Our Simplest Pleasures In Life

  • last year
Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00:00 All right, today is Monday, July 31st.
00:00:02 Welcome to the dog walk presented by Barstool Sports.
00:00:04 Snake Draft Monday joined on zoom by Captain Kahn's and Dana
00:00:08 Kahn's will give you the floor first.
00:00:10 How are you?
00:00:11 I'm always great to see that West Point background.
00:00:13 I'm doing well.
00:00:14 Thank you.
00:00:15 First time I've ever done any content in any form with Dana.
00:00:18 So Dana, nice to be with you. Nice to see you, pal.
00:00:20 Actually.
00:00:22 Yeah, I know we've never had we've never crossed paths.
00:00:25 I don't think ever.
00:00:27 Yeah, I don't think ever once.
00:00:29 I know how well do you guys know each other?
00:00:31 That's crazy.
00:00:32 Not even like a Pink Whitney ski lodge where you guys just boozed your face off.
00:00:35 Like, oh, no, I think I've chirped you on Twitter before.
00:00:39 Get in line, dude.
00:00:42 Get in line. Who hasn't?
00:00:44 You know, so, you know, but, you know, I have nothing but great things.
00:00:48 Dana obviously does great work and produces great content, works hard.
00:00:52 I like anybody with a good work ethic.
00:00:53 So you do a big fan.
00:00:55 Do you guys like Dana?
00:00:56 You guys like don't know each other either, like not even like a
00:00:59 yeah, we know each other, but we're not.
00:01:01 I see. I see. I say, what's up, Collins?
00:01:03 How you doing? That's about it.
00:01:04 But, you know, yeah, that's that's actually like the perfect amount.
00:01:07 I feel like. Yeah.
00:01:09 Don't let it ever get more than that, Dana.
00:01:11 Yeah. Yeah.
00:01:13 We've never we haven't spilled any beer together,
00:01:15 but I'm sure that'll happen at some point.
00:01:17 It's probably inevitable.
00:01:18 I think I know why I chirped.
00:01:19 I chirped you on this program because I was like
00:01:22 because they had you on for a beer draft.
00:01:25 And this is during the whole this was when I was was.
00:01:28 You were Dana beers.
00:01:30 Kato beers being the beer guy.
00:01:31 Yeah. And I was like, how could you do that to me?
00:01:33 Yeah. Right. Right. Right. Yeah.
00:01:35 But then I had nothing for me.
00:01:37 Then I had you on for the specific beverages draft.
00:01:41 Remember that canned and.
00:01:43 Yeah, we did that.
00:01:43 So I really quickly, I just I just want to check in on my guy there.
00:01:48 How are you doing, Dave?
00:01:49 I texted you to ask how your wounds were.
00:01:52 I wanted to make sure you were OK.
00:01:55 What's going on, pal?
00:01:57 Did I respond to that text?
00:02:00 I mean, you don't respond to a lot of my texts, but don't ignore you.
00:02:03 That's true.
00:02:05 I will I will survive the road rash I have on my face.
00:02:09 Yeah. So for people that just kind of put their heads down and tune into the pods
00:02:13 and aren't following the social media hoopla, we went to the White Sox game
00:02:17 last Wednesday.
00:02:18 White Sox David, a Velcro wall backfired.
00:02:21 He scratched his nose and that's why he has the
00:02:25 toys cut on his face that you're looking at right now.
00:02:28 Probably a little glisten from all the gunking of Neil Sporn.
00:02:32 I have on it.
00:02:32 I have three or four call outs I would like to make.
00:02:37 First and foremost, Jeff Miller Light, friend of ours.
00:02:42 It was his idea, the Velcro wall.
00:02:45 Hey, Jeff, if you're listening, you dumb asshole.
00:02:48 Next time, put the fucking the soft part of the Velcro
00:02:53 on the wall and you have the like bristly part on your wearing.
00:02:57 So if this happens, I don't think that he was in charge
00:03:00 of the construction of the apparatus.
00:03:02 I well, I'm blaming him nevertheless, because it was his idea to have it out there
00:03:07 to you guys for goading me into doing it, even though you would have never
00:03:12 in a million years stepped into that.
00:03:13 I'll do it next time.
00:03:14 I'm sure there's not going to be a next time because I literally told him,
00:03:18 don't bring this to any tailgate.
00:03:20 People are going to continue to do this and get hurt.
00:03:22 It's going to be a bad.
00:03:23 All right.
00:03:23 And I saw probably eight to nine people do it, which was stupid of them.
00:03:27 But no one no one got hurt.
00:03:29 Well, they're all kids, too.
00:03:30 No, it was all adults.
00:03:31 No, it was all kids.
00:03:33 No, it was adult.
00:03:34 It was all I saw.
00:03:35 Like it was.
00:03:36 I saw like an old guy.
00:03:37 I saw like a 60 year old.
00:03:39 OK, I didn't say I saw.
00:03:41 I saw kids like teenage kids doing it.
00:03:43 Oh, genuinely.
00:03:44 And nevertheless, and if you're going to do it,
00:03:47 it wasn't fucking inflated enough at all.
00:03:51 So here's here's here's let me let me step in here.
00:03:54 A lot of people were shitting on Dave for being unathletic,
00:03:59 for not making that first jump.
00:04:00 Nobody made that first job. Yeah, that's true.
00:04:02 Nobody. Everybody who did it, they all had the same thing.
00:04:05 They jumped on the big bubble and their knees buckled and they had to do it again.
00:04:08 True. So that wasn't a Dave problem.
00:04:11 However, when it ended, you're like, take this thing down.
00:04:14 Never have this out again.
00:04:15 This is a liability.
00:04:16 You were the only one that smashed your face.
00:04:19 So that begs the question.
00:04:20 Well, I was the first one to do it, too.
00:04:22 So I was also not a USD problem for leading with the nose.
00:04:26 Or was it you were definitely not the first person to do it.
00:04:28 There are people doing it when I walked up to.
00:04:30 I didn't see anybody else do it before me.
00:04:32 All right.
00:04:33 Nevertheless, it is a stupid fucking contraption.
00:04:36 There's zero fun in it.
00:04:38 And moving forward,
00:04:40 I was going to have this conversation with private, but now we can get it over with.
00:04:44 For now on, my two colleagues to my left and right, Ryan Chief,
00:04:48 doesn't matter who there is a zero tolerance rule
00:04:52 that I am setting in place in this office.
00:04:54 If you won't do something that you ask me to do, then don't ask me to do it.
00:04:58 I think that's fair.
00:04:59 Jeff asked you to do it.
00:05:00 Jeff asked you. Yes.
00:05:01 And also, you guys are like, oh, you're the White Sox guy.
00:05:04 You got to do it.
00:05:04 I'll do it. I'll do it at the Barre still.
00:05:06 And how about that?
00:05:07 If Dave, I'll do it at the Barre stillgate.
00:05:09 Checkmate. Fine. Good.
00:05:10 I do it with your right hand. Timeout.
00:05:12 I disavow any bad words about Druff. He's a great man.
00:05:15 I like Jeff. I like Jeff, too.
00:05:16 I was texting him all weekend.
00:05:17 He felt sincerely bad.
00:05:18 That's why I'm calling him a dumb asshole, because because of that.
00:05:21 Because I'm busting his balls.
00:05:23 Now, now, listen, Dana B as self-proclaimed
00:05:27 one of the biggest White Sox Dave guys on the planet.
00:05:29 Be honest now with something like an event like that is taking place.
00:05:34 It hits the best when it's Dave, does it not?
00:05:37 All the years of you and I texting about funny White Sox
00:05:42 Dave shit that makes me laugh has led up to this moment.
00:05:45 I mean that, but you don't, Dana, you don't think it would have been funny
00:05:49 to see Ed get in that thing?
00:05:51 No, no, no, no, no.
00:05:53 Yeah, no, it is now.
00:05:55 It's like we've talked about this before, like you like the nine nine nine challenge.
00:05:59 I could I could probably I could have done that or at least attempted
00:06:03 to do the nine nine nine challenge.
00:06:04 I think I probably could have done it.
00:06:05 It wasn't it.
00:06:06 It would not have been like it.
00:06:07 I was locked into that.
00:06:09 OK, it was like there is just I can't put my finger on it.
00:06:12 There's something about you.
00:06:14 I understand. I understand it.
00:06:16 But when situations arrive, arise when you guys
00:06:20 when I tell you, I'm like, I'm not doing that.
00:06:23 And you guys are like, you have to do it.
00:06:24 And you don't give me like if I if I say no, it'll be an issue.
00:06:28 And if I say yes, sometimes it could be an issue like this.
00:06:31 That's where I get fucking furious.
00:06:33 Do you understand?
00:06:34 Yeah, I don't know why you're looking at me all crazy.
00:06:35 What do you like?
00:06:36 Because I don't like the fucking rash on my face.
00:06:40 No, I ignored everything.
00:06:41 But Dave was basically like
00:06:44 Dave was like, like that explained it perfectly.
00:06:49 It's like you like this is your this is content.
00:06:51 You have like a job for life.
00:06:53 I wish that I had like your fucking crazy eyeballs.
00:06:57 And like there's just something Francis said it best.
00:06:59 Like you like the way that you are able to do something like that
00:07:02 effortlessly is a gift.
00:07:04 And I know you don't see it that way. I don't.
00:07:06 But it is. It is.
00:07:08 I think they could contest that, too.
00:07:09 Dave, if we lined up 10 people, I don't I don't think anyone else
00:07:14 would lead with the one part of their body that doesn't.
00:07:17 I didn't try to do that.
00:07:20 Like the first time you bounce on it, it it doesn't bounce you.
00:07:24 So you have to launch your body kind of forward.
00:07:27 So I'm trying to get up there as high as I can.
00:07:29 And the momentum just took me.
00:07:32 I didn't try to do.
00:07:33 Everyone knows you.
00:07:35 Obviously. Yeah, you were.
00:07:37 You would not even realize I was like like that bloody.
00:07:40 I didn't feel anything like I realized that all day.
00:07:44 Yeah. Well, I have you ever like gotten a bloody nose
00:07:48 and you don't even realize it until someone says it.
00:07:50 But I know you're that that looked hard, like that looked hard to do.
00:07:55 So I'm going to give you credit on that.
00:07:57 I'll say this. Yeah.
00:07:58 If it was a trampoline, it was like, yeah, that would be different.
00:08:02 But it was a fucking air bubble.
00:08:04 Yeah. People were struggling with the air bubble.
00:08:06 It wasn't like today's.
00:08:08 Anyone who says anything about Dave not be able to make that jump, they're idiots.
00:08:12 Everyone did the same thing. Dave did. Yeah.
00:08:14 Yeah. The difference is you being like, well, this should be.
00:08:17 I try and put on a few states was like it.
00:08:19 Well, I was fucking furious considering all of a sudden I look at my hand
00:08:24 and you look like a red flare at SummerSlam 99.
00:08:26 I was like the tampon.
00:08:28 The J.J. Watt. Yes.
00:08:29 Comp. J.J. Watt tweeted that. Yeah.
00:08:31 I saw that. I ignored him, too.
00:08:33 Fuck him. Sometimes the content gods just shine down.
00:08:37 Yeah. In that case, you got blood all over your face.
00:08:41 Like, yeah, I can't explain it. Yeah.
00:08:43 That's a nice to pay.
00:08:44 But like this is like I I don't know.
00:08:47 It didn't get approved because they said it would be too hard to source.
00:08:50 I pitched our merch team a White Sox Dave calendar because you just have.
00:08:56 I don't see how that'd be too hard to source.
00:08:58 They and this is what this is what you never consulted.
00:09:00 We've talked about. Yeah, I know.
00:09:01 I wanted it to be a surprise.
00:09:03 Yeah. And if I would have woke up to like, oh, by the way,
00:09:06 you know, there would have been held to pay.
00:09:08 Yeah. Until like the bonus comes from everybody buying their WD.
00:09:12 Like they were buying that.
00:09:13 I do, because you have so many hilarious pictures that only you could take.
00:09:19 And I'm not not trying to pick fights, but do you take any stock
00:09:21 into what Portnoy said at all with I watch it?
00:09:23 OK, if you even if you didn't watch it, like the whole thing is,
00:09:26 it's like Big Cat Singh has two point seven million impressions right now.
00:09:29 Portnoy's has one point five million.
00:09:32 And don't play the numbers game with me.
00:09:34 No, I care about finish the point face right now.
00:09:37 Let him finish the point.
00:09:37 But my point is, and so you didn't read the blog either.
00:09:40 I assume that they've wrote. No, I didn't.
00:09:42 I assumed it was like Tommy Smokes. You wrote it.
00:09:44 I saw that there was a blog, but I did not.
00:09:46 It was by Dave.
00:09:47 I unsubscribed immediately once the Internet.
00:09:50 And that's what he said.
00:09:52 Like he's like, why hasn't Dave addressed this?
00:09:54 Whatever. Like he he can't realize good content.
00:09:58 Like that's that.
00:09:59 It's such a gift that I know it's hard to realize that when you're like
00:10:03 when you got blood in your eyes, blood on your nose.
00:10:05 But like at the end of the day, you can't see the content.
00:10:08 We got blood. Yes. Yeah. All right.
00:10:10 I'll leave it at that.
00:10:11 I'm not at the end of the day.
00:10:13 Sorry. Last thing.
00:10:14 I mean, I think Shane Falco said it best.
00:10:16 Dave, you look at yourself in the mirror.
00:10:17 Listen, pain heals.
00:10:19 Chick stings, scars, glory lasts forever.
00:10:22 That's always going to be on the Internet.
00:10:24 You're a good Shane.
00:10:24 Falco can suck my cock.
00:10:27 How's that?
00:10:28 The gap? No, but like it.
00:10:31 And you guys were way fucking wrong, by the way,
00:10:35 because you're like, oh, this no one's going to fucking say shit about this.
00:10:38 I neither of you have been in the Internet crosshairs like I had.
00:10:42 No, I'm not like in person.
00:10:44 I knew it would be a thing on the Internet.
00:10:46 I was like, yeah, we like it.
00:10:47 And for the record, like I will have the stool scenes, footage and everything.
00:10:51 I don't know if it's going to make it in Friday's one.
00:10:53 Go watch it if it is.
00:10:54 I hope it's in last week's.
00:10:55 It might be in the one or two weeks.
00:10:56 But you know, last week was you like all of the anger
00:11:00 you had at the wall instantly turned into me in chief.
