Jesse Watters Devon Archer just flipped on the Bidens and its bad

  • last year
Jesse Watters Devon Archer just flipped on the Bidens and its bad
00:00 Fox News alert.
00:02 Devin Archer, the man who Hunter Biden once called a Biden, just flipped on the first
00:07 family and it's bad.
00:09 Archer, who's been in Ukrainian board meetings, Chinese dinners to the Biden family beach
00:14 house is saying that Joe Biden was on the phone with Hunter and his foreign business
00:20 partners at least 20 times.
00:23 20 times.
00:24 Archer says it was to sell the Biden brand and Hunter described the Biden brand as gold.
00:32 Here's how it worked.
00:33 President Barack Obama would assign Joe Biden a country to handle.
00:37 And when Biden was assigned to a country, a dirty company with a lot of problems in
00:41 that country would hire Hunter Biden because they needed something from Joe Biden.
00:47 Hunter would have dinner with some crooked foreign kleptocrat.
00:50 And in the middle of dinner, he'd say, hey, let's call my pop.
00:55 He'd get his dad on the phone, put it on speaker.
00:57 And Joe Biden would say hello to Hunter's business partners.
01:01 And that was what the business partners were paying for.
01:04 That phone call.
01:06 They were paying Hunter because he could get Joe Biden on the phone like that.
01:10 And everywhere Joe went, Hunter got paid and Joe delivered.
01:16 Devin Archer told House investigators today that the corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma
01:22 only hired Hunter so his father, Joe, could get the prosecutor investigating them fired.
01:29 Devin Archer testified Hunter was with the crooked Ukrainian CEO when he called D.C.
01:35 to demand Joe Biden fire the prosecutor.
01:38 Three days later, Joe Biden flew to Ukraine and got the prosecutor fired and then bragged
01:43 about it.
01:44 This is what Democrats impeach Trump for probing.
01:48 Devin Archer also testified that Hunter pulled the same move with other fat cat foreign execs.
01:54 Archer says Hunter put Joe Biden on the phone with his Chinese partner, Jonathan Lee.
01:59 Remember, Joe Biden flew Hunter to China on Air Force Two, where Hunter met Jonathan Lee.
02:05 Hunter introduced Joe and Jonathan Lee in Beijing.
02:09 They shook hands.
02:10 It was a 20 million dollar handshake.
02:13 But Biden's made 20 million from that Chinese deal.
02:16 After Hunter was given an equity stake in the Chinese investment firm, the Obama Biden
02:20 administration greased approvals for Jonathan Lee to take over American car manufacturers.
02:27 Joe Biden, who claims he didn't talk to his son about his business, even wrote a letter
02:32 of recommendation to Brown University on behalf of Jonathan Lee's daughter.
02:37 Jonathan Lee is a Communist Party power broker who our vice president went to bat for helping
02:44 his daughter cut the line in the admissions offices at Ivy League schools.
02:49 Why?
02:50 Because his family was getting paid.
02:52 Devin Archer also testified that Vice President Joe Biden personally met with a Russian billionaire,
02:58 Elena Petrina, back in 2014, while VP at Cafe Milano in Georgetown.
03:04 Joe Biden had dinner with her and a month later, the Russian billionaire wired Hunter
03:09 Biden three and a half million dollars.
03:13 Democrats say Joe Biden had no idea who he was talking to.
03:18 It was clear that it was part of the daily conversations that Hunter Biden had with his
03:24 father.
03:26 And it was and and sounds like most of the time now President Biden didn't even know
03:34 who the people he was at dinner.
03:35 He was just asked to say hello and he would, you know, talk about the way he described
03:41 it several times.
03:42 They asked over and over and over.
03:43 He described what the weather was, how how what's going on on your end.
03:49 The Democrats went from the laptops, Russian misinformation to Biden was having dinner
03:54 with Hunter's business partners, but all they talked about was the weather.
03:58 Now when I eat dinner, it's usually at least an hour.
04:01 I'm there for three courses.
04:03 You can talk weather for maybe five minutes tops.
04:06 But Biden's talking to a Russian billionaire about the weather the whole dinner.
04:11 What's it like in Moscow?
04:13 It's cold.
04:15 Biden's had meetings at Cafe Milano with the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Mexicans, Kazakhstanis,
04:22 even the Greeks, all Hunter's business partners.
04:26 You're saying Joe Biden talked about the weather the whole time and had no idea who he was
04:30 having dinner with.
04:33 Even if Hunter puts his business partners on speakerphone with his dad and they don't
04:37 talk business at all, you're saying the next day when Hunter talks to Joe and they say
04:42 they talk every day, Joe doesn't say, hey, Hunter, what are you doing in Dubai?
