PNS Tariq Launching: ‘PM Shehbaz Sharif’s Big Announcement’

  • last year
PNS Tariq Launching: ‘PM Shehbaz Sharif’s Big Announcement’
00:00 I have brought you a gift of 20 crores.
00:25 Brother Javed Yilmaz, Vice President of our brotherly country, Turkey,
00:34 Deputy Defence Minister Dr. Jalal Sami,
00:42 Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Anjad Khan Niazi,
00:54 Governor of Sindh,
00:56 Foreign Minister of Pakistan Bilal-ul-Burtozavzari,
01:04 Chief Minister of Sindh, Murad Ali Shah,
01:10 Dr. Mehmet Pakali, our brother from Turkey as Ambassador to Pakistan,
01:22 Federal Ministers and our brother from Turkey, Brother Burhan,
01:33 Minister for Defence Production S. R. R. Tareem,
01:39 Minister for Maritime, Syed Faisal Sabzwari,
01:48 Minister for Commerce, Syed Naveed Kamar,
01:53 Minister S. M. Iqbal, Minister for Planning,
01:58 Excellencies, Honourable Guests,
02:05 Officials from Pakistan Navy,
02:10 and Managing Director, Rear Admiral,
02:17 Salman Ilyas of Karachi Shipyard,
02:22 and my esteemed engineers, technicians and workers of Karachi Shipyard,
02:31 I would like to extend my warmest greetings to you all.
02:44 Dear Brother Vice President, it's really a great pleasure to have you here along with your team members,
02:54 our brothers from Turkey, on this ceremony of launching Miljam-class warship PNS Tariq.
03:07 And this is the fourth ship of this class and the second one built in Pakistan jointly by MSS Asfad Turkiyeh and Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works.
03:24 As we all know, the bilateral relations between Pakistan and Turkey are unique.
03:36 They are deep-rooted and historic.
03:41 We are united by a common faith, heritage and civilization.
03:49 And we share our perspectives on regional and global issues.
03:59 The relations between our two countries predate the establishment of Pakistan,
04:08 Khilafat movement as you know.
04:11 It was raised by Muslims of the subcontinent to support our brothers and sisters in Turkey.
04:23 And it was a great manifestation of how strongly we felt for our brothers and sisters in Turkey.
04:33 Excellency, we celebrate each other's success stories and stand together in the face of challenges.
04:46 We will never forget the visit of my brother President Tayyip Erdogan with his spouse Madam Amine Tayyip Erdogan
05:00 during the most devastating floods of 2010.
05:08 And I still vividly remember to accompany him to that part of Pakistan where water was flowing like a sea.
05:25 And there today we have Tayyip Erdogan Hospital, Madam Amine Tayyip Erdogan Public School
05:37 and houses for the affected families who are using those houses.
05:47 And not only that, we know how funds were raised for affected people in Pakistan,
05:55 in Istanbul, in Ankara, in Konya, they were raised in other places.
06:02 Public contributed hugely to support the people of Pakistan.
06:09 And now recently, last year, we had out of climate change flash floods which hit this province of Sindh
06:20 in a devastating manner and other parts of Pakistan.
06:25 And again, our brothers from Turkey, President Tayyip Erdogan was there to help us.
06:32 And that was a very valuable and timely help.
06:37 This is the level of our relationship that we share each other's bounties and sorrows.
06:44 Today's joint venture project is another example of our commitment to support each other,
06:55 strengthen each other's industries, trade and enhance our economic cooperation.
07:05 Your Excellency, you have spoken at length in your excellent speech
07:11 and you have thrown light on all important aspects of our two countries.
07:20 I will only add and say that let us do it now and start running on this wonderful journey
07:29 of prosperity of the two countries.
07:34 President Tayyip Erdogan is a great leader and has not only served his people
07:44 with outstanding record which was reflected in his recent wonderful victory
07:55 as President of Turkey.
08:01 Your Excellency, I think this is high time that we further enhance our strategic cooperation
08:12 and add on to this wonderful joint venture in many other areas.
08:18 The Chief of Staff of our Navy, Admiral Amjad Niazi, is fully dedicated
08:30 to ensure high quality maritime activities and this Karachi port, Port Qasim,
08:42 are very busy ports but we need to really create linkage between Karachi and Gwadar
08:54 where business has just started but it is a great destination to convert this
09:02 into a huge business center not only in this area but around the globe
09:10 and that we can again join hands because CPAC, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor,
09:20 is a roaring success. We just had high-powered Chinese delegation
09:27 and we have signed and agreed to launch the second phase of CPAC
09:36 and this is going to be in multiple directions.
09:44 Green corridor and business corridors, special zones corridors,
09:55 information technology corridor and of course in many other areas
10:03 and this is bound to increase the quantum of business transactions
10:12 and to see in land between China and Pakistan and in that Turkey is a natural partner
10:23 and we would like to invite, I have already proposed this to my brother,
10:29 President Tayyip Erdogan and I would like to once again renew this invitation
10:39 that let us join hands in this wonderful story of mutual joint progress and prosperity.
10:50 I would also like to thank President Tayyip Erdogan for all his support
10:58 to this project which has been completed on time.
11:05 I would like to convey my sincere gratitude and thanks to Admiral Amjad Niazi,
11:14 to Managing Director Pakistan Shipyard and Works, Minister of Defence Production
11:26 and to all our colleagues, officers, politicians who have really contributed immensely
11:35 to make sure this project is completed on time.
11:41 But above all I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart
11:53 on behalf of the Government of Pakistan, Naval Chief, Managing Director Shipyard
12:02 and on behalf of the whole of Pakistan that you have worked day and night
12:14 along with our Turkish engineers and Turkish workers and Turkish company
12:22 in the name of, pardon me, Asphalt along with Shipyard.
12:29 The history of your efforts will always be remembered in golden words
12:37 and your efforts will bring colour to the borders of Pakistan
12:49 and to protect the borders of Pakistan, your efforts will always be remembered in golden words.
13:03 I once again salute you and applaud you.
13:09 [Applause]
13:14 Finally I would like to say that because of this achievement
13:26 and because of certain actors in the region trying to establish their hegemony
13:36 and create sphere of influence, it is all the more important
13:43 that we strengthen our Navy and our maritime activities.
13:51 For that the Government of Pakistan is fully geared to provide all resources at your disposal
14:01 and that under your able leadership the security is augmented
14:08 and becomes ironclad for all times to come.
14:14 I wish PNS Tariq and the men that will sail in her fair winds and following seas.
14:29 I also wish KS and EW and Asphalt all the best in their future endeavours.
14:39 Pakistan-Turkey friendship, thank you.
14:45 Pakistan-Turkey friendship, thank you.
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16:18 [Applause]
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