00:11:02 You were like, you motherfuckers.
00:11:04 This is all your fault.
00:11:05 OK, that's actually something I do want to address.
00:11:08 Ed, you were I was obviously pissed at both of you.
00:11:12 You did the right thing.
00:11:13 You kind of just skedaddle that.
00:11:14 I did. I did, because I knew you want to kill.
00:11:16 You're like, I've known you for 10 plus fucking year, whatever you said.
00:11:20 And I'm like, and I was just thinking the entire time, like
00:11:22 if you knew me as well as you said, you know me, you would have done
00:11:26 exactly what I did you to just know because I'm there to help you.
00:11:28 And you're trying to clean up your blood and you couldn't see it.
00:11:31 And you're leaking all over the place.
00:11:32 And I came over to help you.
00:11:34 That's and you're like, don't fucking coach me.
00:11:35 And it's like, well, you need to be coached because you're leaking
00:11:38 blood everywhere and you're not even dab in the right spot.
00:11:40 So that is the last time I'm ever going to try to help you.
00:11:43 Right. You're out of.
00:11:45 You're out of here.
00:11:46 We don't even know that you got it.
00:11:48 Just we're going to we're going to enter a territory I didn't want to get.
00:11:51 Well, you're out of help.
00:11:52 No, no, no. You got to let you got your wish.
00:11:54 We might not have a drought.
00:11:56 Fellas, Dave, you're out of help.
00:11:57 Do you want me off?
00:11:58 You only have to say it. You're out of help.
00:11:59 Hey, we got we got simple pleasures.
00:12:01 We got to hold on. Hold on.
00:12:02 Hold on. We're not done with this. All right. All right.
00:12:04 You got to know.
00:12:05 I got it. I need like a buffer zone for a few minutes
00:12:08 after something like that happens. You didn't give it to me.
00:12:10 I was 90 percent in the wrong.
00:12:12 You weren't faultless there.
00:12:14 You were not. I do.
00:12:15 I come up and shove a camera in your face.
00:12:16 Absolutely not.
00:12:17 As I poke fun at you in that moment, you got to just know to give me space.
00:12:21 And I think that's also fair.
00:12:24 I also know now we'll we'll talk about it.
00:12:27 To be fair, I knew I didn't I didn't tweet about it or say anything which I.
00:12:30 Same. I'm just knowing it's my job to hop on and like be like, yo, we should have
00:12:34 this. So I thought I was going to get in trouble, but that puts me in a sticky
00:12:37 situation. I know I said a word to you about.
00:12:39 No, you haven't. But I knew if I posted something, you'd be mad at me.
00:12:42 Yeah. In that in that moment, like let the fucking dust settle for a second.
00:12:46 Let me unqueeze myself and get this shit off my face.
00:12:48 I appreciate you helping me.
00:12:50 But like in the moment, you need to know, like, let him be for a sec.
00:12:54 You are also standing there with the Miller Lite people, too.
00:12:58 What's wrong with the Miller Lite people?
00:13:00 I was I don't know off on them.
00:13:01 Obviously, all my rage is going to be directed at you guys.
00:13:04 I would never say anything bad to them.
00:13:07 All right. We'll see.
00:13:08 Yeah, it's actually a nice discourse this morning.
00:13:11 I think that's fair. Is it not fair, Dana?
00:13:14 Cons? They don't know you well.
00:13:17 They're. Let's move on.
00:13:22 Dana's seen this before.
00:13:26 I don't know if cons have seen this whole thing before, but cons is smart to stay out of it.
00:13:29 All right. Simple pleasures.
00:13:31 You brought up train Falco as well.
00:13:33 I don't even know if we mentioned him in honorable mentions when he deserved to be mentioned last week.
00:13:37 But shout out to me for when I've never seen that movie the whole way through.
00:13:39 I've only seen it in like 10 minute clips on TV.
00:13:42 Yes, that's a great replacement.
00:13:43 Yeah, that should have been drafted.
00:13:44 It's a it's a dog shit movie that's insanely watchable.
00:13:47 It's awesome. Yeah.
00:13:49 All right. Simple pleasures.
00:13:52 Let's just let's just hop right into this thing here.
00:13:54 Dana, Harry has one through five behind his back.
00:13:58 What do you think it is? Three.
00:14:00 No cons.
00:14:01 Two. No, chief.
00:14:06 Five. No. One.
00:14:09 No. Four. Yes.
00:14:12 Shit. I'll go three.
00:14:15 One through four.
00:14:18 Dana. Three. Yes.
00:14:21 Give me five. Wow.
00:14:27 OK. One through three cons.
00:14:29 Two. Now chief.
00:14:31 One. Yes. I'll go.
00:14:37 Second. OK.
00:14:40 Dave, one or two to now.
00:14:43 Cons. So two.
00:14:47 What? Yeah.
00:14:50 Dave, one or two. One or two.
00:14:52 One. All right.
00:14:53 Do you want first or four?
00:14:55 I will say this is the hardest part for me, like China, like remember who said what?
00:14:59 I'll go for. All right.
00:15:02 Cons your first.
00:15:04 All right. The order is cons chief.
00:15:06 Eddie White Sox.
00:15:07 Don't want to date me before we get cooking, though.
00:15:10 I do want to talk about Bolero,
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00:15:58 Absolutely wonderful.
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00:16:02 Arcade is extremely.
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00:16:07 I don't know.
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00:16:46 All right, Khan. Simple pleasures draft. Let's kick us off.
00:16:49 All right. Simple pleasures.
00:16:52 Certainly, this is obviously very subjective for everybody.
00:16:54 But I think with my first one, I think it's pretty universal,
00:16:59 basically to any adult because everybody, every adult has a job
00:17:03 and every adult can have a hard week at work.
00:17:06 And when you get that first drink at Friday happy hour.
00:17:11 I think there's no nothing can be matched to that
00:17:16 because you got the weekend in front of you.
00:17:18 Tough week of work is done.
00:17:20 It just kind of tastes very different if it's hot out that cold beer.
00:17:24 I just really like that first drink at happy hour on Friday
00:17:28 when everything's behind you and nothing but good times ahead
00:17:30 and the weekend are coming up.
00:17:33 Yeah, that's good pick.
00:17:37 Kind of. Wow.
00:17:37 This is so open ended that you can't write with a lot
00:17:41 because it's a lot of them are going to be personal to you.
00:17:43 So if that's cons like I do think there are
00:17:46 much more simple.
00:17:49 Now, can I ask this?
00:17:50 Is that something you got to go out and do?
00:17:52 Is it simple enough?
00:17:53 Because I would argue that's a very hard earned pleasure
00:17:56 because you just work your dick off all week.
00:17:58 It's always available. It's exactly.
00:18:00 It's an easy thing.
00:18:01 I would say I think it's simple and it's, you know,
00:18:04 you're talking like the like you're like you got 48 hours to yourself
00:18:08 and you're kicking off with that, right?
00:18:09 Essentially. Yeah.
00:18:10 And I mean, I just I think simple.
00:18:12 I mean, you can walk into any bar and order a drink.
00:18:15 I don't think that's particularly hard.
00:18:17 And it's not like the drink needs to be special.
00:18:20 It can really just be any drink.
00:18:22 So it's not like if you go to a bar, my Miller Lite's going to taste delicious
00:18:25 no matter what bar I go to.
00:18:27 Yeah. And I guess hypothetically speaking, like walking out the door,
00:18:31 like hopping on that train and finally pulling out of the city could be a plus.
00:18:35 But the beer is something.
00:18:37 But like the train and like the commute, like even if you're done for the day
00:18:40 and you have any sort of commute, that commute fucking blows.
00:18:43 Yeah, well, I would I don't know.
00:18:44 What do you think, cons?
00:18:45 Dana, what do you when you're hopping back and it's Friday
00:18:47 and is that's a different train ride?
00:18:50 Yeah. Drink on the train, Dana.
00:18:52 Yeah, I'm Friday.
00:18:54 The L.I.R.
00:18:55 I grab a couple of brown bags, but to cons his point back
00:18:58 when I was grinding the recruiting days in the sales days and you'd get out
00:19:03 every Friday, we had this bar called the Corner Pub in Boston,
00:19:06 right outside of our office, hop in there.
00:19:09 That was always a fantastic drink.
00:19:11 And there was really no nothing difficult about getting there.
00:19:14 So I agree with you, cons.
00:19:16 I mean, I think this whole draft is kind of wide open.
00:19:19 So I don't hate it all.
00:19:20 But yeah, I mean, it's a it's it's a great feeling to have that first beer,
00:19:25 have that first drink as soon as you're out of a grind, grind of a week.
00:19:28 Yeah. And I also think because I think everybody here has had like,
00:19:32 you know, a job outside of Barstool, like I actually just learned that about Dana.
00:19:36 Dana, I thought your first job was Barstool.
00:19:38 Dana's also older than people think, too.
00:19:41 Yeah, I'm old as fuck.
00:19:41 Holder. Yes. Oh, fuck.
00:19:44 I thought I might be.
00:19:45 I might be phasing out of the beer guy days.
00:19:48 These these days.
00:19:49 Skinny Waters. Now you're like a wrestler, dude.
00:19:52 You'll never retire.
00:19:52 You're like Hogan trying to have his last match at 69.
00:19:55 Fuck. No, I lived in Boston.
00:19:58 I did sales.
00:19:59 It was recruiting, but it was technically.
00:20:01 Yeah, it's technically recruiting, but it was sales.
00:20:03 It was for a year.
00:20:04 And then I worked for Barstool for free for like three or four months.
00:20:07 And then I finally got the job.
00:20:10 I never knew that.
00:20:11 Yeah. But I just think people who have like, you know, quote unquote, regular job
00:20:15 and have to grind all week in an office, I think this appeals to that crowd.
00:20:19 The people who know what?
00:20:20 Yeah, I'm not saying it's a bad pick at all.
00:20:22 To poopoo your pick.
00:20:23 I personally Friday is my day of Sabbath.
00:20:26 I do not do a fucking thing most Fridays, and that is my simple pleasure.
00:20:31 Getting home, not, you know, no
00:20:33 brain altering substances typically.
00:20:36 And you just sit there and you you know, God mode.
00:20:40 No God. Well, sometimes God mode, but it's you.
00:20:43 But like Friday is my stay in night and then Saturday, Sunday.
00:20:46 I go out Saturday night, Sunday during the day home by like dinner time.
00:20:50 Friday, so I like I like the Saturday, Sunday go hard and then try to take it easy.
00:20:56 Yeah. But the happy hour, the first the first drink with your coworkers,
00:21:01 whatever, I like that.
00:21:02 All right, Chieftain, you're up.
00:21:04 I'll take air conditioning. Air conditioning is the best thing ever.
00:21:07 Where it is hot as balls and sticky as balls in Chicago right now.
00:21:10 I did. We had lost our power here for the last day and a half or so.
00:21:15 So I got to the office today.
00:21:17 There's no power.
00:21:18 Started walking home, got up basically all the way home.
00:21:20 Get the text.
00:21:21 Actually, the power just came back on, turned back around.
00:21:23 I was soaking wet by the time we got here, but I opened that door
00:21:27 and I got hit with a little bit of cool air.
00:21:29 It was the absolute best, most refreshing feeling in the world.
00:21:32 Same thing. You get home at the end of the day.
00:21:34 Hot day. Just sit there.
00:21:36 We've drafted air conditioning so much. We love it.
00:21:39 I don't know how people lived before.
00:21:41 See, I almost think you should have been weirdly specific
00:21:45 because there's something I was going to say the same thing.
00:21:47 The first I think there's very specific times.
00:21:49 Yeah, that's like that.
00:21:50 First, Joel, is what I mean, kind of describe that.
00:21:52 When I walked in after doing like a three mile round trip of just walking
00:21:56 pointlessly, yeah, power is out and you get hit with that.
00:21:59 Yeah, it's like.
00:22:00 But to me, like, yeah, that's a simple pleasure is when you're like,
00:22:03 oh, this is good.
00:22:04 And then you get that jolt and then you're just like you settle in.
00:22:06 It's always good.
00:22:08 But that first jolt is like, man, this is great.
00:22:10 I feel like that's what I was describing when you're walking in with.
00:22:12 Yeah, I was.
00:22:13 I guess I just want to sound like the first job.
00:22:15 But whatever. Yeah.
00:22:17 But that's my I got a question. Yeah.
00:22:20 I haven't been listening to the last couple, I don't know, four or five drafts.
00:22:25 Yeah. Have there been any chief picks that I've missed out on?
00:22:28 Was that supposed to be?
00:22:30 I'm sure. I'm sure.
00:22:32 I mean, you're historically a bad draft.
00:22:34 That's not that's not true.
00:22:35 That's not true at all.
00:22:37 I don't know if there's anything I missed out on.
00:22:39 Not maybe. Maybe I'll just.
00:22:40 Yeah, maybe I'll maybe I've got something on my big board today that will.
00:22:45 Yeah, he's historically pretty gruff.
00:22:47 Ruffles some feathers.
00:22:48 Maybe. But it's just like.
00:22:50 I don't think I'm I don't think I'm bad.
00:22:52 I don't think I'm bad at all.
00:22:53 Did you have a bad one in the Will Compton draft?
00:22:56 What do we do for that?
00:22:58 We did.
00:22:59 Well, I believe Will Compton drafted celery fans.
00:23:01 And I think that that was probably the one that took the cake.
00:23:04 That's true. Yeah, that's true.
00:23:05 Can't argue that.
00:23:06 If I will say my like my second pick would have been going into AC on a hot day.
00:23:11 So I think it's a great pick.
00:23:13 You got a list. Yeah.
00:23:15 Oh, I got a big list.
00:23:16 Yeah. You got to listen to the sportscasters one day.
00:23:19 Now you would.
00:23:20 There was a great argument with White Sox debut at love.
00:23:22 So I'm just putting that one out there.
00:23:24 We'll check it out.
00:23:25 We want the sportscasters.
00:23:27 Golly. Oh, yeah.
00:23:28 It's going to have some real.
00:23:30 All right. To me, that was a good one to me.
00:23:34 I'm going to take some of this.
00:23:35 So this is interesting because we're this is going to be three picks in a row
00:23:38 where we've drafted them in other drafts before.
00:23:40 But this one's a little different, I think.
00:23:42 And it's it's it's a good parking spot.
00:23:46 And we talked, I think it was the I think chief might have drafted this
00:23:50 in the Thanksgiving or the Christmas one or the mall one, like getting a good spot.
