Stone a 76 ans son impressionnante évolution physique en images

  • l’année dernière
Stone a 76 ans son impressionnante évolution physique en images
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00:00 Stone is a public figure that is no longer presented.
00:11 If Esti at the beginning of the 1970s that the latter is known to the general public,
00:20 thanks to his musical duo with Eric Charden.
00:24 Renamed Stone and Charden, the two will have a significant success for a decade.
00:32 On Monday, July 31, Annie will be born, celebrating her 76th birthday.
00:40 The opportunity for TV stars to return to the physical evolution of the singer and actress.
00:48 If Esti at the age of 21 that the young Annie signed her first contract.
00:56 I was not yet 21 years old. It took my parents to be behind to sign in my place, she had entrusted a few years ago.
01:06 A first contract that propelled her to the front of the scene and the character of Stone was born.
01:14 At the time, I had the style of François Zardy, she had specified, adding, "sharp brown hair" quite classic.
01:24 I took the scissors and, in front of the ice, I cut.
01:32 And so Esti quickly became my nickname. When her career began, Annie Gautra did not want to keep her true identity.
01:42 She quickly opted for the nickname Stone but this one had a particular meaning for her.
01:52 Because of Brian Jones's hairstyle, which looked like mine.
01:58 From the moment I started going out, going to nightclubs, I was called Little Stone, she had affirmed, thus only in front of Stone.
02:10 In 1966, the young woman participated in the Miss Bittonic contest, in which Eric Charden was part of the jury.
02:22 A few years later, both formed an emblematic duo with many successes between 1972 and 1975.
02:32 What brought them together since they then got married.
02:40 Both met during a party and they had a crush on each other immediately.
02:46 When he told me, "I am a composer-songwriter," he made a very strong point.
02:54 It was not nothing. I was at the beginning of my career and I was looking for songs.
03:01 It was essential, "Stone had declared. Stone, a career that she continues alongside her son Baptiste Stone has followed the successes in the 1980s.
03:14 We were able to find her in the musical comedy Mayflower, composed by Eric Charden, and written by Gibon Tempeli.
03:24 Stone met Pascal Riveau, who became Eric Charden's new partner after their divorce in 1974.
03:34 There was also Christine Delaroche, Patrick Topalov, Gregory Kane, Roland McDan, Roger Miron and Marie Odalba.
03:45 The latter will become his future husband. Today, if Yesti alongside her son Baptiste, born of his union with Eric Charden, that Stone continues his career as a singer.
03:59 Stone has evolved over the years but there is one thing that has not changed, if Yesti his hairstyle.
04:08 Indeed, the singer always chooses white hair with a fringe.
04:19 And there are times, through the rough times, I think you're gonna let me know, sit down, sit back, let me help you out.
04:41 [Music]
