• 2 years ago
Le Niger est en proie à une crise politique depuis la prise de pouvoir par la junte militaire la semaine dernière et la détention du président Mohamed Bazoum. La situation a pris une tournure internationale après que la junte a accusé la France d'avoir organisé une réunion pour obtenir l'autorisation de mener des frappes contre le palais présidentiel et libérer le président Bazoum. Cette accusation a été niée par Paris, qui a condamné le coup d'État et a exigé la libération et la réintégration du président élu démocratiquement. Des manifestations ont eu lieu devant l'ambassade de France à Niamey, avec des tensions palpables entre les partisans de la junte et ceux de la France. La CEDEAO a imposé des sanctions économiques et financières et a averti qu'elle autoriserait le recours à la force si les putschistes ne réintégraient pas Bazoum dans les sept jours.
Le Niger est un acteur clé dans la lutte contre les insurrections djihadistes dans la région et la situation est donc préoccupante. Paris a suspendu toutes ses actions d'aide au développement et d'appui budgétaire au Niger suite aux attaques contre la France et ses intérêts dans le pays. La crise politique actuelle intervient dans un contexte de montée du sentiment anti-français dans les anciennes colonies françaises, avec des événements similaires qui se sont produits au Mali et au Burkina Faso voisins ces dernières années. Le monde suit de près l'évolution de la situation au Niger, avec une attention particulière portée aux relations entre la France et ses anciennes colonies africaines.
#ArméeFrancaise #Niger #Putschistes #putschistes #ebenemediatv #mgm #crise #junte #France #coupdEtat #CEDEAO #sanctions #manifestation #président #détention #MohamedBazoum #insurrectionsdjihadistes #aideaudeveloppement #sentimentantifrançais #anciennescoloniesfrançaises
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00:00 After the clashes between the French army and the Nigerian protesters, Paris would have
00:12 decided to intervene militarily directly in the country.
00:15 For a week, Nigeria has plunged into a military coup situation, with the
00:21 seizure of power of the Jint and the arrest of President Mohamed Bazoum.
00:25 But this crisis has been going around the world since the Jint accused France of
00:29 organizing a meeting to obtain permission to strike against the presidential palace
00:34 and free President Bazoum.
00:36 An accusation that Paris categorically denied.
00:39 The Nigerian government has authorized France to strike against the presidential palace
00:45 in order to free President Mohamed Bazoum, announced the military Jint which took power
00:49 last week.
00:50 This announcement was made after the Jint warned of any foreign attempt to
00:55 free Bazoum, who has been held hostage at the palace since Wednesday, the date on which
01:00 the coup was organized.
01:01 In a statement published on Monday, Colonel Amadou Abdraman, one of the putschists,
01:07 said that France was looking for a way to intervene militarily in the situation.
01:12 According to him, France organized a meeting with the state majority of the Nigerian National
01:17 Guard to obtain the necessary political and military authorizations.
01:20 He also said that the Nigerian Foreign Minister has submitted Masoudou and
01:25 Major Midou Giray, commander of the National Guard, both of whom authorized Paris to "strike".
01:31 Accusations that Paris denied.
01:33 French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the coup d'état and demanded the liberation
01:39 and reintegration of democratically elected Bazoum, promising that Paris would support
01:43 regional powers by imposing sanctions on the putschists.
01:46 This political crisis intervenes in a context of the rise of the anti-French sentiment in
01:50 the former French colonies, with similar events that occurred in Mali and
01:55 Burkina Faso in recent years.
01:57 Thousands of Nigerian Jint partisans protested on Sunday in front of the French embassy
02:02 in Niamey to protest against the blatant interference of the former colonial power
02:06 in the affairs of the country.
02:07 The protesters burned French flags and tore off a plaque bearing the inscription "French
02:13 Embassy in Nigeria", according to the French newspaper Le Monde.
02:16 Tensions are therefore palpable between the Jint partisans and the partisans of France.
02:21 In response to these attacks, Macron said on Sunday that attacks against France and
02:26 its interests in this West African country would not be tolerated, and would receive
02:29 an immediate response.
02:31 Paris also announced on Saturday to have suspended, with immediate effect, all its
02:36 actions to help development and budgetary support in Nigeria.
02:49 (air whooshing)
