Oakland NAACP It is not racist to be anticrime

  • last year
Oakland NAACP It is not racist to be anticrime
00:00 The Oakland chapter of the NAACP is fed up
00:02 with the anarchy created by the city's
00:04 soft on crime policies.
00:06 The head of the group blasting local officials
00:08 and even calling for a state of emergency
00:10 to be declared, adding quote,
00:12 "Failed leadership, including the movement
00:14 "to defund the police,
00:15 "or district attorney's unwillingness
00:17 "to charge and prosecute people who murder
00:19 "and commit life-threatening serious crimes,
00:21 "and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric
00:24 "have created a heyday for Oakland criminals.
00:27 "It is not racist or unkind to want to be safe from crime."
00:31 In July alone, Oakland has seen a 15% increase
00:34 in violent crime compared to last year,
00:36 and residents are sick of it.
00:39 - How do we stop this hamster wheel of crime?
00:42 'Cause that's really the question.
00:43 - They just drive around and pick a victim.
00:46 And it's just, it's getting scary.
00:48 - What are we doing to address this?
00:50 And how do we solve this?
00:52 Nobody feels safe.
00:54 - So Jessie, during the height of the
00:55 Defund the Police movement,
00:57 the NAACP stopped short of calling for defunding the police,
01:00 but they just engaged in all of the rhetoric
01:02 that led to the exact thing,
01:04 and now, unfortunately, there have been consequences.
01:06 - The Oakland NAACP or whatever, I'm sorry,
01:09 N-double-A-C-P, I almost said N-double-A, wait.
01:12 (laughing)
01:13 - N-C-double-A?
01:14 - You're getting confused with an insurance commercial,
01:16 aren't you?
01:17 - That's Liberty, Liberty, Liberty.
01:18 (laughing)
01:20 They wanted to redirect money from the police,
01:23 that old Kamala Harris gag.
01:25 And now they're begging for the police
01:26 to come and save their lives.
01:28 It's happening all over the country.
01:29 Look at San Francisco, did the same thing.
01:31 And now, instead of actually trying to fight crime,
01:33 they're locking up ice cream.
01:35 Same thing happened in Philadelphia.
01:37 And now, Trank's taking over,
01:38 and people are walking around with flesh-eating viruses.
01:42 What happened in New York City?
01:44 They were like, oh yeah, we're a sanctuary city
01:46 until all the illegals came here.
01:48 Now it's like a slumber party on the sidewalk.
01:50 There's prostitution in Queens like Amsterdam.
01:53 And now the mayor's like, we don't wanna be
01:55 a sanctuary city anymore.
01:56 - Where in Queens?
01:58 (laughing)
01:59 - I'll tell you after.
02:01 What happened in Washington, D.C.?
02:02 Did you know that the Mexican government
02:04 is issuing a travel advisory for Mexicans,
02:07 warning them that Washington, D.C. is dangerous?
02:11 So these Democrats are destroying the cities,
02:13 and then when everyone's putting up their hands
02:15 and saying, can you guys do something about that,
02:17 they'll talk about reparations.
02:19 The only person they're basically prosecuting is Trump.
02:23 - Yeah, Dana, isn't this the way this has to happen
02:26 with the local community?
02:27 Going to these meetings and saying, change it.
02:30 - And you know, think about how many meetings
02:31 have you been to, right?
02:32 It takes a lot to get people to go to a meeting
02:35 and to know that they're gonna be on camera
02:36 and to get up there.
02:37 So one, they're fearful for their lives
02:39 and the lives of their children.
02:40 Also, their property values are in the tank.
02:43 So they're looking at their retirement funds
02:44 or their kids' education funds going down.
02:47 Plus, we did a story last week on Newsroom
02:50 that still has my mind reeling.
02:52 In 2020, right before the pandemic,
02:55 the chronic absenteeism rate in Baltimore County schools
02:58 was 23%.
02:59 That means you're missing 10% or more of school.
03:01 Guess what it is today?