00:23:55 I believe you guys should on that, because if I say it, I get shit.
00:23:58 I don't think we did, actually.
00:24:00 I think you probably did.
00:24:01 But it's a little different here, too, because there's something about
00:24:05 like specifically going to an area where, you know, that parking is is grim
00:24:10 and you pull up and you see something right away.
00:24:14 Yeah, that is euphoria or like you're pulling out.
00:24:18 Pulling out. Yeah.
00:24:20 And it's like you just if if like you're if you had hit a red light,
00:24:23 someone else was snake that. Yeah.
00:24:25 Yeah. That's that's an elite feeling.
00:24:27 Yes. Like a lot is one thing.
00:24:29 Like, just don't be a lazy ass parking the back row,
00:24:31 even though it is a good feeling when you get front row.
00:24:33 But when you get it somewhere on street parking and you got to,
00:24:36 you know, parallel park, that's amazing,
00:24:38 especially when you think you're fucked on with the be treachery,
00:24:42 you know, blocks, it might be raining and you get a prime spot in the city.
00:24:47 It's it's top notch.
00:24:48 And I you please tell me you guys could reason with that.
00:24:51 I know you guys don't drive much out there, but.
00:24:54 No, I do. I do.
00:24:56 And certainly in Hoboken, where I live, I mean, I have a garage.
00:24:59 So I don't have to worry about it.
00:25:00 But I mean, people complain all the time about parking.
00:25:02 But and then if you drive in Manhattan, you know, being able to find a spot
00:25:06 near where you're going, you know, sand's going into a garage,
00:25:10 I think is a very, very nice treat.
00:25:12 Or if you're running an errand, you go to Target or something
00:25:15 and you know you're under a shot clock and you get a good spot up close
00:25:20 just to save yourself some time.
00:25:21 I think it's a good pick.
00:25:22 I think if we drafted like the opposite of this,
00:25:26 like hells that we all have to go through, driving in Manhattan
00:25:29 might be at the top of the list, driving in Manhattan.
00:25:32 There is not much worse than that.
00:25:34 You I think it's I think it takes a certain skill to drive in Manhattan.
00:25:38 You've got to be a certain type of driver.
00:25:40 Seriously. OK, I got to get for everybody.
00:25:42 Did Conjure say something from New York is better than anywhere else?
00:25:45 You have to be a certain type of person to be better.
00:25:47 I didn't say it's better.
00:25:48 I think you just have to be a certain type like you.
00:25:50 Yeah, no, nobody else can do it.
00:25:52 A jerk. You got to be you got to be almost known.
00:25:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:25:56 That's a good way to put it.
00:25:58 I got a question.
00:25:59 So today we were originally supposed to draft things
00:26:02 that we don't understand or something like that.
00:26:04 Why in Manhattan does nobody have cars, but it's so congested with cars?
00:26:08 I don't understand it.
00:26:09 Nobody has cars there, right?
00:26:11 For the most part.
00:26:12 I mean, there's like a billion cars in traffic's always awful.
00:26:15 That's that's a good question.
00:26:17 Why is every building under construction, but nothing ever gets done there?
00:26:21 It's just scaffolding everywhere in New York.
00:26:23 Permanent permanent scaffolding.
00:26:25 It's getting worse like that here, too.
00:26:27 I've noticed there's a lot of places that you said.
00:26:29 I'm a scaffolding.
00:26:31 I was moving from Queens to West Village or whatever, and I
00:26:36 had a U-Haul and I had to go through Times Square with a U-Haul.
00:26:39 Oh, oh, my God.
00:26:42 That shaped me as a man.
00:26:44 Yeah, that'll put some hair on your tits, Dana.
00:26:46 Dude, that shit was tough.
00:26:49 I also have a parking story.
00:26:50 Last weekend, I went to Luke Holmes at Gillette
00:26:53 and I was looking for parking around like, you know,
00:26:57 they have a lots of like, I don't know, a car mechanic or whatever.
00:27:00 Fifty, sixty bucks.
00:27:02 I just keep driving and I get to the to the actual stadium.
00:27:06 And this guy's like, hey, you got a ticket.
00:27:08 I'm like, yeah, I got a ticket.
00:27:09 I thought he meant for the show.
00:27:10 He's like, OK, keep driving.
00:27:11 So then I drive up to the second person.
00:27:13 They're like, hey, you got a ticket.
00:27:14 I'm like, yeah, I got a ticket for the show.
00:27:16 And they're like, all right, just keep driving. Generals down there.
00:27:19 I get down to the general lot and they're like, it's closed.
00:27:21 But the VIP has some spots and they just let me in the VIP.
00:27:24 Wow. And I was the first one of the first cars out of the stadium.
00:27:29 No traffic leaving. Wow.
00:27:31 I don't know what happened.
00:27:33 God is looking down on you that day, Dana B.
00:27:35 That's I know that's almost tipping a pick because that's a great feeling, too.
00:27:39 But what like we'll talk about it, OK, whatever.
00:27:43 Yes. But like being able to somehow jailbreak the traffic first.
00:27:47 I don't know.
00:27:49 Yeah. Yeah.
00:27:51 But it's still a great feeling to us.
00:27:53 These suckers are going to be waiting for an hour.
00:27:55 You know, did you like help old ladies across the street that day or something?
00:27:58 Like, I feel like karma is just on your side.
00:28:00 I have no idea.
00:28:02 Like it's a week later.
00:28:03 I still have no idea what I did right to deserve that.
00:28:06 I feel like you'll be thinking about that for years.
00:28:08 Like, how did that happen?
00:28:10 All right. Let's talk, Steve.
00:28:13 Dog greeting you when you get home.
00:28:16 Fuck, I was my worst fucking day of your life.
00:28:20 You get home that dog's happy to see you like instant instant pick me up.
00:28:25 Dogs never judge you.
00:28:28 And Ed, I mean, you snub the golden retriever, but that golden retriever,
00:28:32 all he wanted to do is make you feel good and brighten your day.
00:28:36 That was 10 steps from my car to my my door.
00:28:41 Like it's like, oh, I know he's going to be in there
00:28:45 and he's waiting for me at the door with his little tail wagon jumps up.
00:28:48 Give me gives me a couple of kisses.
00:28:49 It's the best part of my day every day.
00:28:51 Respectable day, because with, you know, you come here and you
00:28:57 you don't like us very much.
00:28:59 So you get home, you know, like the Internet very much.
00:29:01 Now you get home that dog.
00:29:04 He don't give a fuck about that snot rocket on your face.
00:29:06 Nope. He does. That dog is just
00:29:08 that dog is just all about you.
00:29:12 So I love the pants.
00:29:13 It's the best, best feeling on Earth. Yeah.
00:29:15 I think that's what you have it.
00:29:18 I believe that got by Ed.
00:29:20 Um, that would have taken a one one personally. Yeah.
00:29:23 It's great pick. Yeah, it's a pick.
00:29:26 It is. Dana, do you guys have dogs?
00:29:30 Now, I don't.
00:29:32 Yes, I do.
00:29:33 Your your parents do so.
00:29:35 Yeah, I do. Yeah.
00:29:36 There's dogs everywhere in my life. Yeah.
00:29:40 Your dog adjacent.
00:29:42 Yes. Yeah. Data.
00:29:45 To me, that was what I was going to take.
00:29:47 So I got to fuck.
00:29:49 You know what?
00:29:51 I'm going to go with making a group of people laugh.
00:29:55 Is that a simple pleasure?
00:29:57 Or is that just a pleasure?
00:30:00 I don't I didn't I wasn't didn't have the instinct to veto.
00:30:04 I think that's a good one.
00:30:05 I think it's almost impossible to do.
00:30:07 Yeah, it's pretty simple.
00:30:08 Like to incite human emotion. Yeah.
00:30:11 Yeah, it's pretty simple. Yeah. Right.
00:30:14 I love making a I love I love a good like three or four people laugh at what you say
00:30:18 at that's a confidence boost for like a couple of days.
00:30:22 I mean, really, it's just yeah.
00:30:25 To me, I like making people laugh.
00:30:27 See, on the flip side, I love making people pissed off and angry.
00:30:31 See, you guys laughed and chuckled.
00:30:35 That was a good feeling right there to prove Dana's point.
00:30:37 I was a good feeling.
00:30:39 That made me feel good that you guys left it there.
00:30:40 Yeah. But you part of you is serious, though.
00:30:43 Sometimes. Yeah. Sometimes.
00:30:46 I think it's a good pick.
00:30:49 I like it a lot.
00:30:50 I like that. I like that.
00:30:53 You're up again, Dana.
00:30:54 Make us laugh.
00:30:55 I'm going to I don't think I'm going to do very well in this draft.
00:30:58 I mean, I was I was counting on the dog.
00:31:00 That was that was my fucking white whale right there.
00:31:03 I mean, I don't know.
00:31:06 You know what?
00:31:09 I'll just take a good fucking cigar, a cigar.
00:31:13 You know, just like I don't know if you put the two together, but just a cigar,
00:31:19 whether it's on a golf course or on your on your front porch.
00:31:23 Just give me a cigar.
00:31:26 Dana, I did not see that coming for you.
00:31:28 Did not know you're a cigar guy.
00:31:29 I had that on my list, but not one that I was going to use
00:31:32 just because I think it's too like it is a very, very nice pleasure.
00:31:37 But I don't think enough people enjoy cigars
00:31:40 that they can really appreciate how good of a pick that is.
00:31:43 But I think it's an excellent, excellent pick.
00:31:45 So I wouldn't call myself a cigar like connoisseur.
00:31:48 I would call myself like if somebody hands me a cigar, I'm going to smoke it.
00:31:52 Yeah, I don't really know much about them, but I love the taste of them
00:31:56 no matter what.
00:31:57 And I just think it's a relaxing thing.
00:32:00 Absolutely. Yeah, I think it brings me pleasure.
00:32:02 It brings. So I'm more like you where I don't really like that sensation
00:32:07 of like having smoke or smoking, but there is something just great
00:32:12 about like the smell and the ritual.
00:32:14 Like I would I would never smoke a cigar alone.
00:32:18 But I like when so like one of the guys hands you like when large was in town
00:32:21 for NASCAR and he he just travels with a box of cigars, I guess.
00:32:26 So he was passing them out.
00:32:27 We sat outside in the patio just drinking beers and smoking cigars.
00:32:30 It was a great night.
00:32:32 And like the cigars definitely enhance it.
00:32:34 So I like that pick, too.
00:32:35 I love cigars.
00:32:36 Obviously, I've talked to you guys about that a lot.
00:32:38 Cons we were talking about on Twitter yesterday.
00:32:41 Yeah, we were just talking yesterday about it.
00:32:43 There's something different.
00:32:44 The whole vibe, the whole mood of the room change when everybody's having a cigar.
00:32:48 I think it's because, you know, right when you light it up,
00:32:51 no one's going anywhere for at least probably an hour, you know.
00:32:54 No one's jumping up. No one's like, I got to go home.
00:32:56 Got to go take care of the dog. I do whatever.
00:32:58 You know what I mean?
00:32:59 It's just guys chilling and on stories, which is a weird thing.
00:33:03 It's just you hold this little stick in your hand and the vibe like it elevates.
00:33:07 Is there anything like that that you could just flip the room like that?
00:33:09 Because you could do a quick beer and out, but like you can't do a quick cigar.
00:33:13 That's the other thing, too.
00:33:13 Like, you know, you've never heard a story start like so.
00:33:16 We were all sitting around smoking a cigar and a fight broke out.
00:33:19 But I mean, sometimes everybody's drinking and somebody has too much to drink.
00:33:22 And that's crazy.
00:33:24 Cigar kind of brings the mood to a very mellow.
00:33:27 It's very conversational because again, Ed, yeah, you're right.
00:33:31 You're not like moving around like everyone's just kind of in the same spot.
00:33:34 You're having a nice conversation.
00:33:36 Yeah, I think there's a there's a lot to say about a good cigar.
00:33:38 Yeah, I do have.
00:33:41 I want to say I drafted cigars for the overrated draft.
00:33:45 I could be wrong there.
00:33:46 That was a long time ago.
00:33:47 But I everything said about the ambiance
00:33:51 when cigars are being smoked with the fellas is dead on.
00:33:54 Like you said, cons, it's very mellow mood.
00:33:57 You know, you're sitting there just bullshit and telling probably high school
00:33:59 football stories and whatnot.
00:34:02 The act of smoking a cigar sucks.
00:34:04 I fucking hate it.
00:34:06 I think you're smoking the wrong cigar.
00:34:07 I've smoked good cigars. I've smoked Cubans.
00:34:09 Yeah, but it's not even about smoking good cigars.
00:34:11 It's about finding the one that you like.
00:34:12 Yeah, you don't need the fanciest one.
00:34:14 You can get the test. I will say one cigar I liked is acid
00:34:18 sweets or something, and those are like cheaper.
00:34:20 Don't say that.
00:34:21 That was like those are sweet ones.
00:34:23 Those are terrible.
00:34:24 Oh, I don't know.
00:34:25 I did. I'm not.
00:34:26 I've smoked them all.
00:34:27 They're all kind of.
00:34:28 But the smoke hangs on you.
00:34:30 If I wish there was something different
00:34:32 that elicited all those emotions
00:34:37 and that in that mood, there is.
00:34:39 Yeah, I know.
00:34:40 So that's why it's a good pick.
00:34:41 But like cigars like your mouth tastes like shit.
00:34:44 You don't want to smell a major, a major downfall of a cigar.
00:34:47 And I shouldn't be doing this about my own pick, but it's the chapped lips.
00:34:50 Anybody, does anyone get chapped lips after?
00:34:53 Think so.
00:34:55 My lips get dry, but I'm usually having a drink, a beer, a glass of wine,
00:34:58 whiskey, something with it.
00:34:59 So that that helps that.
00:35:01 Or if you're drinking all night and you have a cigar and then you wake up
00:35:04 and you have the cigar still in your in your.
00:35:06 Oh, you get the rubber tire.
00:35:08 Yeah, I shouldn't be nitpicking my own pick.
00:35:11 But here we were going to we're just going to move on to Dave.
00:35:13 And then you had to pipe out.
00:35:15 But you're talking about like the after effects.
00:35:16 You're not talking about the actual act.
00:35:18 Right. That's true.
00:35:19 That part is the pleasure.
00:35:20 You know, some of the things that happen afterwards.
00:35:23 That's not part of it.
