Five countries in Northern Hemisphere experiencing diverse weather conditions

  • last year
Five countries in Northern Hemisphere experiencing diverse weather conditions
00:00 In news overseas, the United States, Europe and India, Afghanistan plus the Philippines
00:04 are all located in the planet`s northern hemisphere. Yet the U.S. and Europe as opposed to the
00:09 last three countries have been a tale of opposites for the last few weeks on extreme climate.
00:15 These first ones baking in extreme and prolonged scorching heat, while the other three wallowing
00:20 and drenching in floods and wetness.
00:22 SVOA`s Arash Al-Fasadi reports. The sun scorches the streets of Phoenix, Arizona
00:31 in the southwestern United States. For nearly all of July, temperatures have been at or
00:37 above 43 degrees Celsius. Here, in a tent city known as The Zone, are the people most
00:43 likely to die in the extreme desert heat, the homeless. Extreme heat forced the city
00:48 of Phoenix to deploy creative measures to keep people cool.
00:53 The city`s been sending one of the Valley Metro extended buses out here. It sits out
01:00 here for a couple of hours so we can sit in them and stay cool, not sitting in the sun.
01:07 That`s different. I`ve never experienced that before. It`s a nice way to stay cool.
01:11 Experts say urban communities suffer the harshest effects of heat, a product of city planning.
01:17 These extreme heat waves are disproportionately dangerous for communities of color and lower
01:21 income communities, simply because these areas tend to have many fewer trees and much more
01:27 infrastructure like parking lots and roads in them that actually absorb more of the sun`s
01:31 energy and then raise the air temperature in these neighborhoods.
01:36 That persistent high heat threatens even the healthiest members of the population if they
01:40 ignore their body`s warning signs.
01:43 If you`re out in the heat, you should be sweating. If all of a sudden you`re feeling hot and
01:47 you`re not sweating, it means your system is starting to shut down, you don`t have enough
01:51 fluids and you run an extremely high risk of having what we call a heat stroke, which
01:55 can be a life-threatening emergency.
01:57 Phoenix is far from alone in suffering sweltering heat this year. The National Weather Service
02:03 is reporting a full 60 percent of people living in the United States were under heat advisories
02:08 or flood warnings as of late last week. Meanwhile, India`s weather agency issued alerts for heavy
02:14 to very heavy rainfall in multiple regions amid a monsoon season that`s already dropped
02:20 two percent more rainfall this year than normal.
02:23 More than 100 people have died in the rains with around 1,600 hectares of land sunk in
02:29 flood plains. Scientists say monsoons, accompanying landslides and flash floods are becoming more
02:35 erratic because of climate change.
02:38 It`s a different picture from what`s happening in the capital of Afghanistan. The global
02:42 heat wave and severe drought have forced residents of Kabul to pay high prices and travel long
02:48 distances for water. One resident told the Associated Press he spends half of his salary
02:53 on rent and the rest on water.
02:56 Climate scientists say this July by far has been the hottest month on record. That means
03:02 all of us have lived through the hottest weeks in recorded history and likely the hottest
03:07 in 120,000 years. Arash Arabesati, VOA News.
03:12 (upbeat music)
