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Coronation Street 3 August 2023


00:00 Morning, mate. You sleep all right?
00:12 Ah, like I've slept on four posts of bed in the Ritz.
00:16 Really?
00:17 There might have been a hint of sarcasm in my voice, though.
00:20 Ah. You want a brew?
00:22 Yeah, go on.
00:24 Listen, er, the thing is, mate, and don't take this wrong, because as much as I like having you around the place...
00:33 Well, I am a little ray of sunshine.
00:36 Er, you're going to have to find somewhere else to stay. I'm sorry.
00:40 You can't go off people, you know.
00:42 Yeah, er, it's just we're, you know, we're like sardines as it is with Ryan moving in.
00:47 And you can't sleep on that thing forever. It's very bad for your posture.
00:50 Well, not as bad as bending over backwards for a wife who consistently lies to you.
00:55 Don't worry about it. I'll be out of your hair soon enough.
00:58 How long soon enough?
01:00 You're like one of those dexter attendants by the pool. Right, you? You've had your 20 minutes and I beat it.
01:05 Yeah, I know. Sorry, man, but...
01:08 I'll find something by the end of the day, OK?
01:10 OK. Right. Tea or coffee?
01:13 Er, hot water with a hint of lemon.
01:17 Elders, two sugars. Er, more like it.
01:21 You look terrible.
01:23 Oh, well, that's as subtle as a brick, sweetie.
01:26 Well, I say it in a loving and concerned way. I mean, what Adam did was just plain horrible.
01:33 But with respect, Sarah, you haven't exactly behaved like Snow White in all of this.
01:40 Well, no. Unless she was up to all sorts in that cottage in the woods.
01:45 However, that does not give him the right to belittle you the way he did.
01:51 Not in your condition.
01:53 I don't know what to do. What should I do?
01:55 Well, I... I think I need to speak to him.
01:57 What? No, no. Shh. Give him time to cool down.
02:00 Because you know what fellas are like, right?
02:02 Now, that is good advice.
02:05 And after all, your gran's known a lot of fellas.
02:08 I think he might have calmed down by now.
02:10 And I just need to make him understand it was a massive mistake.
02:14 Maybe not right now, eh?
02:16 Mum, I need to do something to save me marriage. I don't want to end up like you.
02:20 That was me, Ardy kid.
02:23 Four to the floor, and the euphoria rushing through me like Quicksilver.
02:29 Legends, Dancerteria, you name it, I was there.
02:33 Out with the stars, in with the milk.
02:37 Have you ever been a big clubber?
02:38 Not really.
02:39 No, because you was 18.
02:40 I was on those dance floors from 15 onwards.
02:43 Because that was me tribe, see?
02:45 Me family, me skin.
02:47 Yeah, but you've got a family, haven't you?
02:49 They're right here.
02:50 I was the queen of the Ossie Ender.
02:53 The flats now.
02:55 What?
02:56 Well, there's this club that she's talking about.
02:58 I often wonder if in the middle of the night,
03:00 the folk that live there can hear the distant beat of a hard house banger dropping.
03:08 Wow.
03:09 What?
03:10 You alright, honey bun?
03:12 Picture of me and Ash was moved.
03:14 Has it?
03:15 Yeah, well, you must have not too many of those things.
03:17 But who do you think I am, Anthony Turner?
03:19 I've not dusted in here for months.
03:21 Moved, so it's like facing mum.
03:23 Are you calling our bluff here?
03:25 Did you do it?
03:26 Why would I?
03:27 Well, because it couldn't have been Asher, could it?
03:29 It's never Asher.
03:30 No, because she's been staying with Nina.
03:31 Well, I did warn you that it's not uncommon for a mark on a photo
03:34 to herald the presence of a spirit.
03:37 What?
03:38 I don't make the rules up, pal.
03:39 No, seriously.
03:41 Are we going now after everything we discussed yesterday?
03:43 Oh, right, that was a discussion, wasn't it?
03:45 You can call it whatever you like, OK, but we will not discuss this any further, please.
03:49 It was just, I, um...
03:56 Well, I wanted to ask you a question.
03:59 Ah, well, no.
04:01 I've not had any work done, so...
04:03 Ah, funny.
04:05 Look, have you got any good ideas?
04:07 Oh, yeah, I've got loads of good ideas, me.
04:10 That might battle inflation.
04:12 Inflation?
04:14 What, do I look like the Chancellor of the Exchequer or something?
04:17 Oh, hang on now, your, uh, gums are bleeding.
04:20 You've got a bit of a...
04:21 What?
04:22 Yeah, a little bit going on there.
04:23 Oh, right, um...
04:26 Oh, look, uh...
04:28 You know, so many, uh, boozers there, they're failing at the minute,
04:31 and we'll just want my special place to thrive.
04:35 Special, eh?
04:37 So how do I do that?
04:40 Uh, it's a tough time for every business at the moment.
