00:39:37living now and everybody who will ever live it's too precious for you to pay you wanna just walk
00:39:44into it and say glory be to God I am a sinner saved I better behave myself we have to understand
00:40:02then that thirdly there is no recognition of human merit you cannot come with God with humanism you
00:40:13cannot bring to the table how good you can be I'm listening to folk who make it seem as if that there
00:40:22is no depravity in man and they're treating mankind as if all of us have some goodness in
00:40:30us that if you wake us up on the proper morning we will express some goodness that you have never
00:40:37seen the Bible does not say that the Bible points out that all have sinned and come short of the
00:40:48glory of God if I read Romans 1 well enough I will read that all of us have been given over to
00:40:56reprobacy we were dead in trespasses and sin there is no middle ground here that's why in
00:41:06Romans 3 I had some glasses somewhere in Romans 3 and 9 he says for we have before proved both
00:41:17and Gentiles that they are all under sin in Romans 3 and 19 he says every mouth may be stopped and
00:41:27all the world may become guilty before God now we're trying to make it look as if that you can
00:41:37just pull yourself up by your own bootstrings and if you follow certain rules and certain behavior
00:41:46you can be all right but God already covered that when he told us that your righteousness is as
00:41:56filthy rags I wish had somebody to understand this have I told you touch your neighbor yet
00:42:04this is too deep for that this is this is too deep when you look at yourself I know sometimes
00:42:13when you compare yourself with others you can make yourself feel pretty good but when you look
00:42:21at yourself just yourself and you're not comparing with anybody else I don't know how you have the
00:42:31nerve to call somebody low-life I mean what were you before God came into your life I don't know
00:42:47you I know you said you could never be a dope pusher and you could never be a drug addict but
00:42:56in God's sight he saw you no different than a drug addict or a drug pusher oh yeah I know
00:43:04what your little self and your pristine self you look at a prostitute and say I could never be a
00:43:12harlot but before you were filled with the Holy Spirit and washed in the blood of Christ Jesus
00:43:21you were no different than a harlot because all of us had fallen into reprobacy nobody awakened
00:43:34themselves and said I'm going to God it is God who came to get you I feel like preaching here
00:43:44so if you're goody-miss goody-goody two-shoes or you're a harlot in the street the same God
00:43:52that had to pick up the prostitute and bring her to the cross is the same God that had to pick you
00:44:01up and bring you to the cross he didn't bring her to a different cross then he brought you he brought
00:44:10everybody to the same cross when you were that's why you can't stop folk from praising God that's
00:44:25why when you think so much of yourself that you got the nerve to tell somebody beside you that
00:44:33they shouldn't praise God I'm sick of how they shouting all over me the devil is a liar if you
00:44:41were as glad as they were for what God has done in their life you would let them holler let them
00:44:51jump let them run let them scream let them fall out because if it hadn't been for God
00:44:58I'm gonna preach the next of it next week but I feel like giving God some glory there is a
00:45:12worthlessness in man can I preach like I feel it you know there is a worthlessness in man I might
00:45:23say that again there is a worthlessness in human beings and they were born in depravity in sin did
00:45:33my mother conceive me there is no goodness in anybody can I preach like I feel it oh well all
00:45:42right all right you you don't believe me well try to find a good man come on sisters try to find a
00:45:53good man come on brothers try to find a good woman and here's what God will tell you he says he that
00:46:02findeth a wife findeth a good thing now let me just talk to you about that before y'all get
00:46:10confused what when he said that there were fixed marriages in other words nobody was out shopping
00:46:20for a woman you know we go shopping today and I let me go see oh that one looks pretty good let me
00:46:28go check her out we go shopping today the writer of that particular proverb was not shopping for a
00:46:37woman I feel like preaching his mother and father decided who he was going to marry and then somebody
00:46:47had to pay for the privilege of having that woman she was brought to him now notice this everyone
00:46:55who is brought to him wasn't any good because even though the mother and father decided they
00:47:02were gonna bring somebody that didn't mean they brought the right person so here's what the writer
00:47:09discovered he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and receiveth favor from the Lord let me
00:47:22talk to you about why you ain't found nobody and if you found somebody you didn't really find the
00:47:30somebody it was God who gave you to somebody honey if you crying over that man because he's gone you
00:47:39ought to cry over his goodness to you but while you're crying you ought to give God praise for
00:47:47the time God allowed him to be with you because you didn't find him honey I know you were fine
00:47:54but you didn't find it was God who gave you the privilege of living with a good person because in
00:48:06order for them to be good to you God had to make them good to you I feel like preaching here every
00:48:16time your husband treats you right it is God in him because if God wasn't in him he'd slap you
00:48:24around he wouldn't buy you anything so every time he brings you a gift give him a kiss and give God
00:48:32some glory because he's good I feel like giving God some praise can I go deeper before I go higher
00:48:41the reason you can't pick him out is because the heart is deceitful and death no it is wicked and
00:48:51deceitful above all who can know it so how can you pick a good man out of a bad heart how can you pick
00:49:03a good woman out of a broken heart you've got to let God do the picking let God do the choosing
00:49:11and you give God the glory it's grace when you're happy it's grace when it's peace in your house
00:49:19it's grace when you can get up clothed in your own mind it's grace when you have food on your table
00:49:27it's grace when you're looking good in the mirror it's grace when you ain't going crazy it's grace
