• last year
Dans le contexte tendu de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, le Nigeria, futur président tournant de la CEDEAO en 2024, s'engage à soutenir le Niger en cas d'intervention militaire pour défendre la démocratie face à un récent coup d'État. Le général Christopher Musa, chef d'état-major nigérian, a affirmé avec assurance que les forces nigérianes sont prêtes à agir selon les directives présidentielles. Cette déclaration survient avant une réunion des chefs d'états-majors des pays membres de la CEDEAO à Abuja pour aborder la situation au Niger.
Le Nigeria, pilier économique et politique de la région, s'apprête à prendre la présidence tournante de la CEDEAO. Ce rôle exigeant arrive à un moment critique avec le coup d'État au Niger, mettant en lumière la responsabilité du Nigeria dans la préservation de la stabilité régionale. La détermination du Nigeria à défendre les principes démocratiques se reflète dans les paroles du général Musa, soulignant ainsi l'importance de la consultation régionale et du leadership dans la résolution de cette crise politique.
#Nigeria #CEDEAO #Soutien #Niger #Coup #GénéralMusa #Intervention #Démocratie #Président #Stabilité #Crise #Réunion #BolaTinubu #Leadership #Régional #Consultation #Abuja
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00:00 In the heart of West Africa, the region is facing a major political challenge.
00:13 On July 26, a coup d'état shook Nigeria, casting a shadow over the democratic stability
00:19 of the region.
00:20 In this critical context, a voice has risen with determination.
00:24 Nigeria, which will take the reins of the presidency of the economic community of the
00:29 West Africa, CDAO, in 2024, has committed to militarily support the democratic authorities
00:35 of Nigeria if such a decision is taken.
00:37 It is General Christopher Musa, Chief of Staff Nigerian, who declared with conviction
00:44 on August 1 at Radio France Internationale RFI, that if the CDAO decides so, the Nigerian
00:49 army will take action alongside the authorities of Nigeria.
00:52 In his words, it is clear that the defense of democracy is an absolute priority for
00:57 Nigeria, and he reaffirms his commitment to act in accordance with the President's
01:02 directive.
01:03 General Musa stressed with confidence, "We are ready and as soon as we receive the order
01:07 to intervene, we will do so.
01:09 We are absolutely sure to succeed. "
01:12 This resolute statement demonstrates Nigeria's unwavering desire to promote
01:16 democratic stability in the region.
01:18 Nigerian authorities consider the current situation in Nigeria as unacceptable.
01:24 They share the position of the Nigerian President not to support a military overthrow
01:29 of power.
01:30 "Everyone is taking measures of retortion and our President is in discussion with his
01:34 counterparts in neighboring countries," said General Musa, thus emphasizing the importance
01:39 of regional consultations to resolve this crisis.
01:41 This statement by the Chief of the Nigerian Army comes on the eve of a crucial meeting.
01:47 The Chiefs of Staff of the member countries of the CDAO will meet on August 2-4 in Abuja
01:52 to discuss the situation in Nigeria.
01:54 This summit is of great importance for the region, because it will determine the measures
01:59 to be taken to restore political stability in Nigeria and avoid any spread of instability
02:04 in neighboring countries.
02:05 The situation in Nigeria represents a considerable challenge for Nigeria, which is preparing
02:10 to take the presidency of the CDAO in 2024.
02:14 Elected President of this organization on July 9, the Nigerian President Bolat Inubu will
02:19 succeed the Bisoguinean leaders.
02:21 This transition is now placed under the sign of responsibility and leadership, because
02:26 the coup d'état in Nigeria highlights the need for Nigeria to play a leading role
02:30 in resolving regional conflicts.
02:42 (air whooshing)