04:44 Have you tried speaking to the brewery, maybe?
04:47 To say what?
04:48 Sometimes they help out pubs and they buy them when they're, you know, financially in trouble.
04:54 No, no, no, I, I don't want to go down that road.
04:56 Oh, OK, you know, assuming that you don't want to raise prices.
05:00 No, 'cause I get one with Jordan and Cotton by the lot.
05:02 Yeah, so, well, in which case, then, my advice to you as a businessman is...
05:08 sell up.
05:10 No, I, I can't lose the Rovers, it's in my blood.
05:14 Try saying that when you're destitute and you're lying in the street,
05:18 and I'm stepping over you and saying, "Oh, I told you, Jenny!"
05:21 Oh, come on, if you're not going to listen to advice, why do you bother asking for it?
05:26 You, uh, joining us for our meeting today, Jenny?
05:29 Sorry, sorry, no, I, I shouldn't be here, it's just I, I wanted to pick Owen's brains about something.
05:35 Well, I didn't realise we were such a cool place to hang out.
05:38 Oh, yes, you are. Officially the in crowd.
05:41 Right, well, I'll see you later, Owen.
05:44 Your naivety's very appealing, Jenny.
05:47 Shall we?
05:49 If we must.
05:51 I like the tiles of this bathroom, but the rooms, so pokey.
05:58 We are looking on a phone, then?
06:00 I've checked the measurements, there's a floor plan at the bottom of the page,
06:03 and I like this one, great front door, but look at the state of that.
06:07 Oh, what kind of a weirdo lives there?
06:10 Who knew you could do a room in double denim?
06:12 Are there any that you actually like?
06:14 I like this one.
06:16 Ooh, that's the very last exit to Brooklyn.
06:19 Is that a good thing?
06:21 No, Daisy, it's a very, very bad thing.
06:23 Morning, Ray.
06:24 You appear to have entered a virtual estate agent.
06:27 Sorry?
06:28 They seem to be looking at flats.
06:31 What's that?
06:34 Double denim, don't ask.
06:36 You know, on reflection, doesn't double denim refer to a clothing look?
06:41 Yeah, what's your point?
06:43 Well, I know there's just something slightly off about you using it to describe a room, but...
06:47 It's got a denim sofa and denim curtains, Daniel, just drop it.
06:51 There are few things more edifying than witnessing a young couple with their whole lives ahead of them.
06:58 Yeah.
07:00 So, how did the gender reveal party go yesterday?
07:03 I mean, DeeDee texted Adam, but he's not got back.
07:06 Scandal.
07:07 It didn't quite go according to plan, but maybe she should ask Adam next time she sees him.
07:13 Yeah, these events do tend to revel in a very binary view of the world.
07:18 Coffee?
07:19 Coffee, please, Roy.
07:23 So, you guys are looking at flats then, yeah?
07:26 Someone's very choosy.
07:27 Speak for yourself.
07:28 Well, it just so happens I know of a small but beautifully formed, very nice, homely little place
07:36 next to some beautiful gardens, available as of today.
07:42 Where is it?
07:44 The Bilderjard flat.
07:46 Well, that's certainly worth looking into.
07:51 Right then, I'll get it suited.
07:55 Look at that.
07:56 As the man who invented the paracetamol says, that tablet is quite a hit.
08:01 How do you know it wasn't a woman?
08:03 Was it?
08:05 I don't know.
08:08 Well, I think I've made up for yesterday.
08:11 I know it's not going to be easy, but I am determined she's going to be as happy as she can be.
08:16 Snap.
08:18 I can't hear you, you know.
08:21 How was the pop quiz, by the way?
08:24 Well, I hate to teeter on the brink of boastfulness, but we won.
08:30 Really?
08:31 Thanks to Roy. He's so bright.
08:33 You'll have to come with us next time. Just give it another go.
08:37 You don't need me.
08:39 We do dovetail together quite nicely, intellectually speaking, different strengths, different specialist subjects.
08:46 The one thing we do have in common is we keep a cool head in a high-pressure situation.
08:54 It's a pub quiz, not a G7 summit.
08:57 Oh. Yeah, well, quite the double act now I come to think about it.
09:02 Aye. Proper Morcambe and Wise, you two.
09:06 See you. See you, Dawn.
09:11 That is horrible.
09:12 But she lied to me.
09:13 So you announced it to the world on a balloon?
09:16 No, Adam, that is twisted.
09:18 Did you not hear what I said?
09:19 Yeah, she lied to you. What you've could have done is completely...
09:22 OK, I know I've not covered myself in glory, but to be honest with you, I can't think about the right now,
09:27 because I've got more pressing concerns.
09:29 Like what?
09:30 Like I need somewhere to live.
09:32 So yours have actually gone and broken up?
09:34 I can't believe she would lie to me about something so fundamentally important.
09:38 She is not pregnant with my child, but she swore blind to me she was.
