Giant Octopus Hunts and Crushes Crab Alive Close Up

  • last year


00:00 The common octopus.
00:02 He's on the hunt for unsuspecting prey.
00:06 In this environment, the octopus is a lethal predator.
00:22 Regarded as one of the most intelligent of all invertebrates, he's mastered the art of life on the rocky shore.
00:30 Examining every nook and cranny, he can move freely between the zones that make up this turbulent, changeable world.
00:45 Armed with eight dexterous tentacles lined with powerful suckers, he poses a huge threat to his smaller invertebrate neighbors.
00:56 While most of his mollusk relatives have developed hardy shells to protect them in this environment,
01:06 the octopus has traded this security for the ultimate mobility and agility.
01:15 Without a skeleton, this octopus's arms can go more or less anywhere.
01:21 He avoids getting tangled thanks to a special chemical produced by his skin,
01:36 which sends a message to his suckers, preventing them from clinging onto any part of his body.
01:44 Just as well if he's going to snare his favorite meal, a meaty crab.
01:51 The octopus's agility protects it against the sun and air.
01:59 It can keep itself moist simply by sliding into the nearest pool.
02:07 As long as his gills are moist, he can spend extended periods out of the water.
02:14 He is a master of camouflage thanks to his skin.
02:27 This skin is made of many fine layers, each packed with specialized cells that can change color or texture.
02:37 Even more remarkable, the skin itself can sense changes in light and shade thanks to light-sensitive cells.
02:50 Coupled with the octopus's large and highly sophisticated eyes, this helps the animal create exactly the right palette of colors and textures to disappear.
03:03 Soon, that complex cloak of invisibility will pay off.
03:14 The rising tide is sweeping over the platforms and reclaiming rock pools,
03:20 opening the windows of opportunity for the lurking predators.
03:41 The octopus has struck.
03:44 The crab's fierce pincers are now rendered useless by the octopus's suckers.
03:51 Disarmed and immobilized, the crab will not escape from this death grip.
04:06 With a minimum of fuss, the octopus gets to work on killing its victim.
04:12 It doesn't take long.
04:15 Under the folds of its body and legs, its sharp beak is scraping through the underside of the crab's shell.
04:24 [Octopus squeaking]
04:28 The shell, pulled in half and eaten clean, is carefully pushed to one side.
04:50 At last, all that's left are disembodied remains and a very satisfied octopus.
04:57 [Octopus squeaking]
05:01 [Music]
