30 Most Horrible Moments When Big Cats Fought Against Crocodiles Animal Fight

  • last year


00:00 Tiger attacks crocodile.
00:07 Lion attacks crocodile.
00:12 What happens when predators collide?
00:18 Encounters between big cats and alligators are more frequent in environments with few prey.
00:28 Don't take your eyes off the screen and join us in today's video.
00:34 Lion vs Crocodile
00:45 In this wild world, no meal is free.
00:53 The crocodile came ashore with the desire to find some food.
01:01 But really hard, the lone crocodile really made a mistake when it came to the food of the aggressive lions.
01:13 Even the tough armor of the crocodile could not help it resist the attack from the sharp claws of the six lions.
01:25 The prehistoric monster fought back by wagging its tail and biting the nearest lion, but it was unable to defeat the pack.
01:38 It eventually gave up and fled the area.
01:46 While lions are the top terrestrial predators, crocodiles are extremely bloodthirsty and greedy aquatic predators.
01:59 So when the food resources become scarce, the competition between these two species becomes fiercer than ever.
02:11 An interesting scene happened when a family of lions was eating a crocodile.
02:19 It is unclear whether they killed the crocodile or it died for some other reason.
02:26 It is rare for lions to kill crocodiles, but it does happen occasionally.
02:33 Perhaps due to the harshness of nature, their increasingly scarce food sources force them to behave like this.
02:45 Crocodiles will not attack lions for no reason.
02:54 Look, hunger seems to have turned the heads of Africa into thieves.
03:04 They ventured into the river to steal the crocodile's food.
03:12 What do you think will happen?
03:20 The wound in the abdomen is the price to pay for those who come uninvited.
03:29 Clashes between two predators always make the atmosphere tense.
03:39 The pat on the head symbolizes authority.
03:47 The big cat showed that the cold-blooded killer is the real king.
03:56 You see, only a lion dares to stand with the crocodile at such a close distance.
04:07 You know, food disputes are the main cause of battles.
04:16 This crocodile showed no fear when confronting three lionesses. It even wanted to share food with them.
04:28 Is this ancient dinosaur trying to make the big cat mad?
04:37 Confrontations between these two forces took place frequently.
04:46 The greedy crocodile always wants to get a free meal.
04:54 But the lion does not like to share his meal with any creature.
05:03 If the crocodile is still stubborn, what will happen?
05:12 What happens when a lion confronts a crocodile in the water?
05:21 Seemingly lacking in confidence, the lion became very cautious in the water.
05:32 It is impossible to imagine the terrible things that will happen when that bite is accurate.
05:42 Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below.
05:51 On the shore is the territory of this proud lion. No one can trespass on his own.
06:01 The crocodile lying in the sun does not know that he has been targeted by big cats.
06:12 Waking up from a nap, besieging it are the apex predators of the savannah.
06:22 Maybe this crocodile should get out of here before the lions get angry.
06:30 Jaguar vs Crocodile
06:36 The American alligator has the advantage in close to water combat, while the jaguar has the upper hand on land.
06:48 In this case, the jaguar had its neck broken by three underwater alligators, who used their sharp teeth to attack vital organs and repeatedly caused the leopard excruciating pain.
07:05 Will the jaguar survive?
07:13 The jaguar submerges a caiman in the water, causing it to thrash around in despair.
07:24 After exhausting his prey, jaguar devised a new tactic.
07:34 The hunter skillfully locked the crocodile's neck and quickly pulled it to the shore.
07:44 In the Amazon rainforest, a land of giants, the caiman reigns supreme as the river's king.
07:55 They are ruthless predators, while the jaguar is considered the apex predator of the jungle.
08:06 The riverbank becomes a favorite hunting ground for jaguars, who have adapted to living here for many years.
08:18 Meanwhile, a young caiman appears.
08:26 The jaguar identifies the vulnerability of the prey, locks onto its skull, and releases it.
08:37 The jaguar walked along the riverbank and spotted a caiman among the trees in the river.
08:47 Without hesitation, it pounced on the crocodile.
08:55 It only took about 10 seconds to subdue this prey.
09:04 Although this time the jaguar successfully took down a small caiman, it remains to be seen whether it will have the same success with an adult caiman.
09:18 Bitten by the jaguar's tail, the angry caiman attacks the predator.
09:29 The jaguar is the top predator in this region, stalking its prey.
09:41 Attacking with absolute precision, the jaguar successfully captures its target.
09:52 With its remarkable hunting skills, it truly is a supreme killer in this area.
10:02 The jaguar, one of the big cats living in central Brazil, is a skilled underwater hunter.
10:13 It was crossing a river, looking for prey to satisfy its hunger.
10:22 The jaguar carefully observes the vertebrates along the riverbank, drawing on his years of hunting experience.
10:33 It spotted two caimans in the middle of the river.
10:40 Without hesitation, the jaguar quickly swam towards its prey and clutched the caiman in its arms at lightning speed.