09:43 Do you want to stay in my spare room for a bit?
09:46 Are you sure?
09:47 Look, I'm not taking your side, to be clear. I'm not taking anyone's side.
09:52 Thank you. It won't be for long, I promise.
09:54 No, it's better, Adam, me.
09:59 Any chance you can make yourself scarce, Dee Dee?
10:02 I think we should probably talk.
10:04 Or should we?
10:05 Of course.
10:09 So what we need to do, basically...
10:11 I don't do anything basic.
10:13 ...is increase profit margins without putting off the punters with equally increased prices.
10:19 Good luck with that.
10:21 Maybe I'm daft, maybe Owen's right. Maybe I should sell up.
10:26 It's just, you know, when I moved round here I was a teenager, you know, and my life was upside down.
10:33 It was proper chaotic.
10:35 I used to walk past and I'd see the light through the windows on a rainy night and I'd hear the laughter and the music.
10:44 And it just seemed like a place where people could come and everything would be all right with the world.
10:48 And that's what I want this place to be.
10:52 A happy place.
10:55 The Beatles had just broken the States and everything was all right in the world.
11:00 How old do you think I am?
11:02 Forgive me for intruding, but your friend Owen is wrong.
11:06 I have a notion that I think could work.
11:09 You show me your notion and I'll show you mine.
11:11 I have one word for you, Jenny, and that word is shrinkflation.
11:17 You reduce the portion sizes.
11:20 I can't. I can't pull a pint with 30% froth.
11:24 There'd be a mutiny.
11:26 No, I don't think he's talking about pints.
11:28 I'm not.
11:30 Are we ready to be rational?
11:32 Rational about you having an affair? That's interesting.
11:35 Oh, no, I did. The Unforgivable.
11:36 Ah, finally.
11:37 Yeah, but so did you.
11:39 What have I done?
11:40 Oh, come on, you've hardly kept it in your pants, have you, all these years?
11:43 Here we go, another history lesson.
11:44 Well, there was Carla, there was that girl that was in here.
11:46 When we weren't together.
11:48 You know, you're throwing a lot of insults about me when in reality you know that I'm the good guy.
11:51 You're the good guy. The guy that humiliated me in front of my whole family.
11:56 Because this is a lot.
11:59 I know, I know, Adam, I know it is.
12:02 I'll never forgive you. I'll never, ever forgive you.
12:06 Cold up there, is it, on your high horse?
12:09 Sarah, you lied to me repeatedly. Again and again.
12:13 Yeah, I do know what repeatedly means.
12:15 You would never have told me the truth, would you?
12:17 You would have let me coast along for the rest of my life, believing that thing inside you was mine.
12:21 That thing?
12:22 First birthday, first day at school, uni, wedding, babies of their own.
12:27 All the fruit of my loins while inside you we'd been laughing.
12:31 That's not true. You know that I love you so much.
12:34 Is this what you call love?
12:36 Spinning a web of lies to what? Make me happy?
12:38 No, to cover your back because you dropped your knickers for the local scally.
12:42 Oh, here we go.
12:44 Losing the arguments you're trying to flare, garnering a bit of sympathy.
12:47 Do you really think that badly of me?
12:49 After everything you've done, yeah.
12:51 I don't know what to think anymore, Sarah.
12:54 OK, thanks. I'm just going to wait out here.
13:11 See ya.
13:12 Sarah?
13:19 You OK?
13:21 Not really. I've got pains in my stomach.
13:25 I'm just going to take a taxi to the hospital.
13:28 Yeah, good idea.
13:30 Oh, sure, it's nothing, but I've just got a stomach cramp, so...
13:34 Is Adam going with you?
13:35 Who, Mum, love?
13:36 Yeah, sorry, I'm going to have to go.
13:38 Yeah, yeah, no, it's fine.
13:41 I hope everything's OK. Good luck.
13:43 Excellent. I'll just give a bit of my life on it.
13:48 So you reckon you're an angel sent from heaven above?
13:51 Yeah, that's because I'm so in touch with the spirits.
13:53 Oh, she been on a vadiot already?
13:55 Eh? You cheeky monkey.
13:57 Not them spirits. Them spirits.
14:00 All right. Well, if you drag yourself back down to planet Earth for two sacks,
14:03 I'll have a brood of bacon bought you, please.
14:05 I know what I'm talking about.
14:07 Even if I do walk among sceptics.
14:09 Oh, I can't believe you're still banging on about all that.
14:12 Welcome to my world, sunshine.
14:14 Photos, framed photos, have been moved around Avengers crib.
14:18 Come on, we used to do that all the time when we were kids.
14:21 Every time she went to the loo, we'd turn her knick-knacks back to front.
14:24 These have not been repositioned by human hand, Apollo.
14:27 OK, look, Bernie...
14:28 Eat your eggs, Dev, you're getting on my nerves now.
14:30 You need to stop this now.
14:31 Sunita's restless spirit is moving through your home.
