Lutte antitabac: seuls 4 pays sont de très bons élèves, selon l'OMS

  • l’année dernière
Seuls quatre pays - Brésil, Turquie, Maurice et Pays-Bas - ont adopté l'ensemble des mesures antitabac préconisées par l'OMS, a expliqué le directeur du département de la Promotion de la santé à l'OMS faisant état d'un nouveau rapport de l'OMS.
00:00 already have two world champions in tobacco control, and that is Mauritius and the Kingdom
00:06 of the Netherlands.
00:07 So let me congratulate both countries for this achievement, the first African country
00:13 and the first high-income country to accomplish the landmark achievement of putting in place
00:20 the full Empower Tobacco Control package at best practice level.
00:26 A feat only reached by two other countries so far, Brazil and Turkey.
00:32 But still, 2.3 billion people in 44 countries remain unprotected by any evidence-based
00:41 demand reduction tobacco control measures, leaving them at risk of the health and economic
00:48 burden of tobacco use.
00:52 And 53 countries still do not have complete smoking bans in health care facilities.
01:01 That is a no-go.
01:05 And completely unacceptable.
01:12 Merci.
