Raiders DT Bilal Nichols From Training Camp

  • last year
The 2023 NFL Training Camp for the Las Vegas Raiders is progressing, and today DT Bilal Nichols spoke, and we have his entire comments for you.
00:00 (whooshing)
00:02 - [Interviewer] The coaches are screaming,
00:06 "Stay off the ground, stay off the ground."
00:07 Today it got pretty physical.
00:09 As a big guy, you gotta love that finally
00:11 you're able to connect with some of these smaller guys.
00:14 - Oh yeah, definitely.
00:15 We haven't had the pads on since the end of last season.
00:18 So to finally be able to put the pads back on,
00:20 it feel amazing.
00:21 They always say for the big guys,
00:23 this is when the real football starts.
00:24 So it felt amazing to just be back out there with the guys
00:27 and be back out there thumping again.
00:29 (mouse clicking)
00:31 - [Interviewer] How much does Max set the tone
00:33 for what you guys do up front?
00:35 So that he had another great day out there?
00:37 - That's every day with Max.
00:38 I mean, he that type of guy,
00:40 he inspire others with his work ethic.
00:44 And he gonna bring it every day.
00:46 And as a teammate, it forces you
00:48 to have the matches energy.
00:50 You know what I'm saying?
00:50 So he's just an all around unbelievable dude
00:54 and he inspire all his teammates
00:56 just to be better and better each day.
00:58 - [Interviewer] What was your plan for the off season?
01:00 And I guess, how much were you able to stick
01:02 to what you wanted to do
01:03 and then get accomplished this off season?
01:05 - This is really training just on my mental
01:07 and my physical, you know, just getting better with,
01:10 you know, getting my body where I wanted it to be.
01:14 And just training on things that I observed
01:17 that I could have been better at last year.
01:19 And, you know, always as an athlete,
01:22 your goal is to just try to make those things
01:24 that you feel like you need to get better at strengths.
01:26 So that's just pretty much
01:27 where I focused on this off season.
01:29 - [Interviewer] Well, Robert, now you're a middle linebacker,
01:32 super intense guy, not like Max a little bit
01:34 with the intensity.
01:36 What does that do in a huddle?
01:38 You know what Max does,
01:39 but when the guy who's the quarterback, that intensity,
01:41 how does it make a defense better?
01:44 - Oh man, Rob's a great dude.
01:46 He bring the intensity.
01:47 One thing about Rob, he's very physical, you know,
01:49 and as a D lineman, you know,
01:51 having somebody that's physical like him coming downhill,
01:53 you appreciate that.
01:55 And, you know, just seeing him fly around,
01:57 come downhill, ready to thump and bang, you know,
02:01 it kind of turned you up, like, let's go Rob.
02:03 Yeah, let's do it.
02:04 So, you know, another unbelievable guy
02:07 who bring it every day.
02:08 - I couldn't see where I was standing,
02:10 but one of you defensive linemen made a very good play
02:13 on a running back and he's running up,
02:15 almost cheerleading you guys.
02:16 Does that help when you see that interaction,
02:19 when you guys do well, he's there as well?
02:22 - Oh yeah, most definitely.
02:23 I mean, you know, that's something, you know,
02:27 as a team, man, you just want to,
02:28 you want to celebrate your other guys' plays.
02:30 You know, that's something that,
02:32 that we really want to, we want to do that a lot this year.
02:34 You know, another man make a play,
02:35 you celebrate it just like you made the play.
02:37 And just having that morale,
02:39 having that chemistry as a team,
02:41 I mean, it's infectious, you know what I'm saying?
02:43 You know, that just, that can,
02:44 that can go through everybody.
02:45 So, you know, that's something that,
02:47 you know, we want to do more of.
02:49 - A word we've heard thrown around a lot,
02:52 Coach McDaniels, including his disruption
02:54 is what he wants on defense.
02:55 What's disruption mean to you
02:57 and how do you kind of foster that up front?
03:00 - You know, just doing my technique
03:01 to the best of my ability
03:02 and being a factor on each and every play.
03:04 You know, you know, we have great coaches here.
03:06 We have great players and, you know,
03:09 you just got to trust your training and your technique.
03:11 You trust your training and your technique
03:13 and you'll be disruptive.
03:14 You know what I'm saying?
03:15 You will make an impact on that play.
03:16 And that's just, you know, being,
03:18 doing that on a consistent basis, every single play.