00:35:25 Also, for the record, Dave, you did not draft this in the overrated draft.
00:35:28 You drafted Tom Brady, Denzel Washington, ribs, Nirvana and Buffalo Wild Wings.
00:35:32 Just a quick step.
00:35:33 I'm with you.
00:35:34 Did cigars get?
00:35:35 Yeah, I like ribs.
00:35:37 But it's cheap meat.
00:35:39 You know, it's and they're like too messy.
00:35:41 They're like too much trouble for what they're worth.
00:35:43 I like ribs.
00:35:44 So you make Gale Street and ribs every day.
00:35:46 Would you ever cook them for yourself?
00:35:49 Did cigars get drafted?
00:35:50 I don't really like like the smokehouse one.
00:35:51 So I'm kind of in agreement with that.
00:35:53 Yeah, I like like Gale Street and Twinkers, that kind of thing.
00:35:56 What did they get drafted cigars?
00:35:59 No, nobody.
00:36:00 Drafts.
00:36:00 You're up, Dave.
00:36:02 I know this is going to be twisted, but
00:36:05 it's an act that everybody does picking your nose.
00:36:07 And when you clear it out, you get that rush of air through your nasal cavity.
00:36:11 It's a fucking phenomenal feeling.
00:36:13 Honestly, Hans, don't give me that face because you pick your nose.
00:36:16 Just 100 percent of people on this planet, men, women.
00:36:20 I absolutely otherwise.
00:36:22 It doesn't matter.
00:36:22 Every single person picks their nose.
00:36:24 And when you get that one that blocks that air passage out
00:36:27 and you just flick it across the room.
00:36:28 They do that.
00:36:30 Yeah, you do.
00:36:32 Everybody was with you until you did.
00:36:34 Or you snag it.
00:36:36 You got boogers around your living room, dude.
00:36:38 No, I let the dog eat them up.
00:36:40 Oh, that's animal cruelty.
00:36:43 It's not.
00:36:44 You just ruined your pick there.
00:36:45 I didn't ruin my pick to pick that rush of air.
00:36:48 You get when I'm picking a basis clearing booger is top notch.
00:36:52 It is.
00:36:54 That's a great little basis clearing.
00:36:57 Yeah, the basis clearing booger.
00:36:59 Do you? Did you just make that up?
00:37:00 Yeah, I heard that.
00:37:02 It's a perfect description.
00:37:03 But that rush of air, because you can finally breathe.
00:37:06 You're like, yeah, that felt good.
00:37:08 Yeah, no, that's that's a very good pick.
00:37:11 That's very good.
00:37:11 A weird pick, but it's a great pick.
00:37:13 Even if I never would have thought of that.
00:37:15 Even if you like blow your nose hard, you know, sometimes it's in there.
00:37:18 You can't get out and then you blow it hard.
00:37:20 And then it's just like a fucking cruise missile that like.
00:37:22 Well, I do it into a tissue.
00:37:24 Yeah.
00:37:25 Not all you pick your nose to. Yeah.
00:37:27 No, but sometimes sometimes you just need the airburst
00:37:30 more than the finger sometimes. No, I know. Yeah.
00:37:32 Oh, yeah. That's where the farmers blow or not.
00:37:35 Rock comes in.
00:37:36 And when you get that one and you're like, great, it's great.
00:37:39 I had a similar thing on there.
00:37:41 I kind of want to just say it now because I won't draft it.
00:37:43 But anyway, let's keep it rolling.
00:37:47 Yeah, I want to rush after picking those, though.
00:37:49 That's the feeling. Yeah.
00:37:51 I'm picking a nose clearing booger like that.
00:37:54 There you go. That's right.
00:37:55 Fantastic. Maybe your best pick in 2023.
00:37:59 Um, to me, I'm going to I'm going to take napping with rain.
00:38:04 Oh, that could have gone one one.
00:38:06 There's something about taking a nap, but there's something more.
00:38:09 We're like your brain kicks it into fucking overdrive
00:38:12 when you hear that rain and that thunder coming down.
00:38:14 Trinklin on, you know, the window.
00:38:17 It's they make they make it into a sound machine.
00:38:19 Yeah. On YouTube, they have 24 hour things.
00:38:22 Natural white noise. Yeah.
00:38:24 That's the greatest thing.
00:38:25 I'm I know what I'm about to say is going to make me sound like a douche.
00:38:28 But the best nap I ever had.
00:38:31 I was in Lake Como and our door,
00:38:34 our French doors were open to the lake and the lake was lapping up
00:38:39 against, oh, yeah, of the lake.
00:38:41 And it was at the it was the last stop of our trip.
00:38:44 And so we were just crushed bouncing all over Italy.
00:38:47 And that nap with that noise from Lake Como is unbelievable.
00:38:51 I have naps that I like.
00:38:53 Remember, they were so good. Yeah.
00:38:55 Like I felt seriously. He just remember that. Yeah.
00:38:57 Well, I felt like the best nap I think I've ever taken in my life
00:39:00 was during the World Cup final in the Zidane headbutt game.
00:39:04 I just fell asleep on the couch in the basement.
00:39:07 It was raining outside and I woke up with like 70 minutes to go in the
00:39:10 like the 70 minute mark. Yeah.
00:39:12 And I was like, fucking hell, that was an unbelievable.
00:39:16 And it was like, you can't get that without the rain.
00:39:19 Yeah. Yeah. It's a great it's a great.
00:39:22 Yeah, it's I had I had great nap. I had great nap on my list.
00:39:24 It should be like universal out there where it's like, if you miss plans,
00:39:28 I do what the fuck we have plans like to start a rain.
00:39:30 I was napping and you're forgiven. Yeah.
00:39:33 Why? Why is something as obnoxious and loud as thunder and lightning
00:39:38 so cathartic and therapeutic?
00:39:41 I don't know. It doesn't make sense.
00:39:43 Dana's a psychologist. You might know.
00:39:45 Maybe it's because we like as soon as you like have shelter from it,
00:39:48 you're like, I bet it's like a Graham Hancock.
00:39:51 Like evolutionary trait or something.
00:39:53 Maybe I got a question. Yeah, I got a draft question.
00:39:57 Does this does this eliminate other nap?
00:40:01 No, because I have another nap. I would be distinct, though.
00:40:04 Yeah, I want to just take napping. I think that's bullshit.
00:40:06 No, you can't. I have a specific type.
00:40:08 Very important. Okay, chief.
00:40:11 All right. This goes back to my business casual working days,
00:40:16 but it can be applied to like weddings and stuff, too.
00:40:19 When you get back to the hotel room after a wedding or you get home
00:40:23 and you take you kick off those dress shoes like your dress shoes
00:40:27 specifically after you've been standing around the leather all day long,
00:40:30 your feet are cramped.
00:40:32 You're so fucking uncomfortable.
00:40:34 And then it's just like this
00:40:35 for your feet.
00:40:37 And that doesn't even have to be dress shoes.
00:40:39 Yeah, but it's old.
00:40:41 It hits more with dress shoes for sure.
00:40:44 And like there are other like especially those rented tuxedo shoes.
00:40:48 Yeah, the corners are pit pincher.
00:40:49 Yeah, I can not broken in. Right.
00:40:52 If it's like I was thinking about that, like,
00:40:54 because you get that feeling with like hockey skates and ski boots, too.
00:40:57 But like the dress shoes is something that like everybody has experienced.
00:41:01 And it just that to me, that feeling is so fucking nice.
00:41:04 When you get back at the end of the day.
00:41:06 For sure.
00:41:06 I like it.
00:41:08 Kicking off dress shoes.
00:41:10 Yeah.
00:41:11 OK. Do you wear dress shoes like every day, cons?
00:41:14 No, no, no, no.
00:41:16 Not even for my adult job now.
00:41:18 It's it's much more casual.
00:41:19 I mean, I still have to put on a suit a decent amount, but.
00:41:23 It doesn't it's not every day, but I mean, there were times in my life
00:41:27 where I was every day and and that's just a horrible, horrible feeling.
00:41:33 Yeah. So you know why I can't fully appreciate that pick is because I'm
00:41:36 a loafers guy, I got to say it even at a wedding.
00:41:39 What if you're in a you've never had a loaf?
00:41:42 Oh, yeah, you can absolutely wear loafers.
00:41:45 If you're in the wedding, you can't.
00:41:47 Oh, no, I'm in the wedding now.
00:41:48 That's a little different.
00:41:49 Yeah. You never been on a dance floor all night long.
00:41:52 You get home from the from the reception.
00:41:55 Oh, I have. Yeah, wonderful feeling.
00:41:56 But I can't fully appreciate it because I'm usually wearing loafers.
00:41:59 All right. If I'm not wedding
00:42:00 count. All right.
00:42:04 So I'm really I'm like I'm between like four, but I think.
00:42:14 Given given that we work at Barstool Sports, I think
00:42:18 having an unbelievable college football slate of games on a Saturday
00:42:24 ahead of you is just an unbelievable feeling.
00:42:29 You like you take a look and you like the 12 o'clock games, the three thirties,
00:42:32 the awful pick, and it's just awful.
00:42:35 Top to bottom. Good.
00:42:36 You 90 percent of us are gambling and losing money on these games.
00:42:39 Oh, but that's the rush to fucking stress.
00:42:42 Conscious pick November 4th.
00:42:45 That's that. That's what you picked.
00:42:47 You picked out the day that has like the big, big Notre Dame game.
00:42:50 It has like the big tent slate is there's something up for grabs.
00:42:53 You got LSU, Alabama at night.
00:42:55 Like, I think that that's a great pick.
00:42:57 It's great to just have plants.
00:42:59 And it's like, what are you doing today?
00:43:00 Nothing. But I'm watching football for 12 hours.
00:43:03 You know what, though?
00:43:05 I could I could do with some shitty 11 a.m.
00:43:08 noon games, though. Yeah.
00:43:09 Like, let me get some shit done.
00:43:10 Let me like enjoy a little like the background.
00:43:12 Exactly. I could do it.
00:43:13 So I give me the big two thirty and the big six.
00:43:15 Yeah. Part of your perfect slate.
00:43:17 I'm just saying a perfect slate in general doesn't necessarily have to be good games.
00:43:20 It could be like for you, like, all right, the 12 o'clock games
00:43:23 aren't too appealing to me.
00:43:24 I'm going to get some things done for a set of win for the three thirty game
00:43:27 that I really like.
00:43:28 This is a perfect college football slate.
00:43:30 This is where like that to me, that nap kind of comes into play, too,
00:43:34 because there are many times
00:43:35 where I'll fall asleep in like the first quarter of that 11 a.m.
00:43:39 We got Beth Mullins on. It's raining outside.
00:43:42 Maybe you have the window open a crack and you just doze off
00:43:45 and then you wake up in time for like that two thirty CBS kick.
00:43:48 There's nothing better than that.
00:43:50 It's good counter cons.
00:43:52 I mean, I, you know, you're basically just whatever
00:43:56 you're up here up again.
00:43:59 All right.
00:44:00 Similar to Ryan's pick about taking the shoes off after after a long day.
00:44:09 And I think this really appeals to the to the working folks
00:44:12 or even people who do maybe manual labor
00:44:15 for a living or work outside for a living.
00:44:18 But a cool, refreshing shower after a hot, muggy day.
00:44:23 And you just have like you watch that kind of grime off of you,
00:44:26 whether you were commuting all day and on a public trans
00:44:29 or maybe you were outside doing yard work.
00:44:31 But just a cool shower after a very hot, muggy day,
00:44:36 I think is an unbelievable pleasure. Great value in the third round.
00:44:39 Yep. Great value.
00:44:40 I don't think I mean, I don't see how anyone could argue this one.
00:44:43 No, it's great.
00:44:43 I had three of them on Wednesday, I think, because it was just like
00:44:46 one of those days I had a three shower day to recently. Yeah. Yeah.
00:44:49 Oh, what was the day we're at?
00:44:51 What was the Velcro game?
00:44:52 Is that Wednesday night?
00:44:53 It's Wednesday. Yeah.
00:44:54 So I had my normal morning shower, went home after took care of the dog.
00:44:58 I was all sweaty, took a pre White Sox game shower, got home at night
00:45:03 because I was so muggy and hot there, showered before I went to bed.
00:45:06 It was awesome. It was a great day. Yeah.
00:45:08 I mean, that has to be said, any problems with this pick, Dana,
00:45:14 did you ever work a manual labor job, Dana?
00:45:16 Of course, I'm a sweaty, gross guy.
00:45:19 I was at the at the smoke out a couple of weeks ago.
00:45:22 I was I had to go through three shirts. Yeah.
00:45:24 No, not even exaggerating. It was so hot.
00:45:27 So I really appreciate a good shower.
00:45:30 Yeah, I used to landscape for like two or three.
00:45:32 I actually got fired from one of my landscaping jobs
00:45:34 because I couldn't figure out one of the standing mowers.
00:45:37 So they fired me after like four days.
00:45:39 They're just like, you got to know how to do this, dude.
00:45:41 Isn't isn't that the first time you came?
00:45:43 No, that was that was like that was back in middle school.
00:45:47 I was escaping a middle school.
00:45:49 Yeah. The vibration from
00:45:52 we got to get to this story.
00:45:56 All right. Well, yeah, this is a mixtape story.
00:45:58 Yeah. Which are IP to the boys calling Trill.
00:46:02 I think back in it was during the myspace days,
00:46:05 because I remember because I went upstairs and I started looking at.
00:46:09 That's not the point.
00:46:11 I was no one alone back at home in the vibration.
00:46:16 Just whatever.
00:46:17 It made me feel something good down my arms.
00:46:20 And I go upstairs.
00:46:21 I see all this fucking cum everywhere in my shorts.
00:46:24 They're like, what is this?
00:46:27 What? And then.
00:46:30 Yeah, it's the first time I came. Did you?
00:46:32 All right.
00:46:36 You fucked a push bar. Yeah.
00:46:37 You fucked a lawnmower.
00:46:39 I mean, you got to be careful.
00:46:40 You don't want that thing running.
00:46:41 That'll you know, that'll have to be running.
00:46:43 But for the vibration, I mean, if you want to come, you don't want
00:46:46 you don't want to come running, you say.
00:46:48 No, you don't want the you don't want to chop your dick off with.
00:46:51 Well, it's a push more, but you're not coming unless things on.
00:46:55 Yeah. But like how how are you going to get a lesson?
00:46:57 Vibrate. You got it.
