Charles III : un couple français écrit une lettre au roi et reçoit une réponse, voici comment faire

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Charles III : un couple français écrit une lettre au roi et reçoit une réponse, voici comment faire la même chose

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00:17 They received an answer at the end of July 2023. This French couple from the Baron wished a good reign to Charles III and Camilla.
00:25 The British royal couple did not remain indifferent to the letter from the French.
00:33 Buckingham shows how to address Charles III and Camilla, King and Queen of England, in a letter.
00:43 A couple from the Baron received a letter containing a portrait of Charles III and Camilla as well as their signatures.
00:52 Barbara, a young woman living in the Baron, reports BFM TV, is a fan of the royal family and British culture.
01:03 Her companion also shares the same passion as her.
01:10 She had decided in May to send a letter addressed to King Charles III of England and his wife Queen Camilla on the occasion of their coronation.
01:21 "It was the first coronation and perhaps the only one I will live," the young woman declares on BFM TV.
01:32 Although she did not expect to receive a letter from the King of England or his wife, this was the case. To her great surprise, the original French couple of the Baron received a letter from King Charles III, 74, and Camilla, 76, at the end of July 2023.
01:51 Barbara had sent a letter to Buckingham to wish a good reign to the new King of England.
01:59 "We are very touched by your attention and kind message on the occasion of the coronation," she reads on the very beautiful card sent by the royal couple.
02:11 A portrait of King Charles III and his wife Camilla accompanied the card signed by the two sovereigns.
02:22 The card also carried Buckingham's cache dated July 25, 2023 and the royal cupboards.
02:30 Two styles of letters to write to Charles III thus, for those who want to receive British sovereigns of kind messages signed on a beautiful card, do not lose hope.
02:45 On his website, Buckingham Palace informs on the formalities to follow to write to the King of England and his wife.
02:55 Thus, you have to write to the address, Buckingham Palace, London SW 1A1A.
03:04 The mail is to be addressed to His Majesty the King.
03:11 In case you want to write an official letter, it is recommended to start it by "Sir" and end with the form "I have the honour of being, Sir, the humble and obedient servant of Your Majesty."
03:24 However, Buckingham specifies, everyone is free to write in their own style, because the traditional approach is not mandatory.
03:34 Wow!
03:36 Thank you for watching!
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