Jesse Watters Biden wont survive this scrutiny

  • last year
Jesse Watters Biden wont survive this scrutiny
00:00 Fox News alert. The full transcript of Biden's former business partner,
00:04 Devin Archer's just been released and it confirms everything that Joe Biden
00:09 in the media have been lying to you about. Archer testified. Not only did
00:14 Joe Biden know about his son's foreign business, but Vice President Joe Biden
00:19 sat at elegant dinners that lasted hours with his son's foreign clients,
00:25 and he knew exactly who they were. According to Archer, Joe would enter the
00:30 room and shake everybody's hand. They weren't going to him. Joe Biden was
00:34 coming to them. One of these dinners, Archer says, was a birthday dinner at
00:40 Cafe Milano in Georgetown in the spring of 2014. Now we checked. Neither Joe
00:45 Hunter or Archer have birthdays in the spring. So why was the vice president
00:50 attending one of his son's dirty foreign clients birthday dinners? Well,
00:54 according to Archer, the guest list for the birthday dinner included Russian
00:58 billionaires, friends of Putin, a Burisma executive and a Kazakhstan businessman.
01:05 One of them was a billionaire. And here's a picture of Joe Biden from the
01:09 birthday dinner. The guy on the right of the picture is a former Kazakhstani
01:13 intel chief who was charged with treason and sent to prison for 18 years. I
01:19 wonder what Biden talked to him about. Probably just the weather. And when
01:22 dinner wrapped up, the money came rolling in. Archer says after the
01:27 birthday dinner, one of the Kazakhstan ease wired Hunter $142,000. It was wired
01:33 through a bank that was later shut down for helping North Korea by ballistic
01:37 missiles on the wiring instructions from the dirty bank. The reason for the
01:42 wire, the Kazakhstan he wrote this for car Hunter took the 142,000 and wired
01:49 it to a car dealership in Jersey where he bought a brand new Porsche Panamera.
01:54 See how this works. Hunter brings daddy to the dinner with clients and drives
01:59 off in a Porsche. It's a birthday dinner, but Hunter gets the gift. And
02:04 what father sees his son driving around in a brand new Porsche and doesn't ask
02:08 how'd you pay for it?
02:09 But a bigger gift came later. A Russian billionaire who was also at the
02:14 birthday dinner with Joe wired Hunter's company $3.5 million afterwards.
02:19 And President Biden just happened to have left her off the sanctions list
02:24 for the Ukraine war. Guess who also had dinner with Joe Biden, an executive
02:30 from Burisma, you know, the energy company from Ukraine that paid 100
02:35 millions of bucks, a company under investigation for corruption, a company
02:39 Joe Biden said he had nothing to do with. Well, in Burisma was getting
02:44 investigated by this Ukrainian prosecutor. Archer says they asked
02:48 Hunter can D. C. Help. And Archer says Hunter called his dad even though he
02:55 knew it set off some serious alarm bells for influence peddling. Archer
03:00 went on to say Burisma would have gone out of business if it hadn't have the
03:04 brand attached to it. And then he said the brand is Joe Biden. Archer says
03:10 the Biden brand made people feel intimidated to mess with them legally.
03:14 So a corrupt Ukrainian company was paying Hunter Biden millions of
03:17 dollars so his father, the V. P. Could provide legal protection.
03:22 That's what Trump got impeached for asking about that right there. And now
03:29 we know from the eyewitness insider testimony, it's all true. And after
03:34 reading the transcript, this whole excuse from Democrats like Goldman
03:38 saying Joe was discussing the weather with clients was actually a joke.
03:42 Archer said, well, not necessarily the weather, you know, it's quite obvious
03:49 what we're talking about. So even the Democrats lame cover stories are
03:54 falling apart. Democrats also said Archer testified that Hunter wasn't
03:57 selling access to Joe. He was selling the illusion of access to Joe. Well,
04:03 Goldman lied about that, too. Dan Goldman said that Archer testified
04:08 that it was the illusion of access to Joe Biden that Hunter Biden was
04:14 offering to these clients. But in fact, when you look at the transcript,
04:18 what you see is that that phrase illusion of access is in Dan Goldman's
04:24 question is actually not what Devin Archer testified to. He says, yes, but
04:29 that's not quite fair. This was about showing that there was the signal that
04:36 there's influence and access here. So this Biden scandal is playing out like
04:41 the Russia hoax. Remember the Democrats, the media, the fact checkers all tell
04:44 you the same story, and then you see the evidence and find out it's a lie.
04:49 This is a big sigh up there running on us all over again. An innocent man is
04:54 being locked up so a corrupt politician can remain in power because Archer's
04:58 testimony makes Joe Biden a co conspirator in his son's bribery scheme.
05:03 Joe Biden was having dinners on phone calls, firing prosecutors and doing
05:07 favors. That makes him an accessory to an illegal foreign lobbying racket. Joe
05:11 knows this. He knows it's dicey. He hinted at it in a letter he wrote to
05:16 Archer about 12 years ago. Joe Biden thanked Archer for being in business
05:22 with his son. Quote, Happy you guys are together.
05:26 What was the real reason Biden was so happy? Well, because it was at this very
05:31 moment when Hunter and Archer made a leap from lobbying into private equity.
05:35 Hunter, the lobbying was risky. It exposed Joe. But in private equity, you
05:41 don't get paid direct fees for services. Instead, clients become your investors,
05:46 meaning hunters. Clients were investors in the Biden access program. The
05:51 Chinese, Ukrainians, Romanians, Kazakhstan ease invest in a fund that
05:55 Hunter takes withdrawals from. The whole Biden family treated the fund like a
06:01 piggy bank. Kaching. This is why Biden's Department of Justice is trying to
06:05 give Hunter immunity. It's basically like a full pardon and covers
06:08 everything, but it's all coming out. We're barreling towards impeachment,
06:13 and Joe Biden won't survive the scrutiny. He can't. The American people
06:16 despise corruption, and Joe Biden does not have the political capital to power
06:21 through it. If you look at Joe Biden's approval on the economy right now, it
06:27 stinks. Your approval rating also stinks. More people actually trust
06:32 congressional Republicans than President Biden. The most important
06:35 issues of the day, and this to me is a very worrying sign for the president
06:40 going into the presidential election year, because the fact is, if he's doing
06:43 this poorly against congressional Republicans, imagine how he might do
06:46 against a presidential candidate from the Republican side. It's so bad.
06:49 Barack Obama's doing a little C. Y. A. According to The Washington Post,
06:53 Barack had a private lunch with Joe, telling him it's not looking good for
06:57 you, pal. He warned him that Trump's gonna be tough to beat. Obviously,
07:02 Obama leaked this detail of the lunch to make it look like I told you so.
07:06 There's blood in the water, and Gavin Newsom knows it. Behind the scenes,
07:11 he's building a giant war chest. His team's ramping up a national
07:15 fundraising effort. His super PAC already has about six mil in the bank.
07:19 So what's that mean? It means Joe Biden's wounded. It means Democrats
07:24 smell it. The Trump indictment looks desperate, and the bribe bombshells
07:29 continue to drop. The old man now is a choice. One more run and risk the
07:34 filthy last decade being exposed his legacy disgraced his and his family's
07:40 earning power decimated or announced he's no longer seeking reelection and
07:44 passing the torch to a younger generation. And we're almost at the
07:48 crossroads. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox
07:52 News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling
07:56 analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.