00:46:58 I understand. So are you saying the lawnmower has to be on for you to fuck it?
00:47:02 You're the expert here.
00:47:03 Dana, did you fuck the the like shoot plastic thing that shoots the grass out?
00:47:07 No, that doesn't reach.
00:47:09 You know, your dick wouldn't reach the blades then.
00:47:11 I don't what I'm talking about.
00:47:14 I love this.
00:47:15 This is this is 30 year old Dana realizing that 25 year old Dana's stories
00:47:19 will never die.
00:47:21 Is it? Am I right or wrong?
00:47:22 Bad feeling. Am I right or wrong?
00:47:24 Dude, I have not changed since 25.
00:47:27 I'll tell the same exact story.
00:47:28 Yeah, I mean, I was clothed, Dave.
00:47:31 It's not like I was banging the thing
00:47:34 just happened.
00:47:35 Dave thinks he took this thing behind the shed and was like,
00:47:37 it's not going to pound town on it.
00:47:39 Yeah. Did you get the lawnmower plan B the next day?
00:47:43 Dave's got a guy if you want a 20 percent off.
00:47:48 Oh, shit.
00:47:51 Chief, you're up.
00:47:54 All right. I'll just take
00:47:56 I'll take fresh, clean sheets.
00:47:58 So either at home, like after you make your bed or if you're at a hotel,
00:48:02 like there is just something nice about just having perfectly fresh,
00:48:07 clean sheets climbing into that bed, sometimes after a nice, cool shower.
00:48:10 That's like a that's like a great fucking combo.
00:48:12 So, yeah, I'll just take fresh, clean, fresh, clean sheets.
00:48:17 Yeah, I had that on my list as well.
00:48:20 It's great. Great pick.
00:48:21 I've become like a cereal sheet washer.
00:48:24 Yeah, I do a dog owner.
00:48:26 It's like once, twice a week.
00:48:28 Oh, I would say I do it three times a week. Yeah. Yeah.
00:48:30 I think this is also a sign of a good pick.
00:48:32 It was when no one really has anything to say.
00:48:34 It's just like, yeah, it's good. Yeah.
00:48:36 Like, yeah, moving on.
00:48:37 It's so simple, like I can't even really comment on the complexity of it.
00:48:42 Honestly, that's why another reason I didn't like the call,
00:48:44 because it's just complex and it lasts all day, like a simple pleasure to me.
00:48:47 Something that's like bang, bang for the most part.
00:48:50 Yeah, I do love when you like are looking at like,
00:48:54 I usually know it like on Thursday, right?
00:48:57 Like you kind of and that's the simple pleasure.
00:48:59 Yeah. And you're like actively sitting there all day.
00:49:01 But it's like you get kind of hype. Yeah. Saturday.
00:49:04 And like, well, maybe I'm not talking about sitting through all the games.
00:49:07 I'm just talking about like the symbols like you're looking at the slate.
00:49:10 You're like, wow, this is going to be right.
00:49:12 Yeah. Yeah. And you're like, and then you're like, should I go?
00:49:16 Should I go to the grocery store and get all the stuff to make chili?
00:49:18 And then, you know, like so then like like that's I've had days
00:49:21 where I eat like three meals is nothing but chili.
00:49:24 Yeah. That's that's simple.
00:49:26 Throwing a crock pot to a great.
00:49:27 I do it on top of the stove. Yeah, yeah. Of chili.
00:49:30 All right. To me,
00:49:33 pretty simple, but I love a long, relieving piss.
00:49:36 You just sit there.
00:49:39 Just a nice sit there.
00:49:40 Stand there. Stand there.
00:49:44 Eddie, Eddie, Eddie sits with a piece that deserve to be called out.
00:49:47 Can I can I make a confession?
00:49:48 All right. I sit when I pee sometimes.
00:49:51 Do you? Yeah. At home.
00:49:53 It's just like if I want to be sitting on my phone and I just, you know, you're
00:49:56 sometimes I'll just sit down and pee.
00:49:58 Well, you got those long balls, too.
00:49:59 So you got to take care of it.
00:50:00 Well, that's more of a hazard because then they go for a little swim. True.
00:50:04 That's actually never happened.
00:50:06 My balls and never got long balls.
00:50:08 I've been having this issue
00:50:10 like the last week where I don't know if it's the weather temperature,
00:50:13 but they're longer than normal.
00:50:15 And I like when I saw Oppenheimer, I think part of the reason
00:50:19 why I was like this movie needs to end is because I was uncomfortable
00:50:22 and I was sitting on my balls and I couldn't adjust them.
00:50:25 Accidentally sitting on a ball with one of your thighs is it's rough.
00:50:29 Got them great. So sitting down when you pee, that's your simple pleasure.
00:50:32 No, no, no. Just a long, relieving pee where you don't.
00:50:35 You're not time.
00:50:36 Like it's not great at a bar because you're always trying to like get back to,
00:50:39 you know, wherever you were or you're it's not a home game.
00:50:43 But if you're just at your house and maybe you held it for a little bit
00:50:46 and you just stand there and you could really unload the clip.
00:50:48 It's fantastic.
00:50:50 Yeah, I that recently same concert as the parking thing at Luke Holmes, I
00:50:55 I was I had to pee from his very first song,
00:50:59 but we were in the G.A. area and it was packed and I didn't want to lose our spot.
00:51:03 So I held it for the two hours for the entire set and the entire time I had to pee.
00:51:08 And once I let that sucker go after the two hours, it was just a great feeling.
00:51:13 It's unreal. So that's a good one. That's a great one.
00:51:15 That could probably be its own draft is the best pisses.
00:51:18 Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's a lot.
00:51:21 I could probably come up with 25 pieces.
00:51:23 Probably. Well, it's not safe.
00:51:24 And on that note, I'm going to draft an even better piss.
00:51:27 Waking up early in the morning to piss and going back to bed,
00:51:30 realizing you got multiple hours on the before the alarm goes off.
00:51:33 That's the best piss there is.
00:51:35 Do you have a prostate issue? No.
00:51:37 I think you might.
00:51:40 You wake up in the middle of night to pee.
00:51:42 So I think sometimes you have a prostate issue.
00:51:44 I get up every night at four o'clock every single night to pee.
00:51:49 I also drink like two gallons of water a day.
00:51:51 Yeah, it's also a lot of water.
00:51:54 I I pound water.
00:51:55 I was just looking for my water.
00:51:57 I left it in the kitchen. But so like a midnight.
00:51:59 What do we draft a midnight? No piss and then back to bed.
00:52:02 OK, piss and then back to bed, knowing that you have a couple more hours of sleep.
00:52:07 That's just an immaculate feeling.
00:52:08 Huh? Yeah, I'm surprised at this.
00:52:10 You're not a sleep in guy.
00:52:12 And like four in the morning, you wake up to this.
00:52:14 OK, and you go back for a MP.
00:52:16 Kirsten, I'd rather just I'd rather sleep sleep until the alarm.
00:52:21 Yeah, you see, it's like it's twofold.
00:52:25 You you don't want to get out of bed.
00:52:26 You wake up, you're like, fuck, my kidneys are about to erupt.
00:52:29 Then you talk yourself into getting out of bed.
00:52:32 You see that alarm says four or four or your clock says four or four or whatever.
00:52:37 You're like, I got two, three hours to sleep in a little more.
00:52:40 And then you just burrow into those covers and go right back to sleep.
00:52:43 Your hand motion
00:52:48 is not get all cozy up under the covers.
00:52:52 All right. Any comment counts?
00:52:55 I would just say, I mean, I don't know if this is tipping a pick or not,
00:52:59 but like I think the better pleasure
00:53:01 then than the P is knowing I get to go back to sleep for an hour.
00:53:06 It's all part of the package.
00:53:07 But like if your kidneys are like that bad and you got to piss that bad,
00:53:11 once you get that last drip off the tip, you're you're Wang
00:53:15 cozy back in. It's all part of the package.
00:53:18 Now I feel good. I can go back to sleep.
00:53:20 You're dribbling to
00:53:22 sometimes. Yeah.
00:53:24 Take a little shake.
00:53:25 I don't think they're better pisses in both of those.
00:53:28 Better than mine. Yeah.
00:53:31 Dana, it's me. Yeah.
00:53:33 All right. I don't think this is as good as a
00:53:37 as a fucking rain nap, but it's up there and it's a golf nap.
00:53:42 Golf. Yeah.
00:53:44 Oh, give me.
00:53:47 That's an elite nap, Dana.
00:53:49 It's I don't think it's as good as rain, though.
00:53:51 That's the best nap.
00:53:52 This is probably number two.
00:53:53 There's rain and golf.
00:53:55 Then we're really quick. Oh, yeah.
00:53:57 You might as well ever get out of bed where you are.
00:54:00 It's raining where you are, but it's nice where they're golfing.
00:54:03 Oh, and you mix in the nap.
00:54:05 Come on. It's good. Pick Dana. It's good.
00:54:07 Beck, can I do rainy golf now?
00:54:09 And my other one, do we have anything on that or not?
00:54:16 I mean, that's that's that's good. Yeah.
00:54:18 The master's nap.
00:54:19 Everybody talks about how it's the best nap of the year.
00:54:22 Sunday masters.
00:54:24 You know what, boys?
00:54:27 I just like a good cruise with the windows down.
00:54:29 Drive with the windows down.
00:54:31 Wow. That's a good windows down guy.
00:54:33 Give me the you know, with me, whenever I'm back home in Massachusetts,
00:54:38 I'll just go to like I'll just drive for like an hour to all my places.
00:54:42 I used to go in high school or whatever
00:54:44 and just have the windows down with some good music playing.
00:54:47 Nostalgia City.
00:54:50 It just, you know, puts you in a happy mood.
00:54:52 Yeah, I think you're right, because I think.
00:54:55 The mood you can have with the windows down versus this up,
00:55:01 if you put like the same music, you're driving on the same streets,
00:55:03 windows up versus down, it's a completely different feeling.
00:55:06 I like that pick.
00:55:08 It's just hard because you need the perfect weather.
00:55:10 You do. And you need the perfect and the perfect weather.
00:55:13 How many days of the three sixty five are there? Perfect weather.
00:55:16 I mean, there's not.
00:55:18 But like that less than 14.
00:55:20 I hope it's more than that.
00:55:23 I hope it's more than that.
00:55:25 But there is like a whole like that Amos Lee song.
00:55:27 You know, that's windows are I was going to bring it up.
00:55:29 Yeah, roll down.
00:55:31 So you do need the weather.
00:55:32 Sometimes I had a car where if the windows were down
00:55:36 like a little too much, it made like this
00:55:38 like like you're inside of a helicopter kind of in like.
00:55:41 Yeah, like hurt would legit like hurt your ears.
00:55:44 Oh yeah. If your windows down on the highway, you're a maniac.
00:55:47 You got to have the just like it's like a crack the same amount.
00:55:51 Because now it was a pressure of fuck up in the car.
00:55:53 It wasn't that because I tried everything.
00:55:55 So like you could only put the windows down like three inches
00:55:59 on either side.
00:55:59 But if you went all the way down or put the back windows down, it was game over.
00:56:03 But I like the pick, but it just has to be the right day, the right road.
00:56:07 I like AC better.
00:56:09 I prefer the AC, too, but white socks, Dave.
00:56:12 Looking at a baseball field.
00:56:16 Could be Wrigley Field.
00:56:18 It could be Fenway Park.
00:56:20 It could be a little league field.
00:56:22 I just love looking at baseball fields, especially when you're,
00:56:25 you know, you're about to land it.
00:56:26 You just take off on a plane.
00:56:28 You look down, you see all the all the baseball fields.
00:56:29 I do like that.
00:56:30 I love one of the beautiful things about baseballs.
00:56:34 Obviously, it's 60 90.
00:56:35 The infield is the same.
00:56:37 Every park's completely different.
00:56:38 Like a football field.
00:56:39 They're all cookie cutter for the most part.
00:56:40 Soldier Field Gillette.
00:56:42 They're all the same shit.
00:56:43 Baseball fields are different.
00:56:45 They have character.
00:56:46 Same with hockey, same with basketball.
00:56:48 All the same shit.
00:56:49 Baseball fields have character like a sunset over Wrigley Field.
00:56:52 I obviously hate the Cubs, but sunset over Wrigley Field.
00:56:56 You're looking at that Ivy looking at baseball fields.
00:56:58 It's just you're like, ah, got that nice cool brew in your hands.
00:57:02 Summertime.
00:57:03 I love looking at baseball fields.
00:57:06 But that's the prettiest type of field.
00:57:09 And it is. It is. It is.
00:57:11 It's a pretty field.
00:57:12 Seems like you guys don't really like it.
00:57:13 I mean, I don't hate it, but I'm not like, oh, wow, that's a great pick.
00:57:18 I mean, it's like it's nice.
00:57:20 I think it's their other home.
00:57:21 I mean, like it's kind of specific, though, like in the summer.
00:57:26 On a perfect summer night and you're just staring at a baseball field, that's great.
00:57:30 But if I'm not just walking around like looking at middle middle school,
00:57:34 like fucking little league fields, you know, if you're if you're well,
00:57:38 obviously you're not.
00:57:40 But hypothetically speaking, if you're on a jog
00:57:42 and you see the kids playing a little league,
00:57:44 you're not going to stop and watch them for a minute
00:57:45 and just enjoy the fact that they're enjoying America's pastime
00:57:48 on a baseball field.
00:57:50 I jog, Dave.
00:57:52 Do you jog a lot?
00:57:54 No, like once a week.
00:57:56 That's more than you think.
00:57:57 Yeah, that's that is.
00:57:58 Yeah, that's about right. Yeah.
00:58:00 You you're I don't know this play is play as well as on the graphic,
00:58:05 but you did win me over with your airplane thing because that's.
00:58:09 Yeah, that was that was if you're flying west, seeing out of midway,
00:58:13 you'll fly over my high school in north central.
00:58:15 Really? However, I do think seeing football fields is just as cool.
00:58:18 So that goes against your pick out of the plane, out of the plane.
00:58:21 Yes, on a plane. Yeah.
00:58:22 And I like same thing with like swimming.
00:58:24 I mean, obviously, I don't agree with that.
00:58:27 I like pools. It's cool to see like Wrigley in Major League fields.
00:58:31 That's the best of the best.
00:58:32 But like any baseball field, I just I love.
00:58:35 All right. I don't know if this is a weird thing, but really quickly
00:58:38 with the airplane, I always said it.
