Fentrell Cypress II Speaks After FSU's Second Fall Practice

  • last year
00:00 >> [INAUDIBLE]
00:10 >> [INAUDIBLE]
00:20 >> [INAUDIBLE]
00:30 >> No, it's just, not too much.
00:42 I'm just trying to learn.
00:44 Regardless, still playing weeks of that.
00:46 So, I'm just trying to learn my position, learn my techniques, and
00:51 all the fundamentals that I go through each and every day.
00:53 Just, part of it is to work on those.
00:56 It helps me and the team overall.
00:59 >> You've been praised regularly by Coach Norvell,
01:01 the controller coming in here and getting to know your team.
01:04 You kind of insert yourself in the team, will in the team.
01:07 Did that come naturally?
01:08 Is that how it felt like you had to do coming over to Virginia?
01:10 What brought that about for you?
01:12 >> I feel like it's just something I had to do, just overall.
01:14 It's being in a new program, with new players.
01:17 It just feels, you gotta build that relationship.
01:20 You're on the field with them, trying to communicate,
01:24 make sure we're on the same page.
01:25 And the better relationship you have on the field,
01:28 in our field, the more success you have as well.
01:32 >> You obviously had to make a decision, and you checked that out.
01:36 But that's the only thing that's not like that.
01:37 Is that what you see as kind of a [INAUDIBLE] >> Yes, yes,
01:42 I'm happy with my decision each and every day.
01:45 I'm with a positive mindset, and
01:47 enjoy everybody that I'm around each and every day.
01:50 I'm happy to be here.
01:51 >> What stands out about Pat?
01:52 I would say that he's a much better player than you,
01:54 because you're in a high level.
01:55 >> I see.
01:56 >> And now he's trying to get you guys to play in another high school.
01:59 >> Yeah, like you said, he played a position, so
02:01 he understands what we go through and how it is as a DB.
02:04 And he knows just the small things, the little things make a big difference.
02:08 He preaches us to that every day, in the meeting room, on the field,
02:12 just trying to understand how we see things, because he was on the field as well.
02:15 So that just helps us perform better.
02:18 And everybody on the defense world, we love him.
02:23 Yeah, we always say, positive man, just trying to push us and
02:25 make it as best, and you know our potential.
02:28 >> You guys have a lot of GPs back there, real long,
02:31 so I'm just wondering what you kind of tell those guys in your own age and
02:34 camp as they're trying to reach out to some sort of renown?
02:38 >> Just learn one thing at a time.
02:39 It's just a big move from high school to college, and
02:44 you gotta just take things day by day.
02:46 Can't rush you, it's a process.
02:49 Every process, everybody process is different.
02:51 So you just gotta run your race, make sure you know we're gonna help you,
02:55 of course, along the way.
02:56 But you just gotta understand it's not just gonna come like that,
02:59 it's gonna come fast to everybody.