03:03 It's 58%.
03:04 - Yeah.
03:05 - Okay, so you take that,
03:06 plus the fact that you have a major
03:07 youth violence problem there,
03:09 and the same thing was happening in Baltimore.
03:11 You had black citizens saying,
03:13 we need to be tougher on crime.
03:15 So I do think that the more you see these local people
03:19 yelling at their local officials
03:21 that you might actually be able to affect some change.
03:24 They're gonna have to keep it up.
03:26 - Jessica, your thoughts on this process.
03:29 Consequences for actions.
03:32 - Definitely consequences.
03:33 I don't think it's a straight line from the summer of 2020.
03:37 I mean, these are, no, I'm saying that these are problems
03:39 that have gone back further than that.
03:41 This is a much longer trend line
03:43 than just George Floyd is murdered
03:45 and suddenly these cities are cesspools.
03:48 But this is certainly not the promise of liberalism,
03:50 and that's what these voters are saying.
03:52 They're not saying I'm a Republican now.
03:55 They are not gonna vote for a Republican,
03:57 but they want Democrats that are going to talk about
04:00 the real issues that are confronting them on a daily basis.
04:03 And I don't think Democrats should be afraid of that.
04:04 Frankly, that's how you win back your seats.
04:06 Like the four congressional seats
04:07 that we lost here in New York was all because of crime.
04:10 I talked to Lee Zeldin when he was here one time about this,
04:14 and he said, I just had to show up at these meetings
04:16 and people poured out their concerns.
04:19 Did all of them vote for me?
04:21 Absolutely not.
04:22 But they clearly wanted to have a conversation
04:23 the Democrats were not open to.
04:25 I do think with Defund the Police, though,
04:27 that it's one of these moments,
04:28 and there are a few kind of flashpoint issues
04:31 around the country where this happens,
04:33 where the activist class is not speaking the same language
04:35 as the regular people.
04:37 I don't go to a lot of city council meetings necessarily,
04:40 but I know a lot of people who live in cities,
04:42 and not a single one of them ever said,
04:44 I wanna defund the police,
04:46 or I wanna take away their resources.
04:48 So I think the activist class really needs
04:50 to get on the same page as those people
04:52 who are turning up at meetings.
04:53 So Greg, is there a direct line
04:54 between summer 2020 to the crime now?
04:56 I would say there is.
04:57 Yeah, I think so.
04:58 And I think, and then when you started to point it out,
05:01 and I know that this happened here at times,
05:03 they would link the rise in crime to the lockdowns.
05:06 And perhaps there was some evidence there maybe,
05:09 but when the lockdowns were over,
05:11 the crime was never worse, got worse.
05:13 It's not like the crime went away.
05:15 What's frustrating is if you did point it out,
05:17 you were called racist, but who were the truly racist people
05:20 were the people that were conflating law and order
05:23 with whiteness and crime to blackness.
05:26 It's not us, Republicans, conservatives,
05:29 libertarians do that.
05:30 That was the hard left.
05:31 And it's a circular argument
05:32 that prevents any kind of solutions.
05:34 Defunding the police affects minorities,
05:36 their neighborhoods get hit the worst.
05:38 Point that out, that blacks are the victims,
05:41 you will be deemed racist.
05:42 That mere observation is a problem.
05:45 So that prevents the so-called conversation.
05:48 Remember, everybody wants to have,
05:50 we just need a conversation.
05:51 You can't have a conversation on crime
05:52 because the left through their prism of identity politics
05:56 has made it impossible to see beyond the pigment
05:58 of criminals and victims.
06:00 In fact, the pigment only matters with criminals,
06:03 but it doesn't matter with victims.
06:04 At least be consistent.
06:06 - Yeah.
06:07 Hey everyone, I'm Emily Campagno.
06:09 Catch me and my co-hosts, Harris Faulkner
06:11 and Kayleigh McEnany on Outnumbered
06:13 every weekday at 12 p.m. Eastern, or set your DVR.
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