00:58:40 I think a really cool thing could be if you look out the window of an airplane
00:58:44 and the window acts kind of like an overlay
00:58:48 where it tells you what you're looking at as you're going over it.
00:58:52 So if I'm going over a city that I don't know, it like points things out.
00:58:57 I'm not really describing this well.
00:58:59 Google Earth. I like.
00:59:01 Yeah, it's basically Google Earth through the window.
00:59:03 I've never been on the plane.
00:59:05 I've never seen it. Really?
00:59:07 No, it doesn't exist.
00:59:08 You've seen it.
00:59:08 I think I would like, oh, oh, OK.
00:59:11 Yeah. So you want to. Yeah. OK.
00:59:13 I want Google Earth to exist through looking through the window of an airplane
00:59:18 just because I like looking at maps in general.
00:59:20 But even when I'm flying over New Jersey, I'm like, oh, what am I looking at right now?
00:59:25 I don't know. So being weird.
00:59:27 I'm kind of that same kind of word that if I have like
00:59:30 if I have a flight and everyone's like watching movies or whatever,
00:59:34 I'll have a podcast in and I'll just have the flight map up on my screen.
00:59:37 Like I'll just watch them like, oh, like when I flew to London, I was like, oh, fuck.
00:59:41 We're over Nova Scotia right now.
00:59:42 Like, what's going on?
00:59:44 We're going way far north here to get to England.
00:59:46 So I'm with you on that.
00:59:49 All right. To me, I have another driving one.
00:59:52 And I feel like Dave will appreciate this one.
00:59:56 There's something about driving and just hit a nice string of green lights.
01:00:00 Yeah. You know, you feel like you're in cruising USA, whatever.
01:00:03 You're hitting all these checkpoints.
01:00:04 And it's almost like a game where you're like proud of yourself,
01:00:07 but you have no control over it. And it's so minimal.
01:00:09 Like, what did I save myself getting every green light?
01:00:12 You know, like a string of a minute, maybe.
01:00:15 Buddy, you made great time. Yeah, exactly.
01:00:17 But you know what I mean? Yeah.
01:00:18 But there's something like you're weirdly proud of yourself for.
01:00:20 And it's a nice civil pleasure. It's awesome.
01:00:23 It's a it's a great feeling.
01:00:25 It was on my board.
01:00:26 And like that, to me, the feeling is like I had green lights.
01:00:29 But to me, the feeling is I made great time.
01:00:31 Like I made great time, whatever.
01:00:33 If I'm picturing you're probably the only one that knows this.
01:00:36 But Randall Road, like Randall Road.
01:00:39 I've talked about Randall Road.
01:00:40 It's a it's a western suburbs road.
01:00:42 It is hell on earth.
01:00:43 It's got more stoplights than any than any road in America.
01:00:46 And when you just catch them all green from like
01:00:50 it's a great from like Crystal Lake down to St.
01:00:53 Charles and nothing but nothing but green lights.
01:00:56 Who the great it's a great feeling.
01:00:58 It really is.
01:00:58 Great feel. Yeah.
01:01:02 I got to deal with that on Halstead every day.
01:01:03 Some days you'll get home in 12 minutes.
01:01:05 Some days it's twenty five. Yeah, it's crazy.
01:01:07 You're like, fuck.
01:01:08 And it's totally not even a time thing sometimes.
01:01:10 Sometimes it's just like you're proud of yourself because I like.
01:01:13 Yeah, I like it's an accomplishment that you had no control.
01:01:16 Yeah, exactly. Chief.
01:01:19 I'll take.
01:01:23 So I have so many left.
01:01:26 I'll take flirting.
01:01:30 I think flirting when you're out at a bar
01:01:32 and you're getting a little bit of attention
01:01:33 and you have like that banter back and forth, like your confidence is up
01:01:36 and doesn't even have to go anywhere.
01:01:39 But if you just have like that little positive interaction,
01:01:42 I feel like that kind of makes your night like you're feeling good about yourself.
01:01:44 It's kind of almost similar feeling to Dana's where you're like
01:01:48 you're making a group of people laugh.
01:01:49 But just like that little innocent flirting, eye contact in a bar.
01:01:53 And then you just kind of walk away.
01:01:55 I think that's a great feeling.
01:01:56 That's a great little simple pleasure that kind of can turn your night around.
01:01:59 So I'll take flirting.
01:02:02 Nobody likes it. Nobody likes that one.
01:02:05 Well, I think it feels very broad.
01:02:07 It is. So I think it's more complicated than it is simple.
01:02:10 Yeah. Why is it complicated?
01:02:11 You got us. Yeah.
01:02:12 You got to think about what you're saying about every move you're doing.
01:02:15 It's right. You know, it's simple about it.
01:02:18 It's like so basically saying it's simple for him.
01:02:21 Is it? No, but it's like I would say, well, you guys are all
01:02:25 you guys are married guys, but I would say when I was in my 20s,
01:02:29 I was like I was probably sweating.
01:02:32 Now it's just like everything seems like so like kind of low stakes.
01:02:35 You're just like talking, flirting.
01:02:36 You get a little smile, you make somebody laugh.
01:02:38 And then, you know, it doesn't even have to be anything.
01:02:41 But when you're like horned up in your 20s and everything is like,
01:02:45 like you're that is when you're over thinking.
01:02:47 Yeah, it's higher stakes and you're thinking about it too much.
01:02:50 And now it's just like it's just like a nice little laugh.
01:02:53 Like that was nice.
01:02:54 And you go back to your back to your voice.
01:02:56 Do you think you just got better at it or you just gained more perspective?
01:03:00 So you've lessened your anxiety with it?
01:03:03 I was I think when we had like the biggest fears draft,
01:03:07 I think I drafted talking to girls or it might have been like your biggest fear
01:03:10 in high school. I was I was terrified.
01:03:12 That's what it was. I remember. Yeah, it was high school fear. Terrified.
01:03:15 I said farting.
01:03:16 I don't think you guys like that that pic either.
01:03:19 But that to me was just like I was I could I could not talk to girls until
01:03:23 because I grew late, too.
01:03:24 I didn't grow until I was like 17, 18. And then.
01:03:28 I don't know, I just feel like now it's just like it just doesn't matter.
01:03:32 You just give a little flirt and you get a little back.
01:03:34 You start giving a lot less shits.
01:03:36 Yeah, that's that's a big part.
01:03:39 You're used to rejection. Most I am impervious to rejection.
01:03:42 You know, that girl didn't like me.
01:03:44 We're not to the next, but it just like and then you can even like if that happens
01:03:48 and then you have like your group, I like all I was going on that girl.
01:03:52 She hated my guts.
01:03:53 And then it's like a funny it's like a funny thing.
01:03:55 Well, it's just like, yeah, yeah, that's true.
01:03:57 Yeah. So that is I don't know.
01:03:59 I like having a little bit of like innocent flirting.
01:04:02 I think that's a nice little simple pleasure in this day and age.
01:04:05 Do you flirt with your wife, cons?
01:04:08 Like is that like is that is that a thing that stops like
01:04:12 once marriage and kids and things come along?
01:04:16 I think if you're on a path to divorce it, you don't flirt anymore.
01:04:19 Yeah, I'm talking about like like flirting, flirting, not like.
01:04:24 Yes, I do.
01:04:27 And I'm also kind of goofy with her, like we're all say, like,
01:04:30 just kind of goofy stuff.
01:04:32 I guess that's one form of of flirting.
01:04:36 But yeah, there's definitely some flirtatious vibes.
01:04:39 Sometimes you throw them a look or give them a random compliment.
01:04:43 I think that's very much still exists.
01:04:45 What about like if you're at a bar with like, you know, a large group?
01:04:49 And am I flirting with other girls with no, no.
01:04:53 Are you flirting with your wife?
01:04:54 Is there like any touching or hand holding?
01:04:59 Yeah, well, I wouldn't even say that that's hand holding that flirting.
01:05:03 No, I know that.
01:05:04 But like I'm trying to I'm trying to get into the mind of a married man.
01:05:07 Like, does that stop?
01:05:08 No, but I think that has less to do with the fact that we're married
01:05:13 and more to do with each of our personalities, myself and my wife.
01:05:16 We're kind of just, you know, both kind of fun in that regard.
01:05:19 So. And I'm probably going to get a text about this
01:05:23 because she's in the other room and can hear me.
01:05:25 All right. No, I don't think it stops.
01:05:29 I don't think it stops.
01:05:30 You're up, cons.
01:05:33 All right.
01:05:36 Let's see here.
01:05:38 Oh, this is along the lines of what Dana was saying earlier about with the parking.
01:05:44 But when you get to skip a line for whatever reason,
01:05:49 whether you know somebody is a great or whether it's random and you just,
01:05:53 you know, like Dana, like you essentially got to skip the parking line
01:05:56 and go to a nice spot.
01:05:58 If you get to skip a line, you know, it gives you
01:06:02 a good feeling like, oh, wow, I'm getting in earlier than everybody else.
01:06:07 Makes you feel a little important sometimes if you know somebody like,
01:06:10 oh, I know the manager, so there's this long ass line
01:06:13 getting into the bar club or whatever, but we're skipping it.
01:06:18 I think that's just a simple thing that I'm just going
01:06:22 into an establishment before other people.
01:06:25 But it just wildly fulfilling.
01:06:28 It elicits so many emotions that I think are all positive.
01:06:33 What about the guilt?
01:06:34 Because when I if I've had there's been times where it's like I've been offered
01:06:39 to like, you know, skip in line where it's just like a like a random stoolie.
01:06:43 Let's say let's say there's this happened on the way into Oppenheimer.
01:06:46 The line was literally outside the theater down all the way down
01:06:50 Southport to Lakewood.
01:06:52 That's how long that's a line.
01:06:53 And a guy was like, oh, hey, Ryan, like good to see you.
01:06:56 And like basically like motion like I can't do it.
01:06:59 I can't do it.
01:07:00 Oh, you pussy. I wouldn't do it.
01:07:02 I was what am I going to skip 200 people in line because a hundred percent of the time
01:07:06 I couldn't do it.
01:07:07 I was feeling too guilty and I feel like pussy.
01:07:09 I had that guilt.
01:07:11 You're a line cutter, then you're lying.
01:07:13 Yeah, there's a difference.
01:07:15 I think there's a difference between cutting a line and skipping a line.
01:07:18 I get being escorted through.
01:07:20 Yes. However, is this a very distinct difference?
01:07:23 They're not getting any any word with the lower because I do, too.
01:07:27 Yeah, I do, too.
01:07:29 Yeah, I don't think I'm better than any of these people,
01:07:32 but they're making me feel like I'm better than them.
01:07:35 See, I lines are very good.
01:07:37 Every I remember Rico Bosco, not too long ago, maybe about six months ago.
01:07:41 He had a blog.
01:07:44 I forget what it was, but why line waiting in line sucks.
01:07:48 That's why we should make people.
01:07:51 Oh, it was for the Taylor Swift tickets when her tickets for the new airs
01:07:55 tour was like a billion dollars a seat or whatever.
01:07:58 He's like, you want these you just make these people wait in line.
01:08:01 That'll really curb the amount of, you know, amount these tickets are going for.
01:08:05 And he was right, because waiting in line sucks ass.
01:08:07 I don't try to pull the bar stool card for anything at all.
01:08:11 But if someone motions me ahead of a long ass line, I'm taking it 100% of the time.
01:08:15 They're not getting in any slower because you got in before them.
01:08:18 Yeah. You know, they're not being inconvenienced
01:08:22 because you got in before them.
01:08:23 I have the guilt.
01:08:25 And I've walked into bars with you when we've gotten the motion in.
01:08:28 You take it from who?
01:08:30 When? Plenty of times.
01:08:32 But if that's like so, if we're talking about like a St.
01:08:35 Patrick's Day thing, like that was the most recent time I can remember
01:08:37 where we were like paid to be there.
01:08:40 And there was that was like the most insane line I've ever seen.
01:08:43 And but like we had to be there.
01:08:46 Yeah, but I don't think there's ever been a time where you and I were just out
01:08:48 socially and emotion.
01:08:50 That's what I can remember.
01:08:51 One time where Dante at set us up at Tao.
01:08:55 I can't really remember ever someone motioning us in line.
01:09:00 If we were at Soldier Field and we were getting through not work related,
01:09:05 getting through that tunnel in from the South Latin Walden deck
01:09:08 and someone motioned you, you wouldn't take that.
01:09:10 I just had like a similar thing on that music box on a week ago.
01:09:14 Let me give you this example.
01:09:16 Let me give you this example.
01:09:17 You get to the airport.
01:09:18 The security line is ridiculous, but you have TSA prechecks.
01:09:22 So you get to skip all of those people.
01:09:25 Is that not a good feeling?
01:09:26 No, you're going to get to go through the terminal faster.
01:09:29 I don't want to go down a whole rabbit hole about TSA precheck, but
01:09:33 because now everybody has it.
01:09:35 So you're waiting the same.
01:09:36 Sometimes the regular line is quicker.
01:09:38 But yeah, but that's something like you've paid for.
01:09:42 And yeah, so like that to me is like I'm really talking about
01:09:46 like just randomly times in your life.
01:09:48 I'm not trying to say like exude any sort of influence or anything.
01:09:51 Just the random times in your life where you've been able to skip a line,
01:09:55 not because of who you are, just a random act of kindness.
01:09:58 Or in Dana's case, like he wasn't being dishonest.
01:10:01 He was telling people he had a ticket.
01:10:03 There was a, you know, somewhat of a misunderstanding,
01:10:05 but it ended up working out well for him.
01:10:07 That's what I'm talking about.
01:10:08 I'm talking about skipping a line.
01:10:09 My problem is I don't know.
01:10:11 Somewhere recently.
01:10:12 What do you say? Kind of.
01:10:14 Dave, remember when I got you in somewhere?
01:10:16 Where was it?
01:10:17 Smoke out, but there wasn't really a line, but it was still
01:10:21 I got you in a VIP.
01:10:22 Oh, yeah, you did. Yeah.
01:10:23 My my brother, I didn't get that.
01:10:25 I didn't get you in the next day. That's my bad.
01:10:27 No, that's fine.
01:10:28 I knew it was a long shot and that you were uncomfortable asking.
01:10:32 But in case you weren't uncomfortable asking, I was going to take advantage.
01:10:35 I just don't know how simple it actually is,
01:10:39 because it's not like this doesn't on every day.
01:10:42 Like it's not a there's people who probably never.
