Post-Harvest Losses: Farmers at KEEA bemoan the lack of ready market

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Post-Harvest Losses: Farmers at KEEA bemoan the lack of ready market


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00:00 When you start your production, you don't get any loan from anywhere.
00:04 And so, even getting money to start.
00:08 And these days, because of the nature of our farming, we don't want to do like the traditional
00:13 way.
00:14 We also want to take it like in a modern form.
00:17 And so with these pineapples, these days we plant it on this plastic mulch.
00:22 And even the cost of plastic mulch, because of this current economy, is rising up to some
00:27 point that we can't even afford.
00:30 I think it was around 1200 just past November, December.
00:36 As I'm talking to you now, 2400 we are buying it.
00:42 And if you want to cultivate and you want to start on a new land, then you need to clear
00:47 land.
00:48 You have to afford excavators or even payloaders.
00:53 And the charge that they are charging now is very costly.
00:57 Now I understand you do pineapple, you do watermelon and other things.
01:01 And I know watermelon to be one particular fruit that's, should I even use the word light,
01:08 or freeze lifespan.
01:09 It has a very short lifespan.
01:11 How do you want, first and foremost, how do you convey your produce from here to the roadside?
01:18 Depending on the customer who come.
01:21 Sometimes and also depending on the load that the customer wants.
01:24 And so we sometimes get a buoya or case, but our route from the farm to the roadside is
01:31 very bad.
01:33 And sometimes the cast will come, they just get stuck because at the moment, or at the
01:39 time that you will be harvesting watermelon, it will be in the rainy season.
01:44 And so the nature of the land doesn't contain, doesn't soak a lot of water.
01:49 So this cast sometimes gets stuck.
01:52 And the remaining fruits as in the farm will be there because the road is blocked until
01:59 the car watch is blocked, is taken away.
02:02 And so sometimes that is also a challenge to us.
02:06 Since it will be there, do you get some of your fruit being rotten or something?
02:10 Yeah.
02:11 How often do you experience that?
02:12 Aside you, let's say, are there instances where you have a tear, your buyers are there
02:19 waiting for you and you come back and everything's gone?
02:24 No, sometimes the cast will get stuck or even if the car doesn't get stuck because of the
02:31 nature of the farming, we do it randomly.
02:36 And so I will be harvesting here, a friend of mine will be harvesting there.
02:41 And one big challenge is at the time I will be ready to convey the load from here to the
02:46 roadside, I won't get any car.
02:49 And so my customer will be waiting, but he or she is not getting the load.
02:54 Sometimes he has to leave me because he's also dealing with time.
02:58 Yeah.
02:59 So in other instances, how do you preserve some of these?
03:02 Are there other alternatives for you?
03:04 We don't have any alternatives.
03:06 I quite remember just last month, we have some agric officers from UCC.
03:11 They came to propose a new, I think it was agro code.
03:19 This was the project name, they said agro code.
03:21 They also need to teach us how for us to preserve our food.
03:26 And so it is a new introduction that they are bringing it here.
03:30 Aside that you don't have any way to preserve our food.
03:34 And so if there's a challenge about the way to transport it or even to get good market
03:39 and you are not getting it, all your products have to go waste.
03:43 But is it helpful with respect to the UCC agric officers who came around and helping
03:48 you guys with a new alternative?
03:50 It's just a new alternative.
03:51 We are not in, we are not yet in.
03:54 And so they are just trying to interview us to see if we are interested and also the way
03:59 forward.
04:00 So more or less piloting stage.
04:01 Yeah.
04:02 Yeah.
04:03 Okay.
04:04 But let me now look at the relationship between you, yourself and your buyers.
04:08 What is the relationship like, especially where we have economic challenges, where things
04:12 are really hiking every now and then.
04:15 What is the relationship like?
04:16 Okay, for me, I've taken one person as an agent.
04:20 So I don't deal directly with my customers.
04:22 I deal directly with the agent.
04:24 And so the agent deal with the customers.
04:26 And so I don't have, I would say I don't have big challenge concerning my management
04:30 because I only deal with the agents.
04:33 And she's also good to me.
04:36 So sometimes she will have challenges with the customers because for me, I don't know
04:41 them.
04:42 So I won't go there or attack them for my money.
04:44 I only know my agent.
04:46 This is how I sell my product.
04:47 Yeah.
04:48 Talking about she will, not to cut you short, talking about you, she will have challenges
04:51 with the other customers.
04:53 If the challenges, let's say, prolong for some time, it affects you.
04:57 So in that sense, how do you guys go about taking your produce out there, having farmers
05:02 or buyers coming around?
05:04 How do you guys generally go about this?
05:07 You sometimes have to change customers because you won't give product to a customer.
05:12 Monies are not coming and you say, give in more.
05:16 You have to deal with the customer.
05:20 And it's also a challenge because as at the time, maybe customers issue will be rising.
05:25 That means the market is boom.
05:27 There's a lot.
05:28 And so even the customer who's like playing with your money issues, meaning at the time
05:34 there are a lot of products around and so he or she can get some away.
05:39 And so that would be another challenge because he or she freeze.
05:45 There's a lot.
05:46 And so we have to deal with customers.
05:48 We know if our products are boom, they will always be there.
05:54 So that's during the Palm Harvest.
05:55 Yeah.
05:56 Now finally, what do you think should be the best way for we as a country, I mean for the
06:02 agriculture stakeholders, for the culture officers and all that in the country to do
06:07 to preserve some of these, our produce basically during Palm Harvest because we always see
06:13 this every now and then.
06:14 So you being a farmer and I've done this for years, what do you think should be some of
06:17 the best things to be done to have our produce being preserved?
06:23 Our only solution is even with fruits, fruits, I think pineapple, orange, watermelon, there
06:30 should be factories, either private or government so that our fruit will be turned into either
06:36 fruit juice.
06:38 And I think when such incentive or factories are around, farmers will not suffer or will
06:43 not produce and our product will go waste.
06:46 I don't think it will happen.
06:47 And so there should be factories so that our products will be turned into either finished
06:54 or second product for us.
06:56 And that will be helpful.
06:59 I said that was my final question, by brought in factories, as a farmer do you think the
07:03 1D1F is helping you guys?
07:06 No, because we have a commander factory just close to me here and the factory is not into
07:13 production, it's not into production.
07:15 There's a factory at Atamadi, it's also close to me here and this 1D1F, Akufu Agbo, the
07:22 president of our nation, I think there was a partnership but it did not happen.
07:30 The last thing for us to hear is the factory is being turned into this pure water, into
07:35 pure water production but into fruit production, it did not happen.
07:40 And that of Kunfi, I think all from central region, where we are is Kyeye.
07:47 We are, those are the coastal lands of pineapple producers and we thought Akufu factory being
07:55 there will extend their buying of pineapple to our area, it did not happen.
08:02 Marsa Mensa is a trader at Beposu Market in the central region.
08:07 She sells cassava.
08:08 She tells me that cassava grows bad after two days.
08:13 Marsa adds that sales are not always smooth so she sells her produce to garlic makers
08:18 to make back her money.
08:19 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:20 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:21 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:22 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:23 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:24 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:25 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:26 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:27 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:28 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:29 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:30 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:31 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
08:32 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
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10:28 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
10:29 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
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10:31 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
10:32 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
10:33 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
10:34 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
10:35 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
10:36 I sell my produce to the people who buy my produce.
10:47 you