14:34 OK, stop saying that.
14:35 I'm only telling you what I'm feeling.
14:37 Yes, I feel something else.
14:38 What? How's that even possible?
14:40 Look, I'm not going to start believing in the afterlife just because somebody knocked the photo.
14:44 What I was thinking of asking you, what...
14:48 Go on.
14:49 Do you fancy doing a few shifts for us at the sun, Pauline?
14:53 Er, yeah. Yeah, why not?
14:56 Excellent.
14:57 It's about time I got my hands dirty again.
14:59 Two soups?
15:01 No, no, we ordered hot pot.
15:02 Yeah, we both did.
15:04 It's the Victoria Wood line. These are hot pots.
15:07 Have you seen the two soups sketch? Oh, it's so funny.
15:10 Come on, love, my stomach thinks my neck's been cut here.
15:12 Yeah, we've been waiting ages.
15:14 Sorry about the wait, then.
15:15 It's all right, darling.
15:16 Bon appétit.
15:18 Can't beat a bit of hot pot, eh?
15:22 Personally, I like mine with a bit of red cabbage.
15:25 But then I've been on the cruise ship, so I'm prone to the exotic.
15:28 There's no meat in this, is there?
15:33 No, there is.
15:34 Yeah, it might as well be soup.
15:36 Well, nothing's changed.
15:38 It's the usual recipe.
15:40 Maybe it looks like there's less 'cause you're so hungry.
15:43 Yeah, no-one else has complained.
15:45 Mine's mostly carrot.
15:47 It's only good for your carrot.
15:49 Well, you eat it, then.
15:51 I don't like it, I'm just saying.
15:53 Do I look plant-based to you?
15:55 The answer's no.
15:57 If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
15:59 OK, OK, I'll get you two more. On the house.
16:01 All right, cheers. With actual meat in.
16:03 Yeah.
16:04 One sec.
16:05 Brown sauce as well. I like it with that.
16:08 You are so, so, so right.
16:11 Yes, well, why don't we? No time like the present.
16:14 I'd love that.
16:16 Well, this is it. You see, I've long been fascinated by Ajax.
16:20 He's a towering figure of great courage, by all accounts.
16:24 Ajax, eh?
16:25 What?
16:26 Yeah, there's an exhibition in town on Ajax we're toying with going.
16:31 Wow. Don't you think that's weird?
16:33 I mean, surely you think that's weird.
16:35 What's weird about it?
16:37 Well, having a whole exhibition about a cleaning product.
16:40 Oh.
16:41 Ah. I mean, with so many on the market, why would you pick on that particular one?
16:45 Oh, dear.
16:46 I mean, it's so niche.
16:47 Where's it on?
16:48 No. Stu, no, no, no.
16:50 We were discussing the Greek hero Ajax as an exhibition of Greek mythology.
16:57 I know that right. Come on, man.
16:59 I'm already pulling your leg, man.
17:02 I tell you, but if you want to believe I'm some kind of daft lad...
17:06 Please don't put yourself down.
17:08 Why don't you come with us? The more the merrier.
17:11 Perhaps you might learn a thing or two about the classics.
17:14 Well, to be honest, I've already arranged something with Eliza, but thanks for the offer.
17:21 [laughs]
17:23 I mean, she was full of apologies, but I was having none of it.
17:27 I can understand why you're upset.
17:29 Obviously.
17:31 What are you doing here?
17:33 I'm just going back to work.
17:35 I thought you'd be at the hospital. We saved her.
17:37 Hospital?
17:38 Yeah, do you not know?
17:40 I saw her before getting into a cab to go to A&E. She was having really bad stomach cramps.
17:44 I thought she was putting it on.
17:46 Putting it on?
17:49 [indistinct chatter]
17:51 Sarah Barlow?
18:10 You can come through now.
18:15 Looks like a lot of likes there to me.
18:18 556.
18:19 Wow. Hey, look at this one. Proper fitty, eh?
18:23 Do a full frontal. That's from a... that's from a fella.
18:27 Hey, what about this one?
18:29 Shows your face. I didn't think you wanted to put your picture online.
18:34 No, I don't... I don't post any pictures of me face. It's just more of a look at me gym body account.
18:40 Wow. I'm looking at it, eh?
18:43 Whoa.
18:45 Do you know what, mate? You keep lifting them weights and you'll be as rich as me soon.
18:50 All right, all right. Well, anyway, I'm going to post loads of fitness content and track me progress working out and that.
18:56 Ah, right. Well, do you know what? I'm glad that you feel able to put yourself out there again.
19:02 Good for you, mate.
19:03 Cheers, yeah. So am I.
19:11 Well, that went well.
19:13 It was a bit of a daft idea, wasn't it?
19:16 Reducing the meat content, thinking the regulars wouldn't notice.
19:20 I don't know why you're so beholden to that Stephen. Every time he opens his mouth, garbage comes out.