01:10:44 He's saying he wouldn't pull the Henry Hill at the Copacabana.
01:10:47 Yeah, that's a little crazy, chief.
01:10:49 That is that's crazy.
01:10:50 Well, and also, I think a simple pleasure doesn't insinuate
01:10:54 that it just it's crazy frequent.
01:10:56 I think if something happens, yeah, how pleasurable it kind of takes it away
01:10:59 a little bit.
01:11:00 I think part of what makes something a pleasure is that it doesn't happen
01:11:03 all the time.
01:11:03 So when you do experience skipping a line for a random reason,
01:11:08 it's a nice feeling. True.
01:11:09 I guess I have you go down.
01:11:12 So I have a quick story that that was the worst.
01:11:15 There was this one time we were in, I think, Memphis.
01:11:19 Or something. I don't even know who I was with, but
01:11:21 there's this long line and the dude is with me and he doesn't really
01:11:25 know me that well.
01:11:26 He's like he's helping with like the camera crew or whatever.
01:11:29 And he's like, he goes up to the bouncer.
01:11:31 He's like, hey, I'm with this guy from Barstool, Dana Beers.
01:11:34 Please let us cut the line.
01:11:36 I'm like, what the fuck are you?
01:11:38 That's awkward.
01:11:40 Never in front of everyone.
01:11:41 And I'm like, I don't know you don't do that.
01:11:43 Yeah. Did you call him out in real time?
01:11:46 Yeah. I was like, don't fucking do that.
01:11:49 Yeah, that's a nightmare.
01:11:50 But like there's people that will assume that we will do that.
01:11:54 And that's kind of the worst because I'll wait in the line.
01:11:57 Yeah. Yeah.
01:11:58 Waiting in lines is like the worst thing.
01:12:00 I hate waiting in lines. But the guilt like.
01:12:02 Yeah. Like the Copacabana thing like that.
01:12:05 However, there is a different example, like,
01:12:08 but there is a give and take with these places, too.
01:12:11 I don't want to.
01:12:12 We're we're fucking idiots, but I don't want to put us on a pedestal.
01:12:14 But there is a give and take to like.
01:12:16 What do you mean?
01:12:17 Like there is something that a business could possibly get from someone from.
01:12:22 Sure. Sure.
01:12:22 You know, like I've heard.
01:12:25 I don't want to get into it.
01:12:26 No, but like, yeah, people do nice things.
01:12:28 They invite us to things like they take.
01:12:29 We've definitely been there.
01:12:30 We're like and Dave's like, hey, tell him it's for me.
01:12:32 You know what I mean? Yeah.
01:12:33 And like a business would get great fucking,
01:12:38 you know, returns on having Dave Portnoy in their place.
01:12:42 Yeah. Like it would be good for and just to let them get a reservation or something
01:12:46 like that's I think that's OK in a way.
01:12:49 I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.
01:12:50 Yeah, it's like.
01:12:52 Yeah, it's like free promotion in a way.
01:12:54 Yes, exactly.
01:12:55 I get they want to do that like a business wants to host them.
01:12:58 Yes. You know, I think that that's different than.
01:13:01 Getting waved. Yeah, you're getting waved in because we've been on this line.
01:13:06 I know. I know.
01:13:08 I like it's insanity.
01:13:09 That's like the one thing cutting them like if someone waves me ahead of front
01:13:13 of line, I'm taking it.
01:13:14 No questions asked. Cons, let's enter the fifth round.
01:13:16 All right. Into the fifth round.
01:13:19 Really between two here.
01:13:23 I'm going to go with this one because I think it's simple.
01:13:26 And again, to kind of like yours, Ed, like you have no control over it,
01:13:29 but it's it really is a pleasurable experience
01:13:33 when you're sitting on the couch and you're flipping channels,
01:13:36 looking for something to watch and you get to one of your favorite.
01:13:42 You randomly stumble upon a favorite movie and it's just starting.
01:13:46 So you're looking for something to watch and all you come across
01:13:50 Shawshank Redemption and oh, Andy's just going to jail.
01:13:54 So it's just starting.
01:13:56 I think catching a random movie that you really like at the start
01:13:59 that told you it's a lot like I think I like this 15 years ago.
01:14:04 Yeah. Now you can just click into your mouth, put on Shawshank Redemption.
01:14:09 Yeah. But now there's something different with the night show
01:14:11 because you're not going to pull that move every time. Right.
01:14:13 And it takes the bat out of your hands.
01:14:15 You're like, all right, I'll just I'll just be happy with this.
01:14:17 But it's also going to be a movie.
01:14:18 Maybe sometimes you wouldn't think to to watch on the streaming services.
01:14:22 But like because you came across you like, oh, I haven't seen that in a while.
01:14:25 I really like it. Let me let me settle in for it.
01:14:27 I don't think just starting matters, though, for the record.
01:14:29 I think just seeing your favorite movie on cable,
01:14:31 regardless if it's an hour and just starting, it depends on a movie, though.
01:14:34 Well, it's yeah, sure.
01:14:37 You don't want a movie that's like, you know, super R-rated
01:14:39 that just gets gutted because it's on TV. True.
01:14:41 Yeah. And that's like I've done this before.
01:14:45 That's why I said the thing 15 years ago where it's like, oh, hell yeah.
01:14:48 Like it's like a reminder.
01:14:50 I feel like I watch most of my movies on the weekends, like
01:14:52 and I start them before 8 a.m.
01:14:54 Like that's kind of if there's nothing on.
01:14:56 And then I'll go to find it on a streaming service if I can.
01:14:59 And I'll try.
01:14:59 And then usually if it's not on one of the ones I have, then I actually get annoyed.
01:15:03 So it's like a like, ah, fuck. And then I just don't want to. Yeah.
01:15:06 So then I don't end up watching it.
01:15:07 But I it would have been I would have said that this was a pick of the draft
01:15:11 and like 2010.
01:15:12 All right, well, it's still not a bad pick, not a bad pick.
01:15:18 Chief, you're up.
01:15:20 Oh, I know what I want to pick being right.
01:15:27 So that feeling when people just tweet at me like that, Natasha
01:15:31 Bedingfield, when everybody made fun of me on this show for drafting
01:15:35 unwritten as like my college song and a great song, everyone just ripped on me.
01:15:38 And then for the last like two or three years, I've just been proven right.
01:15:41 Like every single week that video, that song started going viral.
01:15:44 Barada being awesome. I was right about that.
01:15:47 All the pics that I get shit on and then time
01:15:50 just makes you seem smarter and writer than everybody.
01:15:54 So being being right about something is the best.
01:15:57 All right.
01:15:58 I think we spent enough time on this pic, right, Dave?
01:16:00 We get moving on to me.
01:16:01 No, people like what about that?
01:16:03 What's that? Natasha Bedingfield unwritten is a great song.
01:16:06 Right. Get out. Yeah, look at every I'm not saying.
01:16:08 I'm not saying that all the pics we hit.
01:16:10 But when you're when you're right about something, what's better than being right?
01:16:15 Being right. Awesome.
01:16:16 I saw purely Elizabeth in the. Yeah.
01:16:19 Hey, I'm not saying I'm right all the time.
01:16:22 Clearly not. I've had some I've had some bad ones.
01:16:24 But then I feel like I've been unjustly criticized for some.
01:16:27 And then when you end up being right, it doesn't matter what it is.
01:16:30 If you're arguing with somebody about something and then you end up being right
01:16:34 and you say, I was right, that was great.
01:16:36 Feel it's a simple pleasure.
01:16:38 You don't like being right.
01:16:39 Yeah. I mean, who doesn't like being right?
01:16:41 It's awesome. Dave, you like being right.
01:16:42 It's awesome. Boys, you weren't right.
01:16:45 Yeah, I mean, I had I had I don't know if this is a different pick,
01:16:47 but I had winning an argument on my list.
01:16:49 So that's that's the same thing.
01:16:51 Yeah, it's the same thing. Yeah. Being right.
01:16:53 Yeah. All right. Being right off the board.
01:16:55 Fuck, I got two here that I really like.
01:16:57 I hope I got a bank on Dana here.
01:17:04 Dana's got a Dana's got to appreciate this one, but get an extra nuggets.
01:17:08 Awesome. Yeah.
01:17:11 You like it's not going to help me get more full.
01:17:14 Like I'm not it's not going to do anything for me.
01:17:16 But there's something like a price.
01:17:18 You feel like you like you won one over on the big 11 out of it.
01:17:21 Yeah. You get 11 out of 10.
01:17:23 OK, like just an extra nugget. It's a nice feeling. Yeah.
01:17:26 You know, it doesn't mean a fucking thing in the back of your head,
01:17:29 but it's like like you said, you're like, I got those.
01:17:31 Yes, I got that margin on McDonald's.
01:17:34 Yeah, I got I win this round. Yeah.
01:17:36 I don't think it's ever happened to me, but it's I'm waiting for the day.
01:17:41 But there's also the flip side.
01:17:42 You get nine out of ten, you know, not a good feeling.
01:17:45 Not a good feeling. Yeah.
01:17:49 But yeah, I don't just it's very it means nothing.
01:17:52 So like the person at McDonald's is having a shitty day and they just went,
01:17:56 you know what, this this person's getting nine today.
01:17:58 You know, that was a miscount. Yeah.
01:18:01 Have you ever seen this is like the like the exact opposite.
01:18:05 But have you ever seen that?
01:18:06 It's like a video at McDonald's where they show
01:18:09 a small fry, medium fry and a large fry.
01:18:12 And it's all the same amount of fries.
01:18:14 It's like an it's like it's like an optical illusion.
01:18:18 And it's basically it always looks like it's the same amount.
01:18:22 Oh, shit. They put it and they just label it differently.
01:18:25 Wow. Yeah, it was like this is start a class action lawsuit.
01:18:29 And take how much how much there's.
01:18:30 Yeah, there's a lot of fries.
01:18:31 It's like when somebody got sued for not being 12 inches long with the footlongs.
01:18:35 How long was it? People are measuring them.
01:18:36 Some of them are like 11.
01:18:37 Some of them are like they just weren't always 12.
01:18:40 They need that extra inch of bread.
01:18:41 Yeah. So, yeah, get an extra nugget.
01:18:43 Simple pleasure.
01:18:44 White Sox, Dave.
01:18:45 Watching people trip and fall.
01:18:50 It's just it's such a fucking great feeling.
01:18:52 I'm not talking about getting hurt like walking on the road,
01:18:54 walking down the sidewalk.
01:18:56 They'll hit like a piece of the sidewalk that's, you know,
01:18:58 sticking up a little more that they didn't notice.
01:19:00 And they take a little digger, pop up, dust themselves off, look around.
01:19:04 I hope nobody saw you saw and you laughed.
01:19:06 And it's a great feeling.
01:19:07 What about so going face first to a vocal?
01:19:12 Yeah, that's that that's this on steroids.
01:19:16 I'm sorry I had to. Yeah, it's a fair.
01:19:19 Did you make that connection?
01:19:20 I did. OK, all right.
01:19:23 I so I'll say this.
01:19:24 So in college, obviously, we had to wear uniforms to class every day
01:19:28 when we'd get snow up.
01:19:29 You know, we got a lot of a lot of snow and wintry weather up there.
01:19:32 And there'd be patches of ice.
01:19:35 Some days we'd be in like, you know, our BDU at the time.
01:19:40 So you have boots on.
01:19:41 So that's a little bit better for weight.
01:19:42 What's a video?
01:19:43 Battle dress uniform.
01:19:45 That's the old fatigues.
01:19:46 That was what I had before we switched over.
01:19:48 That's neither here nor there.
01:19:51 But the other uniform that we were to class every day,
01:19:53 the shoes were like dress shoes.
01:19:55 So just not good for for ice and snow.
01:19:58 And there would be spots where you just knew people were going to fall.
01:20:02 And my buddies and I would just stand there.
01:20:04 Exactly. And just watch for hours, having the time of your life. Right.
01:20:08 How fucking fun.
01:20:09 There's videos on YouTube.
01:20:10 I've seen anyone to get hurt. Exactly.
01:20:12 Right. You know, they just kind of, you know, they
01:20:15 or like to slip and hit their ass a little bit.
01:20:17 The scene in Big Daddy was like, what are you doing there?
01:20:19 We're going to watch the Rollerbladers fall down.
01:20:22 I remember Chief and I lived by each other for like a month or so.
01:20:26 When last year, when
01:20:29 we both bought places and you and I were driving down like,
01:20:34 we were driving on something and you and I both saw a guy at the corner.
01:20:37 He was on a jog and he took us.
01:20:39 Oh, yeah, we were pitching at each other for something that that day.
01:20:42 And I drove you home and we both looked at each other
01:20:45 and we just kind of shook and we're like, yeah, we saw that.
01:20:48 It's just a perfectly great, simple turn the whole day around.
01:20:51 It did. It turns the whole day. Yeah.
01:20:54 Yeah, it's a good pick.
01:20:56 Yeah, it's just. Yeah. Yeah.
01:20:58 Dana, Mr. Relevant.
01:21:01 Oh, I think this might be a banger of a pick.
01:21:06 I don't know.
01:21:07 When you find something that you thought you lost. Wow.
01:21:11 I like that. I like that.
01:21:14 That's like, I don't know.
01:21:17 Yeah. I mean, drafts over now, but like you
01:21:20 when you get your winter clothes out or your summer clothes out
01:21:22 and you find money in your pocket from the winter.
01:21:25 So that's a good one. Yeah. Yeah.
01:21:27 I'm not even that like a physical possession that are like a I don't know.
01:21:32 I like that. No, no.
01:21:33 I had that was like a T-shirt the other day.
01:21:36 I have a T-shirt has been gone forever.
01:21:38 Then it was in the bottom of like my laundry thing.
01:21:40 And I'm like, oh, fuck.
01:21:41 Yeah, it was one of my favorite shirts.
01:21:43 That's a great fit.
01:21:43 That why you wear that shirt five days a week.
01:21:45 So this is two days. I wore Wednesday.
01:21:48 I did wear Wednesday. It was on top of the laundry.
01:21:50 I do know you got khakis on your
01:21:52 transformers.
01:21:55 And what's that?
01:21:56 I don't care. I wear the same fucking clothes.
01:21:58 We have four people talking at once.
01:22:00 What's what Dana say?
01:22:02 I said you've been wearing a lot of black lately. It's slimming.
01:22:04 Yeah, well, this is like my summer style shirt.
