Raiders WR Deandre Carter From Training Camp

  • last year
The 2023 NFL Training Camp for the Las Vegas Raiders is progressing, and today WR DeAndre Carter spoke, and we have his entire comments for you.
00:00 (air whooshing)
00:02 - There's a pretty physical practice out there.
00:10 - Yeah.
00:11 - You guys enjoy that as players, you're going to welcome that?
00:13 - For sure.
00:14 First day of pads, it's always good to get out there
00:15 and pump a little bit.
00:16 It's going to be part of the identity of our team.
00:19 So we got to establish it now.
00:20 We definitely welcome that as players.
00:23 - Like you say, usually it's the stumping,
00:24 but you guys had some moments there
00:25 where you tackled to the ground out there.
00:27 Do you think that sort of thing could add to the toughness
00:29 that the team builds?
00:30 - For sure, definitely adds to the toughness of the team.
00:32 Got to establish it now, get out there,
00:34 especially for the young guys
00:35 who haven't necessarily experienced it in the league before.
00:38 It's definitely a good foundation to get it done in practice.
00:41 - DeAndre, you were previously kind of here before
00:43 and kind of like a practice squad, off season kind of thing.
00:46 So what are the big differences,
00:48 which you say from going from the team back then to now,
00:51 just in terms of your confidence
00:52 and just how things roll around here?
00:54 - Well, I can only speak for my,
00:55 I mean, me personally is just, I'm older now.
00:59 You know what I'm saying?
01:00 Can know how to navigate things a little better,
01:03 I would say.
01:04 And it's just a different culture now,
01:06 different culture staff, everything different now
01:07 from it was when I was previously here.
01:10 I love what we're doing now.
01:12 I would say more just excited to be a part of the,
01:18 excited to be a part of this organization for sure.
01:21 - DeAndre, every player on every team in the NFL today
01:23 would say, well, I'm always competing.
01:25 But when you're in a wide receiver room,
01:27 that's as incredibly as talented as the Raiders.
01:31 Does it feel like every rep is a competition?
01:34 Every rep is putting stuff on tape for everybody to see?
01:37 - I mean, that's, like you said,
01:38 that's everywhere around the league,
01:40 but we got a deep room, no lie.
01:41 We got a deep room from top to bottom.
01:44 And every rep, you want to go out there
01:46 and put your best foot forward
01:48 to make sure you put in the best subversion
01:50 of yourself on film and give yourself the best chance
01:52 to go out there and compete and win the job.
01:55 But that should be a standard as a player in the league,
01:58 no matter where you're at,
01:59 no matter how deep your receiver room is or not,
02:02 you just got to go out there and compete
02:03 and be the best yourself.
02:05 - DeAndre, last year, you established some career highs,
02:08 targets games, receptions.
02:11 Do you feel like you found your niche
02:14 and created your niche in this league?
02:16 And how excited are you to kind of build off of that?
02:19 - Very excited.
02:20 And always the goal is to get better and improve.
02:23 And that's all I'm focused on today.
02:26 Being here this year and throughout camp
02:28 is getting better every day
02:29 so I can improve on the things I did last year.
02:31 - Do you think this offense kind of fits
02:33 what your skillset is?
02:34 - For sure.
02:36 - You're not the biggest guy in the NFL, but you're tough.
02:39 And so are you glad pads are on?
02:41 'Cause now you can lower a shoulder
02:43 and show what you can do after the catch.
02:46 - Exactly.
02:47 Me, for myself, it's always,
02:51 football is not played in shorts and a t-shirt,
02:53 you know what I'm saying?
02:54 So you get pads on there
02:55 and you got to push crack on a safety or break a tackle,
02:58 or like you said, lower your pads down when you got the ball
03:02 kind of separates some people.
03:03 So I like that part of my game
03:05 and excited we was able to show it today.
03:07 - Do you think the new rules are trying
03:10 to take the kickoff return out of the game?
03:11 And what would you feel about that if that kind of happened?
03:14 - I think the league is just, you know,
03:16 trying to take care of players, you know, the kickoff.
03:18 I think they said the kickoff return
03:20 is one of the most dangerous plays in the league.
03:23 And they're trying to, you know, safe in a little bit.
03:25 I don't know necessarily
03:27 how we're going to go about that this year.
03:29 Hopefully we get to return them.
03:30 That's, you know, what I want to do,
03:32 but we'll see, you know,
03:34 what Coach Tom and Coach McDaniels wants to do
03:37 and whatever they're riding with, I'm okay with.
03:40 - DeAndre, besides changing cities and states,
03:43 how different does this organization feel to you now
03:45 than when you were on the practice squad back in Oakland?
03:48 - A lot different.
03:49 Beautiful building, different location.
03:51 You guys that was in the Alameda building
03:54 know the difference.
03:55 But I love it here, man.
03:58 I love it.
03:59 We're building a great culture.
04:00 It's a beautiful facility, beautiful stadium.
04:03 And we on the up and up,
04:06 and I'm excited to be a part of it.
04:07 - Obviously there's a lot of differences,
04:09 even from last year to this year,
04:10 but you being on the charts,
04:12 having a really good game against the Raiders,
04:14 you know, what were some things about that defense
04:16 that you kind of played against that, you know,
04:18 you really liked, that you were like,
04:20 okay, this is good, you know, that.
04:21 - You're talking about the Raiders defense last year?
04:26 - Yeah, like what was your thoughts
04:27 on the Raiders defense from last year?
04:29 - I mean, last year is last year.
04:32 We worried about this year.
04:33 We got new guys, new personnel,
04:35 probably tweaking the scheme a little bit.
04:38 So, you know, we worried about this year getting better.
04:41 - How happy were you with the weather today?
04:43 - Extremely.
04:44 Oh my God, it was beautiful out there today.
04:49 I wouldn't count on how many days it was going to get,
04:51 you know, what was it, probably like 85,
04:53 it felt like out there, it felt like California.
04:55 Yeah, it felt like California.
04:57 Don't know how many days it's going to get like that,
04:59 but taking advantage of them for sure.
05:01 - That's good.
05:03 All right, awesome.
05:04 - Thanks guys.
