Sydney enjoys unusually mild winter weather

  • last year
Unexpected warm weather is continuing to affect Australia's east coast right in the middle of winter. Temperatures soared over the weekend, with the Bureau of Meteorology predicting they'll remain above average for the rest of the week.
00:00 Ros, it's about 15 degrees in Bondi and it's been a lovely morning.
00:05 The sun's just gone behind some clouds, but it's been an unusually warm winter in Sydney
00:10 and much of that has to do with a pending El Nino.
00:13 Yesterday, the Weather Bureau held off on announcing an El Nino, even though Pacific
00:18 Sea surface temperatures are well above thresholds.
00:22 They say development of El Nino is likely in the coming weeks and that these dry and
00:27 warm conditions we're currently seeing are likely to continue into spring.
00:31 Now, the maximum temperatures in Sydney for the past week have been around the low to
00:36 mid-20s and that's forecast to continue for the rest of the week.
00:40 And people have been soaking up the sunshine, especially over the weekend when it hit 26
00:46 degrees right in the middle of winter and that's 9 degrees hotter than the average normal
00:51 for July, according to the Weather Bureau.
00:54 Earlier, we spoke to some locals here in Bondi about what they thought of the warmer weather.
00:59 I mean, it makes me worry a little bit that it may get really hot at some point.
01:03 I don't know about other parts of the world, but since I'm here, it can get pretty hot
01:09 I guess in summer, yeah.
01:10 You can feel that climate change is there and it's not normal.
01:14 Yes, and I'm sweating, as you can see, so it is unusually warm.
01:20 I mean, it's been wonderful being able to be in the sea and being able to be in the
01:23 water, but obviously there may be long-term repercussions.
01:28 This all comes as global temperature milestones have also been shattered.
01:32 July was the hottest month on record ever, according to the World Meteorological Organization.
01:38 And back home in Australia, yesterday the Bureau of Meteorology issued their national
01:44 climate summary for July and found that it was the ninth hottest July on record in Australia,
01:50 mainly for the east and the south.
