Outlook Money’s session on Demystifying the Corporate Bond Funds in association with Mirae Asset

  • last year
Learn everything you need to know on how to create wealth investing with corporate bonds. The session includes a comprehensive overview of corporate bond investing, who should invest, what are the benefits and features of corporate bond funds and their limitations. If you are a corporate bond investing beginner or have bought corporate bonds in the past, this is for you!

Watch Mr. Mahendra Kumar Jajoo, CIO, Fixed Income, Mirae Asset Investments Managers ( India) Pvt Ltd in conversation with Outlook Money’s Vishav.

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00:00 Hello everyone and welcome to today's Outlook Monies webinar in association with Mirai Asset
00:10 Investment Managers on demystifying the corporate bond funds.
00:15 As we know for the month of January 2021, the corporate bond category under the debt
00:19 mutual funds garnered a net inflow of over Rs. 5400 crores.
00:23 Furthermore, the asset under management of the corporate bond funds has doubled from
00:27 around Rs. 81,000 crore in January 2020 to over Rs. 1,64,000 crore in January 2021, a
00:34 massive growth of 101%.
00:36 Today, the corporate bond category provides a safe investment option given the limited
00:40 scope to take credit bets as 80% of their assets are in the highest rated corporate
00:45 bonds.
00:46 Talking on the subject today, we have with us Mr. Mahendra Jaju, who is the CIO of Fixed
00:50 Income at Mirai Asset Investment Managers.
00:53 Mr. Jaju has over 25 years of experience in the field of financial services, including
00:57 fixed income funds management.
00:59 Further, he has a central role in supervising all debt schemes of the Mirai Asset Mutual
01:04 Fund.
01:05 Mr. Jaju, a very warm welcome to you.
01:06 We are looking forward to talking to you about this issue today.
01:09 Thank you so much for inviting me.
01:13 Yes, you're welcome.
01:15 So my first question to you, Mr. Jaju is for the benefit of our viewers.
01:20 How do you explain a corporate bond debt fund to a layman investor?
01:24 Well, as you know, there are different varieties of different types of mutual funds.
01:33 Corporate bond fund is one amongst many.
01:36 In the case of the corporate bond fund, at least 80% of the funds AUM has to be invested
01:42 in corporate bonds rated EE+ or higher, which means a very high safety situation because
01:49 the EE+ corporate bonds default history in India is extremely and the remaining 20% is
01:57 at the discretion of the fund manager in order to manage liquidity and other risk parameters
02:03 as per the current SEBI guideline.
02:06 All these funds have to maintain at least 10% in liquid assets, which are defined as
02:10 treasury bills, credits or the government securities.
02:13 So you see that 90% of the fund is invested in very high credit quality instruments.
02:20 And then the fund manager has the discretion to decide what maturity of the funding maintenance.
02:26 So the fund structure also allows for the feasibility to manage the interest rate risk
02:32 in a dynamic manner.
02:33 So this combination, I believe is a very good feature, which offers a good option for the
02:40 investor.
02:41 Right, like you said, there are investments in kind of top rated corporate bonds, so that
02:50 they are relatively safer compared to other kinds of investments.
02:54 But can you tell us what are some of the other prominent features and benefits of investing
02:57 in these kinds of funds, corporate bond funds?
03:01 See, the Indian debt markets are still evolving and the investors are gradually understanding
03:11 the benefit of investing in the debt mutual funds.
03:14 Now in debt mutual funds, you have the gilt funds and then you have the short term fund,
03:20 which can invest in a duration range of one to three years, then you have the dynamic
03:24 bond fund, which can have a variable duration structure.
03:29 So in this number of options that the investor has, the corporate bond fund is the one where
03:36 first of all the quality of the portfolio is generally comprised of high credit quality
03:42 instruments.
03:43 So as we know that in the past, there have been so many instances where because of a
03:48 credit related issue, the investors had a disappointment.
03:52 So that aspect is taken care of because when the investors are looking for a debt fund,
03:58 they generally look for a safe option.
04:01 They do not want to take too much credit risk and in that criteria, these funds fit well.
04:09 As I also said that under the new saving requirements, all of these funds have to maintain at least
04:15 10% in liquid assets, which are generally defined as either TREFs or T-bill or a government
04:25 bond.
04:26 So even when there is a high amount of volatility in the market or when the market liquidity
04:31 is tight, because of this new added feature, these funds will be able to offer a reasonable
04:37 liquidity provision for the investors.
04:40 Also because the fund is largely invested in AAA and AA+ kind of corporate papers, which
04:46 also includes the public sector bonds, the liquidity and the safety feature of the fund
04:52 is generally on the higher side.
04:54 So this is a typical combination that the investors look at.
04:58 Now the fund, as I mentioned, has a flexible situation insofar as the average maturity
05:05 is concerned.
05:06 Therefore, if the fund manager wants to be proactively managing, they can also provide
05:12 some vote of a cushion against interest rate volatility because when the interest rates
05:17 tend to go up, they can bring down the duration and vice versa when the interest rates are
05:22 going down, they can increase the duration.
05:24 So therefore, they can also allow decent participation in a market performance at the same time providing
05:31 a reasonable downside protection.
05:33 So this fund provides a fair amount of safety and a good performance range.
05:41 So to that extent, I think it is a very attractive proposition for the investor.
05:47 And as you mentioned, there have been some credit issues when it comes to the debt mutual
