NA passes PEMRA Ordinance Amendment Bill 2023

  • last year
NA passes PEMRA Ordinance Amendment Bill 2023
00:00 the Senate is going to have an important meeting. Before that, the National Assembly is also going to have a meeting. And the Pembrah Reconstruction Ordinance Bill has been presented, which is being approved on Thursday.
00:10 Mariam Aurangzeb presented this bill, the Pembrah Reconstruction Ordinance Bill. The National Assembly has also approved the Press Council Reconstruction Bill in 2023. The National Assembly has also approved the Pembrah Reconstruction Bill in 2023.
00:22 Mariam Aurangzeb presented this bill, which has been approved on Thursday. And you know that the Senate is also going to have a meeting. It was presented at both the places at the same time.
00:32 And this has been approved in the National Assembly meeting. The Pembrah Reconstruction Bill has been approved in the National Assembly in 2023.
00:41 And you know that Mariam Aurangzeb presented this bill. Azhar Farooq is with us. Let's talk to him. Yes, Azhar.
00:52 The Pembrah Reconstruction Bill has been approved by the National Assembly in 2023. This bill was first presented in the National Assembly. After that, it was sent to the Climate Committee. It was approved there too.
01:01 But there were some serious objections to this bill from the media. However, today, this bill has been re-approved with some amendments. Electronic media will use the material of the "Masaddaqa Khabron Waashiran Taamul" group in its guidance.
01:14 And the information and education of the public has been expanded by re-approving this bill. Some of its points have been re-approved. And it has been clearly stated that it has been based on news and misinformation.
01:33 It has also been stated that one of the two members of the Pembrah will be a Barak officer and the other will be a PFUJ representative. A complaint will be filed against them.
01:46 The Pembrah's authority has been established. The Pembrah's authority will be able to appoint a Rukam or a Thaki officer. The National Assembly has approved this bill with a lot of opinions. As I said earlier, some amendments have been brought and presented by the Minister of Environment.
02:01 Today, the bill has been approved.
02:04 Azhar Farooq is updating. The National Assembly has approved the Press Council Reconstruction Bill 2023.