19:25 No, he just thinks outside the box, you know, and some people aren't ready for that box.
19:31 And some people thinks he's off his box.
19:33 No, the idea was good. It just didn't account for Ed and Gary being such greedy beggars.
19:40 I'm about to put another two in the oven now to make up for the small portions.
19:44 Goodness knows how much this is all going to end up costing.
19:48 What now?
19:51 Is the sound turned down?
20:04 Sorry, Sarah. I should have said yes, it is.
20:09 Why?
20:11 Where's the heartbeat?
20:17 Is my baby okay? Please, can you tell me?
20:24 Please tell me.
20:26 I'll be right back. Just need to get the doctor to take a look.
20:33 [door opens]
21:01 Oh, surprise, surprise.
21:03 What have we got here?
21:06 Hi, lover. I didn't know that you were back here.
21:09 No, because I was meant to be working. I only came back for my charger and I find this.
21:13 Well, I don't know what you think...
21:14 Just shut up!
21:16 You've been caught red-handed.
21:18 Trying to make out some supernatural rubbish that's been going on.
21:21 Oh, you little fag.
21:23 Just like you did with the photos earlier.
21:26 So what have you got to gain by trying to make out that Sunita's still knocking about?
21:31 What?
21:33 I'm so sorry, Sarah.
21:54 But you've lost the baby.
21:57 No, no, no, please, please don't go, because we might not have electricity, but we've still got bottles.
22:16 How desperate did that sound?
22:18 On a scale of one to ten.
22:20 [doorbell rings]
22:22 Oh, yes!
22:24 Yay!
22:26 Like I said, all in a day's work. There you go.
22:28 Please tell her that it's fixed the oven as well.
22:30 Oh, hands, not wands. Sorry.
22:32 You've got no food. You're joking. I'm starving.
22:34 Don't worry, darling. I will treat you to a kebab.
22:37 Just do not tell your mother.
22:39 Tell your mother.
22:41 Thanks, boss.
22:42 Well, I'm feeling lucky. Not every day I get a new subbie and new tenants.
22:50 Location's perfect. There's no dodgy denim, so I've had a little word.
22:55 If we can get the deposit together, the flat's ours from the end of the month.
22:59 What would you like to see happening, Sarah?
23:02 Well, if you want, you can go home, have a think, and come back and see us in the next 48 hours.
23:11 Then what?
23:13 You can wait for the pregnancy to pass naturally at home.
23:17 Okay. How long does that take?
23:19 Usually days, but it can take longer.
23:23 So I just walk around waiting?
23:26 Or we can speed things up medically with a tablet called Misoprostol.
23:31 That will make your uterus contract and push out the pregnancy.
23:35 You can do that here or at home when you're ready.
23:38 I can't go home. My life's...
23:45 My husband's left me. Just.
23:49 Oh, that's tough.
23:51 This baby wasn't his. Please don't judge us.
23:55 Sarah, we don't.
23:56 We were just...
23:58 We were in the middle of a fight, another one, and...
24:02 And the pain kicked off.
24:05 I mean, what if it knew?
24:09 I mean, do you think maybe the babies know when they're not wanted?
24:14 I don't, no.
24:16 I wanted it so much.
24:20 I really did. I loved it so much already, little boy or girl.
24:24 Pregnancies end for all kinds of reasons.
24:28 A screaming row, though?
24:31 A physical?
24:32 No.
24:33 No.
24:34 Never physical, just ugly.
24:37 Stress can trigger a loss, extreme stress.
24:41 But more likely, that pregnancy was never going to be viable for a host of reasons.
24:47 Sarah, you didn't bring this on yourself.
24:51 Oh, it's just gonna be so hard anyway.
24:55 Just going back to the flat, you know, our flat.
24:59 And it's not gonna be there.
25:02 Just going back with a pack of tablets in my hand and waiting.
25:10 Like, how long's it gonna take?
25:12 Is it gonna be hours or days making tea or doing the washing up and sweating?
25:18 Waiting for my baby to slip away.
25:21 I can't. I'm so sorry. I can't do it.
25:23 Please, it's just too much.
25:25 I'm really sorry. I don't understand.
25:28 You lost a baby. I saw that in your notes.
25:31 I'm so sorry, Sarah.
25:37 Billy, yeah, he was a lot for that.
25:41 31 weeks. That's hard.
25:44 Yeah, he only lived for a couple of days.
25:49 I've never forgotten him.
25:54 You'll never forget this one.
25:56 I'm so sorry. I just, I can't, I can't.
26:00 I can't do it at home because I'm meant to be strong.
26:05 I'm meant to be strong. I'm not strong.
26:07 I'm really not strong.
26:09 When I had my son Harry, I just lost him.
26:12 Postpartum diagnosis. It's all locked, Sarah.
26:16 And it's my job to get you the support that you need.
26:19 Please, I just, I need to know that I can walk out of here and it's done.
