Kuwait-Iran gas field dispute

  • last year
Kuwait-Iran gas field dispute
00:00 Kuwait's Foreign Minister Salam al-Sabah has been invited by his Iranian counterpart for an official visit to Iran.
00:06 This amid a dispute over a gas field to which Kuwait and Saudi Arabia claim exclusive rights.
00:12 The field, known as Arash in Iran and Dora in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, has recoverable reserves estimated at some 220 billion cubic meters last year.
00:22 Kuwait and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement to develop the field.
00:25 Iran raised its objections as its oil minister on Sunday said Tehran may pursue work at the field even without an agreement.
00:33 The dispute runs back to the 1960s and Iran and Kuwait have held talks for many years to no avail.
00:39 (upbeat music)