05:52 fund space, which has led many investors to shy away from investing in debt funds.
05:57 So how should an investor evaluate the risk while investing in a corporate bond fund?
06:02 Well, to start with, I think the investors have generally been pretty attracted towards
06:10 the debt mutual funds.
06:11 As you mentioned that the AUM of the corporate bond fund category has doubled in the last
06:16 one year itself and in the last one year, we saw a number of incidents, there were COVID
06:24 related disruptions, there was a time when there was a high fear of defaults and delays
06:31 in the NBFC segment.
06:32 There were times when some of the industry related issues in credit funds we saw.
06:39 During all these times, the corporate bond fund found the attention of the investor.
06:44 And therefore, I think the investors understand that there can be periodic episodes of volatility
06:51 or some other incidents, but by and large, the debt mutual funds have been a very good
06:57 alternative to the conventional fixed income options.
07:02 Corporate bond funds in particular, because of the restrictions on investing only in highly
07:08 rated papers have always found a good space in the investor's portfolio because investors
07:16 have repeatedly been disappointed with the credit related events.
07:22 And therefore, this has been the fund which has found a lot of attention in the last one
07:29 year.
07:30 Right.
07:31 As we know, the budget has been laid out, the COVID crisis is behind us, almost behind
07:38 us, the vaccine is already being rolled out.
07:41 So a lot of people want to know what is the outlook for debt mutual funds, especially
07:46 the corporate bond funds for the next, the rest of the year, we can say 2021.
07:50 So how would you say it looks like going in future?
07:58 So in our assessment, the fiscal deficit for the year FY 2022 is at 6.8% of the GDP and
08:09 the gross borrowing amount in absolute terms is around 12 lakh crores, which is on the
08:14 higher side.
08:15 On top of that, the economy is expected to grow at about 10.5% as per the reserve bank's
08:22 last monetary policy projections.
08:24 The budget has shown a GDP nominal growth rate of about 14.4%, which means that if the
08:31 economy is going to grow at this pace, then the corporate sector borrowing requirements
08:37 will also increase.
08:38 So therefore, on one hand, you have a large government borrowing program, on the other
08:42 hand, there is likely to be a pickup in the credit demand of the corporate sector.
08:46 So there is likely to be some crowding out of the private sector borrowing requirement,
08:51 which might mean that bond rates may go up and within that the corporate spreads may
08:55 widen and that is happening at a time when the large good quality companies may be borrowing.
09:03 So you are going to either be worrying about the fact that the interest rates are going
09:08 up, but then interest rates are cyclical in nature, they will come back down when the
09:13 environment improves.
09:14 But in the current year, there is a possibility that one may be able to invest into high quality
09:19 companies at very attractive spreads and that in my view is an opportunity that will come
09:25 during the current year.
09:27 So investors need to focus on the opportunity that is likely to be available rather than
09:33 worry too much about the short term impact of what happens if the interest rates go up
09:37 and whether my NL will get affected or not.
09:41 In our view, if the investors remain invested for one full interest rate cycle, then they
09:47 are going to end up with a happy experience of investing in debt mutual funds.
09:52 It is important to remind once again that most of the time it is the credit related
09:58 incident that have a more lasting impact on the NL rather than the interest rate volatility.
10:03 So I believe that this will be a year to create a good portfolio of high quality companies
10:08 at attractive interest rates.
10:11 Right, right.
10:12 Thank you.
10:13 Thank you so much.
10:14 Now, you know, the budget was recently laid out in which the finance minister hinted that
10:19 the retail investors can invest in G-Secs or government securities.
10:22 Do you think that this will change the landscape of overall debt mutual fund investment?
10:27 And what this means for a layman, you know, debt mutual fund investor?
10:32 So for the debt mutual fund investor, this doesn't change anything because if the investors
10:39 are able to participate directly into the gilt market, it will typically replace the
10:45 tax free bond and the small savings investors, they can also approach the gilt directly through
10:52 the reserve.
10:53 But as far as the debt mutual fund investors are concerned, they come to a product which
10:58 keeps the market relatively return, which gives them the tax advantage of long term
11:04 capital gain if they remain invested for a long term.
11:07 They get the advantage of the experience and skills of the fund manager in terms of dealing
11:14 with the interest rate volatility.
11:18 Credit risk is not an issue because in gilt, they are the highest and most safe instrument.
11:24 So I think the target for the retail gilt and the target for the debt mutual fund are
11:33 two different sets of investors.
11:35 There could be some overlap because some debt mutual fund investors may also look at the
11:39 gilt.
11:40 The other part is that the gilt direct is something which is just about starting and
11:45 we have to see how it shapes up.
11:48 But my first sense is that it will be more a replacement option for or alternate option
11:54 for people who invest directly into the tax free bonds, which are now generally not available
11:59 in good volume and for people whose small savings limits have been exhausted.
12:08 Thank you so much, Mr. Raju.
12:09 That was a great and insightful conversation that we had with you.
12:14 I hope our viewers would have had an understanding of how corporate bond funds work and how they
12:20 should approach corporate bond funds after watching this episode.
12:23 We will be back with another episode soon.
12:25 Till then, goodbye.
12:26 Thank you.
12:27 Thank you.
12:28 Thank you.
12:29 Thank you.
12:29 Thank you.