00:49:34when you can drive a car it's grace when you can eat your food and it don't come back up it's great
00:49:43I feel give somebody high five and say I thank God when I couldn't help myself he brought me out
00:50:00he brought me out with a mighty hand I don't have any judgment I don't have to put anybody down
00:50:10cause if it hadn't been for Jesus and all he had done for me I wouldn't be here today I'm so glad
00:50:18love lifted me when nothing else could help
00:50:23love lifted me I won't raise the Lord grace brought me out grace woke me up grace kept my feet grace turned me around
00:50:54give somebody high five for the last time and say neighbor I might not have any money neighbor I might be homeless
00:51:08neighbor I might have a house neighbor I might have money but wherever I am grace grace made me who I am
00:51:22I am what I am
00:51:28it ain't fair it ain't fair it ain't fair I don't deserve it but God gave it
00:52:09I don't deserve it but God gave me I don't deserve the church but God gave me to be the pastor I don't deserve
00:52:21somebody ought to praise him
00:52:51I don't deserve it I'm closing I'm not finished I'm stopping but I'm not finished
00:53:12I'm not finished you ain't going to commit suicide I didn't delineate and maybe I should
00:53:38pull up Romans you see I don't trust these things shut these things you turn them back on they don't go back where you want
00:53:47where you had them anybody's grandchildren available
00:53:56oh what a miracle I want to yeah you might as well sit down for a minute
00:54:03I just want to have mercy to respect that the praise we ought to give to God
00:54:20if I had 10,000 hands I couldn't praise him enough I want to close I want to close and I tell all the preachers
00:54:33I want you to see and I want you to see why the writer he does not have to name types of sin
00:55:01because all of us were depraved and reprobate you got folk you got sinful folk calling other sinful folk worse sinners than they are
00:55:21and we already defined what sin is okay what sin is not okay and what we live with what we won't live with all of it is filthy in God's eye
00:55:35the homosexual ain't no worse than the white liar all of it needs saving amen all of it needs saving amen all of it now let me show you
00:55:55let me show you and I'm closing and he says and hope make it not a shame right let's run down to six for when we were yet without strength
00:56:09so he categorized without strength now y'all excuse me sniffling you have problems with weak acting people
00:56:25just weak weak years ago when I was in Columbus Ohio I had a I had a I was going to seminary I had a red 427 435 horse Corvette
00:56:52convertible and I pulled up in my yard little house I bought when I was 19 I pulled up in my yard and a big dog the Corvette is low the big dog was looking right at my wife's face
00:57:19she look at me like what you gonna do about it now I know what's coming next are you a man or a mouse I ain't got to deal with that today
00:57:43the Lord done blessed me he done gave me a blessing are you a man or a mouse every woman in here expects her man to stand up for her even in the face of death
00:58:01are you a man or a mouse well I couldn't be a mouse cause you'd be screaming and jumping up on the table if one of them ran by you nobody wants to deal with weak
00:58:21tell the truth weaky weaky go do that can't stand up for you for yet when we were without strength when we were weak weak weak you know weak when you got a weakness
00:58:47and you said you weren't gonna take another drink no I ain't drinking no more I'm done drinking baby where you going I'm gonna hang out with the boys but I ain't gonna drink
00:59:02and then she had to come get you you know fell out yeah man you so weak so weak here come any little old woman you oh lord man keep your eyes on me just weak weak
00:59:21weak now in due time Christ died his next category he moved from weak to the ungodly so now weak is one set ungodly is now against God
00:59:42that's one thing to be weak and I come see about you it's another thing for me to come see about you when you are against me alright then he goes on he says scarcely for a righteous man will one die
00:59:59and yes you tell me secret service is jumping in front of the president and people are going to war they trained to do that amen you let them think for one minute Mr. President I don't think I'm jumping today I got a chance to think about it
01:00:18it's like basketball players they rehearse and rehearse and rehearse until it's natural what they do if they don't practice they can't do it naturally if you don't train these soldiers they ain't gonna die for you you got to train them so notice
01:00:34then he continues but God commended his love towards us that while we were not weak ungodly rebellious because sinner is one who rebels against God right so that's the third category
01:00:58then he moves on wrath for if when we were enemies now that's who he covers weak ungodly rebellious and even an enemy that's all of us in here
01:01:27nobody excluded he ain't got to say nothing about dope pushing fornicating adultery homosexuality he ain't got to say he ain't got to name none of that because all of that weak ungodly sinners and enemies
01:01:49and you're sitting here today and you and I have a nerve to decide who is worthy and who ain't worthy you and I can put people down because they don't dress like us
01:02:09every time you wake up and you have a good thought you ought to be praising God don't if you're in this house and you haven't been born again I'm calling you to the grace of God
01:02:35I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:03:05I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:03:35I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:04:05I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:04:35I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:05:05I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:05:35I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:06:05I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:06:35I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:07:05I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:07:35I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:08:05I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:08:35I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God
01:09:05I'm calling you to what it will take eternity for us to understand blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine purchased by God