A teenager treated her stepdad to his ultimate day out before he was greeted with a tearful adoption request when he returned home. Nineteen-year-old Diamond, from Texas, decided the copy the viral trend of asking her stepdad, Remel, to select from two cards at a time to determine how the day panned out – giving him choices for the likes of their activities and food choices. Diamond grew up with a single mom, and her biological father was never in her life, she said. She was introduced to Remel in 2006, and though she had initial reservations, Remel married Diamond's mother in 2013. Diamond admits that she initially shied away from the topic of adoption because she thought "men leave," but over time, Remel was there for her first car, her high school graduation, and when she eventually went to college. Given the support her stepdad had shown her – particularly when she wanted to travel across the world to support her career choice – Diamond decided it was time to make Remel her official father. She planned the surprise for Father's Day, on June 18, recording each step and documenting the day online. With Diamond recording from her perspective, viewers could see which cards Remel picked, revealing where they would eat, whether it would be a trip to the cigar shop or a cologne store, and where to stop for snacks. Then, when the pair returned home, Diamond's mom had her camera rolling as Remel opened a box that revealed a plaque that expressed Diamond’s love for him, along with the necessary papers for adoption. The gesture brought both Remel and Diamond to tears.
00:00 Pick a card, any card.
00:03 Expeditiously, please.
00:06 Quickly.
00:08 Choose wisely.
00:10 Me and my family, we always talk about love language.
00:13 And my love language is giving.
00:15 I love to give gifts.
00:18 And I always try to outdo myself in the last gift that I gave.
00:22 And so I was like, what can I do that will outdo a gift that I've done in the past?
00:27 And I thought, well, an adoption would definitely put that on the mark.
00:32 So she treated her stepdad to lots of gifts through this fun card game before the big ask.
00:38 That's where we're going to eat.
00:40 [♪♪]
00:46 Ramell came into Kaylee's life over ten years ago,
00:49 though at the time she didn't want to get adopted.
00:53 Ramell actually asked me a while back if I would be okay with him adopting me.
00:58 And I told him no because men leave.
01:00 And they said, okay, that's fine.
01:03 But as time went on, she started recognizing all the choices he made in his life
01:08 and realized he picked her every time.
01:12 Pick your choice.
01:15 And hurry up.
01:17 Come on, let's go.
01:18 Yep, that's where we're going next.
01:21 [laughter]
01:24 But you did want to go to the mall, so it's perfect.
01:27 She realized Ramell had been the perfect dad to her all along.
01:32 He was there for my first relationship.
01:34 He was there for my first breakup.
01:36 When I broke my wrist, he was there immediately.
01:40 When I got my wreck, I believe I called him and not my mom.
01:44 There was one point in time where I had this thing called Graves' disease.
01:48 It was a pretty rough moment for me and my family.
01:52 But I never remember him giving up.
01:54 He was always there for me through the good times, the bad times, and the ugly.
01:59 Pick a card.
02:01 And finally, it was time for the last card of the day.
02:07 Pick a card, any card.
02:11 Expeditiously, please.
02:13 Quick links.
02:15 Choose wisely.
02:17 Because these are the last set of cards.
02:21 Just pick one.
02:23 [music]
02:34 Gift now.
02:36 [music]
02:41 Read this?
02:42 Yes.
02:44 Can you read it out loud?
02:46 My biological father and real father are not the same person.
02:49 I share my DNA with my biological father, but I share so much more with my real dad.
02:54 I share dreams, hopes, happiness, and worries in my life.
02:58 Thank you for looking--thank you for watching out for me, caring for me, and loving me like your own.
03:06 You smile in my happiness and comfort me in my sorrows.
03:12 You always want what's best for me, and for that, you are my forever hero.
03:17 I love you and want you to be my dad forever.
03:20 Will you make me the happiest person on earth and adopt me?
03:24 [laughter]
03:29 Of course I will.
03:31 It was no big surprise that he did say yes, but I was just really, really happy that he did.
03:38 [laughter]
03:43 I'm a coach, and this is all your information, along with me, to adopt her.
03:49 [music]