Should station ticket offices remain open?

  • last year
Should station ticket offices remain open?
00:00 Yeah, I think they should be left open. I think the personal touch is really important.
00:04 And I also think for disabled people as well, having that access makes it very easy.
00:08 Do you use trains very much yourself?
00:11 Not personally, but I do think it's important.
00:13 And when I do, I like to actually speak to somebody personally rather than do it over a machine.
00:18 I don't really do it because how else can people, especially disabled people, get tickets and information?
00:25 Do you use them very much yourself?
00:27 No. Reason being, I'm ex-railway and I've got a pass.
00:35 Can you see the arguments for closing them at all?
00:37 Not really, no. I think it's just taking people away just for the sake of it.
00:43 What about buying your ticket online?
00:45 Yeah, but a lot of old people can't use online.
00:49 They can't use online, they can't use banking.
00:51 They just don't know how to do it, so you're stopping them.