01:22:07 I got I got like four or five of these.
01:22:10 Not just this pattern, but in general.
01:22:12 It's also it's the highs.
01:22:14 Ninety nine today. Yeah.
01:22:16 So you have to wear black.
01:22:17 Otherwise, you're going to just thought it was the opposite.
01:22:20 Well, I mean, for the black's hotter, but you don't soak through it.
01:22:24 Oh, they think that color shirt.
01:22:26 Bad news for the weather. Yeah.
01:22:28 I've been doing good. I feel like I work.
01:22:30 Yeah, so far, so good.
01:22:31 And blue that day.
01:22:32 I don't know how that stayed dry.
01:22:35 I even looked at you. I'm like, I don't pit out too bad.
01:22:38 I got that.
01:22:40 And I switched to all natural deodorant. Yeah.
01:22:42 Good pick. I used to pit out real bad.
01:22:45 And then I switched over to certain dry and basically burned all my pores
01:22:48 and my pits, and now I don't anymore for a long time.
01:22:50 That's good.
01:22:51 Anyway, that's too much information.
01:22:52 But then I like that pick.
01:22:53 And that's kind of along the same lines of like
01:22:55 you're trying to remember something for a long time and you can't remember it.
01:22:58 And then you comes to you.
01:23:00 That would have been a great pick.
01:23:01 That's a good feeling.
01:23:04 All right. Let's do honorable mentions.
01:23:05 Dana, what? Clear out your list.
01:23:07 We'll start with you.
01:23:08 I only got a couple.
01:23:11 Let's see.
01:23:12 When you step on a crunchy leaf, anybody.
01:23:15 Oh, I like that.
01:23:16 That's I that's what I was going for in this draft.
01:23:18 Like stuff like that.
01:23:20 Yeah, that's nice.
01:23:22 Oh, it going along the lawnmower thing.
01:23:25 A nicely fresh cut lawn.
01:23:27 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Fresh cut grass.
01:23:29 I had fresh cut grass.
01:23:29 I will be in barefoot on that fresh cut grass.
01:23:32 Yep. Yep. Yeah.
01:23:33 I know because then all the loose grass gets all over your feet.
01:23:36 And no ticks.
01:23:37 And then actually yesterday, I just.
01:23:39 Ticks in the yard.
01:23:40 Kind of a simple pleasure.
01:23:41 I just like caught up with an old buddy that I haven't talked to in a while
01:23:44 for like an hour on the phone. That was nice.
01:23:46 See, that's nice.
01:23:47 I was Googling everything and.
01:23:50 That was on many of the lists on like Ranker and Gawker, whatever the fuck.
01:23:54 And I was like, if I was meant to be friends with you,
01:23:58 we would have been friends right now.
01:23:59 I don't need to catch up with you.
01:24:01 I don't agree with that at all.
01:24:03 No, because I have.
01:24:04 I think. Yeah, go ahead.
01:24:05 I have friends that have been like, look, they're married with three kids.
01:24:08 Yeah, that's.
01:24:09 You know, that's different.
01:24:10 I'm like, you're still staying in touch, I'm sure.
01:24:13 Not what, but it's like when we talk, we talk like it's like everybody's
01:24:17 everybody's busy, but it is like to Dana's point.
01:24:19 It feels like when you catch up with an old friend, it's not like
01:24:22 it feels like you talk to him yesterday, but it might have been like six months
01:24:26 or a year. I have friends I talked to.
01:24:28 I haven't talked to in a year. I'm sure it'll be fine. Yeah.
01:24:30 Any more, Dana?
01:24:32 That's it. Cons.
01:24:34 Actually, when you're napping, I like that, too.
01:24:37 That's a good one.
01:24:39 The one the other one I was debating in my fifth round
01:24:41 was turning off your alarm for the weekend.
01:24:43 So you just know like, all right, I'm going to get to sleep
01:24:46 till whatever time tomorrow.
01:24:47 So one that I was going to pick, but then I thought we've all aged
01:24:52 out of it basically, but getting an unexpected snow day as a kid.
01:24:56 Yeah. Now snow days are a problem.
01:25:00 Yeah. Now it's just a nuisance.
01:25:02 Yeah. Completing a to do list.
01:25:04 OK. Nobody. OK.
01:25:08 I mean, that last check.
01:25:10 Never done it. Never.
01:25:13 I take your word for it. Yeah.
01:25:15 Yeah. Well, and the other one that I don't even know if this is
01:25:19 this would have qualified, I think like this might have gotten vetoed.
01:25:22 Christmas movies.
01:25:25 During the season, it's it's nice.
01:25:28 Yeah. You feel like, oh, nice. I checked that off.
01:25:30 This. Yeah, I'm in the spirit. Yeah.
01:25:32 All right. I had a whole bunch of others, but I'm not going to run through them all.
01:25:34 Those were those were the highlights.
01:25:35 The big ones. I didn't mention. Yeah. Chief anymore.
01:25:38 Yeah. This is like similar to Dave's the nose pick.
01:25:42 But if you're ever plucking your nose hairs and you get like a super long one
01:25:45 that's deep in the back, that's a really I love that feeling.
01:25:49 Yes. Fall breeze peeing outside.
01:25:53 I feel like that's the best pee
01:25:54 having like a really great like fucking neck crack
01:25:59 where it just like pops and realigns and then an airplane nap.
01:26:03 So I was I was up in Minnesota.
01:26:07 I was with Feidelberg and Feidelberg had like he had like two days worth of delays.
01:26:11 He was stuck.
01:26:12 I fell asleep and he was on the plane and had to get off the plane.
01:26:15 I fell asleep while we were still like at the gate and I woke up.
01:26:20 It ended up being like over an hour later.
01:26:24 And just the way that the plane was, I thought we were like backing out.
01:26:27 I'm like, fuck, we got the way I was asleep.
01:26:29 We haven't even left yet.
01:26:31 We were almost home.
01:26:32 Like I just like I couldn't feel it.
01:26:33 So it's like you just take away the entire
01:26:36 in air experience by just dozing off pre pre take off it.
01:26:40 That I love that.
01:26:42 That's nice. Yeah.
01:26:43 An airplane that Dave anything else?
01:26:45 Clean floors, finishing a workout, new socks, new pillows.
01:26:49 And I wish I would have had that because I've thought about this draft before
01:26:55 and and like I'll cycle through things when I think of a draft topic
01:27:00 that finding that five dollar bill in your pocket from like an entire winter
01:27:05 or entire year's worth of sitting in your closet
01:27:08 because you're not wearing jeans all summer.
01:27:09 It's like a nice little feeling. Yeah.
01:27:11 You know, it's a negligible, negligible amount of money.
01:27:14 I just got four.
01:27:15 You're right.
01:27:17 My fifth rounder, I was thinking a new pair of socks.
01:27:19 That's great. Oh, I thought there's just no no tread on those tires yet.
01:27:23 No. And like you just feel I.
01:27:25 Yeah, that is a great thing because like once you even if you wear them
01:27:29 and watch them, they're never the.
01:27:31 Yeah, we're not. Yes.
01:27:32 That was worse than driving a car.
01:27:34 Like I said, I don't do it anymore because I overdid it.
01:27:37 But every time you go to Target, you buy a new pair of socks.
01:27:39 Yeah. And then you'll have like a sock overload surplus and
01:27:43 more nuggets instead.
01:27:45 But I was highly thinking about that.
01:27:47 I just yeah, clean house is nice.
01:27:49 You know, yeah. Clean floors. Yeah. Yeah.
01:27:51 Sometimes you open in a package.
01:27:55 It's like, oh, what could this be? Unexpected.
01:27:56 Yeah, especially when you're a kid.
01:28:00 It's like, oh, what's this?
01:28:01 It's probably nothing, but I'm a male.
01:28:02 That's not a bill. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
01:28:04 And then my last one, which is kind of on in Kansas level.
01:28:07 And I guess it's not as prevalent anymore because not many people
01:28:10 listen to the radio anymore.
01:28:11 But when you turn it on and you hear your favorite song, you couldn't.
01:28:15 Yeah, you couldn't pay.
01:28:16 It still happens on serious.
01:28:18 Yeah, true. On serious.
01:28:19 But you couldn't.
01:28:20 There was no price on that as a kid when it's like, fuck you.
01:28:22 They're playing the Wilson Shady on my ride to school.
01:28:24 That's yeah, that's it's going to be a great day.
01:28:27 Yeah, it's a good one.
01:28:28 All right. I'll run it down.
01:28:29 We'll vote off and then we'll get out of here.
01:28:31 I got to go because my daughter's crying, but my votes for Dave.
01:28:35 OK. All right.
01:28:37 I don't even need to hear my votes for Dave.
01:28:38 All right. Well, buddy, he'll.
01:28:40 All right. Great weekend. Thank you. Thanks, fellas.
01:28:42 Thank you. Appreciate it.
01:28:44 Khan's first happy hour beer.
01:28:46 Perfect college football Saturday slate.
01:28:48 Cool shower after a muggy day.
01:28:50 Getting to skip a line. Favorite movie just starting on cable.
01:28:53 I didn't know he had a daughter.
01:28:56 Wait, what?
01:28:57 You guys just aren't boys, have you like that?
01:28:59 I had no idea he had a child.
01:29:01 He's on. Yeah, like a couple of weeks ago.
01:29:02 Yeah, he's on paternity leave right now.
01:29:04 That's why he's arguing with everybody.
01:29:05 And I'll tell you what, Dana B, I can't wait until July of twenty.
01:29:10 Oh, you won.
01:29:13 He's pervert.
01:29:15 You pervert.
01:29:16 Wait, what?
01:29:18 No, nothing, Dana.
01:29:21 I went over my head.
01:29:23 Just literally. Never mind.
01:29:25 We don't have to say it again.
01:29:26 He's being a foul boy again. Yeah.
01:29:28 Oh, yeah.
01:29:32 Chief air conditioning, taking off dress shoes, clean sheets, flirting,
01:29:35 being right at a good parking spot, napping with rain along, relieving piss,
01:29:39 hitting a string of green lights, getting extra nugget, white socks,
01:29:43 Dave Dog reading when you get home, picking a nose clearing booger piss,
01:29:47 then going back to bed,
01:29:49 looking at a baseball field, watching people trip and fall.
01:29:52 Dana making people laugh.
01:29:53 A cigar, a golf nap, driving with the windows down.
01:29:56 When you find something you thought you lost.
01:29:58 All right. You got some to write down with, Dana, you just use your phone.
01:30:03 I know these are all good.
01:30:07 Yeah, they're all good. I'll be honest.
01:30:08 Fucking tough. I have a clear one.
01:30:11 There's a clear one. Really?
01:30:13 I'm I'm struggling with this. I think they're all pretty good.
01:30:15 Usually I know immediately.
01:30:17 I'm still debating who I want to.
01:30:19 Dana, let's start with you.
01:30:21 Who you voting for?
01:30:22 I say it. Yeah.
01:30:24 Chief, I'm sorry.
01:30:25 Chief, that was going to vote for cons.
01:30:27 OK, Dave cons.
01:30:29 I'm voting for cons.
01:30:32 I'm voting for Dave.
01:30:33 All right. So Dana, that means you have to change your vote and vote for David
01:30:37 cons because you are the only unique vote.
01:30:40 Can you read cons is one more time?
01:30:41 Cons is first happy hour beer.
01:30:43 Perfect college football Saturday slate.
01:30:45 Cool shower after a muggy day.
01:30:47 Getting to skip a line and favorite movie just starting on cable.
01:30:50 Dave's is dog greeting when you get home, picking a nose, clearing booger,
01:30:54 pissed on going back to bed, looking at a baseball field, watching people trip
01:30:58 and fall.
01:30:59 I think Dave's is very top heavy and I love it.
01:31:03 So although again against cons icons is dead, cons is out.
01:31:07 I think cons voting for Dave early hurt him because I don't know if I think
01:31:12 I wouldn't have. I think Dave does.
01:31:13 Yeah, Dave just hit the tennis ball back.
01:31:15 So I his his kid hurt the kid.
01:31:17 I heard he had three that were like his only one to me that was really good
01:31:22 was the cool shower.
01:31:23 Yeah, I was pretty solid.
01:31:27 Yeah, Dave's basically like the skip in the line thing gave me like anxiety.
01:31:31 Oh, yeah. And we talked about it for like a half.
01:31:34 Yeah, let's talk about it.
01:31:35 Exactly. I I'm going to be using that for the rest of my life.
01:31:41 What have you ever read?
01:31:43 We read to read in third grade.
01:31:44 It was called the Frindle.
01:31:45 I never heard of it.
01:31:46 OK, it was a kid who he changed the name of Penn
01:31:50 and to Frindle and eventually became it got to the dictionary.
01:31:54 And he was the one who invented the name Frindle.
01:31:56 You just invented basis clearing booger.
01:31:59 And I will use that for the rest of my days at good.
01:32:02 I'm happy I did that for you.
01:32:04 That's great.
01:32:04 I'm sure some will dig it up of someone saying it like 10 years ago and say,
01:32:07 I didn't I hope that whatever I truly get the credit.
01:32:10 I was so on the spot.
01:32:12 I couldn't believe you did it.
01:32:13 But I like it.
01:32:14 As I've said it before, my friends, I was like, man, I was just a
01:32:16 I've said basis clearing shit before.
01:32:19 And it's just kind of the same sticks.
01:32:21 It's the same. Yeah, it's the same thing.
01:32:24 Dana, thank you. You're a great man.
01:32:27 When you come in, when you come in out here again, Dana, now that New York is.
01:32:31 Yeah, we didn't see you last time.
01:32:32 I didn't see you.
01:32:33 I mean, I got the invite for the office and I really wanted to.
01:32:38 But it's just a whole you know, there's people it's it's it's more complicated.
01:32:42 There's people here you don't like.
01:32:44 No, no, I love Chicago.
01:32:46 I will be there tomorrow if I was, you know, on my own in the world.
01:32:50 But there's people here that, you know, it's not like you can't move there
01:32:53 next year when, you know, there's people there.
01:32:55 There isn't people here anymore.
01:32:57 Oh, God.
01:32:59 I love you. God bless them.
01:33:01 I love you, buddy.
01:33:03 I was. We'll see you.
01:33:04 All right, everybody. Thanks for listening.
01:33:06 Thanks for watching. Back tomorrow. We'll see you then.
01:33:08 We'll see you then.
01:33:09 (whooshing)
01:33:11 (whooshing)
