Arian Smith Talks 2023 Georgia Football

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Georgia wide receiver Arian Smith talks Georgia Football
00:00 >> Aaron, a couple of last offseason you stepped away from track.
00:05 What went into that decision?
00:06 I'm sure you've already talked about it, but
00:07 how have you kind of seen your game develop since?
00:10 >> Hey, let's raise your hand and get a remote mic.
00:12 >> [LAUGH] >> Why answer that way?
00:16 >> [LAUGH] >> I'll say just the load,
00:20 just how much work I'm getting, how much I'm putting on my body.
00:24 Just I can go more at practice and feel healthier, not as taxed.
00:27 So I'll say just the load, the work, it's less.
00:31 I feel way better at practice.
00:32 >> You can beat Margaret Yall now.
00:39 >> Yeah, Harry, Kirby was saying yesterday that Carson is really laid back,
00:44 low key, that kind of stuff.
00:46 How have you seen that kind of leadership style from him throughout the spring,
00:50 through the summer, now into the fall?
00:52 >> I'll say on the field, that's not really the case.
00:54 I feel like he's more deep, more into it, more vocal.
00:58 Make sure he don't tell me, ask me a question of how I like something or
01:01 something.
01:01 So I feel like he's more vocal on the field.
01:03 But off the field, he's very chill, laid back, and to himself.
01:11 >> Aaron, I know practice started today, but you've had it off season.
01:13 So who's the closest competitor and the fastest man on the team?
01:17 Who are some guys you've seen that could challenge you on their best day?
01:22 >> That's a hard question.
01:23 I'd say we actually have to line up to see who really is the fastest.
01:26 But I feel like we got some other guys that probably can compete with me now.
01:30 Like CJ Smith, Anthony Edwards, Ladd, they all look the right way.
01:36 So I can't really say, there's still a competition out there.
01:39 So I don't feel like, but yeah, it's a competition.
01:46 >> Aaron, just how are you feeling physically going into this fall?
01:49 And what's your excitement level of trying to go out here and
01:52 trying to earn a role in this offense?
01:54 >> I'll say playing this sport, you're never gonna feel 100%.
01:57 So I mean, I feel good.
01:58 I feel way better than I did last year at this point.
02:00 But I'm knowing my head, this is the best I'm,
02:04 this last, yesterday, probably the best I was gonna feel throughout camp,
02:07 because it's my first day.
02:08 So I'm prepared for injuries, small injuries and stuff like that.
02:12 So I feel like I feel great, I feel good.
02:16 >> Aaron, I just wondered, it's different now.
02:19 You guys are here all summer, so
02:20 it's not like you're just showing up from training camp.
02:23 But what changes when you move into this mode like you guys went through today?
02:27 And just what's the emotions?
02:30 Is it something you get excited about or are you dreaded or, I mean?
02:35 >> I'll say, I'm excited cuz I haven't played that much football, obviously.
02:39 But just your mindset switches, like once yesterday hit, once August 2nd hit,
02:44 my mindset switches to like a dog-eat-dog.
02:46 Whatever they throw at us, we're prepared for it, no matter what it is.
02:48 So just your mindset changes, and things like that.
02:52 >> Aaron, you're talking about your speed.
02:54 That's one of the biggest parts about your game.
02:56 But do you feel like because of your elite speed that people tend to overlook
02:59 the other parts of your game as a receiver?
03:01 >> Definitely, yes.
03:03 I can do anything else that a receiver can do.
03:05 But obviously, some attributes are gonna shine more than others.
03:11 >> Aaron, obviously, each quarterback is different.
03:13 What's your relationship like with each of those guys?
03:16 >> My relationship is good with all of them, cuz I'm always popping in,
03:20 getting reps with the twos or the threes, trying to help out and stuff.
03:23 So I feel like my relationship is good with all of them.
03:25 >> How do you continue to build that connection?
03:27 >> I'll say bonding, like outside of football.
03:29 Not on the field, not sitting alone, I'm gonna eat or something,
03:32 like things like that.
03:35 Just bonding outside of football.
03:36 >> Aaron, you're a veteran now in this receiver's room.
03:40 What advice have you given to the freshmen coming in?
03:43 Just anything you can share with them.
03:46 >> Just taking it day by day, man.
03:47 Every day ain't gonna be perfect, and you can't get better at everything in one day.
03:52 So just taking it day by day and keep pushing, because it's gonna be hard.
03:55 It's gonna challenge you for sure.
03:56 So I just try to keep them level-minded, tell them to keep pushing,
03:59 and just everything's gonna be straight.
04:03 >> Aaron, the obvious question, when you go into a season where you all got a chance
04:07 to do something that's never been done in the whole era,
04:09 women's three straight national championships.
04:12 How do you stay on the focus, the daily focus, but
04:16 knowing that big goal is out there and something that would be very historic to do?
04:21 >> By setting goals before then.
04:22 You can't set a goal that far ahead.
04:24 You try to stay, what's important now?
04:27 We're in the national championship right now.
04:29 We gotta still practice and build a foundation for
04:31 the season throughout fall camp to get to where we wanna be.
04:36 >> As a guy who's had to overcome so many injuries,
04:39 how has the process of doing that helped you become better and
04:43 be a good player and person you're trying to be going forward into this season?
04:47 >> Say that again?
04:48 >> Just, you've said, injuries have been a big part of your story and
04:51 you've had to obviously overcome those and get back out on the field.
04:53 You made a big play last year in the semifinal against Ohio State.
04:57 How have having to overcome those injuries made you a better player at this point?
05:02 >> Hunger, I'm hungry.
05:03 I saw you play, even though what I did in the past don't mean nothing to me right now.