10:53 In front of the jaguar is a caiman crocodile.
11:01 The predator waits and constantly stalks.
11:10 Slow footsteps approach the prey.
11:17 Suddenly, the victim did not have time to react.
11:25 Successfully, he locks the head of the prey and pulls the caiman to shore.
11:34 A delicious, nutritious meal.
11:41 Leopard vs Crocodile
11:49 Leopards are fierce terrestrial predators, but they are very vulnerable when confronted with crocodiles.
12:00 In the dead of night, the leopard decided to do the unthinkable, stealing food from the crocodile's mouth.
12:11 Quite a risky tactic.
12:18 But it succeeded in stealing food from the crocodile's mouth.
12:27 The cheetah family begins their hunt, targeting small migratory antelopes.
12:37 After taking down their prey and enjoying their meal, two uninvited guests approached to join the party.
12:48 When the crocodiles approached, the three leopards repeatedly threatened and dragged the prey away.
12:59 Unable to eat, the cheetah family was robbed by two crocodiles.
13:09 The leopard saw a delicious meal and approached the water's edge to steal the hippo's corpse.
13:19 However, the alligator had no intention of sharing.
13:27 Whenever the leopard gets too close, the crocodile immediately jumps out of the water and opens its mouth full of sharp teeth as a warning.
13:39 After many failed attempts, the leopard finally gave up and left.
13:47 Cheetah seemed to sense something unusual lurking in the river.
13:53 It remains on constant alert.
13:58 However, the crocodile ambushed from below in a split second, quickly pulling the cheetah into the water.
14:08 Losing the upper hand, the spotted cat struggled in vain and was eventually engulfed by a predator known as the swamp king.
14:20 Its companions arrived but did not understand what had happened.
14:28 Leopards attack crocodiles in the presence of wild buffalo.
14:36 Tiger vs Crocodile
14:42 Although there is no video related to the image, but this is a real incident unrelated to Photoshop.
14:49 The tiger attacked the crocodile because it stole its food.
14:55 Crocodile stole the sambar deer of this forest lord.
15:02 Dead bodies floating on the water.
15:08 Being robbed of food made the tiger very angry.
15:15 Have you ever heard of the law of the jungle?
15:21 Despite being warned, the crocodile still ignored and did not care.
15:29 The big cat reluctantly withdrew.
15:35 It had no intention of giving up.
15:41 After realizing the crocodile will not give up the food it has stolen,
15:48 the tiger waded across the water and swam towards the carcass of its prey.
15:56 The lord of the jungle tries to pull his food ashore.
16:04 The video captures the moment a fierce tiger is gripping its prey, a wild boar.
16:13 What he did not expect, however, was the arrival of a ravenous and hungry alligator,
16:18 hatching an unpleasant plan for the tiger.
16:25 Fortunately, the tiger noticed the crocodile crawling towards them and immediately jumped to avoid the fierce attack.
16:37 The tiger decided to leave, but still held on to the prey while the crocodile could only watch with regret.
16:47 The adult tiger tries to control the crocodile.
16:53 Although crocodiles are larger in size, the big cat does not give aquatic predators a chance to fight back.
17:03 Fighting on land puts crocodiles at a disadvantage.
17:08 Lion and Crocodile
17:11 Crocodiles often have an advantage in the water.
17:19 The lion is the king of the land.
17:26 What happens when they confront each other?
17:34 A fierce battle.
17:43 Crocodiles and lions are not rivals, they only confront each other for food.
17:54 Crocodiles and lions often compete for food.
18:02 And now a brutal war broke out between three big cats and crocodiles.
18:18 Angry victims do not give up easily.
18:30 After an hour of fighting, the crocodile had no choice but to give up.
18:42 The lion has successfully retrieved the hippo carcass.
18:54 Half a month has passed and the lions have not hunted any prey.
19:03 After discovering the body of a hippo in the crocodiles,
19:11 these two big cats approached and chased away the crocodiles.
19:23 Successfully robbed them of food.
19:31 This is hard to believe.
19:39 A party where lions and crocodiles share a table.
19:48 Because it is very rare to see a herd of crocodiles and lions eating and drinking in such harmony.
20:04 The zebra tries to get out of the hungry crocodiles as quickly as possible.
20:20 After reaching the shore, it seemed that it had escaped death.
20:33 The zebra was caught by two hungry lions.
20:41 The fight for food between lions and crocodiles.
20:55 Four eyes looked at each other.
21:04 With the strength of a lion, it can pull both the carcass and the crocodile out of the water.
21:13 This is a unique sight.
21:22 Which one will win this battle?
21:35 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators.
21:38 What other animal would you like to learn about?
21:41 Let us know what you think.
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21:45 Don't forget to press the notification bell to follow the Hawks videos as soon as possible.
21:51 Have a nice day.
21:53 See you again.
21:55 (upbeat music)
21:57 (whooshing)