26:24 I'm gonna make a few calls, eh?
26:30 I wasn't dissing Sunita.
26:33 No, no, no, but it kind of seems that way, doesn't it?
26:35 What, turning her memory into some sort of, like, a game?
26:38 What, an elf on the shelf of the afterlife, is that it?
26:41 Ouch.
26:43 Peckish, not him.
26:45 Honestly.
26:46 Oh, please.
26:47 With that word, in your mouth.
26:50 This is about truth, my truth, and I believe that we live on as spirits.
26:54 If our Paul could start to believe it too.
26:56 What?
26:57 Your Paul?
26:59 What, you did all this for your son?
27:02 What, you toy with Sunita's memory? You freak out my kids for your son?
27:07 My dying son, yeah?
27:09 And if you can't understand that that comes from a good place...
27:11 Yeah, a good place.
27:13 A sad place, okay? I understand.
27:16 But I don't approve of you messing with my children's minds.
27:19 No.
27:21 I'm not on board with that.
27:23 (Sighs)
27:25 Hey.
27:45 I've been calling you.
27:47 Maria says she saw you waiting for a cab.
27:52 Listen, I'm sorry, I let my mouth run away with me.
27:55 It was vicious, I had no right.
27:58 How long you been here? Has anyone seen you?
28:00 It's all right, just don't bother throwing your weight around.
28:03 I've been seen already.
28:06 They were really good, actually, really kind.
28:09 But, erm...
28:11 Makes no sense, the baby's gone.
28:15 Just like that?
28:18 Yeah, they did a scan.
28:22 There was no heartbeat, I saw it.
28:25 You can get a second opinion, though.
28:27 It doesn't make any difference.
28:29 It's just... over.
28:32 Except it isn't, is it? Because it's still inside me.
28:37 I mean, how cruel is that?
28:39 They said that I could go home with a packet of tablets to speed it up.
28:48 But, erm...
28:50 I can't, I can't face it, I can't.
28:53 Like, the waiting...
28:57 and the fear and the pain, and then, like, Harry...
29:00 I'll look after Harry.
29:02 They said they can operate, you know, because of my history, so...
29:08 I'll be able to, you know, get it done,
29:12 and then I can go home in a couple of hours.
29:15 Surgery? Are you sure?
29:17 Yeah, a local anaesthetic.
29:20 So you're going to be awake?
29:22 It'll be horrible, I don't want to do it.
29:32 Yeah, it'll be good, cos then it's just, it's done, you know,
29:38 like, physically, at least, so...
29:40 Is there anything I can do? Can I come to theatre?
29:43 Sarah, we're ready if you are.
29:47 Hey, I'll be here, OK?
29:49 Can I ask you to hold these for me, please?
29:54 I'll be here.
29:58 Hey, smell that, eh?
30:04 What sight are you looking at?
30:06 Just a dance thing.
30:08 Oh, well, that'll keep her. Give me a hand turning this out, will you?
30:11 Oh, perfect timing.
30:13 Have I got a treat for... you.
30:16 Banana bread. Wait till you taste this, Roy.
30:20 It's heavenly.
30:22 So, how was the exhibition?
30:26 Wonderful.
30:28 Humbling, the great sweep of history from the 7th century BC.
30:32 I might have to go back.
30:34 There's only so much the brain can absorb in one visit.
30:38 Do you find that?
30:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah, deceitful.
30:41 You'll find that.
30:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah, this, um, this nogging gets full up pretty fast.
30:46 Um, why don't you show us through the catalogue, Roy?
30:51 Oh, yeah.
30:53 Yeah, yeah. Ajax.
30:55 The man and the myth.
30:58 Yeah, champion.
30:59 And... not a scrubbing brush inside.
31:03 Ajax, eh? Powder.
31:08 I'll do the gag, Roy. You stick to the galleries, eh?
31:12 Ha! You've rebranded. The Tumbleweed Tavern.
31:21 Ha!
31:22 I'm glad one of us found it funny.
31:25 I've stood Daisy down till this evening. There's no point paying her.
31:28 Oh, well, just hand her back up and I'll whisk you away on a romantic getaway. How's that?
31:33 No, I'm going nowhere.
31:34 Two grand down, it's not even tea time.
31:37 What?
31:38 I've had to order a new oven. Ours blew up at Fusar Place.
31:41 Joyce, a good job we were here. Could have burnt the pub down.
31:44 (BURPS)
31:45 Maybe you should have let her.
31:47 You're meant to be on my side.
31:49 No, I am, but, you know, you ask me for advice and then you don't bother taking it.
31:54 Does Barbara Streisand there pay rent?
31:58 Yeah, of course.
32:00 Yeah? Market rate?
32:02 Well, she's sunk every time into the little big shots.
32:05 You know, they've got their first proper showcase coming up.
32:07 Yeah, and you are a soft touch with a heart of gold.
32:11 Maybe you should start listening to your head.