05:08 I'm still trying to get ready for this season, show what I can do this season.
05:11 What I did last year don't mean nothing to me.
05:13 So just the hunger I say, cuz I haven't played much.
05:19 >> Aaron, in my opinion, last year's defense might have been the best tackling
05:23 Georgia team I've ever seen.
05:25 What's it like, how does that make y'all better on the offensive side?
05:29 And then how did the new guys, or the 2023 team,
05:33 how did they do throughout spring since you're just one day into practice here?
05:36 >> It's challenging, man.
05:37 I can never relax.
05:38 I remember running through traffic or something with the ball or
05:40 someone catching the ball.
05:41 I have to focus on small things.
05:43 I can't have the ball loose or something.
05:44 So it really makes you better going against them every day.
05:47 And just like this year's team, obviously young guys got a long ways to go and
05:51 will learn throughout camp.
05:52 But I feel like we're just as good as we was last year on defense.
05:55 We still gotta do some practice and get better every day.
05:57 >> This is similar to the question Connor just asked, but
06:01 what has the emotional journey been like for
06:03 you having to navigate some of those injuries and
06:05 obviously getting ready for a big season for you?
06:08 >> I mean, it's been rough, obviously, when I was hurt.
06:09 But now I try to not focus on things like that.
06:12 Cuz the only person that really matters is myself, what I think.
06:17 You know what people say to me?
06:18 I don't really care.
06:19 So just staying like, never mind it.
06:22 >> Hey, Aaron, how would you compare the depth in the receiving room this year
06:29 compared to the other teams you've been here during?
06:32 >> I mean, I ain't gonna lie, it's really deep.
06:34 We got a lot of competition, man.
06:36 Everybody around me is gonna make me better just like I'm gonna make them better.
06:38 So just a lot of competition.
06:39 So I'm ready to see what we have in store this year.
06:41 >> Aaron, we'll get a chance to talk to Lad in a few minutes.
06:46 Just what is he like as a teammate?
06:48 What does he bring to this receiver?
06:51 >> Lad's a guy where he ain't gonna leave no doubt.
06:53 He's gonna do the extra, make sure his teammates are okay regardless of the position.
06:57 He's just like a team guy.
06:58 He don't really focus on it.
06:59 So he's gonna make sure you're okay.
07:01 If I do something, I'm probably gonna make sure I did it to the best of my ability.
07:05 So if I'm not running fast, I'm like, Aaron, you need to run, or
07:07 Aaron, you need to do something.
07:09 So he's more like a team guy, I say.
07:10 >> Yeah, Aaron, I guess I wanna ask you about your journey following that lead.
07:17 I mean, you're competing internationally in track right now.
07:20 It's a very different career, maybe even more lucrative.
07:22 Can you talk about what's made you decide to go towards football where you're
07:28 one of the guys where if you competed on an international stage,
07:30 you might be one of the fastest men in the world right now?
07:33 >> Just the passion, man.
07:33 You ain't gonna play football unless you're lucky, man.
07:35 Just like camp, 14 days in the hotel, no access,
07:38 not on social media, just cutting life off and just focusing on football.
07:43 So I'll say just the passion and love for it.
07:46 I wouldn't do it if I didn't like it.
07:46 I would be running track or still trying to.
07:48 >> You mentioned cutting life off.
07:53 What is the process like for you guys over these two weeks,
07:55 especially before school starts back?
07:56 Like how much time are you spending with your teammates,
07:58 getting to know each other?
08:00 What is the process of camp like?
08:02 >> We spend every day together for 14 days straight.
08:05 I'm not on, people, we have our phones, but I turn my phone off,
08:08 try not to be on it.
08:09 I mean, I obviously get on and check, and my family and stuff.
08:12 But I'm never on, so I don't social media and stuff.
08:14 So I just try to be with the team only, no outsiders.
08:23 >> Nikan Hughes, just what's your impression of him through the spring?
08:27 And just what kind of player is he in the locker room?
08:30 >> Nikan Hughes is a dog.
08:31 He's definitely a team guy too.
08:33 He's gonna work hard and give 100% every play.
08:35 So he's a dog, that's all I can explain.
08:40 >> What's it like coming in with the quarterback situation?
08:44 It was very subtle the last few years you knew who your guy was.
08:49 What's it like coming in with that sort of uncertainty kinda hanging over,
08:52 going into the season?
08:53 >> I feel like it's really not that big.
08:56 I'm just focusing on my competition, because they have a competition.
08:59 I can't focus on the quarterback.
09:00 They got a whole job to do, so I got a whole job to do.
09:02 I gotta work on my craft and my plays and my effort and stuff,
09:06 just like they do, so I thought it would be fine at quarterback.
09:08 >> Let's take two more questions.
09:11 >> Yeah, just take us back to your first fall camp.
09:14 What was something you learned about your first college camp, and
09:18 what are some things you've relayed back to some younger guys?
09:21 >> Believe it or not, this is my, well, I have never finished a fall camp here,
09:26 cuz I got hurt last year, two weeks out before Oregon.
09:28 And my freshman year, I got hurt at the beginning of the season, so
09:31 I never really had a fall camp.
09:33 So my goal is just enjoy it, stay in the moment,
09:36 focus on what's important now, each day, the process will get better.
09:40 >> Can you talk about how deep you guys are at receiver?
09:45 Obviously you lost AD, you're talking about bringing in John,
09:47 bringing in Rahul, where's the competition coming from?
09:50 >> It's coming from everybody, down the walk-on, everybody out there trying to
09:52 play, everybody's trying to find a way to make opportunities for
09:55 themselves to be on the field.
09:56 So the competition you're seeing is very high.
09:59 >> Thank you.
10:00 >> Thanks, Italian.