03:21 - Talent in that defensive line room
03:22 looks pretty deep right now.
03:23 How competitive are you guys right now?
03:26 - It's very competitive.
03:27 We compete in everything we do,
03:28 even shooting the trash inside the trash can,
03:31 you know, but it's,
03:32 but you know, that's what make each other better.
03:34 You know what I'm saying?
03:35 And we very close too.
03:37 It's competitive, but we very close.
03:38 We get together with each other.
03:41 We always with each other, 20, 25, eight, you know,
03:44 we made that a huge priority
03:46 and it's allowed guys to be able to compete
03:48 and still push each other
03:49 so that we all can get better.
03:51 - Well, this is the first time in a couple of years
03:53 you're going into the same defense
03:54 and for a lot of the players, your teammates,
03:56 same case as well, coming back with Patrick's system.
04:00 Do you feel like there's a more of a comfort level
04:02 at this point compared to last year?
04:04 - Oh yeah, definitely.
04:05 You know, definitely you have a more comfort with,
04:08 you know, more experience that you have with something.
04:10 You know, that's definitely something that helps a lot.
04:12 You know, so it definitely feel good to, you know,
04:14 come into year two and just, you know,
04:17 kind of know what to expect a little more,
04:20 you know what I'm saying?
04:20 And just knowing, you know, knowing Pat better
04:23 and knowing how he liked to call things
04:24 and knowing like what he may be thinking
04:25 in certain situations,
04:27 just so we can all be on the same page.
04:29 You know, I think that's huge.
04:31 - Well, last year there were times
04:32 where it just seemed like everybody was learning
04:35 and there was a lot of thinking,
04:37 not a lot of having fun.
04:39 It has really appeared this camp,
04:41 guys are back to having a good time
04:42 and you're under your belt.
04:44 Am I reading that correctly?
04:45 Does it seem like the guys are having a lot more fun now?
04:48 'Cause not, it's not ripping last year,
04:50 just it was a learning.
04:51 Nobody knew the system.
04:52 - Yeah, definitely.
04:53 I could, you could definitely feel the energy
04:55 that guys are having a lot more fun out there.
04:57 You know, guys are just flying around.
04:59 Guys are just doing whatever they got to do
05:02 to just have fun.
05:03 And that's something that, you know,
05:04 we preach as a unit, you know what I'm saying?
05:05 Like at the end of the day, you know,
05:07 we've been blessed enough to play this game
05:08 and we've been playing this game since we've been kids.
05:11 And we started playing this game
05:12 because we had fun playing it.
05:13 You know what I'm saying?
05:14 That's something that we just wanted to get back to
05:16 and just be able to remember that you out there,
05:19 you're doing something that you love to do.
05:21 You get to fly around and hit people for a living.
05:23 So have fun doing it.
05:25 - Well, who is the best in the D-line room
05:27 at throwing trash into the trash can?
05:29 - Me, 100%.
05:30 I don't care what Max say, what Chance say, anybody, me.
05:33 I'm the best.
05:34 - When you do it and you make it in the trash can,
05:36 do you look around the room for validation?
05:37 - Oh, 100%.
05:39 100%.
05:40 - 100%.
05:40 - 100%.
05:41 - They're giving me crap like I do the same thing.
05:43 - Who's the champion of the media room?
05:45 (laughing)
05:47 - Oh, I done started something.
05:51 Y'all about to go at it when I leave.
05:53 (laughing)
05:55 - Chandler, a trash talker or a jokester?
05:58 - Nah, Chandler is definitely a jokester.
05:59 You know one thing that's great about Chandler
06:02 is that every day you know what you're going to get.
06:06 You know, if you're not having like the best day,
06:08 I guarantee you Chandler is going to say something
06:09 that's going to put a smile on your face.
06:11 And that's what you love about Chandler.
06:13 Even like when we out there on the field
06:14 and he makes a, you know, a hell of a play,
06:17 he's going to say something that's going to make you laugh.
06:20 And it's not trash talking.
06:21 It's just a joke.
06:22 It's just like, yo, you're crazy.
06:24 And you know, I love that about Chandler, man.
06:25 That's like my brother.
06:26 So it's, I love playing with him, man.
06:28 It's an honor, man.
06:29 He's unbelievable.
06:30 - All good, guys?
06:33 - All right, thanks guys.
06:34 Thanks for watching.