32:14 # Don't tell me not who left a certain para
32:21 # Like candy on the sunset by the barrel. #
32:24 I would have taken that away.
32:34 (BURPS)
32:35 Oh, I've been getting upset. I don't even know if it was a boy or a girl.
32:45 I do.
32:47 I saw the results before. I did what I did.
32:52 Tell me.
32:55 She was a girl.
33:03 Sadie.
33:04 - Yenander? - Yeah, in my head.
33:07 Sadie, or Sid.
33:09 I would have changed it if, you know, if you...
33:14 We...
33:17 Anyway, it wasn't bad. She's gone, so...
33:20 - It's my fault. - No, no, I never said that.
33:24 It's what you're thinking. It's what I'm thinking.
33:27 And so will everybody else when they hear what I did.
33:30 You put her under so much stress that she miscarried.
33:33 Look, they didn't say that at the hospital, not the doctors, not the midwives.
33:37 They said, most of the time,
33:39 there's just no way of knowing why a baby doesn't make it.
33:43 I mean, I know exactly why Billy didn't,
33:47 because he... he was in an abruption and he was starved of oxygen.
33:50 And I'm... I'm not really sure it makes me miss him any less, knowing so.
33:55 I want to hug you.
33:57 I want to hug you.
33:58 Because you should.
34:02 Because... 'cause this is awful.
34:05 And you feel a million miles away.
34:07 Gil.
34:12 - Oh, my God. - Oh, I'm so sorry.
34:19 - I didn't tell you. - Oh, my God.
34:23 (SIGHS)
34:24 - Are you doing deliveries now? - That's my mum's mantra, isn't it?
34:40 "I never go anywhere, I get empty-handed."
34:43 - Do you want a break to go and eat? - Yeah, I'll do it.
34:46 - More... - Lover Brew.
34:51 Oh, have you come to ask for a hand in marriage?
34:54 No offence, it's just, erm, you don't usually bob in.
34:59 Yeah, 'cause I don't like it when people do it to me
35:01 and I just turn up all unannounced and they catch me in my lounge pants.
35:04 - Snotted. - Well...
35:06 So she obviously hasn't told you then?
35:08 No.
35:11 No deal. The whole spiritual unrest in the house,
35:14 the photographs all moving about in their own accord and freaking out the twins,
35:18 that's, erm... all Bernie's doings.
35:21 You're kidding?
35:23 Oh, that's sick. Bad sick.
35:25 Yeah, and frightening and cruel, so kids have only ever been welcoming to her.
35:29 Yeah, look, I'll have a word with her. Sorry, mate.
35:32 No, please, don't apologise. I think I've made my feelings pretty clear.
35:36 Well, like dumping clear, 'cause I don't know if she can go off...
35:39 - I can see where she's coming from. - Can you? I can't.
35:43 Paul, she desperately wants you to believe.
35:47 In what?
35:48 That when you pass over, when we all pass over,
35:51 that there is this other sphere. It's not just this bleak oblivion.
35:55 So do you think you can accept or at least pretend to accept that's true?
36:01 Well, hang on. You want the dying guy to do the comforting?
36:05 Pretty much, yeah.
36:07 - What, lie? - No.
36:09 Keep an open mind.
36:11 Let your mother sleep at night.
36:15 Here she is, the hottest hoffer in Weatherfield.
36:18 Hoffer? Dancer. Think Fred and Ginger.
36:21 Look, it's great you could run classes on your doorstep.
36:25 Oh, God's sake, kid.
36:27 Must have saved yourself a fortune in travel, eh?
36:30 It's not just that. It's the company.
36:33 Stops me feeling like a headless chicken even on my longest days.
36:36 Can't put a price on that.
36:38 Buying the franchise nearly wiped me out.
36:41 Yeah, but we're changing lives. Still in discipline.
36:45 You know, setting up the little big shots for life.
36:48 But I wouldn't have been able to get this far without our gen.
36:51 Times are tough for all businesses, aren't they?
36:55 Yeah, but what do we say, eh?
36:58 - Kikai and smile! - Kikai and smile!
37:00 Oh, ciao for now.
37:02 Yeah, true, I love you.
37:08 Hello? Open goal?
37:11 I mean, that's what you call a sitter?
37:14 Do you know what, Owen?
37:16 This isn't working.
37:18 Yeah, two grand down by tea time. Tell me about it.
37:20 No, no, this, us.
37:22 You're a know-all and you're no help.
37:25 What?
37:27 What, you're dumping me?
37:29 Look, no hard feelings, yeah. We just... we want different things.
37:33 Yeah, well, financial security and a post-have-a-place.
37:37 A post-have-a-playlist, for a start.
37:39 Yeah, you bet we do, but I mean...
37:41 Oh. Oh, right.
37:46 Yeah, you give me the heave-ho. This is, uh...
37:48 This is Stephen's idea, isn't it?
37:50 - What? No! - Yeah.
