Dana Perino The media cant pretend anymore

  • last year
Dana Perino The media cant pretend anymore


00:00 Jonathan Turley, Annie McCarthy, both Fox News contributors,
00:02 and gentlemen, good morning to both of you.
00:05 Play a little clip here, different snippets
00:08 over the past four years or so.
00:10 These are the times, some of them,
00:11 that Joe Biden said, "I didn't talk business with my son."
00:16 -I did not know he was on the board of that company.
00:19 I've never discussed my business or their business,
00:22 my sons or daughters.
00:24 I never discussed a single thing with my son
00:26 about anything having to do with Ukraine.
00:28 I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business.
00:30 -I have never discussed with my son or my brother
00:34 or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses,
00:37 period.
00:39 -You can believe that and think it was just about the weather,
00:41 and maybe in the end, that's what it was.
00:43 Professor Turley, here's the question.
00:44 I don't know what holds up in court,
00:46 but based on what we think we learned yesterday,
00:49 what is the best argument?
00:50 Where should the audience focus on as of now?
00:56 -Well, the circle here is tightening.
00:58 That is, we know without any question, in my view,
01:00 that Hunter Biden was selling influence and access.
01:05 Joe Biden was the subject of that influence peddling.
01:09 I also think it's clear that the president
01:10 has been lying for years,
01:12 lied during the campaign, lied as president.
01:15 And those lies were repeated by White House officials
01:18 at his behest.
01:20 All of that's quite serious.
01:22 But I think in the coming days and weeks,
01:24 we're gonna see additional information
01:26 coming out of Congress on payments from foreign sources.
01:30 And the question is, what did they think they were buying
01:32 and what did they buy through this influence?
01:36 These calls were designed to show
01:38 that Hunter Biden could deliver,
01:40 that he had the vice president on speed dial,
01:43 and that was conveyed almost two dozen times.
01:47 -And it was interesting.
01:48 So, Mark Halperin,
01:50 who writes "Wide World of News" this morning,
01:51 comments that the media now has to show.
01:55 They can no longer pretend like this hadn't happened.
01:59 And now they know, and they were starting to write
02:00 in some of the pieces today, Andy,
02:02 that Joe Biden lied knowingly and repeatedly
02:06 about his connection to Hunter's deals.
02:08 And from my experience, once the media starts on one track,
02:13 basically, it's like herding cattle.
02:16 You just turn them a little bit this way,
02:18 and now everyone's gonna have that point of view.
02:20 Now, they might not put it on the front page,
02:21 but they all know it, and now we all know it, as well.
02:24 The other thing, Andy, is that I know
02:27 that you worked in the federal government,
02:28 and so did I. Here's this thing here.
02:30 It's called "The 14 Principles of Ethical Conduct."
02:34 And I went through here, and I think they violated
02:36 at least seven, but it wasn't Hunter Biden's obligation
02:39 to adhere to the ethical obligations.
02:42 It was Joe Biden's.
02:43 And to me, that is what the Devon Archer piece
02:46 showed yesterday, is that Joe Biden,
02:47 even if there would have been a first call, like,
02:49 "Hey, Dad, can you talk to these guys?
02:51 I'm on the phone."
02:52 And Joe Biden is gracious.
02:54 He says, "Hi, yes, the weather's really nice here.
02:56 Fine." The next call should be to Hunter Biden
02:58 from his dad, saying, "Don't ever do that again
03:01 because it is against all ethical norms."
03:03 But he didn't do that.
03:06 -No, of course he didn't do that
03:08 because he's the engine that makes the business run.
03:11 You know, in a normal investigation,
03:14 an enterprise case, if you wanted to prove up
03:16 any kind of a conspiracy
03:18 that ran through a regimented outfit
03:20 or even a loosely put-together outfit,
03:24 you would spend most of your time as a prosecutor
03:27 building up or explaining how the enterprise works,
03:31 like what the different aspects of it are,
03:33 who were the different players.
03:35 The way you set that up in order to make people understand
03:41 that the insulated player in it,
03:43 the person who makes everything go in an organized crime family
03:47 is like the boss of the family,
03:48 who you never get actually giving an unambiguous order.
03:53 But when you show how the whole enterprise works,
03:55 you can see precisely how a nod
03:58 or a conversation about the weather
04:00 could actually be a lot more meaningful
04:02 than it seems to be on the surface.
04:04 But I would just say, Dana, that, you know,
04:07 if you didn't have this herding effect
04:09 that you just discussed, a lot of the patent silliness
04:15 of what they're describing
04:17 or what the comeback explanation is here would be obvious.
04:22 For example, if you're selling the illusion of access,
04:25 that's fraud.
04:26 I mean, if you're selling something that doesn't exist,
04:30 that's fraudulent.
04:31 These people are only paying the Bidens because of Joe Biden.
04:35 There's no other reason to pay.
04:38 And the other thing, this nonsense
04:40 that they were buying Washington
04:42 rather than buying the Bidens.
04:44 Hunter tells Tony Bobulinski --
04:46 I think we have this actually in a recording or an e-mail.
04:50 I can't remember which.
04:51 But he says, "These people want to be in business
04:54 with the Bidens."
04:56 You know, Bobulinski's complaining
04:58 that Hunter doesn't really do any work,
05:00 and Bobulinski's doing all the scut work
05:02 to give this thing a corporate structure,
05:04 and Hunter's off doing stuff,
05:05 but he's getting a big cut of the profits.
05:08 And he comes back and says to them,
05:09 "I know it's not fair.
05:10 Life's not fair.
05:11 But they want to be in business with the Bidens.
05:14 They didn't want to be in business with Washington.
05:17 Burisma could have gotten any number of Washington insiders
05:21 who actually knew something about the energy business.
05:24 They didn't need that.
05:25 They needed a Biden because Joe Biden was the one
05:28 who was running the Obama administration's policy
05:31 to Ukraine.
05:33 So there's like a million little instances
05:36 that it's obvious here that what they're buying
05:38 is the influence and access of the Bidens.
05:41 -Andy, just a quick answer.
05:42 -The power there only comes from one person.
05:45 -Do you think they're building a good case, yes or no?
05:48 -I think they're doing what they can
05:52 within the constraints of a congressional investigation
05:54 because the Justice Department is AWOL.
05:58 -And, Jonathan, do you think that this leads
06:00 to an impeachment inquiry?
06:03 -It most certainly can lead to an inquiry.
06:05 I don't see how the Congress can walk away.
06:07 I mean, what Representative Goldman said yesterday,
06:10 that we should just end this, is absolutely ridiculous.
06:13 I mean, it's an obligation of Congress.
06:16 It's like saying the Watergate was just a property crime
06:19 and we're gonna leave it there.
06:21 You have to find out what's going on,
06:23 and the public isn't buying it.
06:25 You know, they're not buying any of these spits.
06:27 -Which is pretty much what the House Speaker,
06:29 Kevin McCarthy, said last week.
06:30 Gentlemen, great to have your big minds with us today.
06:33 Jonathan, Caroline, and McCarthy, thank you.
06:35 -I'm Steve Doocy. -I'm Brian Kilmeade.
06:37 -And I'm Ainsley Earhart.
06:38 -And click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page
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