The best and worst weather of the day for Aug. 3

  • last year
AccuWeather's Ariella Scalese and Kristina Shalhoup take a look at the best and worst weather of the day across the United States.
00:03 Welcome back to AccuWeather Early.
00:06 I'm Christina Shalhoub.
00:07 And I'm Ariella Scalise.
00:09 Now time for the best and worst.
00:10 I feel like Christina was trying to sabotage me by changing mine,
00:14 but I've totally been there.
00:15 But I actually think I might have accidentally changed mine,
00:18 but not to the city I wanted.
00:19 So we're going to see.
00:20 This could be an adventure.
00:21 She's really got to sell it today.
00:23 We're about to test my argumentative skills.
00:25 Do you want to try it first?
00:27 Let's do it.
00:28 All right, let's see.
00:28 OK, this is correct.
00:29 She knows that's right.
00:30 I chose San Francisco for the best weather of the day, which
00:32 I'm sure is not exactly a shock, because I tend to choose this city every once
00:36 in a while.
00:36 But how could you not?
00:37 66, freezing in the afternoon and sunny.
00:40 To me, that's pretty perfect.
00:41 I'm a cooler weather kind of gal.
00:43 I'm not about the '80s and the '90s.
00:45 So this is my dream forecast.
00:47 I like a nice breeze.
00:48 Right?
00:49 Yeah.
00:49 So--
00:50 Get the wind through your hair.
00:51 Exactly.
00:51 I'll let that go.
00:52 But I'm just laughing now, just imagining you having
00:54 to get through your forecast here.
00:56 OK, my best weather.
00:58 I went to Hawaii, just because I feel like we
01:00 had been picking the same kind of-- all right, the West Coast.
01:03 But it is looking good in Honolulu.
01:05 88, partly sunny and beautiful.
01:07 Don't we all want to be in Honolulu today?
01:09 I mean, it sounds OK, I guess.
01:11 Yeah, it sounds all right.
01:12 Sounds all right.
01:13 It sounds OK.
01:14 Yeah, I think it's pretty good.
01:15 All right, give me your best for the worst here.
01:17 This is the worst weather.
01:18 I went with New York.
01:20 Which is an accident, but I want to hear--
01:23 I want to hear your argument.
01:24 Come on.
01:24 All right, all right.
01:25 I'm going to do this.
01:26 You know why I chose New York, which was definitely
01:28 not an accident at all?
01:29 No.
01:30 Is because we've had such beautiful picture-perfect
01:32 weather lately.
01:33 And we are taking a turn for the worst.
01:35 With more humidity, it's going to be hotter.
01:37 And then we have thunderstorms late tonight and tomorrow.
01:40 All right, I'm picking Houston, because you're
01:42 in the midst of a strong heat wave.
01:44 And it has just been so many days.
01:45 And we have so many more days to go.
01:47 101, Acura, the real field temperatures will be higher.
01:50 I definitely have to win this one, obviously.
01:52 Barry?
01:53 Thank you.
01:53 Sure.
01:54 I'm not even going to be rude.
01:55 Sure.
01:56 I tried.
01:57 Did your best, sweetie.
01:58 I did my best.
02:00 (clapping)
02:02 (upbeat music)