37:52 No, do you know, is this kind of patronising talk that's got us in...
37:54 Yeah, old blue eyes himself, eh?
37:56 A shark in the boardroom, a killer in the bedroom.
37:59 I have got a mind of my own.
38:01 Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Jenny.
38:03 HE SIGHS
38:05 Mmm!
38:10 Cheers.
38:16 Hey, Dad.
38:18 Didn't have your, er, your rice pudding, but...
38:21 Hey, where's the main man?
38:23 You OK?
38:26 Sarah's lost the baby.
38:31 That's awful.
38:33 How is she?
38:36 Pretty caught up, I imagine.
38:38 Yeah.
38:40 Are you OK?
38:44 Yeah, it's complicated.
38:48 Watching her like that, it was...
38:51 - Do you want a top-up? - No, it's fine, thanks.
38:55 I don't feel like getting drunk tonight.
38:57 OK.
39:00 Let her know that we're thinking of her, yeah?
39:02 Thank you.
39:04 You know, for someone who broke you, your words...
39:17 ..she can't half get under your skin.
39:20 A lesser man might have washed his hands of all this.
39:25 Dodged a bullet, pal.
39:29 Might have even thought...
39:31 ..you made your bed, Sarah.
39:33 Payback time.
39:35 But you...
39:38 ..there's eaten away at you.
39:41 She looks so lost.
39:43 Well, what does that tell you?
39:48 There's hope for me yet.
39:50 She's the it. She can't stop scratching.
39:53 She's the one, Adam.
39:58 You can't walk away.
40:00 I don't know. It's coming to somewhat.
40:06 Your son asked you out for a drink
40:08 and then you have to go and get him yourself.
40:10 There's something different about you today.
40:15 Wait, there it is again. The glow.
40:18 No, it's cold, hot flush.
40:21 No, no, no, it's all around you. It's pulsing.
40:23 Like a disco light. I'm chill out.
40:25 - Miura? - Hmm.
40:27 What colour is it?
40:29 It's gold. Wait, or is it red?
40:32 Or did you have ready for breakfast?
40:35 Wait a minute, where's your purse?
40:37 It was here a minute ago.
40:39 Ooh, it's the spirits.
40:41 - You want these as well? - Saki, get the spirits.
40:44 You can skit all you like.
40:47 I believe what I believe.
40:50 Well, who are we to say you're wrong?
40:53 Whatever gets you through the night.
40:56 I'm serious.
40:58 I mean, we won't know there's a dark abyss
41:00 until we're standing right in front of it.
41:02 Or a place that offers peace and tranquility
41:06 to all souls and energies.
41:08 I know which I'd rather look forward to.
41:11 - Yeah. - I get that. Makes sense.
41:14 I'm just asking you to take blinkers off, son.
41:18 I'll try.
41:21 For you.
41:23 Will you? Tomorrow?
41:26 Free your mind.
41:28 And the rest will follow.
41:31 Busy day?
41:39 If I smoked, I'd be puffing like a chimney right now.
41:42 I gave Owen his marching orders and he came out swinging.
41:46 I know, you're not a fan.
41:49 Well, let's just say I'm glad you've seen the light.
41:51 Do you know, maybe it's me.
41:54 Maybe I'm wrong for this game. I ain't got the steel.
41:57 You?
41:58 Maybe I'm only good in the good times.
42:00 You've been to hell and still bounce back. This is a blip.
42:03 - Is it? - Yeah.
42:05 The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
42:07 Well, can you tell Dawn to get her riddle on?
42:09 Jen, you are talking to the comeback kid himself.
42:13 Old blue eyes.
42:16 You are the strongest, sassiest,
42:18 most resourceful woman in this city.
42:23 Go kick Dawn's ass.
42:25 Who can use your key? It's still your flat.
42:39 Where's Gail?
42:41 She's gone home. She's gonna have Harry overnight for me.
42:45 How you feeling?
42:48 Yeah, it's just...
42:50 sore, sad.
42:52 Thank you, you know, for showing up today, after everything.
42:57 It hasn't changed anything, Sarah.
43:01 Too much has happened.
43:03 I've behaved appallingly.
43:06 I can't undo what I've done.
43:08 But I haven't been myself in weeks. I'm not saying it's an excuse.
43:11 It's been a bit of an excuse.
43:13 The trust is gone. And I can't get over it.
43:17 The trust is gone. And I can't get over it.
43:20 Adam, you... you sat there with me, and you cared for me.
43:27 It's one human being to another.
43:29 I didn't want to believe it. I tried to be the bigger man.
43:32 But the truth is, our marriage was dead the minute you slept with Damon.
43:35 It's been death by a thousand cuts ever since.
43:38 I'm a monster. I know the timing.
43:42 But I can't stick around because I'm worried about what other people might think about me.
43:47 For myself. For my own self-respect.
43:50 I want a divorce.
43:55 [music]
44:00 And if you...