04:48 And who are those Ukrainians you put me on the phone with last night?
04:51 Come on.
04:53 The Biden family was selling access to Joe.
04:56 The phone call, even if it was weather related, was the access Biden always delivered on the
05:02 back end.
05:03 The Chinese and the Ukrainians got what they wanted out of Biden.
05:07 Even the Russian lady who bribed Hunter three and a half mil.
05:10 Joe Biden left her off the sanctions list.
05:14 The one Russian billionaire not on the sanctions list happens to be the same one who paid the
05:19 Biden family millions of bucks.
05:22 But the Democrats say, what was Joe Biden supposed to be rude and not say hello to Hunter's corrupt
05:29 foreign business partners?
05:32 Specifically he talked about the weather or whatever, but he said specifically that he's
05:35 never talked to them.
05:36 Doesn't this contradict?
05:38 He never said that he has never spoken to anyone.
05:42 He said that he had nothing to do with Hunter Biden's business dealings.
05:46 If he says hello to someone that he sees his son with, what is he supposed to say?
05:53 Hi, son.
05:54 Oh, no, I'm not going to say hello to the other people at the table or the other people
05:57 on the phone.
05:58 It's kind of a preposterous premise to think that a father should not say hello to people
06:03 that the son or a dinner with.
06:05 So the new defense is Biden's mismanners.
06:09 Snubbing his son, sniveling and conniving foreign business partners would be the wrong
06:13 thing to do.
06:16 Now we know that Hunter Biden brought his sleazy business partners to the Obama White
06:20 House over 100 times.
06:23 So Joe Biden never asked Hunter, who are all these people?
06:28 The only thing he asked was, what's the weather like in Bucharest?
06:32 I mean, at this point, Joe knows more about the weather than Al Roker.
06:38 So why did Devin Archer flip?
06:40 Well, because he's going to prison and he thought, you know, being Hunter's best buddy
06:46 would keep him out of prison.
06:48 Devin Archer can't be too happy with Hunter Biden right now.
06:51 Here's a text he sent to Hunter.
06:53 Why did your dad's administration appointees arrest me and try to put me in jail?
06:58 Just curious.
07:00 Some of our partners asking out here and then this one.
07:04 Why would they try and ruin my family and destroy my kids?
07:08 And no one from your family side step in and at least try to help me.
07:12 I don't get it.
07:15 Devin Archer was sentenced to a year in prison for stealing 60000 dollars from an Indian
07:20 tribe.
07:21 I think it was more than that.
07:23 Hunter Biden was a part of that deal and was the only one not to get indicted.
07:27 Once again, everybody in Biden's orbit arrested in prison or they're missing.
07:33 And before Devin Archer's testimony, Biden's Department of Justice sent a threatening letter
07:37 to Devin Archer's judge, telling him it's time for Devin to report to prison soon.
07:43 This comes on the heels of us learning about another House Republican that says Biden's
07:50 got foreign bank accounts they're under investigation.
07:53 Listen.
07:55 When we pulled up the first tranche of suspicious activity reports of which there were more
08:00 than 170, we then realized that there are more suspicious activity reports on more Biden
08:05 family members and more information that we've got to dig into and investigate.
08:09 What we have to do and we're in the process of now is accumulating bank records, not just
08:15 here domestically, but there are bank records in foreign countries with foreign banks that
08:19 we also have to get.
08:20 That takes money and time, which we are doing and trying to collect that information.
08:25 Sources tell Primetime that lawyers on House oversight, they're not going on vacation like
08:29 the rest of Congress for the next six weeks.
08:32 They're still subpoenaing Biden family bank records, and now they're moving into the deposition
08:37 phase of the investigation.
08:38 Devin Archer won't be the first Biden business associate that's going to be interviewed.
08:43 Tony Bobulinski and Whitey Bulger's relative, James Bulger, will sit down for interviews.
08:49 Several federal employees knowledgeable of the Biden situation will sit down with investigators,
08:54 and we expect when Congress returns to work in mid-September that the House will have
08:58 enough evidence to begin the impeachment inquiry.
09:01 Now opening an impeachment inquiry turbocharges congressional oversight powers, allowing them
09:06 to fast track and have far reaching subpoena power and quick court rulings.
09:11 Now this will force the media to cover the evidence that we've presented here for years,
09:17 but it'll force Joe Biden, who's supposed to be out campaigning, to answer questions
09:22 about why he's been lying for all these years.
09:25 This could potentially end Joe Biden's reelection campaign.
09:29 So Democrats have a decision to make.
09:31 Are they going to get behind Gavin Newsom?
09:34 Are they going to continue to say Joe Biden's a weatherman?
09:37 Hey, Sean Hannity here.
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