• 2 years ago
La crise politique au Niger s'aggrave avec l'annonce d'une possible intervention militaire de la CEDEAO. Selon des sources, l'Occident, notamment la France et les États-Unis, tente de déclencher une guerre totale en Afrique de l'Ouest en impliquant la CEDEAO dans les hostilités. Cette situation préoccupante pourrait entraîner une escalade de la violence dans toute la région, déjà confrontée à des crises sécuritaires importantes. Les autorités nigériennes et les dirigeants de la région doivent trouver une solution diplomatique à cette crise avant qu'elle ne se transforme en crise sécuritaire régionale.
La communauté internationale s'inquiète de cette situation et appelle à une solution diplomatique pour résoudre la crise politique au Niger. Les analystes politiques s'interrogent sur les motivations de l'Occident dans cette affaire, certains y voyant un moyen pour eux de maintenir leur influence dans la région. La France et les États-Unis ont déjà exprimé leur soutien à la CEDEAO dans la résolution de la crise politique au Niger, mais leur intention quant à une éventuelle intervention militaire reste floue. Il est donc crucial que les autorités nigériennes et les dirigeants de la région fassent preuve de sagesse et trouvent une solution diplomatique à cette crise avant qu'elle ne sombre dans une escalade de la violence et ne mette en péril la stabilité de toute l'Afrique de l'Ouest. #crisepolitique #interventionmilitaire #CEDEAO #AfriquedeLOuest #Niger #France #EtatsUnis #guerretotale #escalade #crisesecuritaire #solutiondiplomatique #communauteinternationale #influence #soutien #pressionsoccidentales #analystespolitiques #terrorisme #groupesarmes #stabilite #FRT
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00:00 Everything started when the Nigerian authorities announced the dismissal of President Mohamed
00:13 Bazoum.
00:14 This decision sparked a live reaction throughout the region, in particular from the Economic
00:19 Community of the States of West Africa (CDAO).
00:22 However, the situation has become even more complex with the announcement of a possible
00:27 military intervention of the CDAO in Nigeria.
00:30 According to Adam Agarbu, a member of the Nigerian Party in power, the Progressive Congress
00:35 (APC), this intervention could trigger a total war in West Africa.
00:40 For Adam Agarbu, this military intervention is a trap set by the West, in particular
00:46 by Paris and Washington.
00:48 According to him, these countries are trying to involve the CDAO in hostilities, taking
00:52 advantage of the crisis in Nigeria.
00:54 The president of the CDAO, the head of the Nigerian state, Bolat Inubu, is called to
01:00 resist French and American pressure to carry out any military action against Nigeria.
01:05 According to Adam Agarbu, the region should rather use a non-cynical diplomatic approach.
01:10 He estimates that the biggest mistake will come from the one who will have pressed the
01:14 trigger, Nigeria, in this case.
01:17 This situation is worrying for the entire region, because a military intervention
01:22 of the CDAO could lead to an escalation of violence throughout West Africa.
01:26 Neighboring countries in Nigeria, such as Mali, Burkina Faso and Chad, are already
01:31 facing major security crises, with the presence of terrorist armed groups.
01:36 The United States and France, which have a strong military presence in the region, have
01:42 already expressed their support for the CDAO in the resolution of the political crisis
01:45 in Nigeria.
01:46 However, their intention as to a possible military intervention remains vague.
01:51 Political analysts wonder about the motivations of the West in this matter.
01:57 Some estimate that Western countries are seeking to strengthen their military presence in West
02:01 Africa to counter the terrorist threat, while others see a way for them to maintain their
02:06 influence in the region.
02:07 Either way, the situation is very worrying for West Africa, which could fall into
02:13 an armed conflict if a military intervention of the CDAO was carried out in Nigeria.
02:17 Nigerian authorities and regional leaders must therefore show wisdom and find
02:22 a diplomatic solution to this political crisis before it turns into a regional security crisis.
02:37 (air whooshing)
