30 Moments Fierce Battle Between Big Cat And Crocodiles

  • last year
00:00 In the African wildlife kingdom, lions and crocodiles are both considered top predators.
00:09 A lion with its large body and excellent hunting ability is often considered the king of the jungle.
00:18 However, on the water, the crocodile became the champion.
00:27 What will happen when these assassins clash?
00:32 Join us in 30 fierce battles between the lion king and the Nile crocodile.
00:38 In this wild world, no meal is free.
00:46 The crocodile came ashore with the desire to find some food.
00:51 But really hard, the lone crocodile really made a mistake when it came to the food of the aggressive lions.
00:58 Even the tough armor of the crocodile could not help it resist the attack from the sharp claws of the six lions.
01:09 The prehistoric monster fought back by wagging its tail and biting the nearest lion,
01:18 but it was unable to defeat the pack. It eventually gave up and fled the area.
01:24 Confrontations between these two forces took place frequently.
01:37 The greedy crocodile always wants to get a free meal.
01:45 But the lion does not want to share his meal with any creature.
01:49 If the crocodile is still stubborn, what will happen?
01:57 While lions are the top terrestrial predators, crocodiles are extremely bloodthirsty and greedy aquatic predators.
02:14 So when food resources become scarce, the competition between these two species becomes fiercer than ever.
02:22 This ancient dinosaur was much larger than a normal adult lion and could kill a lion with a single bite.
02:40 Confronting such a dangerous person, lions use great fighting skills to attack and defend themselves.
02:46 They use their claws and teeth to injure the crocodile.
02:50 What happens when a lion confronts a crocodile in the water?
03:05 Seemingly lacking in confidence, the lion became very cautious in the water.
03:11 It is impossible to imagine the terrible things that will happen when that bite is accurate.
03:21 Leave us your thoughts in the comment section below.
03:34 Crocodiles will not attack lions for no reason.
03:37 Look, hunger seems to have turned the heads of Africa into thieves.
03:45 They ventured into the river to steal the crocodile's food.
03:53 What do you think will happen?
04:00 A wound in the abdomen is the price to pay for those who come uninvited.
04:04 Imagine we are stranded on an island surrounded by hundreds of killer crocodiles.
04:18 It's appalling.
04:22 Maybe we should stop imagining and move on with the next clash.
04:29 To be continued.
04:32 The crocodile's hunting strategy is to ambush underwater and wait for the prey to approach.
04:42 The lions cross the river without the danger is lurking.
04:50 Surprise attack.
04:55 Fortunately, this lion escaped the attack of the cold-blooded reptile.
05:00 In the forests of Africa, lions often cross rivers in search of food.
05:14 However, they often do not know that crocodiles are always hiding in the water, waiting for the right time to attack.
05:23 Crocodiles can attack suddenly and with incredible strength while in the water.
05:28 Lions will have difficulty dodging the attacks of crocodiles and will easily be cutting their prey.
05:47 The Nile crocodile and the giant lion feed together.
05:52 It's rare that we come across this moment in the wild.
05:57 A herd of lions was eating a dead hippopotamus by the river when a crocodile appeared.
06:13 It looks like it wants to join the royal party too.
06:17 Is that acceptable?
06:20 On the shore is the territory of this proud lion.
06:32 No one can trespass on his own.
06:38 The crocodile lying in the sun does not know that he has been targeted by big cats.
06:44 Waking up from a nap, besieging it are the apex predators of the savannah.
06:53 Maybe this crocodile should get out of here before the lions get angry.
07:02 The lion is not afraid of the crocodile.
07:05 You really can't predict the lion's actions.
07:13 By the time you realize the dangers, it's too late.
07:27 The lions are hungry and they have chosen a strange prey in the form of a crocodile.
07:33 Lions rarely automatically attack crocodiles.
07:38 They often retreat when confronted with this large monster.
07:42 But it seems that hunger covers everything.
07:46 Lions and crocodiles are equally dangerous.
07:54 But in this battle, lion pride prevailed.
07:57 Many times these two dangerous people confront.
08:10 The big cat always proves its position.
08:21 Clashes between two predators always make the atmosphere tense.
08:26 The pat on the head symbolizes authority.
08:32 The big cat showed that the cold-blooded killer is the real king.
08:36 You see, only a lion dares to stand with a crocodile at such a close distance.
08:45 Do you know what this lion king is saying to the crocodile?
08:48 He seems to be reasserting his authority.
08:52 You know, food disputes are the main causes of battles.
09:08 This crocodile is not afraid of the lion.
09:13 He is not afraid of the lioness.
09:15 This crocodile showed no fear when confronting three lionesses.
09:19 It even wanted to share food with them.
09:22 Is this ancient dinosaur trying to make the big cat mad?
09:28 Join us on wild boar hunts.
09:40 Faced with the wild dogs, the wild boar had no choice but to plunge into the waterhole.
09:45 But the danger does not stop there.
09:52 The water is not as safe as it thinks.
09:55 Killer crocodile is a man many times more scary than wild dogs.
10:06 In the presence of wild dogs, the sea monster drags its prey into the water.
10:10 Both the prey and the hunter are missing.
10:16 To protect their children from the dangers of nature, mothers must always be vigilant.
10:33 Just because a predator lies motionless, doesn't mean it doesn't notice you.
10:37 Remember that crocodiles are ambush predators.
10:44 Just one bite of the crocodile is also capable of crushing bones, finishing the target in a split second.
11:01 A deadly performance.
11:03 Their ferocity cannot be compared with any other animal.
11:08 Predators seem to be able to go invisible.
11:21 Surprise attack.
11:27 You will be surprised to witness the speed of crocodile hunting on the shore.
11:31 In the natural world, just being careless for one second can be life-threatening.
11:40 Getting closer to the water source is a dangerous act, because under the water hides scary creatures.
11:57 But these wild boars don't seem to be aware of it.
12:01 Little did they know that with just a few more steps, they would become food for the river monsters.
12:10 Three, two, one.
12:15 A precise bite.
12:22 Crocodiles are actually a lot faster than they seem.
12:26 Finally, we would like to thank all of you who have followed the Hawk from the first videos until now.
12:41 And we always welcome new viewers to the channel.
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12:50 These are two of our video editors.
12:52 And here are two of our research and content writers.
12:55 We all work up to 12 hours a day to be able to upload two videos a day.
13:00 Don't hesitate to share the video with your friends.
13:03 Thanks again, and see you in the next video.
13:06 the next video.
